Pew Leaflet - St. Johns Bowmanville

He took our infirmities and bore our diseases.
Matthew 8.17
February 8th, 2015
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion ~ Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
10:00 a.m. Holy Baptism ~ Book of Alternative Services (BAS)
Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev. Christopher (Kit) Greaves
Accompanists at 10 am: Nancy Davidson, Kit Greaves - guitar
The Blessing
Sending Out Song
Days of Elijah
Dismissal: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Response: Thanks be to God.
The Gathering of the Community
There are children’s activity bags at the Tower door
(main) entrance. Please feel free to use an activity bag and
return it after the service. A wheelchair-accessible
washroom, with an infant change table, is located through the side
door of the church, in the Parish Hall on the main floor
Welcome: We welcome all who worship with us today,
especially family and friends of baptismal candidates Carter
Adam John Greer & Hunter Alexandra Catherine Campbell.
Welcome – Our life together
Opening “The Grace”, “There is one body” BAS Pg 151 on screen
Opening Song
Morning Has Broken
Awake My Soul
The Collect
BAS Pg 353
Children’s Focus/Song
Tell me the stories of Jesus /
So I’m Thanking You Lord
Children, an activity table for quiet play is available at the front.
The Proclamation of the Word
Bible Reading Pew Bible N.T. Pg 191
2 Corinthians 5: 17-20
Silence for reflection
CP #405 vs. 1, 2
Alleluia No.1
vs. 3, 4 (after Gospel reading)
Gospel Reading Pew Bible N.T. Pg 36
Mark 1:29-39
The Celebration of Holy Baptism
Presentation and Examination of the Candidate question for
infants and younger children
middle of BAS Pg 153
Prayers for the Candidate
BAS Pg 155 top of 156
Thanksgiving over the water
BAS Pg 156-157
The Baptismal Covenant
BAS Pg 158
The Baptism, The Sign of the Cross
BAS Pg 160
The Giving of the Light
bottom of BAS Pg 160
Faithfully following Jesus matters
The Peace The congregation may greet one another.
Offertory Song
There’s a Cry
Prayer over the Gifts
BAS Pg 397
Prayers of the People
BAS Pg 128
The Lord’s Prayer
BAS Pg 211
Please join us for refreshments in the
Parish Hall
PANCAKE SUPPER is on Tuesday Feb. 17 from 5pm-7pm. We
are looking for Volunteers to help with the supper. If you would like
to help, please sign-up on sheet in Foyer.
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? For anyone who likes to cook, the
ALPHA COURSE requests volunteers to cook for 20 people on a
Wednesday night, supper served at 6:15 pm. Cooking facilities are
available in the Lower Kitchen or Parish Hall kitchen. Please
prayerfully consider this ministry to our group of people giving
thought to the questions of life. There is a SIGN UP SHEET in the
foyer with the dates. Sign up or give the church office call.
INCOME TAX RECEIPTS are at the back of the church.
PLEASE Pick up!
Vocal & beginning piano lessons available through our Music
Director. Please call Nancy 905-571-7028 to arrange lessons.
OUR ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING (annual general meeting)
takes place Sunday, Feb 15 after the 10:00 a.m. Service and lunch.
All may attend the vestry meeting. The Canons of the Diocese of
Toronto state that to be allowed to speak and vote you must be: A
Baptized Christian, age 16 or older, have attended St. John’s for at
least 3 months, have received communion at least 3 times during the
last year, and are not a member of another parish in the Diocese of
Toronto in which you intend to vote. A draft list of Vestry
Members is posted in the Foyer. Please check the list.
Anyone interested in volunteering for any of the ministries you
see here in the Leaflet, please contact the church office.
The Trent Durham Area Day of Celebration takes place Saturday,
March 7, 2015 at St. Peter’s, Cobourg. Everyone from all parishes in
Trent Durham are encouraged to register for a wonderful day of fun,
fellowship and learning together. Bishop Nicholls notes: Our
theme: Seeking the Depths, will help us to focus on our faith journey
as individuals and communities. We will; draw on the gifts of clergy
and lay leaders across our Diocese who come, “ equip the saints for
the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until we all
come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,. to
maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Ephesians
4:12,13) The workshop sessions are divided into two topics: Journey
Inward and Journey Outward and are 1 ½ hours in length this
year. Come - bring a friend - or bring a whole group from your
parish!! Deadline for registration is February 26th so register early to
get your first choice of workshops.
7:00 p.m. ~ Adult Badminton, Parish Hall
6:30 p.m. ~ Sparks, Great Hall
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. ~ Community Corner, Lower
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. ~ Informal Prayer Time, L. Kitchen
6:00 p.m. ~ Girl Guides and Brownies
9:30 a.m. ~ Mid-Week Communion followed by
refreshments and conversation in the Parish Hall
7:00 p.m. ~ Pathfinders, Lower Kitchen
7:00 p.m. Parish Council – Budget meeting
6:00 p.m. ~ Alpha
9:30 a.m. ~ Ladies Bible Study, Lower Kitchen
7:30 p.m. ~ Men’s Bible Study & Sharing Group,
Parish Hall
SUNDAY Feb 15 ~ Last Sunday of Epiphany
8:00 a.m. ~ Holy Communion
10:00 a.m. ~ Holy Eucharist, programs for age 3 to
High School
Vestry Meeting after 10 a.m. Service, Lunch
Message Notes: At age 3 Derrick Coleman lost his hearing.
Despite many challenges, Derrick got signed to the Seattle
Seahawks NFL team as a fullback. In Jan. 2014 a TV ad
during the Super Bowl featured him overcoming the odds
to be the only deaf pro football player. He didn’t listen to
the critics! Derrick is a committed Christian. God created
PAR = Pre-Authorized Remittance PAR forms are available on the table.
Guests may use Offering Envelope (Cash or Cheque to St. John’s Church) on
the back of the pew and place on Offering Plate. Thank you for your generosity.
the universe and humanity with a capacity to participate in God’s
divine nature. While we were designed by God to have a
relationship with God, many seek to make the world without
God; we humans prefer to be at the centre. Generation after
generation gets a world they’ve fashioned without God at the
centre. Yes, there are good things in the world; but it’s no
surprise that the world is often a complete mess, teetering on
evil. God leaves heaven on a rescue mission. The bible says that
while we were going about our business, God became one of us.
Instead of God watching us from a distance, God took on human
form in Jesus to do for us what we could not do for ourselves; to
save us. Maligned as it may be, the word grace (g.r.a.c.e. God’s
riches at Christ’s expense) is worth more than we can say. God
makes new life possible in Christ, and as imperfect as we are, he
forms a new community that we call ‘church’, that continues to
exercise God’s amazing grace in words and actions of
compassionate service, intelligent faith and godly worship. God
committed himself to us in his son Jesus Christ’s death and
resurrection. How are we doing with our commitment to God
and the church he formed in his Son Jesus? The relationship of
faith drives us to remake the world as a place of grace and hope
for all, the hearing and non-hearing world.
STEWARDSHIP CORNER: Your donations to St. John’s Church make
possible a safe, warm place for 25-40 people to attend a program on Tuesdays
and Thursdays each week in our Parish Hall, sponsored by the Canadian
Mental Health Association. Jesus cares for all people. Our community follows
his lead. Practicing generosity is an expression of our discipleship and builds up
the Church community for God’s growing Kingdom.
Sharing in the Ministry of our Parish Feb. 15th
Shirley McCormick
Marion Warren
Sharon Kosloski
Chalice Bearer:
David Crowe & Shirley McCormick
Bob Kosloski
Prayer Team:
Julie Chatterton & Marg Husky
Lydia Young
Children’s Focus:
Dwane Hickey
Sharing in the Ministry of our Parish Today
David Crowe
Kennedy Greer
Julie Chatterton
David Crowe
Prayer Team:
Betty Gracie & Sharon Kosloski
Chantal Chislett & Zayne Looby
Children’s Focus:
Betty Gracie
Dwane Hickey
Next Week’s Bible Readings
Sunday February 15, 2015 ~ Last Sunday after Epiphany
2 Kings 2:1-12; Mark 9:2-9
Message: Missional Parish
St. John’s Anglican Church, Bowmanville
Seeking God’s renewal by making disciples of Jesus Christ
11 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A3
Church Office 905-623-2460
[email protected]
Incumbent The Rev Christopher Greaves [email protected] 905623-5873
Retired Clergy: Rev. Canon Susan Sheen [email protected]
Incumbent’s Warden – Julie Chatterton
Deputy Incumbent’s Warden - Williette Gardner
People’s Warden – Shirley McCormick
Deputy Warden – David Crowe
Music Director – Nancy Davidson
Parish Administrator –Laura Frisina
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tues. - Fri.
February 8th, 2015
~ 5th Sunday after Epiphany ~
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Welcome to
St. John’s Anglican Church, Bowmanville.
You are our guest and we pray you will be filled with
God’s renewing, loving presence.
Let us know how we may encourage one another.
email: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook.