ROCKWELL PLAZA YMCA FEBRUARY 10th Current Before & A fter School Participants FEBRUARY 17TH Y Members and 2014 Participants FEBRUARY 24th Open Registration A $ 10 deposit per c hild, per c amp week is due upon registration. T he $ 1 0 depos it will be c redited to eac h week of attendanc e and is nonrefundable. BRANCH CAMP CAMP S.O.A.R LOCATION LOCATION C am pers will swim 2-3 days per we e k at the R ockwe ll YMCA Pool and take trips to the Library. 8300 Glade A venue Oklahoma City, OK 73132 8811 W Wilshire Blvd, OKC, OK 73132 PARENT ORIENTATION Rockwell Plaza YMCA Gethsemane Lutheran Church SPECIAL INFORMATION Tue sday, May 19 th at 6:30 PM located at ROCKWELL PLAZA YMCA LUNCH, SNACK AND WATER DATES & TIME Monday- Friday May 26th-A ug 14th 7am-6pm DATES & TIME Monday- Friday May 26th-A ug 14th 7am-6pm The se items will need to be packed the first two we e ks and the last 2 we eks of camp. The R egional Food Bank will provide lunch and snack for m iddle 8 we eks of summer cam p. Always pack a water bottle. SPECIALTY CAMPS More Information at parent meeting A ll Specialty Classes will c ost an additional $10 and will last 2 weeks. We may add additional s pecialties during the s ummer. AGES SERVED 5-12 (m ust have com pleted kindergarten) AGES SERVED 5-12 (m ust have com pleted kindergarten) FIELD TRIP DAYS Fridays 8300 Glade Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73132 405 621 5858 TYPICAL DAY IN THE LIFE OF A ROCKWELL/CAMP S.O.A.R CAMPER Each day of cam p brings an e x citing ne w adve nture for your cam pe rs. The following is a sneak peak at what a typical day may look like for your camper. 7:00am-9:00am – DROP OFF C am pers can be dropped off as e arlier as 7:00am. During this time, campers will e ngage in small table top games, playground and gym activities and other structured activities with the whole group. 9:00am-9:30am – GOOD MORNING! Opening Ceremony C am pers will ge t to sing/shout to the top of their lungs, play silly camp games, possibly watch a goofy counselor skit or le ad the ceremony themselves! The C ampers will also engage in a group discussion about the theme and expectations for the day. C ampers will then split into their age groups. 9:30am-11:30am – Group Activities C am pers will play a silly camp game outside, learn a new sk ill or make a themed craft to take home! W e have prepare d each we ekly schedule for the summer so k ids will continually play new games and learn ne w e nrichm ent skills. 11:30am – Lets Eat! During Lunch time we will bre ak into our small groups or family groups and picnic somewhere around the campus. During this time we will fue l our m inds and stomachs with food and gre at conversation. 12:30-4:00pm – Group Activities In the afternoon, we will introduce e nrichment activities such as fun science, history, nutrition or re ading! The campers will rotate through these activities as we ll as more games and crafts. Each we e k, we will participate in a large group activity centered on the we ek’s theme! Each age gro up will be swimming at le ast 2 days a we e k at the ROCKWELL PLAZA YMCA. W e have also been known to take trips to the local park s to e xplore, and cool off at local splash parks. We have structure d our day camp to be a very full and busy day for our campers. This summer we will be adding a “C hillax C orner” whe re campers m ay relax, re ad a book, write in a journal, write a le tter, listen to music, or play quiet games. 4:00pm – SNACK TIME Afte r a busy afternoon, campers will e at snack and reflect on that day’s events. 4:20pm – 4:40pm WHAT A GREAT DAY! Closing Ceremony C ounselors will re ve al their “Camper Shout outs” of the day, discuss the next day e vents, and Campers will be able to give “C amper and Counselor Shout O uts” to the group. W e will close with a qu ote, skit, story, song, or dance. 4:45pm – 6:00pm – WE WILL SEE YOU TOMMORROW! Pick up Pare nts will be picking up during this time and campers can choose 3 different stationed areas to do an activity. Parents will sign out at the desk and their campers will be ready to te ll them about the awe some day the y had. Pricing ALL Summer Weekly Pricing Y Family Member: $90 Y Youth Member: $100 Non-Y Member: $115 Summer Select Weekly Pricing Y Family Member: $100 Y Youth Member: $110 Non-Y Member: $135 More detailed information will be discussed at Parent meeting! W E AR E SUPER EXCITED TO GET THIS SUMMER STARTED!
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