Armagh Diocesan Annual Lourdes Parish Office T 3752 2813 Pilgrimage 12th—17th May. Anyone wishing Cathedral T 3752 2638 to travel as a pilgrim or assisted pilgrim please St Malachy’s T 3751 0516 SVP Help Line T 07733 482604 contact Ann: 07736415305 or 07754872745. Milford Community Development Parish Safeguarding The contact persons for association Line dancing continues every the Parish are Aileen or Maura: Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in The School [email protected] or 07895 460797. Armagh Diocesan Safeguarding House, Hill Street Milfornd. All welcome Ballymacnab Youth Drama Group are Policies and Procedures can be viewed/ preforming “Home is the Hero” by Walter downloaded at Cathedral Shop Mon-Sat 10.30am - 4.00pm & Makem in the Market Place Theatre Armagh th Sun 12 noon -5.30pm. First Holy Communion on Wed 18 February @ 8pm Tickets can be obtained at the Armagh Market Place Theatre. and Confirmation items now in stock Pearse Og Lotto 8, 12, 22, 25. One matched 3 St Brigid’s Crosses Sincere thanks to those who supplied rushes, made and sold the numbers. Next weeks jackpot £4050. Abbey Lotto: 6, 14, 19, 22 One matched 3 no crosses. Your help is much appreciated. Proceeds in aid of Parish funds. winners. Next week’s Jackpot £20500. St Pio’s Prayer Group meet on Thursday 12 Membership for the club is now due. Feburary in St Malachy’s at 7.30pm. St Pio Eugene Quinn Handball Lotto: 3, 13, 16 no Relic available after Mass. All welcome. winner. Next week’s jackpot £150. The Legion of Mary are seeking new Ballymacnab Hall: Crochet class on a Wed members. We meet each Tuesday evening in 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Beginners welcome. Ceili the SVP centre Ogle St after 7.30pm Mass. dancing class on a Thurs 8.30pm – 10pm Enquiries to Margaret 07799867714 Medjugorje Monthly Prayer Meeting on Cuchulainn Hurling Club A Big Breakfast Tuesday 10th February at 8.15pm in Sacred Fund raiser will take place 10am-1pm on Sun 8 Heart Convent. All welcome. An hour of prayer, sacrifice and song before Feb at the Cathedral Road Sports Complex the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday from 8- with membership registration for the 2015 season. 9pm in the Missionary of Charity house. The Monaghan Charismatic Prayer Group are hosting a healing Mass in St Louis’ Convent Chapel, Monaghan on 9th February 2015 at 8pm. More at WWW.MCPG.NET Armagh Cancer Support Group for cancer sufferers and their families meet every second Monday of each month between September and May in Mullinure Hospital at 7pm. All welcome. New Ministers of the Eucharist A meeting of new Ministers of the Eucharist will take place on Monday 16th February at 8pm in the Cathedral Gate Lodge. Anyone who is still interested in becoming a Minister of the Eucharist is welcome to attend. ADYC Summer Youth Pilgrimage to Taize, France– for 16-20 year olds from 4-13 July. Price £380.00. For information and booking visit Armagh Men’s Shed are offering an opportunity for Men to attend a Mental Health First Aid course on 24th and 25th February 2015, 9.30am to 4.00pm. The course helps develop skills, motivation, knowledge and confidence in offering help to those with symptoms of mental illness. If you are interested in attending please contact Stephen McCleary on 02837 528997 Adorers required for adoration chapel in St Malachy’s Church at 10am on Sunday Contact Nora McBrien on 02837 525265 if you can commit to this time. Alone Again! Separated or widowed. Beginning Experience - helps people to work through the grief to be healed and free to live again. Weekend retreat: 20th-22nd February. More Information at Armagh Diocesan Pastoral Centre 00353 429336393. Website: Email: [email protected] 8th February 2015 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection There are times when we might be able to relate to Job’s sense of weariness as described in today’s first reading: “Is not life on earth a drudgery?”; “assigned to months of misery”; “troubled nights”; “restless until dawn”; “my life is but a breath”. Renowned more often for his patience, Job, in this instance, seems to be overwhelmed with the burdens of life and he complains bitterly to the Lord. He reminds us that the prayer of lament is legitimate and honest – it is good to pour out our souls to the Lord. In the gospel, St Mark gives us a description of a typical day in the life of Jesus. Here too, there is a sense of Jesus being overwhelmed by the demands of people and the urgency of proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Jesus appears to be under enormous pressure: constantly on the move, dealing with crowds of people, attending to their many needs and responding to their requests for healing of body and spirit while silencing the devils because they knew who he really was. It’s interesting, however, to note that in the midst of his heavy schedule, Jesus takes time to attend to his own inner needs. “Early in the morning, long before dawn, he goes off to a lonely place to pray”. In the half-light of day, we observe the God-Man in prayer. This contact with the Father is undoubtedly a much needed source of energy and inspiration that gives the ability to fulfil his mission. We too must turn regularly to the Lord so that he can replenish our spirits and nourish our hearts. “Lord, we know who you are; we come to you in the grey light of dawn; in the blistering heat of noontide; and when the world is weary at nightfall and we know that you are attentive to our cries”. Today’s psalm also expresses the praise that is due to God as the source of all healing. The response is particularly appropriate: “Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted”. It’s helpful to remember that in praying this psalm or any psalm, we are never on our own. In this psalm, Jerusalem represents the Church. So we are asking that the Lord will build up the Church: that the exiles, those who have drifted away from religious practice, will return to their baptismal homeland and that all emotional wounds will receive proper attention. RECENTLY DECEASED Malachy Farley, Joe Hughes, Rita Hughes, Breege Kelly, Kathleen Richards, Liam Gallagher Mass times for Ash Wednesday 18th February St Patrick’s Cathedral 9.15am and 11am St Malachy’s Church 7am and 7.30pm St Colmcille’s Church, Knockaconey 7.30pm Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tullysaran 10am and 7.30pm Wednesday 11 February is World Day of the Sick and also the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes: O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings, look with mercy on me. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favours, and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come therefore with complete confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain, o loving mother what I now request. Through gratitude for your favours, I will endeavour to imitate your virtues, that I may one day share your glory, AMEN. Weekly collection amounted to £6040.47 and €111.24 euros. Thank you. Scouts Annual Church door collection will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. All requests for prayers and Masses are to be arranged through the Parish Office. All Anniversaries and Month’s Minds must be left in the Parish Office by 12 noon on the Thursday of the week prior to the intention being remembered. Any family who hasn’t registered within the parish is asked to contact the Parish Office. Should you have moved home in the recent past, it’s important to update the parish office with the new details. To register for the Gift Aid Scheme please contact Parish Office or see Parish website. Envelope contributions can be made by standing order. This is a simple and hassle free way to contribute to your parish. Please contact the parish office on 02837522813. Trocaire Boxes are available for collection in the Churches in the parish. The Do This in Memory programme continues for all P4 children and their parents next Sunday 15 Feb at the 9am Mass in the Cathedral Service of Light for all children to be confirmed this year and their parents in St Patrick’s Cathedral on Sat 21st March at 7pm. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TULLYSARAN Novena Mass on Monday evening at 7.30pm Tullysaran Lotto: 10-16-19-24, 3X £10 winners, next week jackpot £1025 Tullysaran SVP Helpline 07738838035 Community Centre : Spin on Mon at 6.30pm - text to book your bike on 07779098543; Ceili class Tues 8.30pm; Corebox 7pm on Wed and is a great for pre-season training for anyone aged 16+ men/women. Total Body Workout class on Thurs at 7pm for those over 40s. St Patrick’s Ceili Club, Armagh will be holding a ceili in the Community Centre on Sat, 14 Feb. ST COLMCILLE’S, KNOCKACONEY St Colmcilles GAC lotto 6,17,20, 24 . No winner. Three match 3. Next week's Jackpot £2650 Zumba Classes for all ages every Tuesday night in Club from 7.15 til 8.15 @ £3. All welcome. Parish Pastoral Council 14th January We began and ended with prayer and spent a short while reviewing our first year as a PPC. It was agreed that initiatives had been well received and that we need to build on this. As 2015 has been designated the Year of Consecrated Life, thought will be given as to how we might celebrate this special year. Subgroups : Witness and Outreach are working on an evening “with a difference” to attract the youth audience. Adult Faith group, as well as organising the Life in the Spirit seminars during Lent and the Tom Herron Talks, they’re also collating names of all religious originally from the parish. The Liturgy group is to liaise with the cathedral altar servers’ coordinators having already had a very productive meeting over the holidays with the priests of the parish. It was felt that we could work on trying to make the twelve noon mass in St Malachy’s more participative and more family friendly. As always, parishioners are encouraged to feedback to the PPC on anything pertaining to the good of the parish. Parish Draw Over the last few weeks, ticket sellers have been visiting homes throughout the parish for the upcoming Parish Draw. Already, there has been a very positive response to the draw and many people are anxious to be part of it. Ticket sellers will continue to be visiting homes over the next few weeks but tickets can also be bought at Armagh Parish Office. (Tel 028 37522813) . The ten month draw will run from March to December and £45,000 worth of prizes are to be won. Tickets cost £100 (£10 per month) and there will be an early draw at the beginning of March for those who have paid in full by then. Further details at Baton Rouge Festival Singers perform in Armagh Cathedrals The Baton Rouge Choir from Louisiana will visit Armagh and perform a concert in St Patrick’s Cof I Cathedral on Friday 13th February at 7pm and a Morning Recital in St Patrick’s RC Cathedral on Saturday 14th February at 9am. These free events are open to all to attend. Vocations Evening Is God calling you to live the life of a Priest in the Archdiocese of Armagh? An evening of prayer and reflection will take place in The Servite Priory, Benburb, Co Tyrone on Friday 6 March 2015 from 5.30pm – 8pm. For further information see or contact Fr Peter McAnenly 02837522802, [email protected] VOCATION PRAYER Lord, make me a better person, more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful to you. Make me generous enough to want to do your will, whatever it may be. Help me find my true vocation in life and grant that through it, I may find happiness myself and bring happiness to others. We pray through Christ our Lord, AMEN Life in the Spirit Seminars will take place in Mount St Catherine’s Primary School, Armagh starting on Tuesday 17 February and the seminars will continue each Tuesday until Tuesday 31 March at 8pm. There will be no seminar on Tuesday 17 March but the seminar on that week will take place on Wednesday 18 March. The Seminars are intended for anyone who desires a new awareness and deeper relationship with God, especially through the working of the Holy Spirit. There will be a guest speaker present on each of the evenings which have been organised by the Adult Faith Group of Armagh Parish Pastoral Council. People are encouraged to attend on each of the evenings throughout the season of Lent to help deepen their faith and to grow in knowledge and love of God. As we prepare for the Seminars, we pray for the speakers and for all who will take part, that the Lord may touch the hearts of all. Lenten Pilgrimage of Prayer for Peace celebrating Corrymeela’s 50 th anniversary will take place on Thursday 5 March 2015. The walk will begin at 12 noon at St Patrick’s RC Cathedral and it will end at 3.45pm at St Patrick’s COI Cathedral. Further details on parish website. Anam Cara Bereavement Event on Wed 25th February in County Aramgh Golf Club, 7.30pm. This event is open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age of their child or circumstances of their death. The guest speaker is Brid Carroll and the topic for the evening is “Coping with loss when a child dies”. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 003531 4045378 . Retreats at Ards Friary Lenten retreat Friday 20-22nd Feb, Lenten Retreat through the medium of Irish Sunday 22nd Feb, ‘God Among the Pots and Pans’ Workshop on Saturday 28th February. For more detail call 074 9138909 or email [email protected] SPRED (Special Religious Education) We are a group of volunteers who share our faith and friendship with people who have learning difficulties. If you are a parent or guardian of a person (age 18+) who would like to join our parish group please contact Lily Conway 02838891484 Veritas Celebrates 10 Years in Monaghan The staff of Veritas, Monaghan are holding a week long sale with 20% off everything plus giveaways, refreshments and a free raffle. Guest author Rev. Ruth Patterson will be in the shop on Thursday,12th February. Visit the shop between Monday 9th and Saturday 14th February from 9.30am-5.30pm [email protected] Lough Derg will hold an ecumenical celebration of Friendship & Prayer on Ash Wednesday 18th February from 10.30am until 3.00pm. This year’s guest speaker is the former president of the Methodist Church, Rev Dr Heather Morris. The event will conclude with an ecumenical prayer service in St Patrick’s Basilica. Please note: distribution of Ashes and Eucharist are not part of the event. Everyone is welcome. Admission €25/£22 includes refreshments and lunch. The Camino De Santiago Southern Area Hospice Services are returning to complete the final leg of the French Way from 2nd – 9th May 2015. Sign up today in aid of Southern Area Hospice. Contact Sarah or Leanne on 302 51333 or [email protected]
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