Parish Office T 3752 2813 Cathedral T 3752 2638 St Malachy’s T 3751 0516 SVP Help Line T 07733 482604 Parish Safeguarding The contact persons for the Parish are Aileen or Maura: [email protected] or 07895 460797. Any visitor to the sacristy of any church must sign the visitors book. Cathedral Shop Mon-Sat 10.30am - 4.00pm & Sun 12 noon -5.30pm. First Holy Communion and Confirmation items now in stock. Pearse Og News: Lotto: 12,20,22,24 3 matched 3, next jackpot £4400. Traditional music session in social club Sunday 29th March starting 7pm. Come along and enjoy the ceol agus craic! Taylor/Scallon School of Irish Dance continues on Tuesdays from 5pm. Beginners welcome. FREE Irish Language classes every Thursday 8.30pm-9.30pm in our Social Club, open to all members, local community and parents of children attending Irish Medium schools. Abbey Lotto: 9, 17, 18, 25. 2 matched 3. Next week’s Jackpot £2400. Membership now due. Eugene Quinn Handball Lotto: 3, 4 13 no winner. Next week’s jackpot £500. ACCORD Marriage Preparation Course on 3 Thursday evenings 16th, 23rd and 30th April, contact 02838334781 Pamper Afternoon to raise funds for Little Buds Playgroup at Mt St Catherine’s Primary School on Sunday 29th March 3-5pm. Beauty, Crafts, treatments etc. All welcome. Cuchulainn Hurling Club Indoor sessions for P1-P6 have now finished for the Easter Holidays. Please follow the Club on Facebook for regular updates. Winner of the Punters' League was E Tracey with R McWilliams in second place. Aifreann na Gaeilge - Sos na Cásca: Ós siocair go mbíonn Sos na Cásca ag Aifreann na Gaeilge i gColáiste Phádraig, Ard Mhacha, ní léifear an chéad Aifreann eile go dtí 18ú Aibreán ar 5.30 i.n.. There will be no Irish Mass in the chapel at St Parick's GS until after the Easter Break on Sat 18 April at 5.30pm. Ballymacnab Drama Group present“It’s The Real Mcoy” by Tommy Marren in the Market Place Theatre on Thursday 9 April at 8pm. Tickets at the Market Place Theatre. Called & Gifted Two day conference on 29th & 30 May in Dromantine Conference Centre. This is a beautiful opportunity for people to discover and to own the gifts and charisms given to them in their baptism. It offers huge potential for the proclamation of the gospel and for the wellbeing of the Church. Fee £35 early bird or £40 standard fee includes lunch and materials. The Music Department of St Paul's High School, Bessbrook will perform 'The Armed Man' A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins along with various ensemble works in St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh on Sunday 29th March at 7.30pm. St Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society, next meeting Wednesday 1 April in Malachy’s Centre after 7.30pm Mass. Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for all babies and children who have died in Craigavon Area Hospital on Sunday 26th April 2015 at 3pm in the Medical Education Centre, Craigavon Area Hospital (main hospital site). The SVP have been operating an Oil Stamp Scheme in Armagh since 2003.This scheme has grown considerably and has enabled many people to save for fuel to keep warm over the long winter months. Armagh City & District Council have agreed to take over the scheme under New Cosy Homes from the 1st April 2015. All SVP stamps currently saved/purchased are redeemable as usual through the same oil distributors. The Armagh City, Craigavon and Banbridge Council oil stamps will be sold in the same outlets as SVP under Cosy Homes. Please continue saving your stamps as usual. Lenten Food Appeal 2015 SVP continue to collect ‘non-perishable’ food during Lent. All food collected will be distributed to people in need. Website: Email: [email protected] 29th March 2015 - Palm Sunday Passion Sunday Reflection: We are constantly bombarded with images of violence and brutality that are part and parcel of our daily news diet. The danger is we are no longer horrified by the horrific and we are becoming immune to the sordid. Something similar could happen to our religious sensibilities. The passion of Jesus has been retold so often and re-enacted so frequently that familiarity could blind us to the wonder that the One who suffers is indeed the Son of God. Holy Week is a reminder of this reality. Holy Week is a week to be savoured. Every life is mirrored in the people and the events of this last week in the life of Jesus: the adulation of Palm Sunday, the leave-taking of Holy Thursday, the private Gethsemanes of anguish and fear, moments of Judas betrayals, Peters denials, the humiliations before Pilate and Herod, the abandonment of Good Friday, the clamour of the crowd demanding execution. And finally there is the resignation and letting go: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”. The pattern and the events of Holy Week have been repeated so often in the course of world history and in the experiences of our own individual lives. This week gives us an opportunity to come in to contact with the power of the Passion and to be transformed from competitiveness to compassion, from fickleness to fidelity, from anxiety about the future to awe about the present, with its security of God’s unconditional love. The Cross in My Pocket I carry a cross in my pocket, a simple reminder to me Of the fact that I am a Christian, no matter where I may be. This cross is not magic, nor is it a good luck charm, It isn’t meant to protect me, from every physical harm. It’s not for identification, for all the world to see, It’s simply an understanding between my Saviour and me. When I put my hand in my pocket, to bring out a coin or a key. The cross is there to remind me of the price he has paid for me. It reminds me too to be thankful for the blessings I enjoy each day. And to strive to serve him better, in all that I do and say. It’s also a daily reminder of the peace and the comfort I share. With all who know my Master and give themselves to his care. With every blessing for a Holy Week Garment of Suffering During these days, we commemorate the passion and death of Jesus and we are brought face to face with the mystery of pain and the cruelty of death. Each of us has some form of suffering or discomfort in our lives. In some cases, it dates from the past, in others and it’s in the present or right now. The Garment of Suffering which will be placed in St Malachy’s Church in the coming days will symbolise the pain and hurt that’s contained in our lives and in our parish community. The rich garment which contains pieces of cloth which have been provided by people of the parish will be draped over the Cross and In the garment, whilst we can see our own sufferings, we can also see that many others share our sufferings and concerns. RECENTLY DECEASED Francie Dillon, Melie Anderson, Rosaleen Lennon, Harry Donnelly, John Quigley, Chantelle McDonagh, Annie Duffy, Ann McDermott Months Mind: Sean Duggan 1st April Masses for Holy Week: Times of Services during Holy Week Cathedral 10am Mon – Wed St Malachy’s:7am Mon – Wed, 7.30pm Tue – Wed Confessions/Reconciliation for Easter: Holy Week Penance Service in St Malachy’s Church on Monday 30 March at 7.30pm Several priests will be available to hear Confessions. No Mass but Novena prayers will be said and the deceased/anniversaries will be remembered. St Patrick’s Cathedral: after 10am Mass on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday St Malachy’s: after 7.30pm Mass on Tuesday & Wednesday Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 2 April at 11am in St Patrick’s Cathedral. All are welcome. This Mass which the Archbishop celebrates with his priests in the presence of the people and at which he blesses the Holy Oils, manifests the communion of the priests and people with their bishop. Easter Triduum Celebration Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm St Patrick’s Cathedral; 7.30pm St Malachy’s, Tullysaran and Knockaconey. Altars of Repose close at 10pm with Night Prayer Good Friday The Lord’s Passion St Patrick’s Cathedral, St Malachy’s, Tullysaran 3pm Knockaconey 7.30pm . Stations of the Cross 3pm Knockaconey 7.30pm St Malachy’s & Tullysaran Good Friday collection in aid of Christians in the Holy Land. Please support and please use the envelope provided. Holy Saturday St Patrick’s Cathedral 10am Morning Prayer 9pm Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Masses as usual on Sunday except NO 5.30pm Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral Trocaire Boxes should be returned to any of the Churches in the parish during the Easter Triduum. It would be appreciated if loose coins could be changed into notes. Weekly collection amounted to £7149.78 & €147.42. Thank You. Migrant Collection £480 & €65.84. Thank you. All requests for prayers and Masses are to be arranged through the Parish Office. All Anniversaries and Month’s Minds must be left in the Parish Office by 12 noon on the Thursday of the week prior to the intention being remembered. Counters required for Cathedral. Contact Caroline at the Parish Office 02837522813 The new parish envelope year begins on Sunday 5 April. The new envelope boxes are now being distributed throughout the parish. Our Parish is very grateful to the distributors for the good work they do. Anyone who doesn’t receive a box of envelopes before the new year begins and wishing to receive one is asked to contact the Parish Office. Armagh Parish Draw: Tickets can still be purchased at the parish office. Next draw in Parish Office on Friday 17th April at 1pm. Life in the Spirit Seminars: the last meeting takes place in Mt St Cahterins PS on Tuesday evening at 8pm. The guest speaker will be Mr Philip McArdle speaking on Transformation in Christ First Friday visits: the sick and housebound will be visited in the coming week or as arranged with indiviual priests. Apostolic Work members would like to thank all who contributed in any way to their successful Sale in Mount Saint Catherine’s last Saturday. We are again amazed at the tremenduous support and the very generous donations given to our Charity and we assure you that all monies go directly to those in need. Our thanks to Mr Peter Gildea for the use of the school and Mrs Kim O’Hara, caretaker for her invaluable help. Prize winners: F Halligan, J Turley, S Knipe, C Woods, N Evans, Owen Kelly, AM McLaughlin, M McManus, B Jones, J Clifford, M Kearney, P Hughes, K Duffy, B Fields, S Mc Rory, Grace Mallon, D Sherry. Armagh City and District Good Relations unit would like to invite you to participate in an introduction project called ‘Know Your History’. The group will meet in Dobbin Street Community Centre on Wed 1st of April from 7pm to 9pm. There will be a 2 day visit to Dublin on the 11th -12th April (staying in Dublin one night). There is no cost to this project just your time commitment. To register your interest, please contact Pat Prunty at Armagh City & District Council 028 37529600 or [email protected] Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy, 15 th – 22nd September 2015 Visiting the cities of Venice and Verona, the beautiful city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval town of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and the site of the Holy House of the Holy Family in the hill town of Loreto. £739 (Single Supplement £210) inc flights, transfers, taxes, insurance, pilgrimage representative, four nights half board in Lido de Jesolo and three nights half board in Cattolica. Spiritual Director: Fr Peter McAnenly. More info at Parish Office The Novena to the Divine Mercy begins om Good Friday and ends on Saturday 11 April. Divine Mercy Sunday 12 April will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Cathedral from 2.30pm till 4.45pm approx. Confessions 3.30pm-4.30pm. Facilitator Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity P.P Knockbridge. Music Ministry Roisin Mc Veigh. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TULLYSARAN 1st Anniversary Mass for Paul Conlon will take place on Monday 30 March at 7.30pm Mass. Tullysaran Lotto 2-14-16-19 , no winners, next week jackpot £2000 Tullysaran SVP Helpline 07738838035 Community Centre: Spin on Mon at 6.30pm - text to book your bike on 07779098543; Total Body Workout will take place on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm. Corebox will be on Wed at 7pm. Disco for primary school children on Fri, 10 April from 6-8pm. £3, TUC Shop available. Tullysaran Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann Traditional Music Easter Monday night session on the 6 April starting 9pm in Mary Ann’s lounge. Supper served followed by raffle, Everyone welcome. Easter draw will take place during sessions. Tullysaran Runners are hosting a quiz night in Mary Anne's on Sat 11th April at 8:30pm. £5, proceeds to Tullysaran 10k running event on 20th June. Raffle & light refreshments all welcome! ST COLMCILLES, KNOCKACONEY St Colmcilles GAC lotto 3 -8-9– 24 , 2 matched 3. Next week's Jackpot £2950 GRANGE LADIES CLOTHES COLLECTION - Our next collection will be on WED 15th April from 7pm - 9pm at clubrooms and anyone that needs bags collected just let us know. Thankyou for your on-going support. St Colmcille’s Youth Minor training: Monday 7pm. U16 training: Thur 7pm and Sun 12.15pm; U14 training: Tues and Fri at 6pm; U12 training: Wed 6pm and Sat 3pm. St. Catherine’s College invites you to An Evening of Taize in music and prayer on Tuesday 31st March at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral. Soundworld of Venice comes to Armagh Claudio Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 on Fri 10 April at 8pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral. Tickets at Armagh Visitor Information Centre.
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