Roding Primary News ‘FREE TO ACHIEVE!’ Website: Summer Term 1 Week 1 Newsletter Telephone: 0208 504 3706 24th April 2015 Welcome back to the summer term – always a busy but enjoyable one. We have lots planned so keep your eyes open for news. Hopefully we will be as blessed with the weather this year for our sports day as we were last year! However, this term is not only about fun and games. It sees Sats for Years 2 and 6 and the children have been working hard to ensure they show their full potential during that time. All other year groups will be working hard too, ensuring that they are as ready as they can be to move up into the next year group. I look forward to us all contributing to a productive and fun term (hopefully in the sun!) New Pedestrian Gate. As I am sure you have noticed, we now have the buzzed gate for our main entrance. There are a few teething issues, which we will attempt to address, but it is generally working well, with everyone appreciating and respecting the need for it. Please can I make clear that the gate will not be opened at the end of the day for general access to the school until around 3:15 p.m. Please be mindful of this and ensure your arrival at school takes this into consideration. Thank you. Roding Primary School – The school’s curriculum provides pupils with a variety of good opportunities for learning about different subjects and the wider world. (Ofsted Quote) Road Safety Talk for Parents We have organised a session for parents, which will cover road safety and the importance of active travel. The aim is to offer guidance to parents, to enable them to pass on good practice to their children in an effort to increase safety and awareness near the roads. This informal session will be run by the local authority’s Road Safety team. The session will take place at school on Wednesday 6th May 2015 (09.15-10.15). Please wait in the playground and enter through the Small Hall. Numbers will be limited, so if you would like to reserve a place, can you please do so by leaving your details at the main office. Rights Respecting Corner We continue to work towards achieving Level 1 accreditation for the Rights Respecting Schools Award. The Article 12 council have actively planned several fundraising events –which have benefited our local charity: Haven House. Our Whole School Charter is beginning to be embedded across the school and more recently we have developed a Charter for break and lunchtimes –to encourage all to have a safe and happy time. We do have a steering group, who meet half termly, and if any parents are interested in joining, they would be more than welcome. (This is a planning meeting looking at the development of Rights Respecting) Please leave your details at the Main Office. Article 12 –“Every child has a right to have a say in all matters that affect them” Entrance for events in the main hall In order to avoid the crush in reception when we have events in the main hall, such as sharing assemblies or class performances, we are changing the entry point for parents. Now, instead of coming to the main reception for entry to the hall, please make your way to the door between the middle playground and the Early Years playground. This will give you more space to wait for the start of performances, which will be safer for everyone, more secure for our children and we hope will help to make the event more pleasant. If your child is ill… Thank you to everyone who rings early in the morning to inform us if their child is unwell and sends a note on their return. However, we are sending out a large number of reminder letters where we have not received a note, so maybe some parents are not aware that we need this. It would help us enormously if you could remember just to jot down a few lines about when and why your child was absent and send it in to school on the first day back. Thank you. Key Dates for your Diary Sharing Assemblies – Group A= 1B, 2N, 3W, 3C,4Z, 5A, 6B Group B = 1D, 2dG, 3M, 4Q, 4C, 5Ash, 6C APRIL Monday 27th – Parent Information Meeting Y6 Tuesday 28th Parent Information Meeting Y5 Wednesday 29th Parent Information Meeting Y2 Thurs 30th Parent Information Meeting Reception & Sharing Assembly Group A MAY Friday 1st - Parent Information Meeting Y1 Monday 4th – May Day Bank holiday school closed Weds 6th – Open School 3.30 -4.30 p.m. Thursday 7th – Polling Day -school closed to children Friday 8th – London Symphony Orchestra workshop for deaf pupils Mon 11th to Thurs 14th – Y6 SATS week Thurs 14th – Sharing Assembly Group B Fri 15th Y6 pizza party Between Mon 18th May & Tues 9th June Y2 assessments th Mon 18 – Fri 22nd – Walk to School Week Tuesday 19th - 4Z trip to the Tower of London - Meeting Thursday 21st – 4C & 4Q trip to Tower of London - Sharing Assembly Group A Monday 25th – Friday 29th - Half term holiday JUNE Monday 1st - INSET DAY school closed for children Tuesday 2ndJune – children return to school Thurs 4th June – Sharing Assembly Group B Fri 5th – London Symphony Orchestra workshop for deaf pupils th Thurs 11 June – Sharing Assembly Group A Thurs 18th June - Sharing Assembly Group B Monday 15th to Friday 19th Deaf Awareness Week Fri 19th – “Car Free” Day Monday 22nd – new reception intake meeting Tues 23rd – 9 a.m. Meeting for Y5 parents Thursday 25th- Sports’ Day Friday 26th – sponsored silence for Haven House Tuesday 30th – Teddy Bears Picnic - Nursery JULY Thursday 2nd – Sharing Assembly; Y6 performance to parents at 6.30 p.m. th Sun 5 – Sat 11th July - Y6 Glasbury House trip Thurs 9th July –Y2 performance (no sharing assembly) Friday 10th – Reports out Reception to Y5 Mon 13th – Reports out Y6 Weds 15th – Open School Mon 20th to Weds 22nd – Nursery closed Wednesday 22nd July – term ends 2.30 p.m Mrs Helen Radmore Headteacher Attendance Figures for Last Week RS 89.08% RM 83.89% 1B 96.77% 1D 83.33% 2dG 89.08% 2N 95.98% 3C 89.44% 3M 92.59% 3W 98.85% 4C 95.4% 4Q 90.8% 4Z 81.67% 5A 95.56% 5Ash 90% 6B 94.44% 6C 90.91% The class with the highest percentage last week was 3W with 98.85%. The overall percentage for the whole school was 91.09%. Gold Card Winners Congratulations to the following children who have received a Gold Card: Harry Short 1D, Alishba Saeed 1B and Denas Usonis 4Z. The Big One Event We have been told of an event for children aged 5 – 11 years that will be taking place at Broadmead Baptist Church on Saturday 13th June from 2.00 to 7.30 p.m. There will be big screen gaming, go karts, disco dome, giant scalextric, bouncy castle, photo booth, crafts and more. The cost is £10 per child including dinner, refreshments, activities and goody bag. For more information call Dawn on 0208 505 5001 or email [email protected]. This is a ticket-only event, available on-line at Point to Ponder. Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Albert Einstein
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