Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid Parish Office: 27b Glenveagh Drive, BT11 9HX Telephone: 028 9061 8180 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Priest: Fr. Aidan Brankin PP Parish Sisters: Sr Claire and Sr Emmanuel (028 9060 2175) Sunday 8th February 2015 This week’s Mass times: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 9.00am - Note change 10.00am 10.00am 7.30pm 6.30pm (Vigil) 10.00am & 12 noon Confession: “I am the Light of the World says the Lord.” Saturday: The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5.45pm Parish Office opening hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 1.00pm Confirmation Our Parish Confirmation ceremony will take place at 11.00am on Monday 9th February. Bishop Patrick Walsh will confirm the children. We believe those receiving the Sacrament will be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthened in their Christian life. Please remember the children being confirmed in your prayers. Monday Morning Mass will move to 9.00am to facilitate the Confirmation. All Day Eucharistic Adoration will be starting every Wednesday from 25th February. The Diocesan Adoration Committee will be speaking after all Masses next weekend (14th / 15th February) to encourage parishioners to volunteer for an hour. Please support this important initiative. More information available from the Parish Office. Pioneer Association Children’s Liturgy - 12 o’clock Mass All children from P1 to P7 are welcome. Due to Safeguarding Regulations only those children whose parents have completed a Parental Agreement Form may be admitted to the Children’s Liturgy. Forms are available every Sunday from a group leader. Catholic Guides of Ireland A Unit will be starting in our Parish after Easter. Any adults who would like to volunteer as a Leader, please phone Daga on 028 9031 3639. Are you thinking of becoming alcoholfree this Lent? Do you feel we live in a drinks culture? Are you concerned about alcohol abuse? If so, you are invited to take a temporary pledge with the Pioneer Association, say a short prayer daily and offer up your decision not to take alcohol for the sake of someone else, perhaps someone who is living with addiction. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Register your pledge with local Pioneers or the Down and Connor Pioneer office. Tel: 028 9089 4070 or e-mail [email protected]. Please give your name, address and phone number and you will be sent a Pledge Certificate which includes the daily prayer. The Diocesan Pioneer Council are also running a special Spring Retreat in Tobar Mhuire Retreat and Conference Centre, Crossgar on Sunday 1st March for £25.00. It is open to everyone. For booking or further information, please contact the Pioneer Office on 028 9089 4070 or email [email protected] . Month’s Mind We remember those whose Month’s Mind occurs at this time: Kevin Morrow and Edna Loughran Anniversaries: We pray for the happy repose of those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Tony Edwards, Teresa Reddick, Josephine McGuickian, Edith Boyle, Paul Connolly, Jim O’Loan, Patricia Madden, Jim Conlon, John Keenan and Ellen Mallon This week in the Parish... Sun 8th Feb 12.00pm Children’s Liturgy Parish Hall Mon 9th Feb 11.00am Confirmation Church Mon 9th Feb 7.00pm Pastoral Council Parish House Mon 9th Feb 7.30pm Parish Prayer Group (run by the Legion of Mary) Church Wed 11th Feb 11.00am Bethany Bereavement Group Parish Hall Wed 12th Feb 12.30pm An Teanga Bheo Parish Hall Wed 12thg Feb 7.30pm Legion of Mary meeting Parish Hall Thurs 13th Feb 11.00am Cookery Group Parish Hall Diocesan Vocation Weekend Have you ever considered a vocation to the priesthood? Have you felt called to serve Christ in the Church as a priest? If so, take this opportunity to gather with other men who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. This retreat will create the time and space to help you discern God’s calling in your life. The retreat will take place in Drumalis Retreat Centre, from Friday 13th - Sunday 15th February. If you wish to attend this retreat or would like further information contact: Fr. Kevin McGuckien, 23 Hannahstown Hill, Belfast, BT17 0LT. T: 028 9061 4567. Email:[email protected]. Bethany Bereavement Group Although grieving is a natural process which can be helped by the sympathy and understanding of friends, sometimes more support may be needed. The Bethany Support Group in the Parish helps the healing process after bereavement. If you feel you could help the bereaved in our Parish, why not apply for the training courses? For more information, speak to Kathleen Bunting at 11am on Wednesday in the Parish Hall or contact the Parish Office during opening hours. clothes St.OP West Belfast Historical Society Donate your old clothes to the Parish! Leave items at the is meeting at 7.30pm on Friday 13th February in the Falls Park Pavilion. Former Mayor of Belfast Tom Hartley Parish Office during opening hours or ring us and we can will give a talk on Milltown Cemetery. All welcome. arrange for them be collected. An Teanga Bheo, the Parish Irish Language group, continues to meet every Wednesday Unfortunately we cannot accept bedding or towels for recycling. at 12.30pm in the Parish Hall. Financial News Weekly Collection on 25th January: Weekly Collection on 1st February: Monthly Collection on 1st February £ 1,238.49 (kept by Parish) £ 1,027.98 (kept by Parish) £ 1,042.88 (sent to Diocese for priests’ stipends) Thank you for your contributions and for your continuing generosity! Remember we accept Sterling and Euros in our collections!
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