B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2007. Computer Science and Engineering CS 1253 VISUAL PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2004) Answer ALL questions. Part – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1.Write a simple Windows program to print "Hello World". 2.Define and list down the GDI primitives. 3.Define an application framework. 4.How to use an ActiveX controls in your projects? 5.What is COM? 6.What is a serialize function? 7.Write short notes on aggregation. 8.How ActiveX controls are different from ordinary controls? 9.Which are the databases we can open with DAO? 10.What is a Winsock? Part – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) Discuss in detail about displaying the window and message looping. Or (b) Explain windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) in detail. 12. (a) Explain the steps with an example for programming a model dialog. Or (b) Explain the different mapping modes. Compare and Construct. 13. (a) Explain how to create a toolbox for your application. Or (b) Explain SDI and MDI applications in detail. 14. (a) Write down the steps of MFC OLE drag and drop processing with a neat diagram. Or (b) (i) Explain the steps involved in the creation of active X control. (Marks -8) (ii) Highlight the features of COM (Marks -8) 15. (a) Explain how database connectivity can be achieved using ODBC. Write necessary coding and also write coding to query the database. Or (b) Write an MFC Automation client program. B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009. Computer Science and Engineering CS 1253 VISUAL PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2004) Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Give the syntax for the message box function in Windows programming. 2. What is the purpose of WM_CREATE message in Windows? 3. What is the need for InvalidateRect function in MFC? 4. List the member variables of the CRect class in MFC. 5. What is meant by the message map macro in VC++? 6. What are the messages used for tracking the sizing operation in MFC? 7. What is the purpose of AddRef function in COM? 8. Give the functionality of IDispatch interface in COM programming. 9. What is the use of OLE DB? 10. What is the purpose of CDaoQueryDef class in MFC? PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) Write a Windows program to create our own brush option and display lines with it. Or (b)(i) Write a Windows program to display a window. (8) (ii)Give the functionalities of the Create Window function. (8) 12. (a) Write an MFC program to create a window and attach menu bar and toolbar in it. Or (b) Explain how a modal dialog is created in VC++. Explain with code to create a student entry record dialog with member variables for student name, roll number and marks. Display the average mark of the student in the same dialog box after calculation. 13. (a) (i) Explain the different document-view architecture components of VC++. (8) (ii)Discuss how the document data are presented in the views associated with it. (8) Or (b)(i) Explain how the static splitter window is created in VC++. (8) (ii)Describe the code for implementing a dynamic two way splitter window. (8) 14 (a) Explain how the COM components are created with the IUnknow interface and the Query Interface member function Or (b) (i) Explain how the MFC automation EXE component is created in VC ++. (8) (ii)Develop the corresponding client program to access the component. (8) 15.(a) (i) Create an application to access the student database (assume the necessary fields and data). Access the database table in a scrolling view. (10) (ii) Explain how multiple record sets are accessed from the database. (6) Or (b) (i) Explain the various MFC classes available for database programming. (5) (ii) What are the functionalities of the CRowView class of the MFC system? (5) What are the functionalities of the CTableSelect class generated by the class wizard? (6) B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009. Computer Science and Engineering CS 1253 VISUAL PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2004) Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1.) What is the advantage of using .NET. 2.) what is the form? 3.) describe data kind. 4.) elaborate .NET variables. 5.) provide the sybtax of declaring arrays. 6.) List any 2 features of object oriented programming. 7.) What is MFG? 8.) What do you mean by class hierachy. 9.) What is a resource? 10.) describe DAO. PART B---(5 * 3=15 marks) 11.) (a) What is an event procedure. Or (b) How do you place controls on a from. 12.) (a) provide a note on operators. Or (b) Differentiate ranging from user described and built-in functions. 13.) (a) What is afile class. discuss Or (b) provide a note on arrays. 14.) (a) List different object properties. discuss. Or (b) Write a discussion on accelerators. 15.) (a) What is multitasking/ explain. Or (b) Write a note on threads. B.E./B.Tech.DEGREE EAMINATION,APRIL/MAY 2008 Computer Science and Engineering CS 1253 - VISUAL PROGRAMMING Answer ALL questions PART A -(10*2=20 marks) 1.Explain in brief the windows MSG structure. 2.List the styles for a push button child window control. 3.State the use of windows message and event handler. 4.Give the resource script file for a modal dialog box. 5.State some messages and selection flags meant for a menu resource. 6.Explain in brief the MFC serialization mechanism. 7.What is an Activex control? 8.Define OLE. 9.State the MFC classes used for ODBC Database programming. 10.State the techniques used for playing audio files. PART B-(5*16=80 marks) 11.(a) (i)Explain in detail the GDI Objects.(1)DeviceContext (2)Brush (3) Pen. (9) (ii)Write a Win32 program to draw different shapes using different colors and fill styles.(7) Or (b)Explain the windows message map architecture in detail with a sample program. (16) 12.(a)(i) Describe in detail the Microsoft Foundation classes relating to user interfaces.(6) (ii)Explain the CListbox class and its member Functions in detail with an example program.(10) Or (b)(i)State the use and explain the common dialog control in detail.(10) (ii)Explain the modal and modeless dialog boxes.(6) 13.(a)(i)Write notes on Rich Edit Control in detail.(6) (ii)Explain how reading and writing is done in a SDI Document.(10) Or (b)What is DLL?Explain it types and advantages in detail.Write a program to create a user defined DLL.(16) 14.(a)Develop an application to create a simple ActiveX control using MFC(16) Or (b)Explain the OLE drag and drop mechanism in detail.(16) 15.(a)(i)Explain the multithreading concept in VC++ .(8) (ii)Explain the use of WinInet API.(8) Or (b)Develop a database applicaton for maintaining student details.(16) B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY/JUNE 2009. Fourth Semester (Regulation 2004) Computer Science and Engineering CS 1253 VISUAL PROGRAMMING Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Write the Windows message Structure. 2. What are the essential components for a MFC message handler to handle various windows messages? 3. Distinguish between CClientDC and CWindowDC Display Context Classes. 4. Give the significance of MM_TWIPS mapping mode. 5. What are keyboard accelerators? Give examples. 6. What is serialization process? 7. Define a COM Interface. 8. Name any two OLE helper functions and give their prototype. 9. List the functions of ODBC32.DLL. 10. Define an ISAPI server extension. PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) With a suitable program explain the concept of message handing in a Windows environment. Or (b)(i) Explain the various methods of acquiring an handle to a device context with examples. (ii)Explain with sample code the construction and destruction of GDI objects. 12. (a) (i) Describe the various text metrics and explain about text formatting in Windows programming. (ii) Explain the different scroll bar messages and their usage with a sample program. Or (b) What are modal and modeless dialogs? Explain about them and discuss about the various windows common dialogs. 13. (a) (i) What is a splitter window? (ii) Describe how to create a single view window with a four way split. (b) Explain the processing of command message that originate from menu selection and keyboard accelerators with exmples 14. (a) Discuss with suitable programs how to create COM class object. Or (b) Write a program using MFC in-place activated SDI mini server and a container program that supports in-place activation for the following scenario : Draw some text and graphics in a window. The text must be stored in the document and have a dialog for updating it. 15. (a) Explain with pseudo code how records can be inserted, retrieved, modified and updated into local database tables. Or (b) Discuss the various ways of Building a Web Client with the MFC Winlnet Classes.
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