Prom Contract 2015 - Matawan Aberdeen Regional School District

General Information
All Prom information will be updated on the Junior Class Bulletin Board located
outside of the cafeteria and on the website. After making any payments, please
 Prom Date: May 29, 2015
make sure to check the bulletin board to make sure your information is correct.
 Time: 6:30pm – 10:30 pm
 Place: Encore Event Center, Freehold, NJ
 Prom Theme: Under the Sea
 Students must be in school the entire day of the Prom or he/she cannot attend the Prom.
 Students that are suspended out of school on the day of the Prom cannot attend and will not be able to obtain a refund.
 Students and guests must check in at the Prom within 30 minutes of the start time. Any student arriving after 7:00pm will
not be admitted to the Prom and a parent/guardian will be contacted.
 Students attending prom who do not attend MRHS must have their principal sign this form. A copy of an outside
guest’s driver’s license or valid identification which includes a picture must be attached to this contract.
 Once inside the banquet facility, no students or their guests may leave the building.
 No smoking is permitted inside or outside the banquet facility at any time.
 No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are permitted on the premises.
 Students and guests are expected to dress in formal attire. Any student or guest not dressed appropriately will be required
to leave the Prom, and a parent/guardian will be notified. No refund of the Prom will be given.
 No backpacks, bags or storage containers other than small purses will be permitted into the Prom. Purses are subject to
search by staff at any time.
 Students may not switch a Prom date after April 30th. All changes must be discussed with Ms. Hurni. New contracts will
need to be completed in situations like this. Refunds will not be given after April 30th.
 Students and their guests are expected to act in a mature and appropriate manner at the Prom. The Prom facility is
considered an extension of the school; therefore, all school rules and Board Policies, including disciplinary actions, will
be in effect. The parent/guardian will be notified if a student disregards the rules and policies, and the student/guest may
be removed from the Prom with no refund of the Prom bid.
Prom Bids/Payment: Collection Dates: February 26th, March 26th , April 16th, and April 23rd
 $170 per couple or $90 for singles
 Deposits will be accepted before school in room 524 or after school outside of the cafeteria. You may pay before these
dates but you must give your money and signed contract only to Ms. Hurni at the same time.
 Checks or cash are acceptable. Please make it payable to MRHS SAF.
 All Prom Bids must be paid in full no later than April 23rd. Students paying after this deadline will be required to pay a
$50 late fee (Totals = $220 for couples; $140 for singles). Payments will not be accepted after April 30th.
 Tickets will be distributed to all Students who have paid in full, on April 30th after school only, outside the
Table Information
If you would like to be seated next to another table, please write it down on your table list.
Table lists must be submitted no later than May 1st to Ms. Hurni or given to the front office to be placed in his mailbox.
Table number requests must be in no later than May 1st. See bulletin board for layout.
Tables can seat from 8-10 people. If you have less than 8 at your table, Ms. Hurni might seat other students at your table.
Prom King & Queen:
Students will vote for Prom King & Queen at the Prom.
Students should base their votes on how people are dressed (not popularity).
Ballots will include names of the eligible seniors who attend MRHS.
Eligibility is determined by the SPS Office.
Initials: Student #1 ______ Parent #1 ______
Guest/Student #2 ______ Parent #2 ______
450 Atlantic Avenue, Aberdeen, NJ 07747
(732) 705-5200 FAX (732) 566-2404
Prom Contract for Students
The undersigned acknowledges reading and understanding the rules and requirements appearing on the previous
page of this Contract, and agrees to abide by them as a condition of attendance at the Matawan Regional High
School Prom. Further, I promise not to drink alcohol or consume any illegal substance on Prom night. In signing
this contract, I fully understand and acknowledge the conditions of attendance at the Prom and will adhere to the
aforementioned conditions and advise my guest of the same.
Matawan Regional High School Student Information
Student #1 Name _____________________________ Student #1 Signature __________________________ Grade _____
Student #2 Name _____________________________ Student #2 Signature __________________________ Grade _____
 My guest is NOT from MRHS. Fill in information below.
Name of Guest NOT from MRHS __________________________ Signature ___________________________
Age ____
High School Attending (if applicable) _____________________________________________________________________
Signature of School Principal attesting to student’s good standing at the school and permission to attend Matawan
Regional High School’s Prom.
High School Principal_________________________________________ ________________________________________
Name: Please Print
Prom Contract for Parents/Guardians
The undersigned acknowledges reading and understanding the rules and requirements appearing on the previous
page of this Contract, and agrees to abide by them as a condition of attendance at the Matawan Regional High
School Prom. Further, as a parent/guardian of a student attending the Matawan Regional High School Prom, I
promise to make myself available during the evening of May 29, 2015, to pick up my child from the Prom if he or
she has not adhered to the conditions of the Matawan Regional High School Prom Contract. I understand that the
Prom ends promptly at 10:30 pm and will make transportation arrangements to and from the Prom. By signing
this contract, I acknowledge reading and understanding the conditions of attendance at the Prom.
Parent Information – Student #1
Parent/Guardian Name ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________
Home Phone Number
____________________________Cell Phone Number ____________________________________
Emergency Contact Name & Number ______________________________________________________________________
Parent Information – Student #2 or Guest
Parent/Guardian Name ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________
Home Phone Number
____________________________Cell Phone Number ____________________________________
Emergency Contact Name & Number ______________________________________________________________________