International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Engineering Science journal homepage: Interpolation–free discrete modeling with gradient matrix: Case study of edge dislocation in linearly elastic crystal Alexander Zisman ⇑ Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, 29 Polytechnicheskaya Str., 195251 St.-Petersburg, Russia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19 November 2013 Received in revised form 11 February 2014 Accepted 12 February 2014 Keywords: Linear elasticity Crystals Dislocations Gradient matrix Modeling a b s t r a c t A meshless and interpolation-free (MIF) method of numerical modeling in solid mechanics has been formulated with a gradient matrix extending the gradient operation to discrete data. Nodal strains and, consequently, stresses in this method are expressed immediately in terms of nodal displacements and the stress divergence in terms of nodal stresses that makes it possible to get the stress balance equation in a truly discrete form. A trial MIF model where nodal points correspond to atom positions is employed for a rectilinear edge dislocation in a linearly elastic crystal. Both the resulting stress level at the dislocation core, close to the theoretical crystal strength, and respective core dimensions prove to be realistic physically whereas calculated long-range stresses asymptotically approach the related continuous fields known in an analytical form for the dislocation in linearly elastic isotropic continuum. Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Interpolations are inherent in numerical models of continuum mechanics aimed to obtain approximate continuous solutions of constitutive equations. In particular, kinematics in the widely used finite element method (FEM) is formulated with a priori shape functions expressing a velocity field inside each finite element (FE) in terms of its nodal velocities (Gallager, 1975; Zienkievicz, 1970; Zienkievicz, Taylor, & Zhu, 2005). Such interpolations associated with the meshing intrinsic in FEM result in some generic drawbacks of this method. On the one hand, the corresponding approximate fields have artificial singularities at FE nodes, edges or faces reducing the solution accuracy. On the other hand, when physically prescribed discontinuities are considered FE faces (edges in 2D) should be placed on respective interfaces whereas nodal points must be duplicated there. Even with such complications, however, the singularities of arbitrary shape functions will remain irrelevant to actual discontinuities, which arise between material structural elements of rather complex shape. For example, it would be hard to use shape functions ascribed to whole grains, which are polyhedrons with more than 20 apices. That is why, in particular, FEM models of polycrystal deformation usually subdivide each grain into a lot of more primitive elements (Kanjarla, Van Houtte, & Delannay, 2010; Roters et al., 2010) and become highly consumptive. Apart from the above mentioned limitations, FEM models become too much awkward in application to large deformations, moving boundaries or propagating cracks, where the mesh should be repeatedly updated. In order to avoid re-meshing troubles, meshless extensions of FEM have been developed where shape functions are associated with scattered nodal points rather than certain domains between them and such points may be readily shifted, added or removed in simulation. Detailed ⇑ Tel.: +7 812 5527660; fax: +7 812 5577778. E-mail address: [email protected] 0020-7225/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 125 reviews of meshless models (Belyschko, Krongauz, Organ, Fleming, & Krysl, 1996; Chen, Lee, & Escandarian, 2006; Fries & Matthies, 2004; Ullah & Augarde, 2013) are available and the author in no way claims to survey an extremely rich variety of related works. However some geometric aspects of them significant for the present paper should be addressed. The moving least square (MLS) approach (Belytschko, Gu, & Lu, 1994; Nayroles, Touzot, & Villon, 1992) and the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM) (Liu, Jun, & Zhang, 1995; Liu, Li, & Belitschko, 1997), different in their mathematical origins Lancaster and Salkauskas (1981) and Lucy (1977), respectively, and rather similar in implementation are most often employed to derive approximate displacement fields. Such fields are usually treated with appropriately smooth shape functions related to individual nodes, weight functions reflecting the local influence of these nodes, and partly overlaying supports of the latter, which may be considered as domains of their influence. Along with the principal re-meshing problem thus eliminated, other serious troubles inherent in FEM are also reduced, in particular artificial singularities between neighboring FEs. Besides, properly modified meshless methods become superior to FEM in treating physically prescribed discontinuities (Fries & Matthies, 2004). To this end nodal supports (normally disks in 2D and balls in 3D) are limited by considered physical interfaces (Belytschko, Lu, & Gu, 1994) or discontinuous enrichment functions are added to continuous approximations (Belytschko, Ventura, & Xu, 2002). Despite the above considered advantages, meshless models still are not widely applied in the engineering routine because they are much more computationally expensive than those of FEM owing to highly complicated treatment of employed shape and weight functions (Belyschko et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2006; Fries & Matthies, 2004; Pan, Sze, & Zhang, 2004; Ullah & Augarde, 2013). Furthermore, related approximations for displacement fields usually are not interpolations in a rigorous sense because at nodal points they may differ from respective nodal variables. Such deviations become undesirable when imposing essential boundary conditions and necessitate special treatments (Fernandez-Mendez & Huerta, 2004; Ullah & Augarde, 2013). Another computational complication of meshless modeling is due to error estimation procedures (Chung & Belytschko, 1998; Lee, Chung, & Choi, 2003) in the adaptive discretization essential in this numerical method. Meanwhile, since both the latter and FEM have specific limitations, efforts have been undertaken to find a reasonable compromise between them. Thus in a coupled FE/meshless method (Ullah, Combs, & Augarde, 2013) the whole model is first treated with FEM and then some domains are converted into meshless zones if a predefined error measure is violated. In the extended FEM (XFEM) reviewed in Belytschko, Gracie, and Ventura (2009), where certain formal grounds of the meshless method are used and known properties of physical discontinuities are embodied in special enrichment functions, cracks, dislocations and boundaries considered with a fixed mesh may cross FE volumes. Smoothed FEM (SFEM), where conventional meshbased shape functions have been smoothed within FE (Liu, Nguyen, Dai, & Lam, 2007), at their nodes (Nguyen-Thoi, Vu-Do, Rabczuk, & Nguyen-Xuan, 2010), edges (Liu, Nguyen-Thoi, & Lam, 2009) or faces (Nguyen-Thoi, Liu, Lam, & Zhang, 2009), are also cited as competitors to the meshless method, although they retain the re-meshing problem. Computational drawbacks related to both the mesh-based and meshless shape functions could be avoided if numerical methods were truly discrete that is not only meshless but also interpolation-free, and the present paper is an effort in this direction. The author has limited himself to a rather brief overview of the conventional methods, mentioned above, just because of the indicated principal distinction of the proposed approach. An essential prerequisite to develop the meshless and interpolation-free (MIF) approach in solid mechanics is the increasing computational power that makes it possible to process very high densities of nodal points and, hence, to image and to consider simulation results in terms of nodal variables only. Besides, MIF models would appear to be particularly applicable to physically discrete (e.g. crystalline) structures having no stiff matter in interatomic space. Indeed, any assumption of strain distribution over this space would be completely speculative, whereas geometrically small deviations of similar structures from equilibrium states still should be linearly elastic. Therefore a mechanistic approach remains reasonable since the strain and, hence, stress tensor can be ascribed to a rather small number of adjacent atoms (not less than four in 3D or three in 2D) as if they were nodal points of a virtual continuum fragment. At the same time, although the density of discretization is rapidly increasing, the current mesh-based and meshless methods could not plainly get rid of continuous approximations because the latter are used in calculating stiffness terms and, eventually, nodal forces and stresses. Therefore a challenging question arises of how to allow for the material stiffness with no suggestion for continuous fields between scattered nodal points. In the present paper, aimed to develop a MIF method of numerical modeling, an elastic response with the material elastic modulus is considered exclusively at nodal points, whereas an underlying local strain at each node is derived depending on displacements of neighboring nodes. The predetermined number of thus involved neighbors depends on computational and physical reasons. In order to implement such a method, one should express constitutive equations of solid mechanics in a truly discrete form that is first of all to extend the conventional gradient operator directly to nodal variables. An appropriate extension proposed by Zisman and Ermakova (2006) has been called gradient matrix and applied to the strain mapping (Zisman, Ivanov, Lomov, & Verpoest, 2006) and to the imaging of crystal curvature (Zisman, Van Boxel, Seefeldt, & Van Houtte, 2008) later on. This matrix is uniquely expressed in terms of nodal coordinates contained in whatever differentiation domain and derives from the corresponding data sampling the uniform gradient component, thus extracting only a linear part of an underlying continuous field and neglecting unknown residual errors. Similar residuals, like inaccuracy of arbitrary shape functions, are inherent in discrete models. In any case, the denser situated nodal points, the smaller such errors. In the present paper the gradient matrix will be employed in order to express nodal strains and hence stresses immediately in terms of nodal displacements. Furthermore, to properly extend the stress balance equation and thus to enable the discrete MIF modeling in solid mechanics, the divergence operation will also be expressed in a truly discrete form. 126 A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 Another effort to introduce a discrete gradient in numerical methods of solid mechanics has recently been undertaken by Lu, Qiun, and Han (2008). In this formulation a Voronoi cell is ascribed to each nodal point in order to get a truly meshless model. However, the Voronoi tessellation remains in a sense a kind of meshing that inherits artificial limitations of FEM. Thus, following Lu et al. (2008), one has to assume uniformity of elastic strain inside each cell in calculating stiffness terms, whereas the strictly prescribed selection of neighboring nodal points disables a potentially useful option to vary the shape and dimensions of local differentiation domains. For a case study the present paper considers the stress field of a rectilinear edge dislocation situated in a crystal of finite cross section. Such a specific application is quite appropriate to test potentiality of the discrete MIF method in simulating highly singular continuous fields. Besides, it would not be practicable to apply the proposed new method to usual boundary value problems readily tractable with traditional numerical methods. Meanwhile the latter are less adapted to simulation of internal defects (dislocations, inclusions, etc.), which are inherent in real solids, and it is also advisable to estimate accuracy of mechanical MIF models in application to physically discrete microscopic structures. Accordingly, nodal points in the considered MIF model have been associated with atom positions in the dislocated crystal. It should be underlined that the author in no way claims to discover new properties of the lattice dislocation; on the contrary, such a thoroughly examined defect has been wittingly selected for a trial application in order to verify the proposed method of discrete modeling. The paper is organized as follows. First, the gradient matrix is defined and its application to nodal variables (displacements, strains, and stresses) is described. Then a procedure of MIF modeling is explained and a trial model of the dislocated crystal is introduced. Next, the calculation results are reported and compared to the continuous long-range stress field of the dislocation, known in an analytical form, and to the relevant physical data on the dislocation core. In conclusion, potentiality of the MIF approach, untapped in this case study, is discussed that may apply to both crystal defects and continuous models. 2. Theory 2.1. Gradient matrix Let N arbitrary vectors u(k) be given over a cluster of respective nodal points r(k) (k = 1, 2, . . ., N) contained in a differentiation domain. The sought tensor (3 3 matrix) L ¼ $u ð1Þ is presumed to be uniform over this domain and to generate a linear field u(r) that fits the given discrete data in the best way. It is convenient to represent the considered variables and points in a Cartesian coordinate system by 3 N matrices 0 ð1Þ ux B U ¼ @ uð1Þ y ð1Þ uz 0 ð2Þ ux ðNÞ ::: ux 1 uy ðNÞ C ::: uy A; ð2Þ uz ::: uz ð2Þ ð2Þ ðNÞ xð1Þ B ð1Þ R ¼ @y xð2Þ yð2Þ 1 ::: xðNÞ C ::: yðNÞ A zð1Þ zð2Þ ::: ð3Þ zðNÞ or, in case of 2D formulation, by their 2 N counterparts. In these terms the desired ideal fit would mean that U is expressed as U ¼ U o þ LT R; ð4Þ where each column of matrix Uo represents a unique vector uo, related to the coordinate origin, and the superscript T indicates the matrix transposition. However, such an equality is not always possible, whichever L. In 3D formulation Eq. (4) has a unique solution only in case of four nodal points (N = 4) including the coordinate origin; at N < 4 L becomes uncertain and at N > 4 no solution exists. Similarly, in 2D case, where matrices U and R have 2 N dimensions and matrix L has 2 2 dimensions, a unique solution exists only at N = 3. Meanwhile notably greater N is often required in order to smooth over discrete data or to reduce noise of them. Similar difficulties are inevitable in discrete models of continuum mechanics where the number of immediate neighbors around each nodal point is normally more than four in 3D and more than three in 2D. Thus, the problem becomes overdetermined and can be resolved only with some approximation. Apparently, the best approximation for L should provide the corresponding nodal variables U⁄ least deviated from U in terms of the mean square deviation. A simple algebraic method to find the desired L with no straightforward minimization is based on the gradient matrix (Zisman & Ermakova, 2006; Zisman et al., 2006, 2008). ½$ ¼ RT ðRRT Þ 1 ð5Þ that is a sort of Moore–Penrose pseudo-inverse (Moore, 1920; Penrose, 1955) as applied to our coordinate matrix R. The gradient matrix has N 3 or N 2 dimensions in 3D or 2D formulations, respectively, and is readily recalculated if nodal points involved in the differentiation domain are re-arranged. As shown in Zisman and Ermakova (2006), existence A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 127 of (RRT)1 and, hence, of [$] in 3D or 2D is ensured only if these points are not all coplanar or collinear, respectively. Besides, in order to filter off a uniform component of treated variables, the gradient matrix should be determined relative to the coordinate origin situated in the geometric center of all involved data points so that N X rðiÞ ¼ 0: ð6Þ i¼1 Introduced as a discrete counterpart of the conventional gradient, [$] suggests a matrix expression L ¼ ðU½$ÞT ð7Þ that resembles Eq. (1) and, as shown in Zisman and Ermakova (2006), Zisman et al. (2006), provides the best fit of the product U ¼ LT R ð8Þ to the given U that is X T jjU U jj2 ¼ Sp ðU U ÞðU U Þ ¼ ðuk uk Þ2 ¼ min ð9Þ k with whatever uniform part of U. Vectors uk in statement (9) correspond to respective columns of matrix U⁄ like uk of U. When comparing the MIF concept to the current meshless method (Belyschko et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2006; Fries & Matthies, 2004; Ullah & Augarde, 2013) where continuous fields between nodal points are considered, it is notable that the discrete gradient matrix implies a jumping rather than a moving least square (MLS) procedure. It is interesting that expression (5) for the gradient matrix that has both needful matrix dimensions and an appropriate physical dimension (inverse length) was found by intuition first, whereas uniqueness and the principal property of respective U⁄ to satisfy statement (9) have been proved afterwards with the help of algebraic properties of orthogonal projections (Zisman & Ermakova, 2006; Zisman et al., 2006). At the same time, although [$] was particularly introduced in order to extend the spatial gradient to discrete data, it represents a special case of the general pseudo-inverse formulation by Moore (1920) and Penrose (1955). The divergence operation, based on the gradient matrix and applicable to discrete data, should also be introduced in order to properly extend the stress balance equation in what follows. With the identity div u ¼ $u ¼ Spð$uÞ; ð10Þ where the right part is the trace of tensor ru, and Eqs. (1) and (7) kept in mind, the divergence of vector field u(r) is expressed in terms of respective nodal variables as div u ¼ SpðU½$Þ: ð11Þ 2.2. Nodal strains, stresses and forces by gradient matrix Let R and [$] be ascribed to a domain containing the considered nodal point together with a number of neighboring ones and U be the corresponding matrix of geometrically small elastic displacements. Hence the elastic strain, as follows from Eqs. (1) and (7), is expressed as e ¼ ð$u þ u$Þ=2 ¼ ððU½$ÞT þ U½$Þ=2; ð12Þ and the related nodal stress may be found with Hooke’s law. The stress balance equation $r þ f ¼ 0 ð13Þ allows for both the stress field r and the body forces f, although purely mechanical applications often presume f = 0 inside considered solids, as is the case in the present paper. On the other hand, computational solid mechanics deals with approximate and, hence, somewhat unbalanced stress fields. Therefore to restore the balance according to Eq. (13) is to introduce fictitious f – 0 depending on inaccuracy of the calculated stress field. Consequently, in order to get rid of fictitious terms in the final solution, one has to compensate f by opposite virtual forces f u ¼ f ð14Þ and then to find the stress field correction due to fu. A similar approach, employed long ago to introduce defects in continuum (Eshelby, 1957; Hirth & Lothe, 1968; Read, 1953), could be used with discrete MIF models as well. However, Eq. (11), previously formulated for vectors, cannot immediately apply to r that is a tensor of the second order. To get over the difficulty, let us express the stress tensor in a dyadic form r ¼ S1 i þ S2 j þ S3 k ð15Þ 128 A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 where i, j, and k are unit vectors of a macroscopic Cartesian basis. Then, with expression (11) kept in mind, the stress divergence $ r ¼ ið$ S 1 Þ þ jð$ S 2 Þ þ kð$ S 3 Þ ð16Þ takes on form $r ¼ iSpð½S 1 ½$Þ þ jSpð½S 2 ½$Þ þ kSpð½S 3 ½$Þ; ð17Þ U and contain respective stress vectors S1(k), F(m), whereas matrices [S1](m), [S2](m), [S3](m) where matrices [S1], [S2], and [S3] have the same dimensions as and S3(k) (k = 1, 2, . . ., N). Let a fictitious force at nodal point number m be and [$](m) be derived over the corresponding differentiation domain. Then the desired extension of Eq. (13) is expressed with Eq. (17) in terms of nodal variables only: iSpð½S 1 ðmÞ ½$ðmÞ Þ þ jSpð½S 2 ðmÞ ½$ðmÞ Þ þ kSpð½S 3 ðmÞ ½$ðmÞ Þ þ F ðmÞ ¼ 0; Fu(m) S2(k) ð18Þ (m) and the corresponding = F is calculated according to Eq. (14). Note that Eqs. (16)–(18) are written in 3D formulation; when applied to 2D models, similar equations would contain neither unit vector k nor subscript 3. The kinematics of MIF method, as formulated above, may apply to materials of any rheological properties. However, for definiteness and simplicity sake, let us address Hooke’s law for elastically isotropic matter in the plane strain case: rxx =G ¼ 2ð1 mÞ 2m exx þ eyy 1 2m 1 2m ryy =G ¼ 2m 2ð1 mÞ exx þ eyy 1 2m 1 2m ð19Þ rxy =G ¼ ryx =G ¼ 2exy ¼ 2eyx ; where G is the shear modulus and m is the Poisson ratio. Therefore all terms containing k in Eqs. (16)–(18) can be omitted and the normalized vectors, corresponding to stress expression (15), are respectively equal to S 1 =G ¼ 2ð1 mÞ 2m exx þ eyy i þ 2eyx j; 1 2m 1 2m ð20Þ S 2 =G ¼ 2m 2ð1 mÞ exx þ eyy j þ 2exy i: 1 2m 1 2m Hence the matrices for [S1] and [S2] in Eq. (17) are expressed as ½S 1 ¼ 2G 1 2m 2G ½S 2 ¼ 1 2m ð1Þ ð1Þ ð1 mÞexx þ meyy ðNÞ ðNÞ . . . ð1 mÞexx þ meyy ð1Þ ... ð1 2mÞeyx ð1Þ ... ð1 2mÞexy ð1 2mÞeyx ð1 2mÞexy ! ; ðNÞ ðNÞ ð1Þ ðNÞ ðNÞ með1Þ . . . mexx þ ð1 mÞeyy xx þ ð1 mÞeyy ð21Þ ! : 2.3. Intermediate configuration for internal stress source in MIF model Internal stress sources (defects) cannot be treated in the context of a usual boundary value problem where a continuous field of displacements may gradually transform a reference stress-free configuration {R0} into the sought final configuration {RE}, corresponding to external boundary conditions and satisfying the stress balance equation. In particular, to generate a dislocation together with related elastic fields in the model interiors is, by definition, to introduce a characteristic displacement discontinuity (Burgers vector) at any contour drawn around the defect line. That is why in the continuum theory of defects the dislocation formation is treated as a particular sequence of virtual operations (Hirth & Lothe, 1968; Read, 1953): (a) continuum slitting terminated at the given line, (b) introduction of certain displacement jumps across the cut surface, (c) restoration of continuity, and (d) elastic relaxation. The last but one operation, as shown by Eshelby (1957), is equivalent to an appropriate distribution of body forces on the ‘‘cut surface’’ where the deformation compatibility has been violated. Following this approach unlike traditional numerical methods, we will consider not only the reference configuration {R0} of the solid model but also its intermediate configuration {RI} with the virtual nodal forces corresponding to the defect insertion. Such forces, in turn, should be reduced with the model relaxation leading to the sought equilibrium configuration {RE}. Let a differentiation domain and the corresponding coordinate matrix R0 be determined for each nodal point of {R0}. Then {RI}, roughly similar to the expected final {RE} and generally containing virtual nodal forces, should be intuitively selected in order to introduce the considered defect. Comparison of {RI} to {R0} is not trivial, however, because the latter cannot be entirely converted into the former by a compatible deformation field and, hence, there is no point-to-point correspondence between these configurations. Nevertheless it remains possible and even apparent on a local scale if two respective domains A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 129 have the same number and similar arrangements of nodal points. In particular, any deformed cluster of N neighboring atoms outside the dislocation core may be readily related to an appropriate selection of N nodes of the perfect crystal lattice. With thus determined local matrices RI and respective R0 the corresponding displacement matrices are expressed as U I ¼ RI R0 ð22Þ and can be differentiated with the gradient matrices 1 ½$0 ¼ RT0 R0 RT0 ð23Þ found as [$] in expression (5). The nodal strains and stresses are then derived following Eq. (12) and Hooke’s law, respectively. When calculating the related stress divergence with Eqs. (17) and (21) or its 3D counterpart, an updated gradient matrix ½$I ¼ RTI ðRI RTI Þ 1 ð24Þ F ðmÞ u must be used instead of [$]0 since the previously obtained stresses are considered over {RI}. All virtual nodal forces in {RI} are then calculated with Eqs. (14) and (18) and should be employed to relax this intermediate configuration as described in the next section. It is worth noting that displacements UI in a priori selected intermediate configurations are not always geometrically small and hence the linear elastic response assumed above may be a somewhat rough approximation. However, as considered in the discussion section, the following iteration procedure should reduce this inaccuracy. 2.4. Iteration procedure in MIF modeling An elastic stiffness matrix predetermined over a whole numerical model routinely reduces the boundary value problem to simultaneous linear equations (Gallager, 1975; Zienkievicz, 1970; Zienkievicz et al., 2005). In principle, when a MIF model is defect-free and hence no intermediate configuration is needful, a similar approach is possible. Indeed, the stiffness matrix mentioned above can be found, as evident from Section 2.2, with calculation of nodal forces due to small trial displacements in {Ro} applied to all nodal points by turns. However, the MIF modeling will cost undertaken efforts only in application to problems, which could not be treated by conventional methods. This is the case, in particular, if any stress source (defect) is introduced into the considered matter with some intermediate configuration {RI} that violates the stress balance condition. Then an appropriate procedure should be employed to implement a transition from {RI} to the final equilibrium configuration {RE}. Let RJ, UJ and FJ be the nodal coordinates, displacements and virtual forces, respectively, in iteration number J, whereas numeration of nodal points is omitted here for brevity. In order to gradually restore the stress balance, nodal displacement corrections dU Jþ1 ¼ aF J ð25Þ are repeatedly calculated, where J = 0 corresponds to the intermediate configuration, and a has a proper physical dimension [u/f] and a magnitude that keeps the procedure converging. Following Section 2.2, the corresponding corrections drJ+1 of nodal stresses are found with dUJ+1 and the gradient matrices 1 ½$J ¼ RTJ ðRJ RTJ Þ ; ð26Þ which are then updated together with respective coordinate matrices: RJþ1 ¼ RJ þ dU Jþ1 ; ½$Jþ1 ¼ RTJþ1 ðRJþ1 RTJþ1 Þ 1 ð27Þ Thereafter, with [$]J+1 and the previously found drJ+1, the corrections dFJ+1 are derived like nodal forces in Section 2.2 and the resulting forces are calculated for iteration number J + 1: F Jþ1 ¼ F J þ dF Jþ1 ð28Þ Similar iterations are repeated until magnitudes of virtual nodal forces become negligible with a stated tolerance. The stress at any nodal point in iteration number M, in particular the last iteration, can be found with the respective stress r0 calculated in the intermediate configuration {RI} and the stress corrections drJ calculated in all following iterations (J = 1, 2, . . ., M): rM ¼ r0 þ M X drJ : ð29Þ J¼1 3. Trial discrete model: Linearly elastic dislocated crystal 3.1. Intermediate configuration and reduction of nodal forces Under consideration is a rectilinear edge dislocation in the primitive cubic lattice. The model crystal is infinite along the dislocation line, while its upper and lower widths are 101b and 100b, respectively, where b is the Burgers vector magnitude, 130 A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 and the crystal height is 102b. A representative part of the intermediate configuration {RI}, i.e. an initial arrangement of atoms treated for nodal points, is schematically shown in Fig. 1a. Although there is no stiff matter between depicted nodes of the crystal lattice, they in no way lose sight of elasticity of the corresponding continuum model since its stiffness is not something other than stiffness of elementary cells of the crystal. Following Section 2.2, the isotropic elasticity is assumed here, whereas all geometric terms correspond to an orthotropic cubic lattice. Such a simplification, often used in the materials science, is not inherent in the proposed approach but is employed only in order to facilitate the trial MIF simulation. It is worth noting, as well, that connecting lines in Fig. 1 do not implicate any meshing in the simulation but are merely illustrative. Local coordinate matrices RI in {RI} and the related gradient matrices [$]I employed to differentiate discrete data with expression (7), involve only the nearest neighbors of each node and take into account local distortions relative to the perfect lattice (stress-free configuration {R0}), as illustrated in Fig. 1b. For brevity sake, respective layouts at four crystal corners, each consisting of three nodes, are omitted here. The nodal forces FI have been calculated with [$]I following Section 2.3. These forces, corresponding to the simple shearing of elementary cells, prove to localize in the two planes crossing the dislocation core, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. The local coordinate matrices, related gradient matrices and nodal forces for the next iterations are then repeatedly re-calculated, following Section 2.4. Distribution of virtual nodal forces in the model crystal, calculated with m = 1/3 by the MIF method according to Sections 2.3 and 2.4, are mapped in Fig. 2a and b for the starting ‘‘intermediate’’ state and after 500 iterations, respectively. As one can see, during the iteration procedure such forces spread over the crystal and diminished by three orders. Considering such a relaxation degree satisfactory, let us address in the next section the corresponding elastic fields, generated by the dislocation. 3.2. Calculation results A map of the model shear stresses rxy shown in Fig. 3a satisfactorily complies with the long-range stress field of a straight edge dislocation in linearly elastic isotropic continuum derived with the known expression (Hirth & Lothe, 1968; Read, 1953). Besides, the corresponding elastic displacements allow one to visualize the lateral profile of the model crystal (right side) containing the dislocation, as shown in Fig. 3b. When neglecting minor irregularities at the middle plane due to somewhat insufficient relaxation, this result also proves to be quite realistic. Fig. 1. (a) Intermediate configuration of the dislocated crystal with virtual nodal forces and (b) layouts of nodal points contained in employed differentiation domains. Fig. 2. Map of virtual nodal forces in the dislocated crystal: (a) the intermediate configuration to be relaxed and (b) the configuration relaxed by 500 iterations of MIF procedure. A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 131 Fig. 3. (a) Map of calculated shear stresses over the dislocated crystal, and (b) a lateral profile of the crystal in the intermediate configuration (light circles) and after 500 iterations of MIF procedure (dark circles). Fig. 4. Shear (a) and tensile (b) stresses in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively, crossing the dislocation core. The dotted and solid lines correspond to the MIF modeling (500 iterations) of the dislocated crystal and to the respective classical expressions for infinite continuum. In order to analyze the modeling results in the most singular area around the dislocation core, it is expedient to consider the stress distribution in crystal planes crossing the core. The shear stress rxy in the horizontal crystal plane touching the core top (y/b = 1) is plotted in Fig. 4a. The plot suggests the core width of 4b and the crystal shear strength of about 0.1G. The tensile stress rxx in the left vertical half plane under the core (x/b = 0.5, y/b 6 0) and in the middle vertical half plane over the core (x/b = 0, y/b > 0), plotted in Fig. 4b, corresponds to the core height of 2b and the crystal tensile strength of about 0.22G. All these magnitudes satisfactorily comply with the relevant physical estimates (Dieter, 1986; Hirth & Lothe, 1968). It is worth noting that the calculated rxx component is slightly less in magnitude than its continuum counterpart (Fig. 4b). This is not at all surprising since the considered crystal is finite in plane XY and, hence, its local bending due to the dislocation is less constrained in comparison to the case of infinite matter. Apparently, stronger constraints (bigger crystal) would augment magnitudes of both compressive stresses above the dislocation (Y > 0) and tensile stresses under the latter (Y < 0). 4. Discussion In the present paper a truly discrete expression (18) for the stress balance equation has been based on the simplest form of gradient matrix assuming uniformity of the sought value of ru over a differentiation domain. When the latter covers only one coordination shell of nodes surrounding the central one and almost equidistant from the latter, as is the case in this work, such an assumption is relevant to discretization; otherwise possible non-linearity of an underlying field u(r) will result in notably more inaccuracy. On the other hand, in case of highly non-uniform distribution of nodal points, inherent in certain problems, local gradient calculations may involve various quantities of nodal variables. Hence some refinement of the present MIF formulation would be advisable, specifically allowing for nodes differently remote from a center of their cluster considered. In this regard it is expedient to partition a unique matrix expressions (7) into individual nodal contributions (i = 1, 2, . . ., N) according to (Zisman & Ermakova, 2006; Zisman et al., 2006): 132 A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 N X $u ¼ g i ui ; N X g i ¼ ri ri ri i¼1 !1 ð30Þ i¼1 where gi is a partial gradient term related to node number i and ui is displacement of the latter. Therefore a weighted evaluation of ru may be expressed as ð$uÞx ¼ N X ðg i ui Þxðr i Þ; ð31Þ i¼1 where ri = (riri)1/2 and x(r) is an appropriate weight function decreasing with distance r. At the same time, unlike the current meshless method (Belyschko et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2006; Fries & Matthies, 2004; Ullah & Augarde, 2013), truly discrete MIF models should use only nodal values xi = x(ri), whichever forms and properties of employed weight functions. The discussed refinement, however, is a subject of further works as this would complicate the present introductory paper. Meanwhile a successful application of MIF modeling in the case study of edge dislocation evidences for a sound potential of this method in solid mechanics, particularly at its frontier related to microscopic structures. However, a question may arise of why the assumed linear elasticity properly works on a microscopic scale around the dislocation core. The reason is that most strong crystal distortions in the selected intermediate configuration (middle layer in Fig. 1a) do matter only during some number of starting iterations and are gradually reduced as the model approaches the balance. Therefore, if the procedure eventually converges as is the case here, elastic strains in the final configuration become much smaller and a linear response to them becomes satisfactory approximation, except for ‘‘interiors’’ of the microscopic core, of course. As to the assumption of elastic isotropy, it was employed in this trial MIF model for simplicity sake only, whereas Hooke’s law in its general (anisotropic) form may be used with the same geometrical formalism. Estimates for the dislocation core dimensions and for the related crystal strength, although they have been made with a mechanistic model, are in a surprisingly good correspondence to relevant physical data. Apart from the considered modeling method, such results should be attributed to the physically motivated selection of nodal points. Indeed, the considered lattice dislocation was treated on the scale of its characteristic Burgers vector, determining related elastic fields. This scale also corresponds to the least structural length where mechanical response of crystalline materials can be rationally considered. Based on similar reasons, other numerical models, also essentially mechanistic, have been applied to microscopic structures of polymers (Wang et al., 2006) and to structured interfaces in living tissues (Bertoldi, Bigoni, & Drugan, 2007). In the present work the minimum number of adjacent nodal points covered by a differentiation domain around each considered node seemingly implicates from the physical point of view the minimum cutoff radius of interatomic interaction. Hence it would be interesting in further MIF works to vary the domain dimensions and, accordingly, the number of involved neighbors in order to estimate effects of crystal type and of atomic bonding on the shape and dimensions of the dislocation core. Furthermore, similar efforts would concern foundations of non-local elasticity approach in solid mechanics (Eringen, 2002; Kroner, 1967). As evident from the reported case study, most relevant applications of MIF models should reflect material structures. In particular, a known way to eliminate nonphysical strain singularities, while treating crystal defects with continuous models, is the gradient elasticity approach assuming certain ‘‘internal lengths’’ and introducing appropriate constitutive equations (Gutkin & Aifantis, 1999). To justify both these assumptions and equations, the crystal structure should be taken into account more explicitly, and the discrete MIF modeling is a good expedient for that. Besides, when considering damage processes in specifically complicated structures like textile composites, it is not always possible to indicate distinctive cracks (fracture surface) on local scales. Hence appropriate damage characteristics, expressed in terms of strain or stress, should be ascribed to representative material domains (Lomov et al., 2008), and the gradient matrix flexibility in variation of the treated domain dimensions appears to be very favorable in this connection. The same option may facilitate numerical analysis of strong stress singularities arising in deformed heterogeneous materials around corners and apices of faceted hard particles, etc. 5. Conclusions The gradient matrix used in this paper is a flexible form of truly discrete derivative operator that applies immediately to nodal variables with no assumption for continuous fields between scattered nodal points. This matrix allows one to simply extend constitutive differential equations to discrete data and hence enables the meshless and interpolation-free (MIF) numerical modeling. When applied to displacements, strains and stresses, the MIF modeling with an appropriate iteration procedure makes it possible to solve the stress balance equation in terms of nodal variables only. For a trial application of this approach in solid mechanics, a rectilinear edge dislocation in the primitive cubic lattice has been simulated and the obtained results prove to be in a good correspondence to relevant physical data on the defect core and to the long-range stress field of respective dislocation in continuum, known in an analytical form. Acknowledgement The author gratefully acknowledges stimulating discussions of this work with C. Teodosiu and P. Van Houtte. A. Zisman / International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 124–133 133 References Belyschko, T., Krongauz, Y., Organ, D., Fleming, M., & Krysl, P. (1996). Meshless methods: an overview and recent developments. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics Engineering, 139, 3–47. Belytschko, T., Gracie, R., & Ventura, G. (2009). A review of extended/genegalized finite element method (SFEM). Modelling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering, 17, 24. 043001. Belytschko, T., Gu, L., & Lu, Y. Y. (1994). 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