Weekly Email BLAST, February 6, 2015 Important Deadline Notification: Beginning February 8, 2015 In order to serve you better with accuracy and the most reliable information available, all submissions to the weekly SPC Bulletin and BLAST must be received by Tuesdays at 12:00 noon in order to appear in that week's editions. This deadline also applies to edits, updates, and/or changes to existing information and articles. Any items received after Tuesdays at noon will appear in the following week's publications. If you have questions, please contact the church office at 683-0254. Thank you. *Please submit all future requests regarding articles or notices that you wish to have published in either the BLAST or Bulletin to [email protected], or call the church office at 6830254. SPC Annual Meeting is this Sunday... February 8, 2015 The meeting will be held between worship services. The purpose is to receive the budget and approve changes in pastoral terms of call. Copies of the 2014 Annual Report will be available at the Welcome Center, or you may view the report or financials by clicking on the following: 2014 Annual Report Financials (2014) Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 18 Please join us in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. Rev. Linda McClanahan will be preaching; the sermon title is "Philip: First to be Called," and the Scripture is John 1: 43. For more information, call the church office at 683-0254. Nursery/Toddler Care - Volunteers Needed... During Church Services at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. Please consider volunteering at 9:15 a.m. in the nursery or at 10:45 a.m. in either the nursery or toddler room. We are looking for people who can commit to one Sunday per month and who Continuing Care List Please pray for: Chuck Lowe Harlyn Hubers Joan Wagner Jim Abbott Kim Fix Zach Malanchuk Lewise Kalsbeek Richard Jones Mackenzie Hicks Ernie Tong Robert Weidner Patty Reinhart Marirose Stiver John Gillcrist Mel Reno Emily Hill Julie Malcolm Mildred Frantz Mary Read Ron Brady Joe Burnett The Rhein's Family Dianne Harmon Tom Morgenfeld John Gantt Ruth Gantt Marcia Werger John Taylor Dave Spaeth John Beil Robbie Koslan David Read Helen Sperling Mary Hastings love children. If interested, contact Julie Smith at [email protected]. Thank you! Readings: Lenten Symbols Individual or Family Opportunity We need people for the Lenten Symbol readings each Sunday during lent. Each person or group will be asked to read for one service. Materials will be provided. If interested, please contact Judy Abrams at [email protected] or 954-980-3465. Thank you. Usher Volunteers: Please consider volunteering as a Sunday usher. It is a great way to serve the church while getting to know the members and visitors better. If you are interested in joining the 9:15 a.m. Sunday usher team, please contact Rhett Francisco, usher chairman, at [email protected]. Thank you! Attention: All Veterans & families of active duty military men and women: We are trying to compile a list of ALL veterans who are members of SPC. We would like to know which branch of the military they were in, if they were enlisted or drafted, and when and where they served. It would be helpful to know their addresses and phone numbers as well. In addition to veterans, we would like the following information on any active or deployed military men and women who belong to the church or are related to any church member(s): names, addresses, and branches of the military. Please call Dee Daniels (Deacon at SPC) at 513-652-9317 and leave a message, OR email her at [email protected] 2015 Offering Envelopes You may pick up your 2015 offering envelopes in the Cafe. Thank you. If you have any questions, contact the church office at 6830254. Children's Ministries SUNDAY (February 8) PROJECT LINUS This virtuous endeavor begins this coming Sunday, so please consider participating. All are encouraged to grab instructions from the Children's Ministries table and buy the necessary fleece to make a blanket for donation to this worthy cause. Instructions are available at the Children's Ministries table or by clicking on the following link: Project Linus Blankets will be collected during the 10:45 a.m. service on Sunday, February 22. Blankets are then donated to special agencies like hospitals, foster care, police/fire/EMS and disaster response units that comfort children with a blanket 'hug' in potentially scary situations. *Please note if you are unable to attend church on February 22, you may drop your blanket off at the church office Monday through Friday anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. prior to 2/22, or contact Jan Ferris. Vacation Bible School- Many of you have been asking, "When is VBS this year?" Mark your calendars! It will be the week of June 22-26 in the mornings. Questions regarding Children's Ministries: Jan Ferris 683-0254 Student Ministries Sunday (February 8) Confirmation 915: 9:15 a.m. in the Underground Awakenings, Elevation & Cross-Training: 10:45 a.m. in the Underground Confirmation 430: 4:30 p.m. in the Underground Senior High Sunday Practice: 6-8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. $25 Deposits and Applications are due for the Happy Church Summer Mission Trips for both students and families! Senior High Sunday Practices for ALL Students: Wednesday (2/11) 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Thursday (2/19) Walk Through: 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Saturday (2/21) Run Through: 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary *Kroger Cards must be re-registered every year! To do so, go online to www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Registering your Kroger Card supports Student Ministries!! Please Contact Wendy Grethel with any questions! *For questions or additional information regarding Student Ministries, contact Meredith Reuscher at 683-0254. Adult Ministries Sycamore Singles: Friday, February 13, will be our first opportunity of 2015 to provide dinner for the IHN families. The fellowship and care that the singles provide is very important to our guests and is an excellent opportunity for us to share the love of Christ. Please arrive as close to 5:30 p.m. as possible. Linda Hill will be there to help coordinate and set up. Menu: grilled cheese sandwiches - provided by IHN soups, salads, desserts - provided by Singles Menu contributions to date: SOUPS Bonnie Gregory Barb Skelton - tomato soup SALADS Julie Glenn - jello with fruit DESSERTS: Diane Flanigan - cake Nancy Jones - choc. chip cookies Bonnie Gregory - cobbler Jerri Anderson - cake Linda Harvey Also, there may be a need to play with some of the children from 7 - 8:30 p.m. Please let me know if you can volunteer to help in this way as well. For more information, please contact Jo Farmer at [email protected] Matthew 25 Ministries: Family Ministries will be serving at Matthew 25 Ministries on Saturday, February 21, 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Sign up in the Café. Contact Wendy Grethel at [email protected] Wilmington Project: We will serve our friends at the Sugartree Ministries in Wilmington on the 1st Wednesday in February (2/4) for lunch and the 4th Tuesday (2/24) and the 4th Thursday (2/26) for dinner. Show times are 11:45 a.m. for lunch and 5:45 p.m. for dinner. Serving at Sugartree is a great way to help those in need, have outstanding fellowship with others, and demonstrate the true spirit of Sycamore Presbyterian Church. Contact either Bob Morgenfeld ([email protected] or 933-0274) or Rhonda Vickers ([email protected] or 295-3834). Thank you. Men's Cooking Class with Melissa Wharton, February 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Church Kitchen. The cost is $9.00 per person payable the day of the event. Register A.S.A.P. due to limited enrollment of only 8 people with 3 additional on a waiting list. The menu consists of Fish & More...Don't just hook it; learn how to cook it! For more information, please contact Melissa Wharton at 891-9288. Eunice Circle Announcement: All women are invited to attend the Eunice Circle meeting on Thursday, February 12, at 12:00 noon in the Chapel. Program: February Highlights by June Purcell; light lunch served. For more information, call Jeanette Miller at 683-0639. Lenten Study on the Disciples Adult Ministries will be offering a Lenten study "Watching the Disciples: Learning from Their Mistakes" This small group discussion group is similar and related to the Sermon Series about the disciples and how we can be better disciples in our own lives. The Lenten study examines the 12 Disciples in their on-the-job training to become disciples of Jesus. We hope to find guidance for our pilgrimage and help us to assess our own discipleship. Join us as your schedule allows! It starts February 22, Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in room 120 with Steve Helterbridle or 10:45 a.m. in the Manse with Wendy Grethel. Also, sign up if you would be interested in Wednesday Evening 78:00 p.m with Missy Iannelli starting February 25. Saturday StoneMason Bible Overview... will start March 14, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 120. What is most amazing about the disciples is that Jesus ever selected them at all; among them were a handful of common fishermen, a hated tax collector, and an impulsive political zealot. Who were these men? When you take a fresh look at the disciples, you'll be faced with a stunning fact: the men the Savior chose were ordinary...hopelessly human...remarkably unremarkable, but they were available and obedient to the Master's call. Come and join us as we study "TWELVE ORDINARY MEN", a book by John MacArthur. This class will be moderated by Alan Greggo and Chris Dugle. We start at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 10:00 a.m. sharp every Saturday. Donuts and coffee are served, along with a big helping of fellowship and fun. All men, sons, fathers, grandfathers, youth...etc. are invited to join. Book and workbook provided for $27. Please sign up on the sheet provided in the Café. If you have questions, feel free to email Alan Greggo at [email protected]. "The Life of Jesus, A Study of the Gospels" (a women's small group study) with Rev. McClanahan meets on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. or Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in Room 120. Questions: Linda McClanahan at [email protected]. **Childcare available upon request. Dinners for 6, 7, or 8 - Please see the guest/host chart in the Café. Singles meet for lunch on the third Sunday of each month following the second service. They meet in the Café first to decide on a restaurant. All singles are welcome!! Lamplighters is a self-led small group that meets every Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center and the membership is constantly evolving. Call Joyce or Don Dunham (398-6893) if you are interested or just have questions. MOPS (moms of preschoolers) A Christian small group that supports moms. MOPS will meet Wednesday, February 11, in the Media Center from 9:30-11:30 a.m. We need people who will give a helping hand with childcare. We need your hands. Contact Trina Gunn at 518-9809 or [email protected] for more information. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University: This is a 9 week study beginning this Sunday, February 8, in the Media Center. Neil Gartner will be the class leader. The program teaches you how to beat debt, build wealth, and keep your own economy thriving with topics like "Super Saving" and "Dumping Debt." Sign up now at the Adult Ministry Table in the Café area. Questions? Contact Neil at mailto:[email protected]. Sunday Small Group Study: Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely committed follower of Jesus, by Kyle Idleman; New people welcome anytime. We meet at 9:15 a.m. with Steve Helterbridle in Rm. 120 and again at 10:45 a.m. with Wendy Grethel in the Manse. This study will present an honest look at your relationship with Jesus and allow you the opportunity to consider if it is really the relationship He desires to have with you. Sign up in the Café or online at sycamorechurch.org. not a fan. Kyle Idleman Beth Moore Women's Study Children of the Day: 1st & 2nd Thessalonians will be studied. Meets Wednesdays in Room 120, 9:30-11:15 AM. Adult Ministry...it's never too late... to join an Adult Ministry Small Group - Continue your spiritual growth! There are a lot of options: Adult Small Group Calendar: Take a look and see if anything inspires you; everyone is welcome to attend. On-line registration is available, and you may purchase your books in the area outside of the Music Room Sundays, 10:45-11:45 a.m., Room 120, Study: Book of Matthew, Leader: Randy Gross Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m., 2/8/2015-4/12/15 (Easter off), Room 223: Financial Peace University, Leader: Neil Gartner Mondays, 10:30-12:00 p.m., Room 120: What's So Amazing About Grace, Leader: Marilyn Poe 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Room 120: Women of the New Testament, Leader: Claudia Gross 3rd Tuesday, Harmony, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Room 120:The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury, Leader: Mitzi Green Tuesdays, Lamplighters, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Media Center, II Corinthians, Leaders: Don and Joyce Dunham Wednesdays, 6:45-7:30 a.m., in Room 120, Men's Bible Group, I Corinthians, Leader: John Strong Wednesdays, 9:30-11:15 a.m., Room 120: Beth Moore, Children of the Day, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians will be studied. Leader: Jenny Ellsworth If you would like detailed information, including contact information, please visit the Adult Ministries Table in the Cafe, or call Wendy Grethel at 683-0254. Thank you. Prime Timers' Royal Caribbean "Fall" Cruise: ACT FAST: There are (2) two Balcony and (1) one Ocean View cabins remaining at the quoted flyer price. Any cabins booked after these three will have a price increase due to airfare costs. Our group discount block of 26 cabins has 23 cabins assigned to excited SPC travelers. Act fast to be the occupants of our 3 remaining cabins. If you are interested in going on this fabulous adventure (Royal Caribbean Serenade of the Seas 10 night cruise), reserve your cabin NOW by contacting Irene Strong at 677-1712, or stop by the Cafe this coming Sunday. This cruise ship will set sail on September 15, 2015 and travel through New England to Canada offering a kaleidoscope of fall colors as the foliage emanates from the coastal shores featuring scenic lighthouses and breathtaking landscapes. Irene has all the details, so plan on stopping by the Cafe this coming Sunday!!! Space is very limited, so bring your check book or credit card with you to reserve this once-in-a-lifetime trip! Prime Timers - Only 7 SPOTS Remain... JUST DO IT; register for our Bardstown & Louisville trip scheduled for June 16 and 17, 2015. This two day - one night trip is filled with a wide variety of activities including an exceptional production of The Stephen Foster Musical and exciting tours of Churchill Downs and the Louisville Bat Factory...and much more! To register, look for the Poster in the Cafe area, and discover the details of this exciting jaunt down south to Bardstown - the most beautiful small town in America, and Louisville. The LOW cost of this trip is $265.00 for double occupancy and $335.00 for single occupancy. A deposit of only $50.00 will hold your reservation with your final payment due on April 5, 2015. The Tour Includes: Transportation via deluxe Motor Coach; gratuity to driver; Accommodations: Hampton Inn, Bardstown; Meals: Dinner at Chapeze House; breakfast at Hampton Inn; Admission: to all venues as listed in the *itinerary; Taxes and Gratuities: included for all *itinerary features; Escort: Irene Strong Questions: Call Irene Strong at 677-1712. Iberian Vacation with Barcelona Extension: This is your chance to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to visit Spain including Madrid, Lisbon, Salamanca, Tangier, Morocco, Granada, Toledo, Barcelona, and more. Visit the Cafe area for detailed information on making this dream trip your reality. Questions: contact Ceil Allard at 459-1730 or [email protected] or Lois Borisch at 489-0744 or [email protected]. The Media Center's Suggestion of the Week: Her Daughter's Dream River, Francine F Riv (location) Recently donated to the Media Center, readers will find something to relate to in this story. Mother/daughter relationships, expectations from yourself and from others, dreams shattered, and God moving in ways you didn't know existed. Check it out! Additional Childcare Available: If you are interested in participating in any of our Sunday morning classes and workshops, please note that we now offer a supervised area for preschool age children and older during the 9:15 a.m. hour. Please sign in at the Nursery. For questions, please contact Julie Smith at [email protected]. Lawn Fete Collections Items for Lawn Fete and the Spring Sale can be dropped off at the storage facility at any time. If the building is closed, just put the item on the porch, and it will be moved inside the next day. Pickups will start in March. If you have questions, contact Doug Gausmann (683-8614 or [email protected]). Follow Sycamore on Twitter: If you want to keep up with the latest happenings at church, just follow us on Twitter for photos, events, and inspirational thoughts-@SycamorePC. Sycamore Public WIFI Log in to Sycamore's public WIFI anytime you are at the facility. Search for the SCPublic network, and access it with the password: scwelcome. Deacons of the Month The Deacons of the Month for February are Janie McCormick (513-398-7505) and Doug Gausmann (513-683-8614). Active Military Service SSG Kurt Davis, US Army National Guard 2nd Lt. Mark Folchi, USAF PO3C James Hough, USN Sgt. Paul Ryan Keller, USAF* Brandyn LaFarge, USN Staff Sgt Kelsey Melzer, USAF MM3 Joseph Prickett, USN* Staff Sgt. Andrew Ruberg, USMC LCpl. Zachary Sultz, USMC Sgt. Nathan McCall, Army* 2nd Lt. Michael Hills, Army* *Deployed Sycamore Church | | [email protected] | http://www.sycamorechurch.org 11800 Mason Road Cincinnati, OH 45249
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