february 2015 - First United Presbyterian Church

First United Press
First United
C hurc h
6 0 5 N . W eb s t e r A ve .
De Pere, W I 54115
(920) 336-1446
[email protected]
www .firstunitedpc.org
Sunday School
8:30 am
Worship Service
9:45 am
Coffee Fellowship
10:45 am
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9 am - 1 pm
Editor-Mark Young
[email protected]
Are you ready?
Every time I hear someone ask that
question I get nervous. Perhaps
because every time I’ve been asked
that question it usually involves me
saying “yes”. Take for instance the
time my wife, Meggan, asked if I
would go parasailing with her on our
honeymoon. I said “yes”, of course.
Right before my feet
lost their grip on the
deck of the boat, I
remember Meggan
asking me, “Are you
ready?”. Of course I
wasn’t, but it was too
This month, we
begin our Fi rs t
Quest 2015. Are you
ready? We are asking all members
and friends of First United to
participate in a six-week Bible
Study. The small groups will begin
meeting during the last week in
February and continue throughout
the season of Lent. The Bible Study
groups will be led by friends and
members of our church. Everyone
will be provided with the study guide
and encouraged to sign up with a
weekly group. Sign-up sheets will
be available beginning Sunday,
February 8th. With more than a
dozen groups meeting at different
locations and times, there should be
a time and place that works for you.
In addition, beginning on Sunday,
February 22nd at 8:30am, we will be
introducing a five-week Sunday
Sc hool c lass titled “The Fi ve
C o n g r e g a t i o n s ” by Robert
Schnase. This class will look at five
core characteristics that every
vibrant congregation should be
practicing. The class will offer
engaging conversation about our
church and how well
we incorporate these
FUPC Vision Quest
congregation a rare
discuss where we
see God leading us
into the future. It is
an exciting time, but
it also can be a little
scary. After all, God has promised to
make God’s presence known to
those who seek Him. And when God
shows up, incredible and often times
unimaginable things can happen.
So … are you ready?
I hope you will join me in saying
“Yes”, because, here at First United
Presbyterian Church, the future is
bright. When we trust in God and
take that leap of faith, we will find
that the views are well worth the
In Christ,
Can You Hear Me Now? A 2015 Update
Page 2
by Mark Young, Communications Coordinator
The way we communicate with
evolve, and so does our
church communication. After
exploring the changing trends,
and listening to your feedback,
we’ve decided to make some
adjustments in our church
communications efforts.
The most notable change is
that this will be our last monthly
newsletter - at least in this
format. With the speed of life
today, the idea of creating one
document 30 days in advance
doesn’t really make much
sense anymore. Instead, we’ll
information through our weekly
newsletter (bulletin announcement insert), emails, website,
and Facebook page. The
monthly newsletter will be
reformatted into a simple threeor
including upcoming birthdays,
information, a calendar of
appropriate content.
offerings that will be beginning
this month. The first will be a
special email from Pastor Luke
arriving in your inbox near the
end of each week highlighting
the coming Sunday’s scripture
and sermon message. It should
allow us all to be much more
connected each Sunday.
The second new addition will be
a weekly bulletin insert called
Nurturing our faith shouldn’t
begin and end on Sunday
morning. This exciting new
resource will give us all
weekly examples of caring
rituals/traditions, daily Bible
verses, and more. Every
individual and family should be
able to nurture their faith all
week long with the help of our
new “Taking Faith Home”
bulletin inserts.
Our goal is to share as much
information about the life of our
church with as much of our
current (and future) church
family as possible. If you miss
some of the printed information,
much of it will also be routinely
emailed to you. Most of it will
also be available through
We’d also like to introduce two www.firstunitedpc.org.
communication those of you who aren’t
comfortable with the electronic
communication, much of the
information can be mailed to
you. All you need to do is
request it through the church
communication is a two-way
street. Please always feel free
to let me know what you like
and what you don’t like about
our efforts. Share your suggestions. I hope you find the updates we’re making to be useful
as we all continue to work together to grow in our faith.
Your Staff
Rev. Luke Farwell
[email protected]
Rev. Meggan Farwell
[email protected]
Mark Young
[email protected]
Sonja Baumeister
[email protected]
Sue Planert
[email protected]
ORGANIST: Julie Mackey
Andrew Parks
Noah Reif
CUSTODIAN: Jim Ziebarth
Page 3
What’s Going On...
Our Christmas Giving Tree
has become our Receiving
Tree! All through February,
the Connecting Ministry
invites each of us to share
what we receive from our
church. Paper hearts will be
provided so we can write
down what the church means to us. Search
your heart, and share your feelings. When
everyone hangs them on the Receiving Tree,
it’s sure to become a beautiful display!
invited to join us for our
Men’s Bible Study &
Prayer Group. This
month we’ll only meet
February 12, at 7pm in
the Koinonia Lounge.
After that, we’ll take a break so everyone can
attend one of the F.U.P.C. Vision Quest Bible
Study groups instead.
The “Warmth of the Son”
group is back with more
fleece blanket tying for 2015!
Everyone’s invited to join the
group on Sunday, February
8, following worship. Come
have some fun for a good
cause and help share the
warmth of the Son! See the
article on page 7 for the
latest update on plans for this year’s donations.
Co n te m po ra r y
Readers Group will meet
Sunday, February 8 at
5:30pm in the Koinonia
Lounge. Jean Hamersky
will review Learning to
Walk in the Dark by
Barbara Brown Taylor which explores how
darkness may enhance our spiritual life.
Contact Jean Hamersky, Lee Richardson, or
Anneliese Waggoner for more information.
Do you have children
age pre-K through 6th
grade? If you do,
Party on Wednesday,
5:45pm. We’ll share dinner, games, and a
special devotion to learn about the greatest love
- the love of God through Christ Jesus. You’re
asked to bring a side dish to share, but hot dogs
and drinks will be provided. Younger or older
siblings are welcome to join in the fun with your
family for this special, holiday event.
During February, Simple Supper
will be replaced with another
special meal. You’re invited to
enjoy the traditional Men’s Club
“Fat Tuesday” Pancake and
Porkies Dinner on Tuesday,
February 17, beginning at 5:45pm.
Then on Wednesday,
February 18, we hope you’ll
join us for a special Ash
Wednesday worship service
starting at 7pm. It’s the
beginning of the season of
Lent, which is a 40-day period
preparing for Easter.
Find out more about our
partnership in Uraba,
Join us for a
special evening when Rev.
Sarah Henken visits our
church on Tuesday, March
3, at 7pm in the Koinonia
Lounge. Rev. Sarah is a
Mission Co-Worker, World Mission’s liaison for
the Andean region, who worked for three years
as coordinator for PC(USA)’s ministry of
accompaniment in the Presbytery of Uraba.
Rev. Sarah began her work as a Young Adult
Volunteer and will also be able to speak about
that program in the PC(USA). Coffee and
dessert will be served.
Christian Education Ministry News
Page 4
by Meggan Farwell, D.C.E.
their response are invited to
receive the Lord’s Supper
recognizing that their
understanding of participation
will vary according to their
maturity.” (W-2.2002)
Sunday School
Congratulations to Violet Smale
and Ari Duncanson, the Middle
School and Senior High winners
of our attendance raffle. Who will
win in the spring? Make sure you
are present on Sunday mornings
to earn a raffle ticket!
Please take the time to consider
how important it is to introduce
your child to the sacrament of
the Lord’s Supper. First
experiences leave impressions
that will last a lifetime for our
and drinks will be provided.
Younger or older siblings are
welcome to join in the fun with
your family for this special,
In communication with our youth holiday event. Come out and
and their teachers, the Senior get to know other families with
We recognize children as an
High Sunday School will be children in our church!
important part of our church,
beginning a new curriculum.
and we welcome them to the
Communion Class
Each week they will cover a new
table when you, their parent
topic from The Thoughtful On Sunday, February 22nd,
or guardian, believe the time
Christian. Topics include (but from 11am until noon, there will
is right.
are not limited to) “The Dating be an informational class about
Game - How to Survive the communion for any Sunday
Roller Coaster” ... “Advent – Why School-aged child or youth and
Do We Celebrate It?“ ... “Be My their parent(s). This is an
Valentine! What is Love?”. Stop
o p p o r t u n it y
in and see what it is all about!
to learn more
Family Valentine Party
Do you have children age pre-K
through 6th grade? If you do,
come enjo y our Famil y
Valentine Party on Wednesday,
February 11, from 5:45 until
7:15pm. We’ll share dinner,
games, and a special devotion to
learn about the greatest love the love of God through Christ
Jesus. You’re asked to bring a
side dish to share, but hot dogs
Church (U.S.A.) - The Lord’s
Supper or Communion.
According to the Book of Order,
“Baptized children who are
being nurtured and instructed in
the significance of the invitation
to the Table and the meaning of
Vacation Bible School 2015
will take place the last week of
July, from Sunday, July 26th
through Thursday, July 30th!
Senior High Mission Trip Introduction
Page 5
by Cindi Barnett, Chair of Christian Education Ministry
Our Senior High youth will again be participating
in a Group-sponsored workcamp this summer.
Workcamps are weeklong mission trips where our
youth work hard repairing homes for people in
need while experiencing the amazing power of
community to accomplish God’s work.
Workcamps are high-energy and action-packed,
yet powerful and life-changing. The camps are
BIG: more than 300 youth participate, creating lots
of energy and excitement throughout the entire
week. Youth come together to serve individuals
and communities while
building strong, long-lasting
relationships with their friends
and youth leaders. In six short
days, hundreds of students
from youth groups across the
country repair and transform
homes - and strengthen and
transform their own faith.
This year’s Mission Trip will
be held in Green Bay,
Wisconsin! What a great
opportunity to serve our
own community!
Here are more details about
this year’s project:
• Devotions to read before, during, and
after your trip
Highly trained,
Mission trip handbook for each
participant (a personal devotion
book and guide for the week)
Comprehensive safety training at the
beginning of the week
What do we ask of you?
1) Prayerfully consider
serving as a chaperone. It
is a rewarding experience.
Just ask Mark DeCleene,
Rick Braun, Michelle
Erdman, Amy Braun
Nelson, or Lora and Steve
Warner who have all
served as chaperones on
past trips.
2) Pray for our youth as
they prepare for this lifechanging experience.
“Group” Home Repair
July 12-18, 2015
Green Bay, Wisconsin
3) Support their fundraising
activities as they work to raise funds to support
the cost of their trip.
Cost $550 (includes the $447 payment for each
youth and each chaperone attending the
workcamp and vehicle rental if needed).
The 10th Annual Silent Auction fundraiser
to benefit the 2015 Mission Trip (and all
Youth Programming) is set for March 8! All
donations of auction items, food, or time
will be appreciated. Contact Cassie Griffin,
Suzanna Driscoll, Michelle Erdman or Amy
Braun Nelson for more information or to
What’s included in the $447 Group registration
• Lodging during the week
• All meals, except for dinner on your free
• All supplies and project materials for
each worksite
• Themed T-shirt for each participant
• Development of Bible-based, thematic,
fun, faith-building programs
Thank you in advance for your support and
prayers! If you would like additional
information or have questions, call the church
office at 920-336-1446 or email Amy Braun
Nelson at [email protected].
C O N N E CT I N G …
by Anneliese Waggoner
...to Our Community and to God’s World
Brightening Christmas for
Those in Need
At Christmas, we were able to
help 14 families including 21
adults, 10 teenagers, 18
children, and one infant through
our Giving Tree program. You,
our members, took care of all
the original gift tags on the tree.
Additional tags were added for
cleaning supplies. All of those
wishes were fulfilled as well. In
order to give families more
choice for groceries, we
purchased gift cards of varying
amounts for each family unit.
Families also found a ham,
cheese, a fruit basket, personal
care items, hot chocolate, and
candy canes in their baskets.
Many thanks to Cindi Barnett,
Lynn Huebbe, Marilyn Kabat,
Diane and Andy Betz, and
Karen and Gus Hanold for
making this all possible.
Thanks to everyone who
denominational Christmas Joy
Offering. Donations are used to
help retired Presbyterian pastors
live out their lives with dignity
and to provide aid to needy
students in Presbyterian
colleges. Your donations totaled
Help Make a Home for
Decorators and handymen - our
EPH home needs you! Lori Dill,
our Ecumenical Partnership for
Housing coordinator, is looking
for people to help her get the
home our church supervises
ready for a new family. Our
home turns over approximately
once a year, so this is not
necessarily an ongoing
commitment. You can “adopt a
room” in the home and have
responsibility to clean, paint if
necessary, and get creative. It’s
your opportunity to provide a
comfortable, welcoming space
for people who have never had
such a home before. If
interested, contact Lori at 4981178 or email to [email protected].
& the Connecting Ministry
served by Joe Williams, Sue
Pranke, Pat Schock, Jean and
Ken Schneider,
Zeitler, and Mike Kettner. In
addition, Lois Pelishek and Lee
Richardson prepared and
delivered meals to the Freedom
House. Thank you all!!!
If you would like to help prepare
the meal or serve at the Shelter
on the third Tuesday of the
month, please contact Cindi
Barnett at 737-5376 or
[email protected].
Learn More about Our
Partnership in Colombia
Watch for the opportunity to
donate hygiene supplies. Our
community will be collecting
hygiene supplies for the homeless February 22 - March 15.
Look for the collection box at
church. Items needed include
soap, toothpaste, dental floss,
toothbrushes, shampoo,
conditioner, lotion, etc. Please
bring new items that are large
enough to supply people for
N.E.W. Shelter Update
On Tuesday, January 20, 183
meals were served at the shelter. The meal was prepared by
our team of Lee Richardson,
Joe and Barb Williams, Deb and
Dennis Hibray, Cindi Barnett,
and Mike Kettner.
Cakes for dessert were provided
by Diane Betz, Sandy Steffen,
Mike Kettner, Kathleen Zeitler,
and Marilyn Knuth. Dinner was
Join us when Rev. Sarah
Henken will be visiting our
church on Tuesday, March 3, at
7pm in the Koinonia Lounge to
tell us firsthand about life and
ministry with the people of the
Uraba Presbytery. Rev. Sarah
is a Mission Co-Worker, World
Mission’s liaison for the Andean
region, who worked for three
years as coordinator for
PC(USA)’s ministry of
accompaniment in the
Presbytery of Uraba.
Sarah began her work as a
Young Adult Volunteer and will
be able to speak about that
program in the PC(USA). Coffee
and dessert will be served.
Ethiopian Missionaries
Return to US
John and Gwen Haspels, our
missionaries who were shot last
October in Ethiopia, will be
returning to the U.S. shortly.
Gwen has a long treatment
plan ahead as the doctors
restore her face and mouth.
Prayers are appreciated!
Presbyterian Women News & Notes
Page 7
February 5, Thursday = PW Coordinating Team Meeting @ 9am - Room 11
February 5, Thursday = Mission Sewing @ 9:30am - Koinonia Lounge
February 12, Thursday = Ruth/Talbot Circle @ Noon - Koinonia Lounge
February 18, Wednesday = Esther Circle Bible Study @ 9:30am - K Lounge
February 24, Tuesday = 4th Tuesday Readers @ 7pm - Church Library
If you would like more information or are interested in attending any
of these events, please contact Julie Mackey at 337-0890.
Did You Tie One On?
By Anita Sevcik
With almost a year covered in fleece, it’s time to
celebrate the success of Warmth of the Son.
Warmth of the Son had
three amazing donation
opportunities in 2014.
Golden House Domestic
Shelter, St. Vincent Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiners,
and De Pere Fire and
Rescue were all recipients of
tie blankets from our
organization. Upon delivery of the blankets, each
group shared their community involvement with
us and how the blankets would be used.
The feedback we received was awesome. The
director of SANE shared that the nurses were
grateful to give a blanket to a patient to help calm
them during
De Pere
R e s c u e
they would
the blankets
in the rescue
little ones would have something to hold during
transports or emergencies.
This year is off to an exciting start. New
opportunities with community agencies are being
generated. St. Vincent SANE has requested
another batch
We are also
developing a
U n i t e d ’ s
P a r t n e r s hi p
for Housing house. Warmth of the Son would
provide blankets to the our E.P.H. team for the
children moving into the James House. Upon the
children’s arrival to their new home, they would
find a blanket to call their own.
So - if you
have tied a
few knots,
money for
f l e e c e
purchases THANK YOU! The next scheduled sessions for
more blanket tying are February 8, March 15,
and March 22 right after Sunday worship in the
Koinonia Lounge. Let’s continue this community
outreach to keep those in need wrapped in the
Warmth of the Son.
F.U.P.C. Time Machine
Each month we’ll share an old photo of one of our current church families.
See if you can guess who it is, then watch for more details next month!
Here’s last month’s photo…
It’s John and Nancy Nusbaum
with their children Becky and Joe
from around 1984!
First United in
De Pere from
Missouri in a
move. They
say their spiritual growth over the time spent in the
South led them to seek a church family that embraced
a Christ-centered spirit of worship and had a mission
of social justice. They found it at First United Presbyterian in De Pere.
Their children, Becky and Joe, were both baptized
and confirmed at this church. John and Nancy have
served as Elders on the Session, on Pastoral Search
Committees, and on numerous boards and
commissions. They’ve also been involved with church
expansions and property acquisitions to secure the
beautiful grounds we all enjoy today. Their many years of growth and fellowship here included Moon
Beach Camp, fruitcake baking, church choir, vacation bible school, and more.
Retirement finds the Nusbaums seeking the warmer climes in Florida during the winter months along
with downsizing to a more manageable home in Wisconsin for their autumn years. When asked what
the church means to them, John and Nancy said, “To this day, it is more than a spiritual home. It is a
home of many, many dear and wonderful friends!”
Our Time Machine is running a little low on “power”! Do you have any old
church directories or other old photos of current members you’d be willing to share?
If so, please contact Mark Young ([email protected]) or the church office
([email protected]). We promise to treat them with tender, loving care and
make digital copies for our whole church family to enjoy.
Our 2015
Per Capita Update
This year’s Per Capita
apportionment is $31.50
member. Per
Capita is the amount of
money our church pays per confirmed member
(approximately $10,000) and sends to our
Presbytery. It is then distributed among the
General Assembly, Synod, and Presbytery.
Your Per Capita payment is used to fund these
organizations. It is the fundamental way that all
11,000 Presbyterian congregations are
connected and participate in the work of the
Presbyterian Church-USA.
Please use the special Per Capita envelope from
your weekly boxed envelopes, or use a pew
envelope and label it “Per Capita” when making
your contribution for 2015.
Electronic and Monthly Giving
If you give by electronic
monthly or quarterly),
there are little blue slips
found in the pew racks
that can be used to symbolically give your
Here are the details of how the $31.50 per
offering while the plate is passed during worship.
member is distributed:
Please express your joy of giving and
*The Presbytery (Winnebago) Per Capita is
commitment to our Ministries by using these
$19.23 per member...
slips. If you want more information about giving
*The Synod (Lakes and Prairies) Per Capita is
through electronic withdrawal, please add your
$5.20 per member...
name and contact information to one of the blue
*The General Assembly (PC-USA) Per Capita
slips and drop it in the offering plate.
is $7.07 per member...
The Presbyterian Pantry
“Items of the Month”
for February are:
Your Ruling
Cindi Barnett
Judy England
Bob Bivins
Cindy & Alan
Dave Griffin
Cayley Griffin
Cans of Soup
& Toilet Paper
Discover each other again. Marriage Encounter
Weekends offer you an opportunity to strengthen
your communication and promote greater intimacy
in your life together. Dates are February 6-8,
March 21-22, April 17-19, and May 16-17. For
more information, contact Sue and Dennis
Amtmann at 920-544-5166, or visit
www.gbme.org. You don’t need a Marriage
Encounter Weekend, but you deserve one.
Amy Nelson
Judy Nighorn
Sydney Goddard
Cassie Griffin
Karen Hanold
Marilyn Heim
Ken Nyberg
Annette Kinchen
Allan Pagel
Sally Lindow
Tom Paulson
Becky Nyberg
Sue Pranke
Renee Pajkos
Jamie Tyrrell
Nancy Rosenthal
Lora Warner
Barb Ryan
Mark Welle
Jim Sjolie
“All shall give as they are
able, according to the
blessing of the Lord your
God that he has given
Deuteronomy 16:17
The Giving Tree
Monthly Update
(as of December 31, 2014)
The Operating Fund (2014 Budget = $300,000)
YTD Per Capita Contributions
YTD Operating Total Income*
YTD Ministry Expenses
YTD Offerings and Gifts
YTD Payments
Ending Balance (December 31, 2014)
YTD Offerings
Ending Balance (December 31, 2014)
The Building Fund
(2014 Budget = $61,000)
Designated Funds and Special Offerings
YTD Offerings and Gifts
YTD Disbursements
Ending Balance (December 31, 2014)
YTD = Year to Date
= Income from all sources including building use, interest, endowment, offerings,
per capita, and miscellaneous.
Slips saying “I Give Electronically” are in the pew racks. If you give by
automatic withdrawal or electronic checks, drop one in the offering plate
as a symbolic way of showing your generosity. You don’t need to add
your name. If you are interested in learning more about the options, add
your name and e-mail address to the slip and place it in the offering plate.
Our treasurer will send you information.
Page 11
Jim Sjolie
13 -
Mark DeCleene
Ava Mehlberg
15 -
Barb Guyes
Dean Van Beek
Megan Darling
17 -
Michael Fruzen
18 -
Darcy Furlong
Brenda Gauger
Laura Foster
Katie Pointer
Natalia Welle
19 -
Kaen Baxter
20 -
Jocelyn Blahnik
Alex Johnson
Richard Braun
Brandon Macklem
Bev Meeuwsen
Kate Bayer
Marlene French
Adam Dill
21 -
Judy England
22 -
Deacon McCurley
23 -
Michael Gay
Hayley Goddard
Braeden Janssen
Michelle Bredael
Amy Gudbaur
24 -
Jackson Gray
Caylie Duncanson
James Hickey
Violet Smale
Kay Remmel
Daniel Paulson
25 -
Samuel Fontaine
Mary Kay Ross
Marissa Roest
Jon Hardt
Ben Warner
10 -
Sarah Larson
26 -
Joseph Kluck
11 -
Lyle Nahley
27 -
Cynthia Van Beek
Date to Remember
Sunday, February 15
Annual Congregational Meeting,
Potluck Lunch, &
F.U.P.C. Vision Quest Kickoff
Worship Volunteers
1 - Dale & Sandra Zeimer
8 - Kevin Spiegel & Debbie Stange
15 - Sue Lester, Jamie Tank, Daisy
Lester, & Taylor Noble
18 (Ash Wed.) - TBD
22 - George & Judy Cornell
1 - Sally Lindow
8 - Tom Bayer
15 - Karen Hanold
18 (Ash Wed.) - Sue Goral
22 - Jan Nelson
1 - Mackenzie Lindow
8 - Violet Smale
15 - Keely Dorn
22 - Ashton Macklem
1 - Tom & Martha Bayer and
Jim & Lois Van Abel
8 - Wally & Laurel Heil and
Joe & Barb Williams
15 - Tom & Eric Renier and
Curtis & Melanie Ferrier
18 (Ash Wed.) - TBD
22 - Vera Dauffenbach, Marilyn
Heim, Barb Ryan, & Jean Schneider
Elder of the Month
Alan Pagel
Deacons of the Month
Karen Hanold & Cassie Griffin
Jazzercise Schedule
Ministry Monday
No Simple Supper—
(Fat Tues instead!)
630p Mdl /Sr High
830a Awakenings - KL
Choir Practice
Sunday School
945a Worship
1045a Coffee Fellowship
5:30p Endowment
11a Blanket Tying - KL
Fund Mtg—5th/6th
530p Contemp. Rdrs - KL 630p Deacons-Rm11
6p Handbells
630p Private Rm 12-13
7p Pledge Mtg 5th/6th
730p Church
Steps String Band
545p Family
Valentine PartyFLC
630p Mdl /Sr High
Noon Ruth/
Talbot Circle KL
7p Men’s Bible
Study - KL
17 Shelter Cakes 18
830a Awakenings - KL
Choir Practice
Sunday School
945a Worship
830a Choir Practice
Sunday School
Vision Quest-Sanc
945a Worship
1045a Coffee Fellowship
11a Communion Intro
Class - KL
for the most up-to-date
calendar information and
other important
items of interest.
830a Awakenings - KL
Choir Practice
Sunday School
945a Worship
530p B&G - Library
1045a Coffee Fellowship
6p W&M - 5th/6th
630p CE - MdHi Rm 6p Handbells
630p Connecting-R11 630p Private Rm 12-13
630p L&S - KL
FLC = Family Life Center
KL = Koinonia Lounge
Lib = Library
Sanc = Sanctuary
Monday = 5:45p
Tuesday & Thursday =
9a, 4:30p, 5:45p
Saturday = 8am
9a PWCT - Rm 11
930a Mission
Sewing - KL
Minutes Due
930a Esther Cir - KL
630p Session - KL
545p Fat Tuesday
Pancake Supper
6p Handbells
630p Mdl /Sr High
730p Church
7p Ash Wednesday
Steps String Band
6p Handbells
630p Private Rm 12-13
7p 4th Tuesday
Readers - Lib 630p Mdl /Sr High
Agendas Due