STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS 1 Still Speaking News & Ideas February 2015 WWW.PEACEUNITED.ORG WELCOMING THE REV. YAEL LACHMAN! Friends of Peace, With great joy, we want you to know that the Pastoral Call Committee has selected the Rev. Yael Lachman as our candidate for the position of Associate Minister at Peace United Church of Christ! Yael will preach in worship on Sunday, February 15, after which we'll vote as a congregation to call her as our Associate Minister. She anticipates beginning her ministry among us around the first of April and being with us for Easter this spring! As we talked to Yael about our passion for family ministry in Santa Cruz, and as she shared with us her own commitments and experience, it became clear to us that she'll be an exciting and energetic presence at Peace United and a wonderful part of our ministry team. A graduate of the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, Yael was both baptized into the Christian faith and ordained into the Christian ministry right here at Peace United Church. Since then, she's served as Pastor at the First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) in Bridgton, Maine. In ministry there, she's thoughtfully partnered with leaders of all ages to bring many generations into meaningful and prayerful community. Through this process, we've interviewed several outstanding candidates and we're appreciative of the church's enthusiasm and support for this important work. We sense the blessing of the Spirit and the delight of God in the choice we've made. And we look forward to your meeting with Yael the weekend of February 13, 14 and 15. We know you'll agree! It's an exciting time for all of us, and for the ministries we love, at Peace United Church of Christ! With joy, The Pastoral Call Committee Sue Robinson Natalie Blackburn David Furnish Mary Male Ingrid Parker Stewart Jenkins Jamie Langley Doug Owen Caryl Williamson Jim Weller Dave Grishaw-Jones SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14 OPEN HOUSE FOR ALL: 9 TO 11 am FELLOWSHIP HALL Friends of all ages are invited to join Yael and others for a continental breakfast and open house—in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday morning. We’ll have games and activities for the youngest among us (and the old ones too)—and we’ll get to know Yael, her unique spirit and passion for ministry and people! Bring a friend! Share the excitement! Let’s welcome Yael back to Santa Cruz! SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15 WORSHIP @ 10:30 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING TO FOLLOW Join the whole church family in worshipping with Yael on February 15! Worship will be celebration, Yael will preach and bring the message to Peace United’s children. What an exciting and new beginning! After worship, members will remain in the sanctuary to formally vote to call Yael as our Associate Minister! 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS WITNESS & MISSION 2 NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR MISSION, SERVICE & DISCIPLESHIP NIGHT WALK MINISTRY: Responding to the Compassionate Cities Initiative, members of several faith communities are exploring a “Night Walk” program, similar to programs in other California cities. Partnering with police and neighborhood leaders, we’d walk thoughtfully, creating a compassionate and resourceful presence in Santa Cruz neighborhoods at night. Interested? Be in touch with Dave GrishawJones for more information. The Stations of the Cross: A Community Art Expression Station 1. Jesus on the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:39-46). Station 2. Jesus, betrayed by Judas, is arrested (Luke 22:47-48). Station 3. Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin (Luke 22:66-71). Station 4. Peter denies Jesus (Luke 22:54-62). Station 5. Jesus is judged by Pilate (Luke 23:13-25). Station 6. Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns (Luke 22:63-65, John 19:2-3). Station 7. Jesus takes up the cross (Mark 15:20). Station 8. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross (Luke 23:26). Station 9. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Luke 23:27-31). Station 10. Jesus is crucified (Luke 23:33, 47). Station 11. Jesus promises his kingdom to the good thief (Luke 23:33-34, 39-43). Station 12. Jesus on the cross, his mother, and his disciple (John 19:2527). Station 13. Jesus dies (Luke 23:44-46). Station 14. Jesus is laid in his tomb (Luke 23:50-54). WINGS TEAM WITH HOMELESS FAMILIES: We’re delighted to announce the formation of a new PEACE UNITED MINISTRY TEAM—one that will support families and social workers at the Rebele Family Shelter here in Santa Cruz. The idea is to create a Peace United team to work collaboratively and supportively with case workers and their client families: helping with occasional tasks, networking, and assisting with the search for affordable long-term housing. Interested? Be in touch with Jim Young at 345-1699. CARING & VISITATION TEAM: This team is looking to grow and involve new members and friends! We gather monthly (the third Tuesday morning at 9:30) to compare notes, reflect spiritually and support one another. In between meetings, we commit to visiting an elderly member or another friend perhaps unable to attend worship at Peace United. It’s a ministry of compassion! You’re welcome to meet with us on Tuesday, February 17 at 9:30 am. Or be in touch with Dave Grishaw-Jones for more information! A SACRED CONVERSATION ON RACE: A leadership team at Peace United is planning a luncheon/workshop on Palm Sunday, March 29, focusing our congregation’s attention and energies on race, racism and racial justice in the US. Maybe you’d like to help with the conception and planning of this workshop? Be in touch with Robert Valiente-Neighbors (332-5052) or Beverly Brook (429-1392). We are the Apostles, falling asleep while Jesus prayed. We are Judas, in betrayal and sorrow. We are the Sandhedrin, challenging and accusing. We are Peter, denying; Pilate, condemning. But we are also Simon of Cyrene, helping to carry the cross, Veronica wiping Jesus' face, and we are Mary weeping. We are the good thief. Which of these steps on Jesus' journey to the cross speaks to you? Please pray on it, open your hearts to Easter. It is not necessary to be a selfidentified "artist." We welcome all mediums. We need a solid commitment by February 15, but sooner is better! The art will be mounted in the Sanctuary for the Maundy Thursday service, and will be taken down (most likely) the day after Easter. If you wish to participate, or have any questions, please contact Deb at [email protected], or 831-332-6079 (please leave a message on my voice mail if there is no answer). TENT OF ABRAHAM: JEWS, CHRISTIANS & MUSLIMS SEEING THROUGH NEW EYES… All are invited to this interfaith dialog with Jewish, Christian and Muslim sisters and brothers from 2:00-5:00 pm, Sunday, March 8, at Temple Beth El in Aptos. We will pray together, dialog together, and of course, eat together. Prayers and discussion will be led by clergy from all three faiths. Child care will be provided and a vegetarian meal served. For more information, contact Rose Ashford at [email protected]. 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS 3 VALENTINES SOIRÉE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 @7pm FELLOWSHIP HALL The FORTY DAYS OF LENT recall Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness, a season of deep reflection, profound testing and renewed spiritual practice. Join the community—in small group settings and worship—as we puzzle over faith and wrestle with conscience. It’s a time of renewal and grace! ASH WEDNESDAY @ 7:30 We mark the beginning of Lent with both the jazz band and chancel choir, exploring the deep meaning of prayer and tracing the sign of the cross in ashes upon our foreheads. FRIDAY NIGHT TAIZÉ SERVICES The Taizé team invites you to a weekly service of song and prayer, by candlelight, throughout Lent. The service begins every Friday at 8 pm in the Sanctuary. We begin Friday, Feb. 20. ‘AGE-ING AND SAGE-ING’ Cecile Andrews leads a weekly Lenten conversation on ‘the making of an elder culture’—based on the bestselling book (From Age-ing to Sage-ing) by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi. Cecile Andrews has written in this area, including the recent Living Room Revolution: A Handbook for Conversation, Community, and the Common Good. She has her doctorate in education from Stanford and lives in the new Walnut Commons Cohousing. Join us every Thursday (beginning 2/19) from 9:30 to 11 am in the Library. Bring your friends! ‘MID-WEEK RENEWAL’ Marie Grace Brook is leading a series of spiritual practice classes every Wednesday during Lent, beginning Wednesday, February 18. Included our sections on yoga, centering prayer, tai chi and lectio divina. Classes will meet in the sanctuary, mid day hours. See the details elsewhere in this edition of Still Speaking. For the 14th year the choir will hold their Valentine’s Soirée. Enjoy an evening of Champagne, dessert, an auction and, of course, MUSIC under the direction of Cheryl Anderson! Tickets can be purchased from choir members or at the door for $20. The Soirée benefits the Peace UCC music program. SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING JR. YOUTH GROUP Did you know we have a dynamic and active youth group at Peace for youth in grades 59? We meet on the first and third Sundays, September through May in the youth room from 12 to 2pm with Jamie Langley and Lilly Thomas. We have a great time together, playing games, engaging in Bible study, crafts, and fellowship. We also go on field trips for fun and service, and provide delicious meals for the congregation like our annual Easter breakfast! For more information contact Lilly @ [email protected] or 239-7510. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP Hello Senior High Youth Group and Families! Youth Group will be hosted on the third Sunday of the month and will run from 2:15 4:15pm in the youth room. Please contact Lilly Thomas at [email protected] or by phone at 831-239-7510 Volunteers are needed to help in Sunday School. If you would like to be a part of this important ministry to children, and can commit to helping in the classroom once every month or two, please be in touch with Kristen at [email protected], or our CYF Chair, Natalie Blackburn at [email protected]. VALENTINE’S COOKIE DECORATING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 DURING SUNDAY SCHOOL In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we will be decorating sugar cookies during Sunday School! These cookies will be mailed to church members who are not able to come to worship and to those who are away at college. DONATIONS OF UNFROSTED COOKIES NEEDED! PLEASE BRING COOKIES TO THE KITCHEN BEFORE CHURCH ON THE 8TH FOR THE LIFE OF ESTHER ROGOFF FELLOWSHIP HALL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 @ 1:30 pm Join the Rogoffs and the wider church family as we give thanks to God for Esther’s long and wonderful life. RECEPTION INTO THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST THE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE MONTEREY PENINSULA (CCMP) 4590 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 @ 3 pm All are invited to celebrate as CCMP formally joins the United Church of Christ in a festive worship service on Feb. 8. Dave Grishaw-Jones and others will be participants as the progressive Christian movement grows… ALL CHURCH WORKDAY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH 9am – 1pm We have painting, clean up and organizing to do, maybe even some sewing. We’ll have food, fun and fellowship as we work together to get the Christian Education Building (and a few other spots) ready for our new Associate Minister! Sign up for a specific project or just show up and help where needed. The CYF team will have a table for sign-ups at church on Sundays in February. WHAT'S JUST? An Exploration of Juvenile Justice Alternatives FEBRUARY 13 & 14 INNER LIGHT CENTER, 5630 SOQUEL DR, SOQUEL FRIDAY: Author, Nell Bernstein & Panelists, Book Signing, Resource Faire SATURDAY: Community Engagement, Organizations, agencies and individuals, including youth, come together to explore opportunities and alternatives to youth criminal justice. Envision a brighter future compassionate, empowering, and reconciling. FREE 2 day event - donations appreciated. RSVP @ for Saturday. Lunch available for $10, free for 25 & under. For more information contact Peter Klotz-Chamberlin, 831 423-1626x102. 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIAN FORUM 4 CORE VALUES HOW ABOUT GETTING CONNECTED? ON THE WEB: Look for us online at ON FACEBOOK: Find us and LIKE US at “Peace United Church of Christ, Santa Cruz.” WEEKLY E-NEWS: We have a weekly e-newsletter that goes out on Once again, Peace United Church is honored to host this year’s Progressive Christian Forum: featuring two inspiring San Francisco pastors and in-depth discussion of “Christian Spirituality in the 21st Century.” Thursday with news for the coming weekend and week. You can find it and sign up to receive it by clicking on ENEWS on the main menu on our website. Or call the office at 426-2010. The forum will be held Friday and Saturday, February 6 and 7. The registration cost for Peace United friends is $50. Scholarships are available. See Dave Grishaw-Jones for more or check us out at (See: CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY IN THE 21st CENTURY). We want you to be involved! Keynoters will be the Rev. Karen Oliveto (of Glide Memorial Church) and the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow (of 7th Avenue Presbyterian). DAVE GRISHAW-JONES: Dave’s blog is “Valley Rise Up” at Over several months in 2012 and 2013, members and friends explored our shared traditions, our particular passions and our theological heritage. In all that, we discerned eight ‘core’ or ‘motivating’ values—values that infuse our ministries with purpose and energy. Take a look at the eight…and get involved in a class or small group to see how it all plays out in YOUR life. PEACE UNITED’S STAFF: Senior Minister: Dave Grishaw-Jones 426-2010 / [email protected] Parish Administrator: Brooke Graff 426-2010 / [email protected] Receptionist/Program Assistant: Valerie Friend 426-2010 / [email protected] Sexton: Roger Erickson 426-2010 / [email protected] Chancel Choir Director: Cheryl Anderson Organist: Vlada Volkova-Moran Jazz Band Directors: Lori Rivera Art Alm Sunday School Teacher: Kristen Kovaletz Childcare Coordinator: Jenny Ohlsen 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS 5 SPIRITUAL PRACTICE JUSTICE & PEACEMAKING All relationships require commitment, discipline and love! Cultivate your relationship with the Divine as you grow in a daily spiritual practice. You’ll find support, friends and encouragement here at Peace United Church. Feel free to talk with a pastor—or check out one of our opportunities for spiritual growth in small groups! More than dogma, beyond doctrine, Jesus calls us to discipleship, peacemaking and service. In a world fractured by war and aching in poverty, Christians are moved to creative expressions of generosity, solidarity and love. Be curious. Take a risk. If you don’t see something here—see a church leader or pastor! Let’s make it happen together. YOGA @ PEACE UNITED COPA: ORGANIZING FOR JUSTICE THURSDAY MORNINGS 8:30 to 9:30 in the SANCTUARY with Sarah Zell (278-2426) COPA is Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action–and Peace United works sideby-side with synagogues, labor groups and civic organizations for affordable housing, health care access, immigration reform and economic opportunity. Our COPA CORE TEAM meets once a month to coordinate, learn and strategize together. Call Elizabeth Schilling for more at 475-3852. “How do you cultivate mindfulness and balance in daily life?” Friends, neighbors and members are invited to this yoga class—every Thursday in our glorious and inspiring sanctuary. Our teacher is Sarah Zell, trained and experienced and ready to help us with a practice that inspires wholeness and depth. Call her for more information. MEDITATION & CENTERING TUESDAY & THURSDAY MORNINGS 8:20 to 8:50 in the LIBRARY This is a simple half-hour of silence and stillness. A chance to practice centering prayer together. It’s as easy as sitting in silence, paying attention to the gift of breath. All are welcome to drop in any time! Dave GrishawJones is our host. PASSAGE MEDITATION TUESDAY EVENINGS with Forest Monsen Forest invites interest and practice around “passage meditation”—a dynamic practice involving focused attention and ancient texts. Call Forest for more information at 469-3095. SACRED CIRCLE DANCING 1ST WEDNESDAY IN THE SANCTUARY 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Beginners welcome FREE again on FEBRUARY 4TH We trace simple folk dances and newlychoreographed dances to beautiful music from around the world. Dances range from lively to meditative, and each one is taught before we dance it. Dancing in a circle is one of the oldest ways in which people celebrate community. Contact Donna Davis for more information: 831 566-3365 or [email protected]. RESOURCE CENTER FOR NONVIOLENCE The RCNV is a local peace and justice center founded in 1976. Working with a diverse community of allies, the RCNV provides community leadership around a range of interests: from the culture of war to immigration justice, from peacemaking to economic justice for all. You can find more at or by seeing church member Peter Klotz-Chamberlin (251-4833), who is also a staff member at RCNV. HELP WITH OUR VEGE GARDEN We garden together in our own vegetable garden on the 1st Saturday of the month, from 4-5:30 pm. Meet and work in the garden (below the lower parking lot). Bring gloves, water bottle, a trowel and a snack to share. Occasionally the date is switch, so please contact Liz Klotz-Chamberlin for more at 251-4330. GREEN TEAM Peace United’s GREEN TEAM helps the church keep faith with commitments to ecological justice. Contact Caryl Williamson at 706-0709. SHELTER FOR HOMELESS FRIENDS HOLY CROSS FOOD PANTRY Peace United joins with friends from other Santa Cruz churches to offer a nightly shelter for families who find themselves without shelter. Peace United takes responsibility for Sunday evenings—and hosts a community of 15-20 every Sunday night. Contact Pegatha Hughes at 440-9018 for more on volunteering, cooking meals and creating a ministry of hospitality. The Holy Cross Food Pantry is running short of volunteers. Several Peace United members volunteer there now. We’re asked to serve one or two 2-hour shifts per month (10-12 or 12-2) on Wednesdays or Fridays. If you’d like more information, email director Irene Lennox at [email protected] or call her at 831-4572690. WINGS: ADVOCACY MINISTRY PROPHETS OF HOPE WINGS is a partner ministry with Peace United, training a caring group of advocates to support individuals in their walk out of homelessness and despair. We’re developing a new team to work in partnership with friends at the Rebele Family Shelter downtown. Contact Peggy Benedum for more at 566-3738. Peace United has a lively network of ministry teams doing compassionate ministry in local jails and juvenile halls. We have a men’s team and a women’s team at the County Jail, a new team serving at the Blaine St. Women’s Facility, and one serving the youth at the County’s Juvenile Hall. Interested? Call Beverly Brook for more at 429-1392. SH/OP: SUPPORTING HEALTH WITH ORGANIC PRODUCE PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIAN FORUM FIRST WEDNESDAYS @ 1 pm Sponsored by Chadeish Yameinu, this is a weekly Call DARRELL YEANEY for LOCATION FREE organic produce distribution for those with Are you eager to see more weekends like the Dianna Butler-Bass weekend at Peace United cancer or HIV. Saturdays @ 2pm at Trinity Church? Would you serve on a planning team for Presbyterian Church. next year’s event? We’re looking for a couple of For more information or to volunteer: Peace United friends to join the planning team! [email protected] Call Darrell Yeaney at 713-7589. We need you! VETS 4 VETS FIRST TUESDAY @ 6 pm 1658 SOQUEL DR., SUITE B New volunteer opportunities in our community to support veterans in a multitude of ways! See Stoney Brook or David Davis for more information or call 477-7515. 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS 6 EXTRAVAGANT WELCOME FINDING COMMUNITY As an OPEN & AFFIRMING CONGREGATION of the United Church of Christ, we’re passionate about the extravagant welcome extended to each and every child of God. In 1997, our ‘open and affirming covenant’ made it particularly clear that gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and questioning friends were ‘extravagantly welcome’ at the very heart of this Christian community. We’re committed to demonstrating what truly inclusive and healing Christian fellowship looks like and how we can grow in faith together. Small groups of all kinds offer a place for exploration and support. Your life here will deepen in spirit and connection as you participate in some kind of small group. Give one of our leaders a call, have tea, and see where these ministries lead you! PFLAG PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) of Santa Cruz County meets the second Tuesday of every month from 7 – 9 pm right here at Peace United Church. Find support and friendship. Help us make the world a better, safer place for all. Contact us: [email protected] or or 831-427-4016. LUNCH BUNCH “Lunch Bunch” is a warm fellowship meeting in the Lounge for lunch and conversation on the first Tuesday of each month, beginning at 12 noon. Our food is prepared by Chris and Molly Ohlsen of OHLSEN FOODS (and of Peace United Church!) or you may bring your own. MARCH 3RD – Stoney Brook: Walking the Camino VETERANS GROUP RSVP by FEBRUARY 26TH to the church office – 426-2010 or [email protected]. Contact David Davis @ 566-2471. The Veterans Group meets for food, fun and socializing throughout the year. All veterans and their families are welcome. THE CINEMATIC SALON JACOB’S LADDER: MEN’S GROUP THE SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH FEBRUARY 14TH, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm IN THE LIBRARY, SNACKS PROVIDED! Contact Doug Owen @ 425-1351. This Men’s Group meets one Thursday night each month from 7 to 9 pm. Men find space for exploration, friendship and spiritual growth. Come, join the “Cinematic Salon” for lively and spirit-filled conversation about contemporary films. Each month, we select for the following month films currently playing in nearby theatres or as rentals. See one or more and join our DOMINICAN OAKS COMMUNION conversation! Just like at the end of great A monthly hour of prayer and communion with sermon, or after a good or bad film, one’s desire Dave Grishaw-Jones—at Dominican Oaks is to go out with friends and discuss what you’ve COMING UP: Retirement Community (3400 Paul Sweet Road experienced. The “Cinematic Salon” is just such TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH behind the Hospital). We usually meet there on a place. Beverly Brook is our leader and UPPER ROOM, 7:00 – 9:00 pm the last Friday of the month at 10:30 am. All are convener, and she welcomes your ideas and Beautiful Love Stories Need To Be Told Twice welcome as we worship with our church friends enthusiasm. With guest speakers Ann & Nancy Frosberg at Dominican Oaks. Our next date is 2/27. See FEBRUARY’S FILMS TO WATCH: When Nancy and Father Larry Forsberg were Dave for more. married in 1973, they vowed to stay together “SELMA” through all of the changes in life. They both knew SARAH’S CIRCLE: A Women’s Group and that nobody stays the same, and either you grow Contact Barbara Baker @ 429-6213 together, or you grow apart. Over 41 years, they “TWO DAYS, ONE NIGHT” All women are welcome to join us for friendship, have raised two children, and two of their five spiritual support, and discussion. We meet at grandchildren together. 7pm on the second Wednesday of the month in When Ann (Father Larry) began to show subtle the Jr. High Room. signs of change over 20 years ago, Nancy knew that she needed to understand and make FRIDAY MORNING GROUNDS changes of her own for their marriage to survive. Contact Bill Walton @ 600-7343. Today they have a thriving partnership, and This group of men and women get together most know that they would not want to wake up in the Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm, working to the morning without each other. beautify church ‘grounds’ and care for other on- ALL KINDS OF WEDDINGS PEACE IS THE PLACE FOR LOVE, UNION AND GETTING MARRIED! Dave Grishaw-Jones welcomes the opportunity to speak with couples considering marriage! As an OPEN & AFFIRMING CONGREGATION, Peace United celebrates marriages between men, between women, and between men and women! All shapes and sizes fit here! We’ve got a great community, wonderful musicians and a beautiful facility. It’s a great place to begin a new chapter of love and marriage! Be in touch with Dave for more information. site projects. After some work around campus, they sit down for coffee, doughnuts and warm conversation. All are welcome! TIME TO JOIN PEACE UNITED CHURCH? TIME FOR MEMBERSHIP? This spring, we’ll once again welcome new members into the life and heart of the Peace United community! You can join the church, as a member, on Easter Sunday: by baptism on the beach at 7 am or in our Easter Celebration in the sanctuary at 10:30 am. Peace United is a dynamic and committed community—and your curiosity and passion add to the spirited service we offer to diverse city. Join us! Grow with us! A two-week class for those joining will be held on Sundays, March 15 and 22, from 4 to 5:30 pm in the Library. See Dave Grishaw-Jones or give him a call (426-2010) for more information! 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS ALL KINDS OF FAMILIES All kinds of families find welcome and spirit here at Peace United Church of Christ. Know that you’re welcome—whatever your situation or generation—to join in the spiritlifting ministries of our expanding program for families, children and youth. SUNDAY SCHOOL @ PEACE SUNDAY MORNINGS During the 10:30 am Worship Hour SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTINUES THROUGH THE WINTER AND SPRING SEASONS. Children are invited to join the congregation during the first part of worship, and then continue on to Sunday School with our lead teacher, Kristen Kovaletz. For more information, contact Kristen @ [email protected] or 714 501-5230. CHILDCARE @ PEACE UNITED SUNDAYS FROM 9:30 am to 1 pm We have a warm and friendly childcare program for small children every Sunday. You can drop your children/toddlers off on the lower level of the CE building—before you head for worship, or at any point during the service. It’s up to you! See Jenny Ohlsen, our Childcare Coordinator, for more information @ [email protected] or 295-2681. YOUTH GROUP @ PEACE UNITED JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP Junior Youth Group is open to all youth from 4th to 7th grade. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, directly after church in the Youth Room: for games, Bible Study, crafts and fun! Contact Lilly Thomas @ [email protected] or 239-7510. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP If you have a teenager in high school who might be interested in joining our senior youth group, please contact Lilly Thomas @ [email protected] or 239-7510. The Sr. Youth meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2:15 to 4:15. All are welcome! DIAPER CHANGING STATION We have changing tables for parents and their babies, located now in the “Brides Room” off the Narthex as well as in the unisex bathroom next to the Lounge. Please note, as well, that there are highchairs available in the Fellowship Hall closet, when needed. 7 MINISTRY TEAMS THESE MINISTRY TEAMS ARE HOPING YOU’LL JUMP IN—AND LEND YOUR ENERGIES TO THEIRS. ONGOING STUDIES WORSHIP & ARTS TEAM Is helping to integrate visual arts, spoken word arts and others into the vibrant life of our congregation. Are you passionate about the arts? Contact Dave Grishaw-Jones or Deb Culmer for more. MISSION & FORMATION TEAM Is working to build our church’s vital witness of compassion in the community beyond our doors, and well beyond. We’re thinking about ministries with those without homes, ministries in prison and institutional settings, prophetic action for peace and justice. To join the team or learn more, be in touch with Ken Thomas (4753852). CARING & VISITATION TEAM GROWING IN SPIRIT AND FAITH BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY THURSDAYS IN THE LIBRARY AT PEACE UNITED 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Brown Bag Bible Study will resume in September, every week, beginning 9/4. Join us for an informal, lively 90 minutes—of study and sharing around the texts we read in worship each week. You can drop in, come weekly, or come as you’re able! You’ll find a friendly and curious crowd of seekers! Dave Grishaw-Jones is our host. Offers friendship to members and friends unable to attend church regularly. Team members call on these folks once a month and maintain contact by phone. Interested? Call leader Dave Grishaw-Jones at 426-2010 for more. OPEN HEART PRAYER TEAM Prays weekly for the requests and concerns of teens and adults visited by our Juvenile Hall and Jail Ministry Teams. Each week, inmates ask us for particular prayers: family members in crisis, lonely children, personal hopes for the future. Team members receive a weekly EMAIL—and are asked to pray around these requests each day. For more, or to get on the team list, call Beverly Brook @ 429-1392. Financially $peaking How are we doing with our pledged income? Report for JULY thru DECEMBER, 2014 Pledges received July thru December* $ 160,085.51 Budgeted pledged support for 6 months $160,359.00 $ (273.49) * Includes pledges that have been paid in full (i.e., for 12 months) 2.15 STILL SPEAKING NEWS & IDEAS 8 SING, SING, SING! AT PEACE UNITED THE CHANCEL CHOIR Is a community of members and friends dedicated to great music and lively participation in Sunday services. Led by Cheryl Anderson and accompanied by Vlada Volkova-Moran, the Choir draws from the great choral tradition of progressive Christianity and the evolving choral repertoire as well. It rehearses every Monday in the Music Room at 6 pm. If you’re at all interested, see Cheryl or give her a call at 277-9017. She’ll share ways for you to get started. THE SANTA CRUZ COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR Includes singers from many faith communities and traditions across Santa Cruz County. Led by David Wells, the gospel choir rehearses twice a month here at Peace United: on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings, in the Music Room, beginning at 7 pm. They sing from a rich tradition of gospel music. You can simply come to a Tuesday rehearsal or contact Raneta Pomeroy at [email protected]. WORSHIP THIS FEBRUARY SUNDAY FEB 1 @ 10:30 am Dave Grishaw-Jones, Preaching With the Jazz Band & Chancel Choir SUNDAY FEB 8 @ 10:30 am With Dave Grishaw-Jones And the UCSC Dreamweaver Students With the Jazz Band & Chancel Choir SUNDAY FEB 15 @ 10:30 am Yael Lachman, Preaching With the Jazz Band & Chancel Choir WEDNESDAY, FEB 18 @ 7:30 pm ASH WEDNESDAY: Service of Ashes and Prayer FRIDAYS, FEB 20 and 27 @ 8:00 pm TAIZÉ HOUR OF LENTEN PRAYER SUNDAY FEB 22 NO ONE IS ALONE A fundraiser for Lori’s seminary education March 21st 7 pm In Peace United Fellowship Hall DID YOU KNOW THAT LORI’S GOING TO SEMINARY? She starts THIS MONTH at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. Join Lori Rivera for an evening of song, story and treats. She’ll be singing songs from musical theater, the Great American Songbook and originals designed to touch the heart and tickle the funny bone. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Or you can sponsor a table of 8 for $150. Gold Circle seating (includes appetizers, dessert and a glass of wine) $50 or a whole table for $375. Appetizers, dessert and wine bar also available for individual purchase provided by Chocolate Restaurant. Celebrate the beginning of Spring with an evening not to be missed! Ticket available at @ 10:30 am Stew Jenkins, Preaching With the Jazz Band
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