FEBRUARY 11, 2015 Calendar My EC PlusPortals eastsidecatholic.org All School High School Middle School Athletics February 9‐15 ‐ Book Fair, before, after school and duing lunch in the Library. February 12 ‐ ECHS Healing Mass at 9:25 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. in Chapel ‐ Liturgy Dress February 16‐20 ‐ Mid‐ Winter Break. School closed. Offices open February 18‐20. February 24 ‐ High school New Student Welcome Event February 25 ‐ Options Program Informational Coffee 10:30 a.m. March 5 ‐ High school Peace and Justice Day March 1 ‐ Father Daughter Candlelight Liturgy and Dinner, 4:30 p.m. RSVP TO THE STARS GALA AUCTION ‐ FIVE DAYS LEFT! Make sure to check this off your list before we head into mid‐winter break. Our registrations are tracking higher than over the past two years by this date ‐ we are on our way to filling the ballroom and have fun plans and new items in store for all our guests. If you haven't already, please register today and be a part of the 30th annual auction! Too busy or not sure how to put a table together? No worries, we are here to help! When registering, please indicate your student's grade or EC extracurricular activities in the "Requests" field and we will seat you with parents of children with similar interests. Join us on March 14 for a great party for the benefit of our students, their programs and our community. If you have questions, please contact Delani Hansen or Shelley Friang. Please consider joining the Crusader Club when making your reservation. Your membership donation helps underwrite the cost of the event. Crusader Club members enjoy a VIP cocktail reception from 5‐5:30 p.m., two auction dinner tickets, early bidding, a special gift, valet parking and catalog recognition. (Crusader Club members registered by February 16 will be recognized in the catalog.) YOUR CHOICE RAFFLE TICKETS ‐ SEVEN GREAT PRIZES Your Choice raffle tickets are on sale now! There are seven great prizes to choose from and something for everyone: Movies for a Year (52 tickets), Craftsman 26" 12‐drawer rolling toolbox, glassybaby a Month for One Year, Radar Scepter Stand Up Paddle Board, $500 No Junk Lunch Card, One Direction Concert Suite Tickets for Four, and Powerbeats 2 with Beats Pill Portable Speaker. Tickets are $20 each OR seven for $100. Click here to learn more and print the order form and return to school with your student; your order form and payment can be dropped in the Attendance Office. Please note we are not allowed to receive payments through the U.S. postal mail. If you have questions, please contact Shelley Hilf or Kristin McMann. SIGN‐UP PARTIES EC Facebook EC Instagram EC Athletics Facebook EC Alumni Facebook EC Athletics Twitter PRAYER Be at Peace Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life; rather look to them with full hope as they arise. God, whose very own you are, will deliver you from out of them. He has kept you hitherto, and He will lead you safely AND ECMS FREE DRESS REGISTRATIONS OPEN Ten sign‐up parties such as the Fused Glass Party with Megan McDermott; Smash, Bounce and Roll with Bubble Soccer for freshmen and sophomores; and Fabulous Fun Freshman Families' Party, are now available online. Check out the parties offered to adults and both high school and middle school students today! Some parties sell out each year before auction night, and some are already over half sold this year. For more information about sign‐up parties, please contact Kristin Vogele. Middle School Free Dress for a week is offered again this year. For more information, please see the middle school section below. EASTSIDE CATHOLIC TUITION RAFFLE ‐ ANTICIPATED TO SELL OUT Enter to win free tuition! As of February 1, there is no family ticket limit. Read the flyer for complete details then send in your payment to the Attendance Office. We anticipate this raffle selling out at 500 tickets. Purchase yours while they are still available! Please note, we are not allowed to receive payments through the U.S. postal mail. Questions? Please contact Shelley Hilf or Kristin McMann. 2015‐16 ENROLLMENT CONTRACTS FOR RETURNING STUDENTS arms. Thank you to the many families who have already submitted their 2015‐16 enrollment contracts. The enrollment contract email was sent Wednesday, February 3 (from [email protected]). If you did not receive this email notification, please contact Kathy Silverman at [email protected] or 425‐295‐3051 Do not fear what may The due date for the enrollment contracts is February 13, 2015. through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in his happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day. He will either shield you from suffering, or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imagination. St. Francis de Sales 1567‐1622 Live Jesus in our hearts... Please note: If you have a current student in the eight grade, we will be sending out the re‐enrollment contracts on February 13, the notification date for acceptance of high school students in the Archdiocese of Seattle. As a reminder: If two separate households are responsible for tuition payments (e.g., a student with divorced parents who share in tuition payments), each household will need to complete its own enrollment contract for that student. Eastside Catholic requires the primary household to complete a re‐enrollment contract even if the second household is paying all of the tuition. If the school's 2014‐15 tuition records reflect two households responsible for tuition payments, we have sent a 2015‐16 online enrollment contract email to both households and the online enrollment contract forms for each household have been individually populated based upon the 2014‐15 information. If enrollment contract information needs to be updated with separate households, or if there are any questions regarding the tuition or contracts for students from separate households, please contact Eastside Catholic Business Services at 425‐295‐3025 at your earliest convenience. Forever Notification letters for all new middle school applicants will be mailed March 12. EC 6TH ANNUAL BOOK FAIR IS HERE! EC Library along with the University Book Store are holding the sixth annual Book Fair now through February 12 in the Library. Proceeds from the Book Fair will buy new books for our Library. The Book Fair is open to students, parents, alumni, faculty and staff before and after school and during lunch periods. EC community members can also shop at the Bellevue University Book Store or purchase online now through February 15. All purchases will contribute to our Book Fair sales, just mention EC or use the code ESC at the time of purchase. OPTIONS PROGRAM: INTEGRATED SPECIAL EDUCATION Help us spread the word. Do you know families who may be interested in our high school special education program here at Eastside Catholic? Invite them to join us at our Informational Coffee on Wednesday, February 25 at 10:30 a.m. Contact Lori Maughan in admissions for more information. TRAVEL TO PERU You're invited to travel to Peru in June 2016! The group of ECMS and ECHS students will be visiting Cusco, Machu Picchu, local schools, and other historical sites. Join us and learn about this opportunity on Wednesday, February 25 at 7 p.m. in room D401. Click here for more information or contact Mrs. Martin at 425‐295‐3146. NEED A RESTAURANT FOR GRADUATION OR SPECIAL EVENTS? EC Boosters wants to remind all families that the following restaurants and caterers are EC Booster partners who have supported our annual Swirl event. They'd love your support in return as you start planning for upcoming dinner events. If you have any questions or need assistance with these fine establishments, please contact Barbara Baer at 425‐985‐2805. Agave, Coho Cafe, Fall City Roadhouse, Maggiano's Little Italy, The Ram, Wild Ginger, Rain City Catering COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Kiddos Cuddles is an organization that makes tie‐blankets for kids staying at Children's Hospital in Seattle. It is an easy and fun way to earn community service hours, and has been a very rewarding experience. If you are interested in making blankets to help Kiddos Cuddles, please contact Sarah Bosworth. ORANGE CRUSH STORE Gear up for spring sports at the Orange Crush store now open on Tuesdays and Thursday from 2 ‐ 4 p.m. 2015‐16 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR The 2015‐16 list of important dates is now online. These dates have been confirmed with more to be added in the coming weeks. FATHER DAUGHTER CANDLELIGHT LITURGY The annual Father Daughter Candlelight Liturgy and Italian dinner will begin on Sunday, March 1 at 5 p.m. in the Chapel. Dinner will be catered by Maggiono's Little Italy immediately following the Liturgy in the Commons. All high school girls and their fathers are invited to attend. The cost is $35 per person. Register today by February 15 as seating is limited. Contact Carrie Blanton or Beth Banks with questions. SPRING DESTINY REGISTRATION Spring Destiny registrations will be available beginning Monday, February 9 in Campus Ministry. Spring Destiny is open to any current junior or senior students. The Spring Destiny Retreat is scheduled for Thursday, April 16 ‐ Saturday, April 18. Please keep in mind that students have two more opportunities to attend the retreat (during senior year), so if these dates don't work out, there are more opportunities in the future. ECHS HEALING MASS ‐ LITURGY DRESS The high school will celebrate their annual Healing Mass on Thursday, February 12 at 9:25 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. in the Chapel. Anyone in the school community living with serious illness or injury is welcome to come and receive special prayers for their healing and recovery. If you would like to attend, please contact Fr. Heric at 425‐295‐3055. PARENT AND STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Admissions invites parents and high school students to help welcome newly accepted Crusaders! Students: Monday, February 23, 3‐4 p.m: please join us, have fun and earn service hours at a phone‐a‐thon. We will call newly accepted students and invite them to our Welcome Event on February 24. Please see Mrs. K if you can help us! We will have a script for you. Tuesday, February 24, 5‐8 p.m: please help welcome students to EC at the Welcome Event for all newly accepted high school students. We need ninth‐12 graders. There will be dinner and training with Karen Skoog. See Ms. Skoog, in room C510, if you are interested. Parents: Tuesday, February 24, 6‐8 p.m: Admissions needs parent volunteers to help at the Welcome Event. We would be thrilled to have help with check‐in at the registration tables and with hospitality. Thank you for your support! Please contact Charlene Kletzly 425‐295‐ 3014. STEM LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS Sample the working world of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at this Career Exploration Conference for girls in grades nine‐12. The event will be held March 27 at the Bellevue College Campus, 7:45 a.m.‐1 p.m. Participate in hands‐on workshops led by professional women working in STEM fields. Applications forms are at Student Services and the registration deadline is March 13. MOCK SAT AND ACT TESTING Girls Lacrosse is sponsoring mock SAT testing Saturday, March 12 and mock ACT testing on Saturday, March 28. Both tests will be held at 8:40 a.m.‐1:30 p.m. in the EC Library. Cost is $25 per student. The testing will give students an inside look at what to expect on the real SAT/ACT. Results will include in depth analysis of the student's performance with exclusive strategies on how to improve their score. Click here to download the registration. Contact a representative from EC Girls Lacrosse for any additional information. MIDDLE SCHOOL FREE DRESS AUCTION ITEM Treat your EC middle school student(s) to a week of no uniforms by registering for a week of free dress! $50 per student will buy your student a week‐long break from their khakis and polos. Each grade works together to earn free dress for the entire grade! If each grade's participation reaches at least 50 percent, the entire grade (including teachers) will receive free dress! Not all classes have reached 50 percent in the past so let's go for it this year! Final results will be announced in EC This Week on Wednesday, March 18. Free dress must be used the week of April 13 ‐ 17. Please see the description of 'Free Dress' in the Uniform Guidelines section of the Middle School Student Handbook found on My EC. Item is non‐ refundable. NEW STUDENT WELCOME EVENT Rising eighth graders, please save‐the‐date for the "New Student Welcome Event." You are invited to meet your fellow ECHS classmates, Class of 2019 on Tuesday, February 24. 7‐ 8:30 p.m. in the Commons. Students will get to know each other and learn more about ECHS clubs and activities. Parents will have the opportunity to learn more about the advantages of EC's unique high school programs and what to expect at the New Student Registration held on Saturday, February 28. EASTSIDE CRUSADER JUNIOR FOOTBALL Eastside Crusaders Junior Football (ECJF) will open registrations for the Fall 2015 season for ECMS students and returning players on February 15. Registration for EC friends and family, parochial students and the general public will begin on March 1. ECJF is the only program that has an aggressive and proactive program to reduce concussion through EC CAPP Program, which ensures EC provides comprehensive education for players, families and coaches, the best and safest equipment on the market, teaching proper fundamentals of football, and promoting safer play. You don't have to be Catholic or even attend school here to play on our team. We're open to all players ages 7‐14. All practices and home games are held at Eastside Catholic School. For more information or to register, please visit the website. For questions, contact ECJF President Mike Shigley at 425.223.8430. ECMS YEARBOOKS It's time to order ECMS yearbooks! Order by March 1 and the cost is only $28 per book. Orders received after March 1 will cost $35 per book. Yearbooks arrive the last couple weeks of school. Our hardcover yearbook is printed in full color and is designed by the MS Yearbook Club led by Ms. Martin. Order yearbooks here. SAVE THE DATE ‐ MIDDLE SCHOOL SERVICE OPPORTUNITY! Middle school students will have an opportunity to earn service hours on Wednesday, February 11 from 3‐4 p.m. in Ms. Kenney's classroom D411. We will be making Valentine cards for Tent City residents and the elderly. All materials will be provided. Students who are interested can sign up outside Ms. Kenney's door. Contact Anna Ricci with any questions. WELCOME BACK AND CONGRATULATIONS EC CHEER For the first time in the history of Eastside Catholic, our cheer squad traveled to Orlando, Florida for the UCA National Cheer competition. It was a huge accomplishment to qualify for the competition and the girls had an amazing showing. They had one of their best performances ever with no deductions and put Eastside Catholic on the map! They represented Eastside Catholic well and we are so very proud of them! Great job, ladies! Go Cru! CONGRATULATIONS WRESTLERS! Great job by our entire team at the Metro Wrestling tournament this past weekend! EC had three Metro Champions, Alex Neale, Connor Heger and Matt Iwicki. They move on next week to the regional wrestling tournament, along with Matt Boss, Matt Williams and Duncan Heger, which will determine who moves on to the State Tournament. Good luck, Crusaders! GOOD LUCK EC BOYS SWIM! Good luck to our Crusaders boys swim team as they compete at the district meet this weekend! EC will have six swimmers representing our school: Tay Holladay, Carson Holladay, Brennan Ober, Noah Davis, Sean Fearon and Toby Plaskon. Go Crusaders! BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS ARE HERE Both the boys and girls basketball teams are playing in the Metro Basketball tournament! The boys beat Franklin on Monday night, 73‐56 and move on to play Rainier Beach Wednesday night at Ingraham High School at 5:45 p.m. The girls also won big Tuesday over Ingraham. Their next game is also tonight at 7:30 p.m. against Seattle Prep at West Seattle High School. SPRING SPORTS ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER For those high school athletes interested in spring sports, the first day of practice will be Monday, March 2 (*except girls lacrosse, which begins the previous week). Please make sure you have your athletic waiver and current physical form (within the past 13 months) submitted to the office prior to tryouts. If you are not sure if your paperwork is in, please contact Stacey Stoutt and we can check for you. MANDATORY SPRING SPORTS PARENT MEETING All parents of spring high school athletes, please plan to attend our spring sports parent meeting on Wednesday, February 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the EC gym. Athletics will have a short presentation, followed by break out meetings for individual teams. Please plan to attend. Thank you! Forward email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. 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