St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31 5AF) Parishes Southampton East Area, Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity 246871 OFFICE: St. Patrick’s House, 45 Portsmouth Rd. Southampton SO19 9BD Phone 023 8044 8671, Email: [email protected]. Parish Priest: Fr. Claro V. Conde, Parish Deacon: Rev. Peter Silsbury, (Tel. 02380 477158) Mrs. Marion Patient, parish registrar (11am – 1:00pm Mondays and Tuesdays) Safeguarding Reps: Barbara Reed and Coleen Smith (02380 448 671) For emergency calls please txt 07803191502 SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME – 15th FEBRUARY 2015 WELCOME! Failte! Witajcie! Willkommen, Merhba! Mabuhay! Nno! EnnaVishayam! Bienvenidos! (Svāgat) ahlan wa sahlan , Selamat dating COME & WORSHIP WITH US SATURDAY VIGIL Mass: 6 pm (St Patrick’s) SUNDAY 9am Mass Annunciation (Netley Abbey) 11am Mass & Baptism St. Patrick’s (Woolston) Confessions before the Masses 16th February Monday Feria 9:30am Mass (St. Patrick) 17th February Tuesday The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 9:30am Mass (Annunciation) 18th February Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY 9:30am Mass St Patricks Tea &Coffee afterward 7.00 pm Annunciation 19th February Thursday after Ash Wednesday 9:30am No Service (St. Patrick) 6pm Home Mass for the Sick 20th February Friday after Ash Wednesday 9:30am No Service (Annunciation) 6pm Home Mass for the Sick INTENTIONS for February: Guillermo Versosa rip BIRTHDAYS: Jessica Phillips (16 Feb); Patricia Stroud (16Feb); Colin Murphy (18Feb); Christina Dougherty Dodds(19Feb); Kal-El (Kyle) Metcalfe (19Feb); Abbie O’Rourke(19Feb); Marta Natalias-Robbins (21Feb) PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Ted White (husband of Hilda); Moira McDonald and Alex Sadowski; Laura (Moira McDonald’s daughter) WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS. If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know. Thank you. Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News: SAVE TREES. You can have the newsletter sent by email. Let us know. Reduce our Carbon Footprint PASTOR’S CORNER We begin our Lenten Season on 18th of February with the celebration of ASH WEDNESDAY. I urge you to come and have your foreheads marked with ashes as Catholics witnessing the Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in our everyday lives. You may go to other churches in Southampton at your convenience. And also come to confession to other priests. Ash Wednesdays Mass times in Southampton Churches: St Edmund’s 6:30am; 7:30pm; St Joseph’s 12:15pm. St. Boniface’s 10am and 8pm. West End St. Bridget 10am, Hedge End Our Lady of the Assumption 7:30pm. CHINESE CHAPLAINCY. For Rite of Election: Joseph Bing Guang, Angela Anqi, Catherine Joyce, Anthony Tian You, Qiao Ying, Qiao Ling. On 19th February is the start of a week celebration of Chinese New Year celebrated by 1,368,000,000 Chinese. There are 433,150 (2011) in UK. 53 per cent no religious affiliations. The Diocesan Chinese Chaplaincy based here in St. Patrick would like to reach out to the Chinese in Hampshire and IOW. Many of them are going to Protestant churches and even to the Jehovah Witnesses because they welcome them. However the enigmatic smile of Pope Francis continues to mystify them that we pray they come and welcome the true Church that Jesus established in St. Peter’s legacy. Xin Nian Kuai Le, 新年快乐 (Mandarin), Gong Hei Fard Choy, 恭喜发财 (Cantonese) Happy CHINESE NEW YEAR to all. Fr. Claro Conde XUEMEI XUE Rosa (Diocesan Chinese Lay Chaplain) Clover Kok and Samantha Dong leave the jumble at the back of the church or give to Sylvia. All proceeds will go to the Filipino Fund. PARISH CALENDAR th 18 February ASH WEDNESDAY – LENT. 9:30am Mass (St. Patrick’s), 7pm (Annunciation) th 20 February Friday 1:30pm Station of the Cross. Every Friday in Lent. 1030am on Good Friday FINANCE AND FUND RAISING 2nd Collection: Buildings and Maintenance NEXT WEEKEND - CAFOD st 21 February Saturday 11am St. John Cathedral Portsmouth RITE OF ELECTION for Candidates who want to become Catholics nd st 22 February Sunday 1:30pm – 3:00pm 1 session of BAPTISMAL Preparation begins at Christ the King Church Hall, see Deacon Peter for more information. th 25 February Wednesday 7:30 THE BIBLE MINI-SERIES. In 5 parts this tells the story from Genesis to Revelation. St. Patrick. 27th February Friday LENTEN FAST DAY St Patrick total: £632.57 Loose plates: £72.23; Envelopes: £327.66; Hall: £120.00; Prayer candles: £8.78; Repository: £35.00; Second collection B&M: £68.90. The Annunciation total: £192.86 Loose plates: £57.50; Envelopes: £39.50; Second collection B&M loose plate: £54.86; Second collection B&M envelopes: £16.08; Lottery: £25.00 FOR GIFT AID Donation scheme please contact Irene Chapman (Woolston) or Peter Chilton (Netley) th 7 March Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation for st 1 Holy Communion Candidates and Parents. th 13 March Friday Lenten Penitential Service & CONFESSION, 7:30pm Immaculate Conception Portswood. th 17 March FEAST of ST PATRICK. Bishop Philip visits St. Patrick School th 19 March Thursday Feast of St. Joseph, 4pm Lenten Penitential Service & CONFESSION, St. Patrick Church st 21 March Penitential Service & Confession 10:30am, St. Brigid West End th 25 March Feast of the ANNUNCIATION 28 March IGNITE (Youth Retreat) 29 March Palm Sunday HOLY WEEK (Clock goes forward) th 5 April EASTER SUNDAY th 24 May PENTECOST (International Mass & Food) LEGACY: PLEASE REMEMBER the PARISH and the MISSIONS in Your WILL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP. BARN DANCE PLANNING MEETING. Annunciation Presbytery, Monday 16th February 7.30pm. Please come along if you are able to help us to plan a successful event. BARN DANCE 2.Tickets are now available after Mass. Adult price £5.00, children go free. Price includes a hot meal, bring your own drinks. The Dance is on Saturday 28th February at 7.30pm in THE ABBEY HALL, NETLEY ABBEY. Led by The Woodsiders, Barn Dance and Ceilidh Band. If you want to reserve a ticket call Chris 023 8056 0452. FILM NIGHT. One for the girls this month! What we did on our holiday (12). David Tennant, Rosamund Pike and Billy Connolly. Thursday 26th February, 7.30pm Annunciation Presbytery. th 30 May Confirmation at St. John Cathedral, Portsmouth by Bishop Philip Egan. th st 6 June Saturday 1 Holy Communion th 7 June Sunday Corpus Christi Baptism Preparation in the Pastoral Area: The dates for the 2-session courses in 2015, for parents wishing to have their child baptised, are: 22 February and 8 March, 10 and 17 May, 13 and 20 September All are Sundays in Christ the King church hall in Bitterne, 1.30-3pm. GARAGE SALE-In St Patrick’s Hall 21st February 2015 1.00 pm-4.00 pm. Admission 20p. There will be a sale of surplus goods received for the Filipino appeal. Any jumble will also be gratefully received. Please SHEILA JEFFS RIP. Sheila’s family would like to thank parishioners and all our friends for the prayers and messages of sympathy. FLAME 2, CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL, WEMBLEY th ARENA, MARCH 7 . Tickets are still available for Flame 2, which will be the largest Catholic youth event ever held in the UK. Matt Redman will be leading the music and a range of interesting people will be speaking, including Cardinal Luis Tagle, recently by the side of Pope Francis throughout his visit to the Philippines. The event is open to young people and young adults, Year 10 upwards. For a full programme and booking details. DISCLAIMER: The parish is not responsible for whatever transactions the advertisers have to anybody who responds to this advert
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