St Patrick s (Woolston, SO19 9BD) & Annunciation (Netley, SO31 5AF) Parishes Southampton East Area, Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity 246871 OFFICE: St. Patrick’s House, 45 Portsmouth Rd. Southampton SO19 9BD Phone 023 8044 8671, Email: [email protected]. Parish Priest: Fr. Claro V. Conde, Parish Deacon: Rev. Peter Silsbury, (Tel. 02380 477158) Mrs. Marion Patient, parish registrar (11am – 1:00pm Mondays and Tuesdays) Safeguarding Reps: Barbara Reed and Coleen Smith (02380 448 671) For emergency calls please txt 07803191502 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD – 11th JANUARY 2015 WELCOME! Failte! Witajcie! Willkommen, Merhba! Mabuhay! Nno! EnnaVishayam! Bienvenidos! स्वागत (Svāgat) ahlan wa sahlan أهًال و سهًال, Selamat dating COME & WORSHIP WITH US SATURDAY VIGIL Mass: 6 pm (St Patrick’s) SUNDAY 9am Mass Annunciation (Netley Abbey) 11am Mass & Baptism St. Patrick’s (Woolston) Confessions before the Masses 12th January Monday BEGINNING OF ORDINARY TIME – St Aelred 9:30am Mass (St. Patrick) 13th January Tuesday St Hilary 9:30am Mass (Annunciation) 14th January Wednesday Feria 9:30am Mass (St. Patrick) Tea &Coffee afterward 15th January Thursday Feria 9:30am Service of the Word (St. Patrick) 4.00 pm Reception of Sylvia Oliver rip 16th January Friday Feria 9:30am Service of the Word (Annunciation) 1.00 pm Funeral Service for the late Sylvia Oliver INTENTIONS for January: Reginald Stevens rip (17Jan) Bernadette Conway rip; Irene Barfoot rip; Barry Victor Corbin rip; Thomas McFarlane rip; BIRTHDAYS: Alex Taylor (11Jan); Jaclyn Benedicto (11Jan); Anicka Simeu (11Jan); Laura Marfo (12Jan); Moira Chambers (12Jan); Charita Marshall (13Jan); Katrina King (13Jan); Joseph Portelli(14Jan); Piotr Breudzel (16Jan) WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS. If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know. Thank you. PASTOR’S CORNER Let us welcome our probationary New Eucharistic Ministers. They are Mathew Jaison, Gavin Vales, Joy Nursing, Xuemei Rosa Xue, Mark Balaam, Gemma & Hedger Zerna, Marivic & Jerry Paglinawan. This week is the final call for those applying to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation 2015. I need a simple note from the applicants, their details and why they would like to be confirmed. Parents and candidates are to meet Deacon Peter and team at Christ the King and St. Colman Church, Bitterne at 7pm on Monday 12 January. Bishop Philip has set the Confirmation at the Portsmouth Cathedral on 30 May I call on volunteers to the ministry of Catechism. Please see me and we will send you for training at the ECHOES TRAINING DAY FOR CATECHISTS. The session is from 10am—3pm on Saturday 24 January at St Edward the Confessor Church, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU. Please call Sr. Veronica 01590 681874 for more information. Sign up for Portsmouth Diocese E-News: I invite all those volunteers for the ministry of the sick in Annunciation and St. Patrick for a meeting and formation on the 31st of January Saturday at 10:30am to 12noon at St. Patrick’s Church. Deacon Peter will review with us the Diocesan Guidance for those visiting the sick and elderly in the parishes. We need to recruit and train more volunteers as well. I plan to have a special Mass of Healing for the Sick in February, the International Month for the Sick. SAVE TREES. You can have the newsletter sent by email. Let us know. Reduce our Carbon Footprint God Bless. Fr. Claro Please pray for Dorothy Taylor (mother in law of Mary Taylor) who died last week. May she rest in peace! Laura Philips FINANCE AND FUND RAISING 2nd Collections Building and Maintenance St Patrick total: £921.15 Loose plates: £136.01 Envelopes: £282.30; Gift for Fr Claro: £300.00; Hall: £40.00; Prayer candles: £40.08; Repository: £25.00; Second collection B&M: £97.76. The Annunciation total: £171.01 Loose plates: £48.34; Envelopes: £26.25; Second collection B&M loose plate: £47.07; Second collection B&M envelopes:£5.00;Late Christmas offering: £20.00; Late Crib collection: £24.35. Important Notice Standing Orders The majority of Offertory Giving is now by Standing Order. This makes counting quicker & avoids people searching for loose change to put in the bag on Sunday Morning. If you would like to set up a Standing Order (which we can claim Gift Aid if you are a tax payer) please speak to Irene Chapman or Peter Chilton or Fr. Claro. FOR GIFT AID Donation scheme please contact Irene Chapman (Woolston) or Peter Chilton (Netley) LEGACY: PLEASE REMEMBER the PARISH and the MISSIONS in Your WILL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP. Parish Calendar January 2015 17th Jan Saturday SVP Seniors Christmas Party 2014. The annual SVP Seniors Christmas Party will take place in the Parish Centre from 4.00 - 5.15. A list has been placed at the back of the churches and the SVP will arrange transport for those who need it and wish to attend. Irene Chapman 18th Jan Sunday CTS (Christians Together in Itchen) Service at St. Patrick. There will be AGM at the Hall at 5pm. Please come and join us pray for peace. EXODUS: Gods and Kings. We have had to cancel our cinema trip because this film has not performed very well at the box office and there are no showings on Sunday 11th at a suitable time. BARN DANCE 2. Saturday 28th February 2015, 7.30pm Abbey Hall, Victoria Road, Netley. Save the date in your diary, more details soon. CAKE SALE – There will be a Parish Cake Sale at St Patrick’s Church on 24th/25th January. Donations of cakes will be most appreciated. A NEW SERIES OF CAFÉ will begin on Wednesday 14th January and run each Wednesday for five weeks. This series is called “Life to the Full” and will be presented by David Payne, Director of Catholic Evangelisation Services and Jenny Baker, Conference Speaker and DVD presenter. For those who are new to CaFÉ the series consists of listening to video talks and spending some time in reflection and sharing in a relaxed informal atmosphere. Refreshments are provided. The first session is called “Where on earth is God?” when David Payne will lead us through the Bible to discover how God reveals Himself to us. It will take place on Wednesday 14th January at 7.30 pm to 9.15 pm at Christ the King and St Colman’s Parish Hall, Commercial Street Bitterne SO18 5EG. If getting there is a problem, transport can be arranged by calling Chris Bick 02380 560452. Looking forward to seeing you there. A short video clip can be found at Flame 2 - Saturday 7th March 2015. In 2012, 8000 young Catholics gathered at Wembley Arena for Flame. In March, CYMFED is building on this success by running Flame 2. This event is for young people from Year 10 - young adult. Over 5000 tickets have been sold, and young Catholics from Portsmouth Diocese are going to be a big part of it, as they travel with Bishop Philip on our diocesan coach to Wembley for Flame 2. Places cost just £45 which will include transport, tickets and a hoody! For more information and to book a place, contact Will Hince at [email protected] or 07780221686. The trailer for the event is above. Peace Sunday 2015 will be celebrated on 18 January. The theme is Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters. Pax Christi resource materials for Peace Sunday are available at Prayer of St Francis Make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness light. Where there is sadness, joy. DISCLAIMER: The parish is not responsible for whatever transactions the advertisers have to anybody who responds to this advert
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