Worcestershire Villages Circulation to Childswickham, Murcot, Aston Somerville, Broadway and Leedens Park, Willersey, Hinton, ( Buckland) V illage-News March 2015 March 10th to 13th Sat 14th Sun 15th MON 16 th Tues 31st Cheltenham Gold Cup week Coffee morning Childswickham Hall Mothers Day Have a break from Lent! HEINEKEN’s BEST OF THE BLUES : BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL, Where is everybody going? Down to the Childswickham Inn for another fabulous Cricket club supper and quiz night. Gloucester Warwickshire Railway March 21st 22nd Recruitment Fair NOTA BENE Next month articles please March 10th http://www.village-news.org.uk If you use an advertiser let them know where you got their number. This magazine was printed by Bear Print &Media Ltd Tel No. 01386 852522 07775 726543 See what they can do for you Send emails to [email protected] Visit the Childswickham web site http://www.childswickham.org.uk Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 Childswickham Church Service Regular Monthly Events Sunday Services These continue each Sunday at 10.30 a.m. On 15th March it is ‘Decorate a Cup Cake’ as part of our informal Mothering Sunday service. There will be floral gifts for the ladies, and the chance to say ‘Thank you’ for our mothers before families hold their own celebrations. 29th March is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week leading to Good Friday and Easter. You may like to know that on the Monday to Wednesday of that week, at 7.00 p.m. in church, there will be a series of meditations on three famous paintings of the Christ’s crucifixion, together with music and readings – lasting about 45 minutes. From the Registers From the Registers We extend our sympathy to the relatives of those laid to rest – 21st January – Maureen Frances Staite aged 78, late of Dunnington near Stratford-upon- Avon. ********************************************************************************************************** Winter Warmer The Concert by ‘The Heart and Soul Community Choir’ from Tewkesbury, on 31st January, realized £1,050 towards the renewal of the Heating system in church. A capacity audience enjoyed the liveliness and vigour of the singers under their musical Director, Hilary Davies; our hope, and theirs, is a repeat performance on another occasion. St Mary The Virgin Rotas March 2015 Cleaning 27th Feb & Mar 6th Mrs P Hackett & Mrs A Kirk Mar 11th & 20th Mrs J Saville Mar 27th & April 3rd Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Hawkins Contacts Childswickham David Matthews, Churchwarden 852712 Joan Barnett, Churchwarden 858309 Canon John Thompstone ( temp vicar ) 852930 Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Coffee Mar 8th Pat Hackett & Angela Kirk 15th Joan Barnett Mar 22nd Margaret Flanagan Mar 29th Brenda Wadsworth Village News March 2015 John Thompstone, ‘interim’ Vicar of Childswickham, writes – Christianity asks us to believe many puzzling, other worldly things: it also gives us a pattern of how to live morally, ethically, and for the benefit of those around us. Not only does the example and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth point to that; so do the words of his apostles. ‘Conduct yourselves honourably…’ writes St Peter. To which he adds, elsewhere – ‘make every effort to support your faith with goodness…with knowledge and self-control…with endurance…with godliness…with mutual affection and with love.’ St Paul chips in with how our minds should focus on ‘whatever is true…honourable…just… pure….pleasing….commendable…’ Christians are called to live in this world as people like that. To do so calls for the discipline and structure of daily life that Lent (which lasts throughout March) suggests we practice with renewed energy. Here are the four things given and available for our help – The Holy Bible – its words may encourage, inspire, enlighten. It contains warnings to heed, promises to claim, examples to follow and warnings to heed. It confronts us with the likeness of God, as seen in the person of His Son – Jesus Christ. Prayer – a secret place where – alone – we may enter into the quiet time of stillness: space in our lives, filled with the gifts of God’s grace, the discovery of His truth and His mercy towards us – sinners that we are. Fellowship – that sharing with our brothers and sisters ‘in Christ,’ of the common life we lead with Christians all around the World – in worship, in service, in witness, and in faithfulness. In Childswickham, it is found as we gather in Church on Sunday mornings – feeling ourselves to be part of the Body of Christ, joyfully united in Him. Holy Communion – that place to which God comes and to which He invites us: the breaking of bread, and thanks given over wine outpoured, becomes the perpetual memorial of the suffering and death of the Son of God, and of His Resurrection. We may enter into all that the cross of Calvary achieved for the World, and know that we are His beloved children ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven by the One who is, now, our Risen Lord. This month you could begin something: or resume what you have let go of: or develop the mystery of faith which moves from what Christians believe into how Christians are to behave. It’s a spiritual journey, but we never travel alone. If there are things you would like to know more about, I am freely available for you. John The Boiler…. The story so far There has been several meetings involving people with expertise in the areas of heating such buildings. Present day heating options are numerous and expensive. The appointment of a consultant would take a few concerts to pay for! At present we are asking three heating companies to come up with proposals for systems that will suit our needs and our pocket. When we get to a suitable stage we hope to involve as many people as we can to help us make the right decision. Until then we are grateful for all the support that the community gives us in raising money to keep the church alive and kicking. Eric Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 Childswickham WI Marilyn welcomed the members to the 100th year of the WI. There have been two activities this year so far – tea and subs with 36 members joining, and 26 members have enjoyed a New Year meal. 3 visitors were welcomed to this meeting. A number of members expressed an interest in a craft day at Jinny Ring Centre and also a lunch meeting with Michael Portillo. There will also be a table top sale at the end of the year in addition to the published programme. Our speaker this month was Debbie Williamson who gave a thought-provoking illustrated talk on her research into the soldiers commemorated on the Broadway War Memorial. She also included interesting information on the soldiers mentioned on the Childswickham Memorial Plaque in the Hall and has published her research in a book available locally, with profits going to the Poppy appeal. Next month’s talk is ‘Music in Shakespeare’ by Ted Watson with the competition being an item relating to music. Visitors welcome £4. Title of book- BROADWAY REMEMBERS. by Debbie Williamson. Proceeds to the Poppy Appeal. ISBN 978-0-9929891-0-1. Available at Blandfords in Broadway. Childswickham Womens Group Coffee Morning SAT March 14th 10.30– 11.30 am In aid of Shopmobility What is Shopmobility? Shopmobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited mobility to shop and to visit leisure and commercial facilities within the town, city or shopping centre. Who Can Use Shopmobility? Shopmobility is for anyone, young or old, whether their disability is temporary or permanent. It is available for those with injuries, long or short-term disabilities – anyone who needs help with mobility. Shopmobility is about the freedom to get around. Childswickham Parish Council The Parish council has noted that Cresswells Bus has had some difficulties in negotiating its way through Atkinson Street. Please would householders & Hall users park courteously & with care to allow busses & emergency vehicles through at all times. Please note it is an offence to park or obstruct the pavement anywhere in the village. Ed! How Strong is our Village! The parish council has asked me to raise the question of possible saving of money through Oil clubs. I have put this in the magazine before. It is a useful saving for householders and the church . Sedgeberrow has run a successful oil buying club. Initially for its village alone but had extended its membership beyond. Their club looked to the Rural Innovation Centre at Stoneleigh Park , Kenilworth. www.oilbuyingclub.com Read on For several years in the village of Sedgeberrow we have sought to improve our environment credentials through the Sedgeberrow Sustainable and Manageable Energy Group (SeSaME). The group has initiated a number of ideas to improve energy efficiency and lower costs for households in the area. Part of this was an oil buying club which we established in 2011. Running the club involved quite a lot of paperwork and so we restricted membership to the village. However, it was always clear that the oil club produced real benefits for the villagers who were members; lower prices, less hassle with orders and the knowledge that fewer tankers were using our local roads. The decision to use the new system from oilbuyingclub.com came from a meeting of local Parish Councillors in the Wychavon District. The team from Oilbuyingclub.com presented the new system and outlined the potential benefits that running a community scheme delivered. The benefits were pretty obvious, a solution to the admin burden, ease of use for members and better relations with suppliers, so we joined up. Anyone interested should contact [email protected] 07710 1511923 Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 Memorial Hall Lettings: Anne Wood 854955 Art Class Keep Fit Quilting Evergreens WI Parish Council Friday weekly Monday Thursday Wednesday weekly TT 2nd & 4th Wednesday Ist Wednesday Last Thursday Ballroom Dancing Latin American Thursday TT = Term Time Charges per Hour: Main Hall Snooker Villagers £5.50 £4.50 or http://www.childswickham.org.uk 10.00 - 12 .00 am 01684 592374 10.00-11.15 Tess 9.15-10.15 10 .00 -12.00 pm Georgina Oldham 2.00 – 4.00 pm Peggy Maudsley 7.00 – 10.00 pm Marilyn Watts 7.15 pm Jacqueline Shields 01242 01386 01386 01684 820423 852316 854661 773236 7.00-8.00 Beginners 8.15-9.15 Intermediate Kleo 858905 Non Residents £10.50 £4.50 The Children’s Society Those who have Children’s society boxes will recall that Sue Macgregor was unable to collect them last year. I will be helping her by doing so in April—- see next month’s magazine for further information. All donations are used to help disadvantaged young people. One area they are focussing on is the West Midlands ( not that far away) where almost 175 000 children live in poverty, making it one of the most deprived areas in the uk! If you don’t have a collection box and would like one to make a one –off donation, please let me know Angela Kirk ( 833622 ) CHILDSWICKHAM CRICKET CLUB Tuesday 31 March. Knock knock who’s there? Yetta ! Yetta Who Yetta another Quiz night! The same and now well established format. 7pm start, quiz beginning at about 8.15. Five rounds of 15 questions in each round. Again, there are guest quiz masters for two rounds! Prize for the winning team. Teams of 6-8 please, which should be named. Price remains unchanged at £12.50 per head to include a two course supper. Please forward cheques (payable to Childswickham Cricket Club) or cash to me before the event. The club has a full programme of matches this season, starting on Sunday 3 May when we play Offenham here at the Sam Perry Ground. We look forward to seeing many of you at these quiz nights, which are always fun and represent great value. Please come along and support both the cricket club and your local inn. Mark 01386 853578 07733 343219 If attendance at the Feb eve is anything to go by its best to get in quick … Ed! Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 GWR Recruitment Fair 21/22 March 2015 For all “ I am going to be a train driver when I get older” kids from 5 to 95 The GWR is always on the lookout for volunteers to help out, not only at Broadway but also in other departments. To this end the railway will be holding a recruitment fair at Toddington on Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22 March. The aim is to give potential volunteers a chance to see how they could help to run an award-winning Heritage Railway. There is a whole lot more than construction and tracklaying ... there are roles for everyone, men and women, all ages, unskilled to highly skilled. Some of the activities our volunteers are involved in behind the scenes include engineering, upholstery, woodworking, commercial, clerical, finance, building maintenance and gardening. And of course we need booking office staff, catering and shop staff, ticket inspectors, guards and drivers! We also have a Young Volunteer Group for 11 to 16 year olds. The Fair will be split between the stations at Toddington and Winchcombe and attendees who have registered their attendance will be entitled to a return trip by train from Toddington. To allow time to visit all of the Fair and travel between Toddington and Winchcombe it is recommended that attendees should arrive at Toddington between 9.30am and 2pm. It would be helpful if people wishing to attend would pre-register their attendance by following the Recruitment Fair link on www.gwsr.com or phoning 01242 621405, although registration can also be done on the day. WANTED Local family of mother, son and small dog require 2 or 3 bed house for a long term rental. Ideally Broadway, Willersey, Childswickham areas. Excellent references can be provided. Able to move immediately. Contact: Sharon on 07854278558 Wanted ROOFTOP HOUSING EXCHANGE Lovely 3 bedroom House in Broadway, large garden close to school & shops and amenities. Brand new double glazing , back and front door, new fitted kitchen, bespoke fireplace and pine doors throughout. Need to move to be closer to parents. Will accept 2 or 3 bedroom place in Childswickham. Contact Mandy 07722185498 Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 Outdoor nets are now running at the cricket gr For all walkers The Donnington Way A spring challenge Now, the pleasure that is Donnington is opened to the rambler in the form of a 62-mile circular walk appropriately called ‘The Donnington Way’. You can join the walk at any point in its 15 pub-to-pub sections. Some Donnington Inns offer bed and breakfast facilities, enabling you to walk distances of your choice. Almost 90% of the walk is in Gloucestershire,although parts of the way pass through Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Oxfordshire. All rights of way listed have been walked to establish their existence on the ground, following wherever possible public footpaths and bridleways. To help you along the way maps have been drawn for each of the 15 sections, but for greater detail consult OS Outdoor Leisure 45 ‘The Cotswolds’ map which covers the entire route. Of course the pubs are just there for landmarks to make sure you don’t get lost. Amazon or most good book shops will have the Donnington way, a history of the Donnington Brewery and the walk between the pubs For example you can start at any one as it says above. The New Inn Willersey………. The Mount Inn Stanton….. The Snowshill Arms ….. The Plough Inn at Ford …. Half way House at Kineton….. The Farmers Arms…. Guiting Power….. The Black Horse Inn at Naunton…..The Golden Ball Inn at Lower Swell are just a few to wet your whistles. Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 HEINEKEN’s BEST OF THE BLUES : BIRMINGHAM TOWN HALL, MONDAY MARCH 16 Celebrate the best players in Birmingham City Football Club’s history, as voted for by readers of Birmingham Mail and listeners of Free Radio. Starting out in 1875 as Small Heath Alliance, the 140 year old club play at home ground St Andrew’s, and are well known for their long-standing rivalry with Aston Villa. The team have had many notable achievements, beating the Villa to the League Cup in 1963, being crowned Second Division Champions of the 1994 -95 season and most recently defeating Arsenal in the 2011 Carling Cup final at Wembley. Revel in the highlights of your heroes, as Gary Newbon and Free Radio’s Tom Ross relive the club’s history, with guests including Blues legend and football’s first million pound player Trevor Francis, and many more players from the past. Jeff Lawrence, a Childswickham resident, is co promoting the show and will be pleased to give local “Blues” fans a discount on tickets for the show. Jeff can be contacted at 07775565325 or [email protected] Bob Latchford, Steve Phillips and Trevor Francis THE SHIRE Bilbo and Gandalf will be going on tour from Oxford through to the Malverns. Look out for details coming soon MAGIC MIRROR MAPS available in Cotswold Trading and Landmark Magic Mirror Maps by Broadway author Steve Ponty is a fresh look at the Maps of the Wilderland in The Hobbit, leading to the discovery that Professor Tolkien drew the imaginary maps from the Map of Wales back to front, or in reverse. 'They are on their way to visit the land of their fathers, away east beyond Mirkwood, put in Gandalf...' Gandalf's mention of the 'land of their fathers' is, by translation of its National Anthem, Professor J.R.R. Tolkien's hidden clue to the geography of Wales, which we learn the Professor loved, including its language. The maps of the Shire in The Lord of The Rings are drawn likewise, of England. The Author has spent over 9 years researching the journey Professor JRR Tolkien undertook in Worcestershire and the surrounding Shire counties which gave him the inspiration for these well known and much acclaimed works, translated into virtually every language worldwide. The Lord of the Rings is the biggest selling book of the 20th Century. The Films by Peter Jackson are legendary. Chipping Camden and Norton, Moreton in Marsh, Upper Quinton, Bredon Hill, Evesham and the Malvern Hills all have their part to play in both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The book is widely available in Broadway and online. Steve is happy to sign copies through us; or find him at The Lygon Arms which he uses for a hobbit hole most days. Contact [email protected] Village News March 2015 Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th ASTON SOMERVILLE March Services March 1st 9.15 am Holy Communion ( CW) March 15th 9.15 am Parish Worship On Wednesday 25th March there will be a short service of Evening Prayer at 4.30 pm probably led by Rev James Pickersgill For the fifth Sunday there will be a Group Communion Service at 10.00 am on Sunday 29th March at Stanton Church The annual Coffee Morning and Gift Day will be held in Aston Somerville Village Hall on Saturday 11th Aprill, 10.00 am12 noon and our Summer fund raising Event will be a buffet in the garden of David & Rosemary Bates’ home, 4 woodland Close on Sat, 20th June . More details to follow Rev. Wendy Foulger Acting Team Vicar, Aston Somerville. Before John Partington left St. Peters he invited me to be the Acting Team Vicar of Aston Somerville. I have been retired 2 years or so from a parish in Carmarthenshire and had been taking services in Winchcome benefice for around a year, so I was pleased to be asked to take on St. Marys. The services are every fortnight at 9.15 a.m. but I am putting out feelers to perhaps change that to 10.30 by Easter. I have already met several of the parishioners and am considering specific ways to spread the Good News throughout Aston Somerville. I am available for Home Communion and pastoral visits. 01242 679956 or Email on [email protected] BROADWAY 2015 New Look 'Signpost - Broadway' Signpost has decided to redefine its service to be more accessible and to meet the changing needs of Broadway and the surrounding villages. have We are open on Mondays and Thursdays between 10am and 3pm. Do come in and see how we can help you. We can also be contacted by : Phone – 01386 859029 Email – [email protected] Our website – www.signpost.info Broadway Garden Club meet in the United Reformed Church Hall on the last Monday of the month and at our meeting on the 30th March at 7.30pm Frank Hardy's talk will be "All Our Yesterdays" and our monthly competition will be 3 miniature daffodils. We look forward to seeing you there. For further details please contact Jo Love 001386 859131 Broadway Remembers Readers may be interested in a book which reflects and remembers people from the locale and events from the war years. It is available at Blanfords in Broadway. BROADWAY REMEMBERS. by Debbie Williamson. Proceeds to the Poppy Appeal. ISBN 978-0-9929891-0-1. Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 The Lygon Arms Broadway A spa & health club for real people Come and join us 01386 854424 At the Health & Leisure Club at The Hotel Collection, we’re about to let you in on a little secret… the recipe for loving your body, loving life, and finding ultimate healthiness. And what is it…? Well, it’s quite simple! For many, discovering the holy grail of life, i.e. loving your body, loving life, and finding ultimate healthiness, has proven something of a nemesis. However, by simply switching to a diet that’s full of healthy, delicious and nutritious food, as well as enjoying a regular and well-structured fitness routine, you’re well on your way to loving life – and everything it has to offer. It’s a proven fact that plenty of regular exercise and a diet full of the nutrients your body needs offers a whole host of benefits, including an increase in energy levels, concentration, happiness, and even life expectancy. So with this in mind let’s take a look at why plenty of regular exercise and lots of super healthy and super tasty food is your recipe for love: 1. The perfect diet should contain plenty of fruit, vegetables, lean proteins including dairy, and whole carbohydrates. And it should limit salt, sugar, saturated fats, alcohol and caffeine. A textbook perfect diet such as this, coupled with plenty of regular exercise, will reduce your risk of certain cancers, osteoporosis, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. 2. Excess weight can cause all sorts of physical, emotional, and health problems. Switching to a low fat and healthy diet full of nutrition and goodness, as well as committing to a regular exercise schedule is a surefire way to ensure you start to love your body again. And it will do incredible things for your overall health and wellbeing too. Broadway Flood defences John Smith as the Worcestershire Council member of the flood committee will be reporting soon . In summary we are finalising securing the 18 acres of land where we want to build the Flood Storage Area, the detailed design work and reservoir safety work has been carried out, and a planning application will be submitted very shortly. We have provisionally secured further national grant funding to allow construction to start in 2016. However, there is still a funding shortfall and the start of construction is subject to securing the £312,000 locally. It is also subject to gaining some local agreements with other landowners which is ongoing. Wickhamford Gardening Club The next meeting of the Gardening Club is scheduled for Wednesday 25th March at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. This month our very popular Spring Show takes place, when all members are invited to raid their gardens for the beautiful spring flowers we hope are at their best, and also test their baking skills! Entries for each class is 10 pence per item. Judging by our President, Tiny Hadley, and Chairman, Colin Hill, will commence at 8.00 pm. During this time members can enjoy a fun quiz, which in previous years has been the subject of much consultation and laughter. We hope all our members will join in and look forward to seeing you all. For any members who have not got a show schedule, please contact Dorothy Turpitt, 01386 830834, or any other committee member for information. Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 WILLERSEY From January 19th the B4362 to Stratford will be closed for 3½ months. This will also cause major changes to some bus routes. There are numerous websites covering Willersey…. But if you want up to date information with links to more, then use http://www.willersey.org At the time of writing Seven Trent are still working on Leamington road to Broadway. While Willersey is strictly Gloucestershire information can be found by looking at Worcestershire County Council road closures and/or Gloucestershirevoyager.com These web sites will not always be up to date as work times are indeterminate! HINTON ON THE GREEN ST PETER’S CHURCH Our services are held every second and fourth Sunday of the Month. The second Sunday is an evening service at 18:00pm and the fourth Sunday is a morning service at 11:15am. The last Tuesday has afternoon tea from 3.00 pm . Chat and cakes ********************************************************************************* CHANGEOVER DAY COTSWOLD HOLIDAY HOME HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Changeover Day offer exceptional cleaning services for holiday owners in the North Cotswolds and surrounding areas. Specialising in luxury properties, , we work with the owners to help them achieve and maintain the highest standards Standard changeover clean including laundry Full property management Welcome gifts Second home cleans One off deep cleans Other services arranged ie gardening, carpet cleaning We provide a bespoke service and would be happy to visit your holiday home to offer a free no obligation quotation www.changeover-day.co.uk [email protected] Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 BROADWAY DOG GROOMERS A professional dog grooming service where our number one priority is your pet. Lucie is ‘City & Guilds’ qualified and operates from a well equipped, relaxed luxury parlour in Broadway Please contact 07807 666859 or http://www.broadwaydoggroomers.co.uk Pick up and drop off available to fit in with your busy lifestyle NEW! Pooch Wrap– Spa Quality Mud Wrap for dogs Going away on holiday? I can have your pooch staying with me in the comfort of my own home . WWW.COTSWOLDHOLIDAY.COM Mobile Hair and Beauty Holiday Homes Whatever direction you wish to follow from Broadway we offer a select range of distinctive Holiday Homes located in the and around the area. So for a short or long stay contact our office in Broadway or visit our website Long Term Rentals We also specialise for those who wish to stay for longer and have a personal and professional service with landlords and tenants. Visit us at our web site for full details Complete Salon-Style Service in the comfort of your own home. Fully qualified and experienced hairdresser and beauty specialist. Only professional products used Wella L’Oreal Jessica etc. Flexible appointments and personal attention. WWW.COTSWOLDPROPERTYLETTINGS.COM Saddlers Barn, Kennel Lane, Broadway 01386 858147 Sue Williams 01386 832152 ( Call anytime, but best time is 6 pm ) CAB Citizens Advice Bureau at SignPost in Broadway 01386 859029 Sessions usually last Thurs in month 1.00 pm –3.00 pm Hares Tree Work & Garden Services Anthony Halling A local independent company. NPTC certified and fully insured. Garden Machinery Specialist Tree Surgery & Felling Hedge Cutting Garden Clearance Tree & Hedge Planting For More information, please call Dave on : 07790 794 321 Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Sales New and used machines Service , Repairs & Sharpening fully equipped workshop Hire Mowers, Strimmers, Hedge trimmers, Cultivators I also sell spare parts , All leading makes Hayter, Honda, Atco, Stihl, Masport,Tanaka, Mountfield Westwood, Countax, Briggs & Stratton and many more All at very competitive prices Over 35 years Experience Tel No 01386 858713 Or call into Pry Farm Workshop, Cheltenham Road, Broadway, WR12 7LX Village News March 2015 Merstow Green MICHAEL HALLING VEHICLES STATION GARAGE Broadway Tele: 858117 Servicing.MOT Repairs. Tyres. Exhausts And much more Local Independent Family Run Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest Golden Charter Prepaid Funeral Plans (please contact us if you would like to arrange a free no obligation home visit to discuss a prepaid funeral plan) A Professional Service for all makes of car FULLY EQUIPPED WORKSHOP Free local Collection and delivery service At Merstow Green Funeral Home we are here to provide practical guidance and emotional support when grief and intense feelings of loss can make even the simplest of tasks overwhelming. Tel. 01386 49903 (24 Hours) www.merstowgreen.co.uk HINTON PEST CONTROL LTD A local Company with 15 yrs of Pest Control Experience Speedy Response to Domestic Calls Commercial Quotes Available Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Carpet Moths/Beetles, Biscuit Beetles, Ants, Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles. Fully Insured, BPCA/RSPH II Qualified Staff Very Competitive Rates Telephone: 01386 41762/ 07775 168666 Website : www.hintonpestcontrol.co.uk Your local, legal specialists offering quality professional services and advice assistance in the following areas:Residential and Commercial Conveyancing Bespoke Will Drafting Service (*to include free drafting for the over 55’s) Probate/Administration of Estates Lasting Powers of Attorney & Court of Protection Matters For further information or to book an appointment please contact our officesThe Old British Schoolroom, 47b High Street, Broadway WR12 7DP Tel : 01386 858107 Fax: 01386 859454 *Terms and Conditions apply Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th , Email: [email protected] Village News March 2015 Your Local Taxi Service BLUE CABS 07770 175 175 Any Distance 24/7 PRE_BOOKED Philip Tomlins FREDERICK C TAYLOR Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons APPROVED ELECTRICIAN 40 yrs experience Tel ( 01386) 765133 24 Hr Service Private Chapel of Rest The Leys, Evesham WR11 3AP Pre payment Plans Availa- Alan Aston Motor Engineers First For Service Eastwick Garage, Eastwick Drive Evesham Worcs. WR11 2LG Tele. No 01386 760700 All types of installations large & small Prompt, friendly, personal service TEL : 01386 852297 The Old Forge, The Cross, Childswickham, LINDSAY BECKMAN & CO LTD Chartered Accountants Business & Tax Advisors For all your accountancy needs 8, Bloxham Road, Broadway Worcs, WR12 7EU 01386 853653 HELEN KEEP Mobile Podiatrist-Chiropodist HPC Reg, Bsc(Hons), M.Ch.S “Professional footcare in the comfort of your own home” 14 years experience in the NHS and Private Practice. 01386 854708 / 07946 235683 Broadway Road, The Perfect Venue from only £10.50 per hour If you’re looking for a spacious venue for your event or activity, our hall in the beautiful village of Childswickham could be just the place for you Kitchen facilities-snooker Room available-Separate meeting roomDANCE CLASSES– MEETINGS-ART GROUPS– DEMOS– TALKS- PLAY GROUPS-CHRISTENINGS-FUNCTIONSRECEPTIONS etc 15 Antique Dealers Under one roof Open 7 Days A Week Antiques Displayed Over Two Floors And Seven Rooms Antiques Bought As Well As Sold Old & Interesting Items Wanted Parking-disabled facilities FOR FURTHER INGFORMATION Please phone Anne on 01386 854955 or Rob on 01386 853752 Tel: 01242 300556 Abbey Terrace, Winchcombe, GL54 5LL Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 BUZZ ELECTRICAL LIMITED LOCAL ELECTRICIANS FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Domestic - Commercial - Industrial EXPERT RELIABLE SERVICE FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS LARGE OR SMALL NICEIC & Part P fully approved Contractors Testing & Inspection Reports www.buzzelectrical.co.uk For free no obligation quotations call:Tel: - 01386 423600 March Events Sunday 8th March, 7pm. Tickets £10 - Book Now! Join us for a preview evening for Cheltenham Festival, led by experts and raising money for local causes and the Injured Jockey's Fund. Explore the racing week ahead with Phil Smith, head of handicapping at the British Horseracing Authority, Dan Skelton, successful young trainer, Sam Twiston-Davis, stable jockey for Champion Train Paul Nicholls, Andy Smith, bookmaker and Richard Phillips, popular local trainer and raconteur. Cheltenham Festival Tues 10th - Fri 13th March from 8.30am Enjoy the racing on the big screen in the Barn throughout the day and re-runs in the evening. Don't forget to place your bets via our free wifi. We'll be open for breakfast from 8.30am to fuel your day at the races Mother’s Day Sunday 15th March from 12pm Treat the one you love. Mothering Sunday at the Fleece Inn features a delicious 3 course menu and a little something special for all the Mums. See the full menu: http://www.thefleeceinn.co.uk/mothers-day/ Seating times; 12pm, 2.30pm or 5pm. Booking Advised - call 01386 831173. Fleecey Folk: Jim Moray Sunday 15th March 2015, 8pm. Tickets £12 - Book Now Jim Moray is one of the most consistently inventive musicians working in English traditional music today. He brings material from his forthcoming album of traditional ballads out on the road for an evening of storytelling music . www.jimmoray.co.uk Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015 01386 852461 www.childswickhaminn.co.uk Book early for CHELTENHAM GOLD CUP WEEK Mothering Sunday on 15th March 10th 11th 12th 13th March We have 3 sittings and will fill fast. Celebrate with us live on three large screens Enjoy Breakfast at the races ! WR12 7HP 12 for 12.30 , 2.30 for 3.00 , 6.00 to 8.00 pm The Lygon Arms Broadway A Spa & Health Club For Real people At affordable prices from £50 Per month Call today 01386 854424 www.thehotelcollection.co.uk Next issue April 2015 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2015
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