BRAMSHOTT & LIPHOOK PARISH COUNCIL Mr P J Stanley EXECUTIVE OFFICER THE PARISH OFFICE HASKELL CENTRE MIDHURST ROAD LIPHOOK HAMPSHIRE GU30 7TN Tel: 01428 722988 Fax: 01428 727335 e-mail : [email protected] YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE AT 7.30PM IN THE PEAK CENTRE, MIDHURST ROAD, LIPHOOK ON MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2015. G SPENCER ADMINISTRATION OFFICER 10 FEBRUARY 2015 AGENDA 1. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda, no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, members may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which they may have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. They must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses & votes on the matter. 4. MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON MONDAY 12 JANUARY 2015 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION Public Questions. Adjournment of the meeting for questions in relation to items not on the agenda, but relating specifically to material planning matters in the Parish. (Any other questions should be put in writing to the Executive Officer.) Public Participation. To allow members of the public to address the Committee about business on the agenda at the discretion of the Chairman. 1 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPLICANT SDNP /13/02300/FUL Cllr P Robinson Neighbouring parish application - pre-decision amendment (further ecological information) - new heathland golf course - land north of Allington Cottage, Langley Lane, Langley, Rogate, West Sussex Old Thorns Golf Club SDNP /14/06426/OUT Cllrs P Jordan /T Maroney Up to 140 residential units, farm shop & café, nature reserve area, SANGS area, sustainable drainage infrastructure & associated access works - Bohunt Park, Bohunt Manor, Portsmouth Rd, Liphook Green Village Investments Ltd 21589/090 Cllr P Robinson Re-location of existing family pods to alternative location - Old Thorns Golf & Country Club, Weavers Down, Liphook Old Thorns Golf & Country Club 22837/002 Cllr R Evans Single-storey side extension - Brooms, Conford Rd, Conford Mr & Mrs Hope 24085/011 Cllr P Robinson Double garage with accommodation above, cycle store, gym & link to existing dwelling, following demolition of existing double garage - 36 London Rd, Liphook Mr & Mrs Rowson 30078/003 Cllr Ms J Poole Two-storey rear extension, following demolition of existing out-building, & replacement roof for existing front bay window - 139 Haslemere Rd, Liphook Mr White 34070/003 Cllr Ms J Poole Two-storey rear extension, following demolition of existing single-storey lean-to - 133 Haslemere Rd, Liphook Mr & Mrs White 37512/008 Single-storey side extension & addition of first-floor dormer Cllr Mrs B Easton window - The Old Mill, Tunbridge Lane, Bramshott Mrs Airey 52747/009 Change of use of land to residential caravan site for six gypsy Cllr Mrs B Easton families (each with two caravans), erection of six amenity buildings, hard-standing & access road - land east of Devils Lane, Liphook Mr Connors 55587/001 SDNP /14/06604/FUL Cllr Mrs J Kirby Neighbouring parish applications - outline application - demolition of MOD buildings & re-development of up to 2,400 dwellings & 23,000 sq. m town centre - full application - SANGS - land at & adjoining Bordon Garrison, Bordon Defence Infrastructure Organisation 55953 Cllr R Evans Single-storey side extension, following removal of detached garage - 8 Meadow Close, Liphook Mr & Mrs Cox Pre-application consultation Cllr P Jordan Radio mast - base station upgrade works - Liphook Railway Station, Station Rd, Liphook Vodafone Ltd 2 TREE APPLICATIONS 20636/006 Prune holly - Bramshott Dene, Tunbridge Lane, Bramshott Cllr Mrs J Kirby /Mr S Thomas Mr Smyrk 50015/005 Prune hazel - Walnut Tree House, 6A Portsmouth Rd, Cllr Mrs J Kirby Liphook /Mr S Thomas Mr Grundy 52252/001 Prune cypress - 69 Victoria Way, Liphook Cllr Mrs J Kirby /Mr S Thomas Mr Grundy 53709/003 Prune beech tree - 53A Tunbridge Crescent, Liphook Cllr Mrs J Kirby /Mr S Thomas Mrs Rooth 55954 Fell two cherries, a sycamore & a birch, & prune conifers Cllr Mrs J Kirby - East Court, Tunbridge Lane, Bramshott /Mr S Thomas Mr Marson 55955 Prune holly & goat willow - land west of 69 Victoria Way, Cllr Mrs J Kirby Liphook /Mr S Thomas Mr Grundy 8. ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS/URGENT PLANNING MATTERS To consider any applications/urgent matters received prior to the meeting. 9. RESULTS OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS (see Appendix 1). 10. TREE APPLICATIONS To agree procedure for dealing with tree applications. 11. PLANNING APPEALS 25 Station Rd, Liphook (20826/005) To advise that appeal by Mr Green (re: refusal of planning permission for alterations to facilitate conversion to provide additional two flats) will be decided by an exchange of written statements. Original Parish Council comments (“Object as over-development of building which would result in inadequate parking facilities, necessitating trade deliveries to be made to the front entrance, which would cause severe disruption to traffic in Station Rd.”) have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. Any further comments to be submitted by 10 March 2015. 3 Former OSU site Area B, Midhurst Rd, Liphook (33993/074) To advise that appeal by Highwood & Taylor Wimpey Homes (re: refusal of planning permission for 60-bed nursing home with access, car parking & landscaping) will be heard at an Informal Hearing (date/location TBA). Original Parish Council comments (“Object as Parish Council considers that Taylor Wimpey should continue to actively market site for commercial employment use.”) have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. Any further comments to be submitted by 5 March 2015. Bramshott Place Phase 4 site, King George’s Drive, Liphook (54599; 54599/001) To advise that the Inquiry to decide appeals by Helical (Liphook) Ltd (re: refusal of planning permission for 40 cottages, 64-bed care home, extension to existing clubhouse & temporary construction access route) has been reconvened for three further days (5/6 February (Petersfield Social Club) & 3 March 2015 (Penns Place)). 12. LAWFUL DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Yew Tree cottage, Hammer Vale (24820/003) To advise that an application has been made to ascertain whether planning permission is required for a rear dormer window. 4
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