CHAPTER 2 BASIC CONCEPTS AND LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 Introduction This chapter begins with an overview of MANETs and VANETs, their characteristics and applications. It then explores the VANET system model and preliminaries and analyses various wireless communication technologies. It also provides some of the important security threats and security requirements of VANETs. It continues with the detailed literature survey on various message authentication protocols categorized based on different techniques they use for message authentication. Finally, it concludes with a brief introduction on the proposed scheme. 2.2 Overview of Ad hoc Networks Due to the interesting property of creating networks while movement, ad hoc networks received attention in industries and military applications. In general, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are the two broad categories of ad hoc networks. Since VANET is an extension of MANET, this section provides an overview of MANETs and VANETs. 2.2.1 Mobile Adhoc Networks General Concepts Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomous systems which consist of a number of mobile nodes that communicate each other using wireless transmission. The main advantage of this type of network is, they can be set up and deployed anywhere and anytime due to the 11 12 simplicity in setting up its infrastructure and maintenance. With the extraordinary growth in wireless technologies and the proliferation of mobile devices such as cell phones, laptops and Personal Digital Assistance (PDA), there is a revolutionary change in the way information is being handled. MANETs are highly useful for mobile users who need to communicate in some critical situations, where wired infrastructures are hardly possible. Characteristics Generally, nodes in MANET are independent and mobile. Hence, connection between them is possible only when they are adjacent. The communication between distant nodes are possible with multi-hop communication as each node can perform both hosting and routing functions. The unique characteristics of MANETs [30]-[34] that makes it differ from other wireless networks are detailed as follows: • Autonomous nature: MANETs are infrastructure-less in nature and are based on the peer-to-peer nodes that communicate with each other. Without any base station or fixed infrastructure, all nodes participate in the network. They themselves serve as both routers and hosts. • Variable Bandwidth: Wireless links which connect the MANET nodes have lower bandwidth than wired links. This is because of the obstacles such as huge buildings, trees, noise in the signal, etc. • Dynamic Topology: MANET nodes are very dynamic by its movement; thus the nodes can unpredictably enter and leave the network, and this nature often changes their links and topologies and requires efficient routing protocols. • Smaller Devices: MANET devices are usually hand hold or small devices such as PDAs, laptops, mobile phones, etc., and are easily portable from one place to another. Due to this nature, these devices can be easily lost, stolen or damaged. 13 • Constrained Resources: Due to their smaller size, they only have restricted batterycapacity, small processing power and storage facilities. • Short Range Connectivity: The connection between the nodes of MANET are considered to be in short range as they rely on radio frequency (RF) technology to get connected. Due to this reason, the nodes need to be close to each other when they want to communicate. • Multi-hop communications: Due to its short range connectivity, communication between any two farer nodes is performed through numerous intermediary nodes whose functions are to relay data-packets from one point to another. This is otherwise known as multi-hop communications. Applications In actual, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Packet Radio Network Project of 1972 set the base for MANETs. However, the research in MANETs were restricted only to military purpose for a long time. Later, in 1990s, by the growth of wireless technologies and standards, MANETs are adopted for commercial purposes. There are many applications of mobile ad hoc networks; these have been listed in [31, 35, 36, 38, 39]: • Military Applications: For tactical networks, MANETs are used to establish communication between soldiers; setting up a fixed infrastructure in enemy areas or in hostile lands. Another application in this domain would be, coordinating military objects moving at high speeds, such as airplanes or warships. • Emergency Services: MANETs can be used in rescue operations, disaster recovery, fire fighting, search and rescue operations where the complete infrastructure has been demolished or is unavailable. Implementing MANETs in such places can set up an infrastructure quickly and save lives. MANETs also used in traffic control and health care services. 14 • Entertainment Services: For the purpose of entertainment, MANETs are used in multiuser games, outdoor internet access, theme parks and wireless peer to peer networking. In such way, MANETs plays an important role in developing social networks. • Educational Purposes: MANETs are also used in educational sectors for setting up university and campus buildings, virtual classrooms, for ad hoc communications during meetings, lectures and video conferencing facilities. • Home and Commercial Networks: The use of MANETs in home environments is to make communication between smart household appliances, such as home wireless networks and personal area networks (PAN). Roaming is suitable to businesses functions. In addition, the applications of electronic payment anytime and anywhere, dynamic database access, managing functions of transport offices and construction sites, etc. • Sensor Network: Deployment of wireless sensor networks can assist to monitor and control physical surroundings from distant places. They are also used in military applications such as battlefield observation; and nuclear, biological and chemical attack detection and reconnaissance. • VANET Applications: The mobile nodes are vehicles here and these vehicles are free to move and self organized. They can share information between themselves and Road Side Units (RSUs), in order to increase safety in the roads through sending warning messages to the drivers about ongoing critical situations. Another aspect VANETs is to enhance the driver comfort through providing informations on near by petrol station, restaurants location and price information, etc. 15 2.2.2 Vehicular Adhoc Networks General Concepts Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a new emerging network technology derived from ad hoc networks, which can provide wireless communication services between vehicles and adjacent road side units; it is a promising technology for future smart vehicle systems and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS program led by American Department of Transportation conceived the idea of VANET since 1991. VANET systems are developed as a means to enhance road safety, traffic management and infotainment facilities for drivers and passengers. Vimmi et al.[47] states that the vehicular networks can provide wide variety of services, range from safety related warning systems to improved navigation mechanisms as well as information and entertainment applications. These additional features make the routing and other services more challenging and cause vulnerability in network services. These problems include network architecture, VANET protocols, routing algorithms, as well as security issues. An anonymous batch authenticated and key agreement for value added services (ABAKA) scheme [102] was dedicated to entertainment services in VANETs. In VANET, each vehicle is equipped with a communication device known as On Board Units (OBUs) that facilitate them to communicate with other vehicles, RSUs located on the road at different points and the TA (trusted authority) as well. In general, OBUs frequently broadcasts routine traffic related messages [40] with information about its position, current time, direction, speed, acceleration/deceleration, traffic events, etc. This helps the vehicle to be warned with critical situations such as accidents, traffic jams and so on, in addition to predicting the movements of the nearby vehicles. 16 Characteristics Though there are similarities between VANETs and MANETs such as low and variable bandwidth, short range connectivity, infrastructure-less, and self-organizations, VANETs can be distinguished from MANETs with few characteristics such as high mobility and unreliable channels. Moreover, most of the MANET routing protocols cannot be applied in VANETs, as they suffer from poor performances due to the fast movement of vehicles. Still, vehicle movements in VANET can be predictable as they are restricted geographically by roads. Vehicles in VANETs are also have much higher power than in MANETs [41]-[43]. The important characteristics of VANETs are summarized as follows: • Dynamic Topology: The topology of VANETs change frequently [44], due to the high speed and random movements of vehicles. According to Ganis Zulfa and Monsoo Kang [45] one of the distinguished attributes of VANETs is its high dynamic movement of the nodes, thereby car density sometimes becomes so sparse that data collisions rarely happen or car traffic becomes so congested that the networks will severely experience data collisions. Assuming that each vehicle has the same transmission range of 300 meters, if any two vehicles move in the same direction with the speed of 60 miles/hour (26.6 meters/second), a link between them can be formed when the distance between is less than 300 meters. Where as, if they move in opposite directions the connection can still be lost for at most 11.2 seconds. • Frequent disconnection: In VANET, any time a vehicle can enter or leave the network as they are free to move. Accordingly, the connectivity in VANETs would change frequently which has an impact on the network structure services. For example, huge buildings and tree in urban roads often weaken the network signals, which may lead to connection break up between two communicating vehicles. Moreover, in city scenarios vehicles have the highest probability of changing their directions. Within VANETs, vehicle mobility will cause the communication links between vehicles to frequently be broken. Such link failures require a direct response from the routing protocols, leading 17 to a potentially excessive increase in the routing overhead and degradation in network scalability [46]. • Enough storage and computational power: Another important VANET characteristics is that vehicles can have powerful wireless transceivers, high data rate, adequate storage, and high processor. This is because, nodes in VANETs are vehicles that can be made up of numerous electronic chips with enough power and storage capacity. • Large-scale nature: VANETs are large scale in nature, as they can be extended further as long as the streets and roads are available. In addition, the necessity of people movement keep increasing compared to the traditional time. Subsequently, the need of vehicles and good road are increasing. All these reasons makes the VANET large scale in nature. • Mobility prediction: To some extend, it is possible to predict the future movement of vehicles through their speed, road maps, etc., because the vehicles are restricted to pre-built high ways, roads, and streets. Message Types The category of messages in VANETs is mainly based on the IEEE P1609.2 Trial-Use Standard [25]. The message exchange in VANETs can be broadly classified into two categories: i) safety-related messages; and ii) value-added messages. • Safety-related messages: The primary goal of VANET is to rely safety related messages. Two types of safety related message are: a) the beacon message, b) the emergency message. (a) A beacon message is a periodically broadcasted message that usually contains the speed, position of the vehicle, or traffic status information, which is intended to enhance driving safety. The location of a vehicle in a given moment, or the path followed along 18 a period of time are considered as personal data. It allows building that vehicles profile and, therefore, that of its driver for disaster rescue [48] . (b) An emergency message is a kind of warning message intended to alert the drivers about accidents, broken bridge, etc. Most of times it is deployed by an emergency vehicle, such as a police car, fire rescue vehicle, or ambulance. Because, vehicles that send out this kind of message should be authorized by a government body. Otherwise, it would be exploited by an adversary to influence the traffic flow for personal gain. An expedite privacy-preserving emergency communication (EPEC) scheme is proposed by L.Chen et al. [101] for the vehicles to securely connect with the others in the neighbor area emergency communication cases. • Value-added messages: These messages include infotainment and value added service messages such as the electronic toll collection (ETC) system, payment for parking, internet service provision, or locating nearby hotels or petrol stations, downloading applications etc. Applications Like MANETs, VANETs are used in several applications. The important VANET applications [49] are summarized in Table 2.1. 2.3 2.3.1 VANET Model and Preliminaries System Model of VANETs VANET architecture consists of three entities as in Figure 2.1: the Trusted Authority (TA), the RSUs at the roadside, and the vehicles equipped with OBUs. 19 TABLE 2.1: VANET Applications Application name Emergency Electronic Brake Lights Slow Vehicle Warning Intersection Collision Warning Hazardous Location Warning Traffic Signal Violation Warning Pre-Crash Sensing Lane Change Warning Cooperative Forward Collision Warning Intersection Management Infrastructure Limited Access and Detour Warning Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Electronic Toll Collect Remote Diagnosis JIT Repair Warning Media Download Map Download Update Ecological Drive Assistance Infrastructure Messaging type Event-triggered Periodic, permanent broadcast Periodic, permanent broadcast Event-triggered, time-limited, GeoCast Event-triggered time-limited broadcast Periodic broadcast, unicast Periodic broadcast Periodic, event-triggered broadcast, unicast Periodic broadcast, unicast Periodic Broadcast Unicast, broadcast Cellular Periodic broadcast, unicast Unicast, broadcast, event-triggered Unicast, broadcast, on-demand Unicast, broadcast, on-demand Unicast, broadcast,on-demand F IGURE 2.1: VANET System Model 20 • TA: Trusted Authority (TA) is the top and trusted in-charge for the registration of RSUs at the roadsides and the mobile OBUs each vehicle is equipped with. The TA alone is able to disclose the real identity of a vehicle in a situation, when that particular vehicle has been accused of misbehavior in the network, with enough evidences from RSU. • RSUs: Road Side Units (RSUs) are the trusted subordinates of the TA that store information coming from TA and OBUs in its storage unit. Usually, it acts upon the commands of TA. RSUs are located at regular intervals in the road sides, mainly this could be traffic signals, street lamps, intersections. The major responsibilities of RSUs could be helping OBUs in authentication, key management and supporting the TA in tracking the adversary nodes when required. RSUs are DSRC transceivers that operate only when stationary. They can be visualized as access points of IEEE 802.11 networks. • OBUs: All vehicles are equipped with a hardware storage unit OBU, which is mainly to store public system parameters issued by TA/RSU, in order to communicate with and authenticate other vehicles by the time of sharing safety and traffic related messages. OBUs are DSRC transceivers present in vehicles that can operate when vehicles are in motion. OBUs are millions in numbers and are fast moving in nature. 2.3.2 Wireless Communication Technologies for VANETs In recent years various wireless network technologies have been developed to offer different services, increased coverage area and data rates. This section provides an overview of them: Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) technology is based on the IEEE 802.11 standards [25]. Today, most of the desktop computers, laptops, smart phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and printers are equipped with Wi-Fi technology. Wi-Fi is commonly used to provide an internet 21 Local Area Network (LAN) connection to Wi-Fi enabled devices. These devices have to be within range of an access point for wireless connectivity. The most common Wi-Fi standards 802.11b and 802.11g are using 2.4 GHz under the speed of 11 Mbps and 54 Mbps respectively, while 802.11n operates in both 2.4 and 5 GHz with theoretical speed 600 Mbps [50]. Wi-Fi networks can be configured with WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) or WPA and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access encryption) for secure access. The access may be restricted within the boundaries of a room or a small building. WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access (WiMAX) is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, which was formed in 2001 by the WiMax Forum, in order to endorse WiMax as a standard [51]. WiMax links Wi-Fi hotspots together and replaced the “last mile” broadband delivery rather than using wires. WiMax 802.16 standard operates at range of 10-66 GHz. Updated standards of WiMax 802.16a and 802.16 operates at frequency range of 2-11 GHz and 2-6 GHz respectively [52]. WiMax technology is not affected by obstacles like buildings. WiMax is cost-effective to provide the wireless access to countryside community where setting a traditional wire would be more expensive. WiMax has much better encryption and less interference than Wi-Fi. WiMax has the speed up to 70 Mbps with range coverage of 112 Km. DSRC Standards Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) spectrum was allocated by the U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 1999, for vehicle-vehicle communication at 5.9 GHz. The main goal was to make public safety applications that rescue lives and increase of quality of traffic flow [53], [54], but it is now increasingly used for infotainment applications in 22 F IGURE 2.2: DSRC Channel VANETs. The transmission range of DSRC standard is from 300 meters up to 1000 meters with vehicle speed of 120 miles/hour. This enables better improvement in traffic flow, highway safety, and other intelligent transport system (ITS) applications. DSRC spectrum is composed of seven 10 MHz wide channels as shown in Figure 2.2. Safety communications are exclusively used to control channel 178. Advanced accident avoidance and public safety applications are using the two side channels in the spectrum. Remaining four channels are known as service channels and used for both safety and non safety usage [55]. IEEE 1609 Family of Standards for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) The IEEE 1609 family of standards consists of four trial-use standards (IEEE P1609.1, IEEE P1609.2, IEEE P1609.3, and IEEE P1609.4), and two unpublished standards (IEEE 1609.0 and IEEE 1609.11). These standards provide a basis for the design of applications operating in the WAVE environment. A summary of these standards [25] is given below. • IEEE 1609.0-unpublished: This standard will describe the WAVE architecture and essential services which enable multi-channel DSRC/WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular network environment. 23 • IEEE P1609.1-2006: This standard specifies the services and interfaces of the WAVE Resource Manager application and defines command message formats and data storage formats within the WAVE architecture. • IEEE P1609.2-2006: This standard defines secure message formats, security mechanisms and processes. This standard suggests employing a hybrid security method: the certificate-based public key cryptosystem and symmetric key cryptosystem to secure message exchanges in the WAVE system. • IEEE P1609.3-2007: This standard defines services within the network and transport layer, including addressing and routing to enable secure WAVE data exchange. It also defines the Wave Short Messages Protocol (WSMD) to provide an alternative to IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) for applications. • IEEE P1609.4-2006: This standard describes multi-channel operation (channel coordination) to support a multi-channel system with the IEEE 802.11 medium access control and physical layer via a control channel and multiple service channels, to provide mechanisms for prioritized access, channel routing and coordination, and data transmission. • IEEE P1609.11-unpublished: This standard defines the essential security services and message format to support an electronic payment system. 2.3.3 Security Threats and Requirements Vehicular networks like all communication networks are vulnerable to attacks by misbehaving entities that can affect the performance of the system. The following sub sections motivates 24 the need for security by enumerating some of the attached possible with their impacts. Also, the security requirements currently considered to secure the network from various threats are discussed. Security Threats Like every network system, VANET is also vulnerable to attacks. Raya and Habaux [57] categorizes the capacities of attackers in 3 dimensions: (i) Insider vs outsider, (ii) malicious vs rational, and (iii) active vs passive. These security threats in the VANET environment are briefly reviewed as follows. • Threat on Integrity Sybil attack: A Sybil attack is where an adversary steals or forges multiple identities and can use it to impersonate a Road Side Unit or other vehicles. Isaac et al. [60] state that the Sybil attack in VANETs can be where an adversary masquerades as multiple identities of vehicular clients at the same time. Yan et al. [61] provides a solution to Sybil attack using an on-board radar system to detect the existence of message senders. However, if the message sender is outside the radar range, this solution is infeasible. Replay Attack: The attacker re-injects in the networks already received message at another point of time in order to take advantage of the situation,which prevailed before. If the attacker impersonates a genuine RSU by replaying the message from the RSU, it is known as RSU replay attack. Bogus message attack: Rahman and Falaki [62], and Raya and Hubaux [12] define a bogus information attack or forgery attack as the adversary distributes false or modified information in VANETs to influence traffic flow. For instance, the attackers may broadcast a false traffic congestion message or emergency alarm to divert the traffic flow in order to clear the traffic. • Threat on Availability 25 Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: Raya and Hubaux [12] state that, the adversary prevents the user from having access to offered network service or resources. To do this, the attacker can create congestion on the network communication channel or send flood messages ito overwhelm the computational system in VANETs. This type of attack may cause accidents when the appropriate warning messages are disabled by the adversaries. Black Hole Attack: In this attack, a node which is used to further propagate a message toward a destination constantly drop out from the network or drop the message preventing the sender to reach its destination. In fact the malicious node can claim to have the shortest path toward a destination causing thus all message to pass through him. • Threat on the Privacy Eavesdropping attack: Kempf [63] defines an eavesdropping attack as an active attack, in which adversaries extract information of other vehicles for personal gain, or passively listen in on a message exchange. Raya and Hubaux [12] state that, the position of a vehicle can be tracked through its identity disclosure, while the adversaries actively eavesdrop on the vehicular communication. Big Brother attack: In this attack, the adversary disclose the ID of other vehicle in order to track their location. An adversary for instance could blackmail a user based on the gained location information. Security Requirements A safety application in VANET depending on its specificity should guaranty some of these following features: • Integrity or message authentication: Integrity is the service that detect the alteration or destruction of information from unauthorized entities since it was created, transmitted or stored. 26 • Source Authentication: Source authentication is the assurance that the received message come from a trusted source. In other words, the receiver verifying that senders are who they claim they are. • Conditional Privacy: Privacy is providing anonymity to the sender in order to prevent the disclosure of real identity. This prevents the sender from being observed by an attacker about his moments or to eavesdrop the messages broadcasted by him. At the same time, it is necessary for the trusted authorities to reveal the real identities of target vehicles when required. • Availability: The system must be available any time to provide to its authorized users a timely and reliable access to its service . • Unlinkability: Any recipient cannot link two or more messages sent by a vehicle to other vehicles. Unlinkablity of a message to its originator provides anonymity. • Traceability: The authorities should be able to trace the sender of the message by mapping the message with the real identity of the sender in case of any liability investigation. A defense technique for network authorities is important to handle misbehavior in VANET access, considering the challenge that privacy provides avenue for misbehavior [66, 103]. Therefore, preserving a conditional privacy is one of the acceptable and desired properties in vehicular communications. • Scalability: Any application and communication mechanism of the vehicular networks must be scalable to a large network. The efficiency of the system is based on how scalable it is to a high dense network. • Non repudiation: Non repudiation is the service that prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transmission message. 27 2.3.4 Other System Preliminaries Bilinear Pairing Since bilinear maps are the basis of the proposed protocols, they are briefly introduced here. Boneh and Franklin [5] proposed an identity based encryption scheme built on bilinear pairing. Following Boneh and Franklin, bilinear pairings have been used to design ingenious protocols for key agreement, identity based encryption and aggregate signatures. At this moment, pairing-based cryptography is a highly active field of research, with several hundreds of publication [72]. Let G be a cyclic additive group and GT be a cyclic multiplicative group with symmetric properties of prime order q. P and g are the generators of G. Alternatively, G could be the group of points on an elliptic curve. An efficient admissible bilinear map eˆ : G × G → GT satisfies the following properties. • Bilinearity: For all P, Q, R ∈ G, and a, b ∈ Zq∗ , eˆ(Q, P + R) = eˆ(P + R, Q) = eˆ(P, Q).ˆ e(R, Q) In particular, eˆ(aP, bP ) = eˆ(P, bP )a = eˆ(aP, P )b = eˆ(P, P )ab • Nondegeneracy: There exist P, Q ∈ G such that eˆ(P, Q) = 1GT • Computability: There exists an efficient algorithm to eˆ(P, Q) for any P, Q ∈ G. The group that possesses such a map eˆ is called a bilinear group, on which two problems are believed hard. • Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP): Given a point g of order p on an elliptic curve, and a point Y on the same curve. The ECDLP problem is to determine the integer x, 0 ≤ x ≤ q − 1, such that Y = g x . • Computational Diffie-Hellman problem (CDH): Given two unknowns x, y ∈ Zq∗ , the CDH problem is given g, g x , g y ∈ G, compute g xy ∈ G. 28 Diffie Hellmann key agreement (DH) Diffie and Hellmann in 1976 [64] developed a key agreement protocol (DH) used by two parties to agree a shared secret key over an insecure medium. This protocol work with two public system parameters p and g. Parameter p is a prime number and g (commonly know as the generator) is an integer less than p with the following property: for every number n between 1 and p-1 inclusive, there is a power k of g such that n = g k mod p. Let suppose, Alice and Bob want to agree on a shared secret key using the DH. They will proceed as follow: • Alice generates a random private value a ∈ N • Bob generates a random private value b ∈ N • Alice and Bob derive their respectively public values from parameter p, g, a and b: xa = g a mod p; xb = g b mod p • They exchange their public values b • Alice computes g ab = g ax , Bob computes g ba = g bx a One-way Hash Chains One-way hash chains are recognized applications used in computer security to produce many one-time keys for a single key or password. One-way hash chains were introduced by Lamport [65] for the secure password authentication quickly gained importance in many other applications, such as stream cryptographic primitive data authentication, micropayment systems and secure data forwarding in wireless ad hoc networks. The safe driving and infotainment services on the move can be develop by the usage of hash chaining concept of cryptography[68]. 29 F IGURE 2.3: One-way Hash Chain Structure The interesting property of hash chain is, it is computationally infeasible to invert, in spite of its ease and efficiency to compute. A one-way hash chain is a repeated application of a hash function h(s) to randomly selected seed s, which has the following properties [16]: • h(x) can take a message of arbitrary-length input and produce a message digest of a fixed-length output; • Given x, it is easy to compute y = h(x). However, it is hard to compute x = h−1 (y), when given y. • Given x, it is computationally infeasible to find any two pair x and x such that x = x and h(x ) = h(x). One-way hash chain can be used for vehicular ad hoc networks for the purpose of reducing the authentication overhead of a series of messages. If a hash chain can uniquely link a series of public and private key pairs using a cryptographic hash function, it is possible to verify that a public key is linked to the hash chain by applying a cryptographic hash function the right number of times to that disclosed public key [69]. 30 Figure 2.3 shows the application of the hash function H(x) on hn . To generate a chain of length n − 1, the first element of the chain hn is randomly picked and then the chain is generated by successively applying a one-way function. In utilization and revelation of these chain element, the reverse direction used for the chain generation starting fromh1 . Each chain element hi is the commitment of the subsequent element in the chain, for example h1 is the commitment of h2 , h3 , · · ·, hn . Any element of the chain hj can be verified from hi (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n) to be an element of the chain by applying H successively j − i times, that is, hj = Hj−i (hi ). The owner can create he chain all at once and stored it, or starting from hn compute on demand the other element of the chain in this oder hn−1 , · · ·, h2 , h1 . Message Authentication Code (MAC) A MAC is a cryptographic primitive used to provide message authentication. Precisely, a cryptographic checksum that is generated based on a message M of variable length using a secret key K as follows: MAC = C(K,M). Before starting a communication the parties in presence must agree on a shared secret key K as in the case of symmetric encryption. A cryptographic hash function is used by the sender to produce a MAC. The MAC is then send to the message receivers along with the message M. At receipt of the message, the receiver computes a MAC on the received message M with the same key K and hash function as was used by the sender. If the two value match, then the message is valid and the receiver can be assured of the origin and the integrity of the message. MAC algorithms can be constructed from other cryptographic primitives, such as cryptographic hash functions (called HMAC) or from block cipher algorithms. HMAC is a special algorithm, which combines a cryptographic hash function and a secret key to generate a MAC. Figure 2.4 illustrates the MAC protocol. In this example, the sender runs the message through a MAC algorithm to produce a MAC data tag. The message and the MAC tag are then sent to the receiver. The receiver in turn runs the message portion through the same MAC algorithm using the same key, producing a second MAC data tag. The receiver then compares the first 31 F IGURE 2.4: Illustration of MAC MAC tag received in the transmission to the second generated MAC tag. If they are identical, the receiver can safely assume that the integrity of the message was not compromised and the message was not altered or tampered with, during transmission. 2.3.5 Batch Verification The requirement of verification process is obligatory for a secured communication in VANET. On the other hand, verification of a bunch of signatures in a single time window significantly hinders the performance throughput of the system. Verifying multiple signatures at once is an effective alternative to improve the system performance. The batch cryptography based on RSA was introduced by Fiat [98] in 1989. According to J. Camenisch [104] who proposed batch verification without using random oracles, verifying n signatures takes the same time as that of verifying a single signature. For example, if 3 pairing operations are required to verify a single signature, verifying n signatures also takes 3 pairing operations instead of 3n pairing operations. Therefore, the time spent on verifying a large number of signature can extensively decrease the time spent on verifying a large number of signatures, which can achieve much better scalability [15]. 32 2.3.6 Simulation Environment and Parameters Most of the research in ad hoc networks has been evaluated using the Network Simulator (NS-2) [28]. Similarly NS-2 simulator was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocols. Because NS-2 is an object-oriented network simulator, with the back end of the simulator written in C++ to implement the protocols and to extend the NS-2 library, whereas the front end of NS-2 is written in Tcl (Tool Command Language), it is simple to create and control the simulation environment. A mobile node consists of network components and parameters such as radio propagation (TwoRayGround), Antenna type (OmniAntenna, Directional, Bi-directional), interface queue (Queue/DropTail/PriQueue), Link Layer (LL), MAC layer type (Mac/802.11) and the wireless channel through which nodes transmit and from which they receive signals. Additionally, other parameters are defined such as, the number of nodes simulated, simulation duration, traffic type, packet size and dimension of the topography will be used as the input variables. Every time after running the Tcl file, a trace file is generated for different node sizes. Trace files were analyzed using AWK utility to find message loss ratio and communication overhead. 2.4 Message Authentication in VANETs Many literatures have been reported on the message authentication of VANETs. They can be categorized into four major groups as follows: 2.4.1 PKI Based Authentication Schemes Raya et al. [70] described a PKI-based approach addressing authentication and privacy issues as fundamental features of VANETs. In their scheme, each OBU message is sent along with a public key and its certificate from the trusted authority. Each message is subsequently 33 signed by the corresponding private key. The receiving vehicle checks the certificate for the authentication of the public key and validates the signature for its trustworthiness. EllipticCurveCryptography(ECC) has been used in this approach to reduce the overheads. To address the privacy issues, Raya et al. [70] suggested a huge number of short lived anonymous keys to be pre-loaded in OBUs. These keys are certified by the trusted authority and will expire after the usage. The vehicles use different keys for different messages so that the real identity of them are kept preserved. However, the real identity can be revealed by the trusted authority, if necessary. For example, according to Raya and Hubaux [57], each car needs a large number of short-lived certificates (probably 43,800) for a year’s usage. Following this, many other studies [12, 13], [16]-[19] proposed similar schemes to store large number of anonymous public key certificates in OBUs. However, certificate revocation of malicious node is an additional overhead in these schemes. Sun et al. [71] addressed the revocation of anonymous certificates in VANETs. A bilinear pairing based technique, as well as a one-way hash functions keep the size of the revocation list linear with the number of revoked OBUs in VANET. In this approach, an OBU updates the trusted third-party certificates by re-signing them with corresponding RSU-keys.However, this scheme is prone to RSU compromise attack. Lu et al. [73] presented a solution that resolves the issue of RSU compromise attack, while it requires multiple hand shaking between an OBU and an RSU for vehicular authentication. Like Sun et al. scheme [71], this approach also performs with high level RSU dependency and hence requires an uninterrupted coverage of RSUs in theVANET. Zhang et al. [21] proposed a scheme called COMET, to address the issues of lack of deployment/coverage of RSUs. This scheme has a probability p to verify the signature of the message. That is, a vehicle chooses to verify the signature, it will inform neighbors if the message is invalid and will stay silent otherwise. This invalid message will be broadcasted to one-hop neighbors. If a vehicle chooses not to verify the message, it will wait for t milliseconds for other neighbor’s reports. If it receives a broadcast of an invalid message, the vehicle will ensure the invalidity by cross verifying the message once again. If no reports are 34 received within the time threshold, it treats the message as valid by default. The property of choosing to verify and one-hop communications reduce the message loss-ratio. However, if there are no other neighbors or an attacker jam the area around the node, there is a chance that the node would arbitrarily accept a false message since no node broadcasts that the message is invalid. Moreover, this scheme requires a PKI-based authentication which keeps the certificate burdens in every message. P.Y. Shen et al. [24] proposed a public key management system by excluding the overheads caused by certificates in the conventional PKC method. During safety message transmission, a vehicle has to send its real identity to other vehicle and the receiving vehicle send a query-request to the RSU, requesting for the senders public key. The RSU then searches for the senders public key in the directory which is given by the TA (Trusted Authority), verify its signature, search for requested public key in the directory, sign this message with TAs signing key and send it back to the requesting vehicle. This scheme imposes a large amount of computation and communication overheads on the RSU side for every message. Moreover, TA must update and disseminate the registry to all RSUs whenever there is a new vehicle registration. On the other hand, a vehicle cannot simply broadcast the message to all its neighbors as it shares session keys with its neighbors once it gets their public keys. Therefore, sending and verifying a message requires a lot of encryptions and decryptions with different session keys. Ankita et al. [74] compares various researches on VANET to analyze the current drawbacks and objectives of VANET research. Xiaoling Zhu et al. [80] proposed a distributed traceable pseudonym management scheme in VANETs. A blind signature method is used to achieve the separation of issuance and tracking. Based on the improved share generation scheme of the RSA keys, the distributed tracking protocol is proposed to avoid a single point of failure. By searching for the optimal number of messages with a pseudonym certificate, the efficient pseudonym authentication mechanism is given to reduce communication overhead. Yet, this scheme requires pseudonym certificates, which in turn raises the communication overhead and scalability issues. 35 2.4.2 Group Based Authentication Schemes Another category relies on group-based authentication. Group signatures have been investigated for many years. Mehrnaz Mottahedi et al. [77] claim that group approach(otherwise known as clustering approach) is an efficient solution to the scalability issue. In a group signature scheme, there is a group manager or group leader who maintains the group; other nodes are group members who depends on the group leader for message dissemination. Group members may join or leave the group dynamically. The group will normally possess a common group key and the members who are registered in that group can anonymously sign any message on behalf of the group [75]. A group public key corresponds to multiple private keys and each vehicles group private key is computed by a member manager [76]. A verifier can verify the group signature with the group public key, but cannot know who is the message generator. However, the group manager (Trusted Authority in most cases) can reveal the identity of the message originator in case of a dispute. For the shortcoming of the demand for group manager, ring signature [59] met conditional privacy preservation without group managers. However, these schemes inapplicable to VANETs, as the verification cost for group/ring signature is very high. The main advantage of the group signature based technique is that it does not require a large number of anonymous certificates to be pre-loaded into the OBUs as in public key as in anonymous public key key based authentication schemes. A group-signature based approach has been proposed by Chaum et al. [75], where each group member signs messages using the indistinctive group signature. User anonymity and privacy are preserved in the approach to a greater extend. Same as COMET [21], Chaum et al. [75] suggest a probabilistic verification of signatures that is to verify only 3 messages for ever 10 message. Though all these schemes [21, 75] address VANET authentication, they do not essentially prioritize privacy and anonymity issues. Sha et al. [78] suggested a group-based adaptive privacy-preserving authentication scheme, where a user can choose his degree of privacy according to the network resources an OBU can 36 afford. High privacy requirement will incur a huge communication, computation and memory overhead; while a low privacy level costs resources in small amount. In this scheme, each OBU is pre-loaded with an ordered list of all public keys for the whole group. An OBU then constructs a binary tree where public keys are at the leaves and each of the sub-tree root is expressed by a binary number. All RSUs have the current version of this tree and the authentication process uses the tree for the shared secret verification. RSU then prepares a challenge string using all the public keys of the binary tree and sends to the OBU. An OBU partially decrypts the challenge by its own private key to get the answer of the challenge and then encrypts the challenge message by all other public keys in the sub tree to check the validity of the RSU. This scheme provides an opportunity for mutual authentication between an OBU and an RSU, since both of them share the same tree of public keys. The major advantage is, the level of required privacy can be preset by a user. Yet, this protocol has scalability problem, and it can hardly be considered for a practical application. This is because, each OBU requires to keep the public key of every other vehicle in the group. The group size might change quite frequently. Therefore, OBUs must be updated every now and then which would be very inefficient for a real time system like a vehicular network. Lin et al. [13] introduced a concrete group signature scheme to sign each message. They presented GSIS, a conditional privacy-preserving vehicular communication protocol based on short group signatures, and ID-based signatures. In this scheme, each vehicle has only one public and private key pair. The public key is the same for all vehicles, and the private key of each vehicle is different. During inter-vehicle communication, a vehicle only knows the authenticity of the signature, and the vehicle has no information on the identity of the message sender. Despite reducing the overhead of pre-loading a large number of anonymous key materials in each vehicle, this scheme does not provide a reliable solution to efficiently update the system parameters for the participating vehicles. This protocol uses a hybrid revocation method, in which if the number of revoked nodes is below a predetermined threshold, a verifier local revocation(VLR) scheme is used. Yet, VLR is efficient only for a small number of 37 compromised entities. Additionally, from the simulation results, the message loss ratio drastically increases as the number of vehicles within communication range increases which makes this scheme un-scalable. Calandriello et al. [82] developed a similar scheme in which, a vehicle can generate public and private key pairs by itself using a group key. This scheme acts as a tradeoff between the group-signature-based scheme and the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based scheme. But, in group signature based authentication schemes many issues related to reliability, especially regarding mechanisms that permit vehicles to evaluate the reliability of information they receive and the avoidance of attackers who pretend himself as another entities while sending messages are questionable. Moreover, the vehicles have to update their private key and group public key with the group manager when, the number of revoked vehicles exceeds some limit, in order to preserve the privacy of the signer, which is a more crucial problem in these types of schemes. Verma and Huang [83] proposed a framework called Secure Group Communication (SeGCom), to provide support for V2I communication. The basic assumption in this scheme is, RSUs are connected to each other to share the information of vehicles, and the roads are partitioned into multiple segments of equal length and each segment is monitored by an RSU. Therefore, if any vehicle enters a specific region, it registers itself with that RSU. However, this approach does not provide an extensive analysis on the performance of the RSU when the number of nodes increases. Huang et al. [84] proposed an Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE). This Situation-Aware Trust (SAT) Architecture containing three components, one of which was an attribute based policy control model for VANETs to address a number of trust situations and application scenarios on-road. They assumed that each vehicle has two sets of attributes called, dynamic and static attributes. These attributes are depending on whether they change frequently or stay the same during the time period. Vehicles that satisfy a set of descriptive attributes form a group is called a policy group or a policy group can be a group of vehicles which have the same attributes, common interests, security or service requirements, or environmental restriction 38 (for example street name, time, driving direction, etc). The idea of policy group is that it is organized without depending on a trust party to manage the group. Wu et al. [85] proposed a message linkable group signature (MLGS) for anonymous authentication in VANETs. With this approach, sybil attacks can be thwarted, as the actual identity of the sender is detected if it signs a message more than once. This scheme relies on bilinear-pairing groups, and a cryptographic primitive called threshold cryptography [86], where an adaptive algorithm enables a receiver to trust a message only if the message is endorsed by at least a predefined number of anonymous vehicles. Hao et al. [81] proposed a distributed key management framework, which has advantages in the revocation of malicious vehicles and system maintenance. An efficient cooperative message authentication protocol is developed to reduce the computation and communication overhead in the group signature to address the scalability issue. Though some measures are adopted in this approach to prevent RSU from misbehaving, authorities cannot decide which is the malicious, RSU or the vehicle or both, when they find a mismatch. In addition this scheme sufferes from private key revealing attacks, in which the private-key issuer knows each users private key. 2.4.3 RSU Aided Authentication Schemes And the third category is, schemes that depend on the Road Side Units (RSU) for authentication. An RSU in a VANET serves as a gateway to the internet backbone, several different road-safety applications and other services from the VANET providers. For example, an RSU may transmit periodic status for a parking assistance application [87] or DDoS Attack on WAVE-enabled VANETs. It can also broadcast traffic safety messages like ‘maximum curve turning speed’ or ‘construction ahead’ notifications to the vehicles in its communication range [88]. In addition to this, RSUs can also assist the OBUs in authenticating V2V messages. 39 Zhang et al. [21] proposed an RSU-aided message authentication scheme called RAISE, which makes the RSUs responsible for verifying the authenticity of messages sent from vehicles and for sending notifications back to vehicles. This scheme is built on HMAC and data aggregation, where the RSU authenticates all the messages coming from the vehicles and broadcasts them back to the vehicles. Bo Yu et al. argues that [20] data aggregate is an efficient technique for minimizing the redundant data and improve communication efficiency. Compared to the solutions previously mentioned, this scheme enables lower computation and communication overheads for each vehicle. However, vehicles in this scheme completely depends on the RSU for message passing. Any single point failure will immediately hang the communications completely. Independently, Lu et al. [73] proposed a conditional privacy preservation scheme called ECPP, in which the communication between vehicles and RSUs is based on generating onthe-fly short-lived anonymous keys. These keys enable fast anonymous authentication and conditional privacy. Also, Zhang et al. [15] developed an identity-based batch verification scheme called IBV, in which a short length pseudo-id is used to protect privacy, with the help of tamper proof device. But, this scheme requires additional hardware to be installed on OBUs (On Board Units) to generate pseudo identities. Though, these RSU-supported schemes achieves better efficiency, [15, 21] support only V2I communication. Biswas et al. [58] designed another identity (ID)-based authentication scheme which uses an ID-based proxy signature on ECDSA in order to address the security and authentication for road-safety and other emergency application messages. Security features of ID-based systems as well as the proxy signature are incorporated to accomplish the authentication requirements for infrastructure-generated vehicular safety messages. The CA issues road-traffic application messages along with some signature credentials to deliver to the corresponding RSUs. RSU signs the message on behalf of the CA and broadcasts to OBUs in the communication range. A receiver can verify the received messages by using its own location information without requiring any third-party certificates. 40 Also, Biswas et al. [79] proposed an identity-based anonymous authentication and verification scheme for the IEEE Wireless Access in Vehicular Communications (WAVE)-based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). This scheme used elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) in combination with the identity-based (ID-based) signature, where current position information on a vehicle is utilized as the ID of the corresponding vehicle and the messages of each traffic class are verified following the VANET’s medium access control (MAC) layer priorities. Though these scheme prioritizes the certificate overhead and scalability issues, they use location information as a vehicles identity, which is not a suitable variable as it is prone to incessant change. Moreover, these schemes highly depend on V2I communications. W. Hsin-Te et al. [23] proposed a message authentication scheme to enable the message authentication in intra and inter RSU range. In this protocol, when a vehicle enters into a RSUs range, it is given a pseudo-id and they both share a common secret key during mutual authentication. Using this key, the RSU then performs a one-way hash chain to compute m session keys for that vehicle to be used at different RSUs in the region. Such key table is transmitted to the nearby RSUs through the network and stored in the vehicle as well. Intra RSU communication is performed same as RAISE [21]. However, for inter RSU communication; it needs additional transactions for every message, which imposes additional transmission overhead. L.Zhang et al. [67] proposed a scalable robust authentication protocol. In this scheme, RSU generates and sends the group private key to the vehicle. They serve as the issuer of vehicles private key, and a signcryption method is employed to distribute the keys securely. However, this scheme suffers from private key revealing attacks, in which the private-key issuer knows each users private key. 41 2.4.4 Hash Chain Based Authentication Schemes The fourth category schemes are based on hash chains. Lamport [65] was the first to propose the use of one way hash chains as a password protection in an insecure communication channel. In this protocol, after an authenticated initial password exchange between the client and the server, the server store n and the n-fold hash of the password: [n, hn (pwd)]. For each authentication, the user logs in the server, which trigger it to respond with a prompt n. The user machine calculates then x = hn − 1(pwd) and send this to the server. The server computes h(x). If the value obtained after the hash function match the one it has stored before, then the login is successful. The server update its values [n = n − 1, x]. When n reach 1,the password need to be reset. Although widely used for authentication in ad hoc network, Lamports hash chain does not provide entity authentication. Also, to authenticate the user, the server must know the sequence of the hash chain. Perrig et al. [89] proposed a Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (TESLA) scheme, which is an efficient broadcast authentication protocol. The main idea is that after time synchronization between communication partners, the sender generates a one way hash chain keys know only to itself and then reveals these values in the opposites order. More precisely, the sender divides the time into uniform intervals and assign to each interval one key of the one way chain. Before sending a message at the current time interval, the sender computes the packets with his correspondent key and send it to the receivers. The receivers buffers the received packet without being able to authenticate it. After a specific time, which is known as key disclosure delay, the sender disclose his correspondent key and the receivers is able to authenticate the packet or the packets he has buffered following the principle of commitment of the one way hash chain. However, in highly dynamic networks such as VANETs this scheme may become impractical, due to the mechanism of clock synchronization, delay estimation, etc. Weimerskirch and Westhoff [90] proposed a Zero Common Knowledge (ZCK), a very lightweight security protocol aiming to recognize a foreign partner whenever the meet for the 42 first time. Zero common-knowledge authentication defines its secure objective as follow: A recognizes B, if A is able to identify again the authority that runs B or; B authenticate to A, if B is able to convince A that both had some relation in the past. The private keys in this scheme are actually anchors from a one way chain, which after n applications of an one way function. But, vehicles in this scheme have to retain information about every vehicle or RSU they encounter in oder to recognize them the next time they meet. This is unrealistic and quite impossible, since doing so will require a large amount of storage. G. Kounga et al. [69] proposed a scheme that overcomes this problem and allows the generation of one-way hash chains of public and private key pairs and the use of a public key involved proving knowledge of the corresponding private key. This impedes an attacker from building a successful public key replay attack. Also, nodes would be able to prove the authenticity of their provided public key by proving that it is correctly linked to the hash code in their certificate. However, this scheme is not scalable when the number of key pairs is more, as a significant amount of computational overhead is potentially involved. Also, this scheme has to deal with clock synchronization between vehicles. Moreover, this approach is feasible for devices such as mobile phones where there is no fixed timeline for communication. R. Lu et al.[91] propose a dynamic privacy-preserving key management scheme, called DIKE. DIKE introduces a privacy-preserving authentication technique, which enables doubleregistration detection. In this scheme the session is divided into several time slots so that each time slot holds a different session key, when no vehicle user departs from the service session, each joined user can use one-way hash function to autonomously update the new session key for achieving forward secrecy. It also integrates a dynamic threshold technique in traditional V2V and V2I communications for achieving session keys backward-secrecy, i.e., when a vehicle user departs from the service session, more than a threshold number of joined users can cooperatively update the new session key. However, this scheme requires the session keys to be updated frequently, which is a complex task with the dynamic mobility pattern of the vehicles. 43 2.4.5 The Proposed Scheme Though, there are numerous message authentication mechanisms have been studied in VANET, not all of them are scalable for large networks. The reason is that most of the protocols require certificate attachment in every message, which increases the verification burden. In order to address these issues, a new framework is proposed in this research to elimination the certificate overheads in message authentication process. The proposed protocols are intended to support both V2I and V2V communications and to reduce the computation and communication overheads. The eviction of certificates, introduction of aggregation and batch verification processes would allow the proposed protocols to be better scalable for high density networks. 2.4.6 Conclusion This chapter provided an overview of two broad categories of ad hoc networks, MANETs and VANETs. The basic characteristics, requirements and applications of these networks are discussed. It then explored the different types wireless communication technologies used for VANET communication. Also, some system preliminaries that are going to be used in further chapters are introduced. Continually, a detailed literature survey on various message authentication protocols, the techniques they use and the drawbacks of them were explained.
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