\ WIP` i.”

<(No Model.)l
4 Sheets--Sheeîi'J E.
No. 573,334.
` '
Patented Deo. 15,1896.
\ WIP'
E3 ~
âespykàáíbàoqb I
(No Mòdel.)
4 Sheets-Sheet 3„
Patented Deo. 15, 1896..
No. 571x334.
un-` i
IN1/IN1@ '
(No Model.)
No. 573,334.
4 Sheets-‘Sheet 4.
Patented Dao. 1,5, 1896.
Tn: Momma PETERS co, PHotoLxTNo., wAsmmmmA u c.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 573,334, dated December 15, 1896.
Application filed February 3, 189B. Serial No. 577,953. (N0 modem
To all whom it may con/cera:
ing the motor and wheels; ninth, to provide
Be it known that l, JOSEPH J. KULAGE, a an improved brake; tenth, to provide im
citizen of the United States, residing at St. proved means for turning the vehicle which 55
Louis, in the State of Missouri, have invented will enable it `to make very short turns;
certain new and useful Improvements in eleventh, to provide `means for limiting' the
ÑNheeled Vehicles, of which the following is tilting of the vehicle-body either forward or
a specification.
backward, and, twelfth, to provide an im
My invention relates chiefly to'vehicles proved whistle. I attain these objects by
`which normally run upon two wheels placed
mechanism whose preferred form is illus
lside by side; and the chief objects of myim trated in the accompanying drawings, in
provement are, first, to enable such vehicles which-~
Figure 1 is a partial side elevation of a
when in motion to support their loads entirely
upon two such main wheels; second, to ar
range the parts attached to the axle of the ve
vehicle embodying my improvement, the near
wheel and the motor and its appurtenances
hicle and the load thereby supported so that
their combined center of gravity will lic in
front of a vertical plane passing through the
centers of the spindles upon which said sup
porting-wheels turn, and at such a point that
being omitted. Fig. 2 is a vertical longitudi
nal section on the line 2 2, Fig. 4, showing the
p-referred position of the motor and its ap
pu rtenances upon the platform of ’the vehicle, 70
other supported parts being omitted. Fig. 3
when the motive power is applied to the wheels is a plan view of the vehicle with the motor
in the preferred manner and so as to drive the and appurtenances, Jthe seats, and the foot
vehicle forward the front end of the vehicle board omitted. Fig. -ít is a plan View of the
-will be thereby elevated `from the position platform detached, showing the position of 75
occupied when the vehicle is at rest, and its the motor and its appurtenances. Fig. 5 is a
tendency to descend through the force of grav- v front end elevation of the vehicle with the
ity will tend to assist inpropelling the vehicle
forward; third, to so arrange the parts of the
vehicle and the load carried that the applica
tion of the driving power in the preferred
front seat and foot-board omitted.
Fig. 6 is
a detailed view of a vertical section on line
6 6, Fig. 3. Fig. '7 is a similar view of a ver
tical section on line 7 7, Fig.
Fig. 8 is a
30 manner from a motor supported by the axle similar view, on an enlarged scale, on line 8 8,
will only turn the axle and ‘elevate the front Fig. 3. Fig. 9 is a similar view on line 9 9,
end of the vehicle far enough to bring the load Fig. S. Fig. 10 is a longitudinal section Y
supporting portion to or about to a desired through the couplingof the pinion-shafts seen 85
level in running at a predetermined speed in Figs. Sand 5. Fig. 11 is a vertical section
35 over a given road; fourth, to provide means of said coupling on line 11 11, Fig. 10.` Fig.
for readily shifting a portion of the load so 12 is a section through one of the wheel-spokes
as to throw the center of gravity fartherfor on line 12 12, Fig. 1. .Fig 13 is a detailed
ward or backward and thus compensate for plan view of the axle of the vehicle. Fig. 14 90
changes in speedor in the character or level is a side elevation of said axle. Fig. 15 is a
of the road,and in that way maintain the body central vertical section on line 15 15, Fig. 16,
of the vehicle at or near the desired level; through the platform and axle, showing an
fifth, to provide means which will prevent alternative arrangement in which the seat is
the vehicle from being upset; sixth, to pro movable backward and forward. Fig. 16 is-'o5
vide an improved method of propelling two a front View of the same seat and foot-rest.
45 wheeled vehicles; seventh, to provide im Fig. 17 is a longitudinal section, on an en
proved means for transmitting power from a larged scale, through the exhaust and whistle
motor carried upon a platform suspended pipes and cocks represented in Fig. 1.
Similar letters referto similar parts through
is normally supported, when the vehicle is in out theseveral views.
50 motion, upon two wheels running side by side l A A,`Figs. 1, 3, 5, 15, and 16, are wheels of
to such supporting-wheels ; eighth, to provide ordinary construction upon which the load is
from. the axle of a vehicle whose entire load
means for readily connecting and disconnect
normally supported when the vehicle is run
ning. They are preferably provided with in the exhaust-pipe, and a similar cock cS is
elastic tires a a, and, as shown, each has at located in the branch c2. The cocks eT and
tached to its inner side a gear-ring a', whose c3 are so arranged that when one is open the
teeth project outward and whose inner side other will be closed, as represented in Fig. 70
is smooth. This ring may be attached to the 17, and to the cock eT a lever E4 is attached,
spokes a“ by means of bands a2, Fig. 12, pass and a similar but preferably shorter lever et’
ing around the spokes and attached to the is connected to the cock e8.
- ring as shown or in any other convenient
B, Figs. 1, 3, 5, 13, 14, and 15, represents
These levers are
preferably connected together bya coupling
bar cm, one end of which is pivotally attached 75
to each, so as to cause them to move together.
the preferred form of axle of the vehicle. Its They may be conveniently operated by grasp
spindles B’ 3’, Figs. 13 and 14, pass through ing the handle e“ of the lever E4 and moving
the hubs a3 CL3 of the wheels A A, and upon
said spindles said wheels revolve.
As shown, the axle B is bent downward near
the inner ends of its spindles, the vertical
portions being lettered b b.
it in the arc of a circle.
(Shown in dotted
lines in Figs. 1 and 17.) ÑVhen the lever E'l
is in the position represented in full lines in
Fig. 1 and dotted lines in Fig. 17, the cock
The lower ends in the exhaust is open and the other cock
of the parts t) b are shown connected by means closed. When pushed into the position in
of a straight portion b', from whose sides pro which it is represented in dotted lines in Fig.
ject‘arms b2 b2, (te. The bending of the axle 1, the cock in the exhaust-pipe is closed and 85
is designed not only to lower the center of
gravity, but also to enable the weight sus'
pended therefrom to more powerfully oppose
the tendency of the driving power to lift the
the cock in the branch pipe e2 is opened. The
exhaust-gases from the engine then escape
through the pipe e2 and blow the whistle e0.
If such an arrangement were connected with 90
front end of the vehicle-body, and assist,when a steam-engine, the result would be the same.
lifted, in moving the vehicle forward.
G, Fig. 4, represents a gasolene~tank, con
C, G’, C2, and C3, Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, and nected to the engine by means of a pipe G',
16, are A-stands which are attached to the
axle B.
They are preferably so spaced apart
30 as to each rest upon a pair of the arms b2 b2,
having branches g g, in the usual manner.
II, Figs. 2 and 4, represents a water-tank 95
connected with water-jackets @12 cl2 around
the cylinders by means of pipes 7i 7L in the
to which they are preferably attached, sub
stantially as' shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3.
usual manner.
The /-\«stands C, C', C2, and Gg extend down
I, Fig. 4, represents an electric battery, and
ward and preferably support a platform D, of t' "i are conductors connectingthe engine and IOO
35 ordinary construction. -Upon the platform D a battery.
motor E, Figs. 2 and 4, in the form of a double
As there is nothing novel about either the
cylindersingle-actin g reciprocating gasolen e engine, tanks, or battery or the means of con
engine,of Ordin ary construction,is shown. No necting them, a more particular description
particular kind of motor is essential. The one is deemed unnecessary. The engine and 105
shown is of an old and well-known construc tanks are preferably centrally arranged, as
tion, and will not therefore be fully described, shown, low down and directly beneath the
except to state that e c represent the cylinders; axle, and with the engine in the center, partly
E’, Figs. 2, 4, and 16, the exhaust-pipe; c’ c', in order that their weight may tend to keep
branches connecting the main exhaust-pipe the wheels upon the ground and prevent the IIO
with the cylinders c e, and c2 c2 are pitmen, vehicle from being upset and partly in order
one of which is supposed to extend down that they may tend to keep the platform D
ward from each of the pistons ( not shown) and and seats, hereinafter described, on a level
connect with one of the cranks e3 ci’ of the and assist in propelling the vehicle forward
(Shown in Fig.
In Fig. 2 when the platform is tilted upward in front; 115
50 the pitmen are shown in the positions occu
pied at half-stroke, thus corresponding with
the positions of the cranks represented in
Fig. 3.
The exhaust-pipe IC’ may extend upward,
55 as represented in Figs. 1 and 2, or pass hori
zontally to one side and then upward, as rep
resented in Fig. 1G. Its exact course is im
but inasmuch as I preferably arrange the
machinery and load carried so that the cen
.ter of gravity of the whole is in front of' a
vertical plane passing through the central
axial lines of the spindles upon which the
wheels which support the load revolve it
will be‘evident that the particular arrange
ment of engine and tanks is not essential. I
prefer, however, to move the center of grav
material. As will be observed, it is repre
sented as making a bend at c4, Fig. 2, in order ity forward by the arrangement of other 125
to pass around the axle B. At some point in parts. The battery I, for instance, is pref
its course, c5, preferably above the seat of erably placed in front of the engine, as shown.
the vehicle, it connects with the branch pipe The crank-shaft E3 is shown journaled in
c2, at whose upper end a whistle c“, of any bearings c13 cl3 cl3. cl3, Figs. 1, 3, and 4. It
ordinary construction, is located. Above the preferably carries a {1y-wheel K, Fig. 4, and
point where these pipes join, a cock el, Figs. four pulleys K', K2, K3, and K'l, Figs. 1, 3, 4,
1 and 17, of ordinary construction, is located and 5. They are preferablyarranged two on
each side of the engine, as shown, and are a handleq’, and its Vlower end q2 projects in
alternately large and small, K’ and K3 being the construction shown through an opening
q2 in a rocking bar Q2, which it thus engages.
In front of the crank-shaft the shafts M_M’, To each end of the bar Q2 the upper end of a 70
small and K2 and K4 large.
Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, are journaled in lever g4 is pivotally attached, and the lower
bearings 'm2 m3 m4 m5, attached, respectively, end ofV each of said levers g4 is pivotally at
to the A-stands C, C’, C2, and C2.
These tached to a support g5, Figs. 3, '5, and 8.
shafts may be, but are not necessarily, con Each of said levers g4 carries a collar q“,
' nected at their inner ends bya divided sleeve` which surrounds one of said sleeves O“, and
m6, fitting int-o annular grooves m7 m”l near from said collar inwardly-projecting lugs Q7 q2,
the inner ends of said shafts; but said shafts arranged opposite each other, enter the groove
are left free to revolve independently. Upon o7 in the sleeve, and so engage the sleeve as
these shafts loose pulleys N4 N2 N3 N4 are
mounted. Each of said pulleys has attached
.to its hub a Wheel N5, the face of Whose rim
ot contains a V-shaped groove 'n'. These
loose pulleys are held in place in part by said
bearings m2 m3 m4 m5 and in part by fast col
to enable it to be moved by means of the
“Then the handle of the lever Q is
-moved to the reader’s right, Figs. 3 and 5,
the levers Q4 g4 are made to move the sleeves
O6 O6 in the opposite direction, and by
straightening the arms o6 o6 on the right-hand
lars O', O2, O3, and O4, attached to the shafts end of each cause the clutches on that side to 85
carrying said pulleys. Each of said fast col seize the pulley next it and force it to revolve
lars has two arms o o, Fig. 9, extending in with the shaft, while the adjoining pulley on
opposite directions. To the outer ends of the reader’s left remains loose. A movement
these arms levers o5 o5 are pivoted.
To the
of the lever Q in the opposite direction loosens
inner ends of these levers are attached seg- ‘ the pulleys on the right of said` sleeves and 90
mental pieces o4 o', whose faces are V- shaped makes the others fast. Each of said shafts
in cross`~section and adapted to íit the groove M _ and MÍ carries on its outer end a pinion
n’ in the rim of the adjoining Wheel N5.
R, Figs.' l, 8, 5, and 6, whose teeth mesh in
When the outer ends ‘ofthe levers 05,05V are with those of one of the gear-rings a’.
moved outward, their inner ends move in
QS, S', S2, and SìFigs. l, 3, and 5, are belts 95
30 ward, and the segmental pieces o' o', entering `by which motion is‘ transmitted from the
the groove n', clutch the Wheel N5, and in that crank-shaft pulleys to those on the shafts M
way attach the loose pulley with which the and M’. `As will be.observed, ‘the two small
wheel N5 is connected to the shaft which car pulleys K’ and K2 on Vthe . crank-îshaftrE.3 are
ries it. `Between the loose pulleys on each connected by belts S and S2 with thepullleys IOO
35 shaft aloose sleeve OG is located, which recip N' and N3, which are made fast by the clutches
rocates upon the shaft. To each end of this at the same time, while the large. driving»
sleeve two opposite arms o6 o“` are pivoted, pulleys K2 and K4 are connected by the belts
and the outer ends of said arms are pivotally `
S’ and S2 with pulleys N2 and N4, Whose
attached to the outer ends of opposite clutch clutches also operate together. Hence by
lever arms o5, so that when the sleeve O‘î is shifting clutch-lever Q so as to make the pul
moved toward a pulley the outer ends of the ` leys N' and N 3 fast the speed of the vehicle
connecting clutch-levers are drawn inward may be increased, and by shifting it so as to
and the clutch opened, as shown in Fig. 9. make pulleys N2 and N4 fast the speed may
On the other hand, when the sleeve OG is be lowered. By placing the lever Q in the
Y45 moved in the opposite direction the toggle» position represented in Figs. 3 and 5 all the
arms oG o6 are straightened and the pulley clutches are disengaged and the vehicle al
made fast by the clutch. The sleeves O‘ì are lowed to stop.
of such a length and so arranged that >when
The direction in which the pulleys andthe
they are in the midway positions, injwhich pinions R R turn when the vehicle is moving 115
SO they are represented in Fig. 5, the clutches forward is indicated by arrows in Fig. l. .
are loose, as represented in Fig. 9, and so
T, T', T2, and. T3, Figs. l, 3, and 5, are belt-`
that a movement to the right of the reader ~tighteners of a Well-known form. The small
will tend to straighten the toggle-arms oG o6
on the left of the reader and push the inner
endsof the arms oßoûon the right of the reader
inward still farther out of the perpendicular.
The clutch described is old and is known as
the “Medart” clutch.
Other clutches may
be substituted therefor without departing
from the essence of this portion of my inven
tion. The sleeves OG O6 each contain an an-`
nular groove o7, Fig. 9.
P, Figs. 3 and 5, is a cross~piece attached
to the front of the A-stands C C', risc.
Qis a lever pivotally attached to said ‘crossf
piece P at q. Its upper end is provided with
pulleys t t t t respectively rest upon the belts
S, S’, S2, and S5. vThey are each pivotally
supported in bearings formed in arms t’ t', t2 252,
i3 t2, and t4 t4.
`The rear ends of these arms
are pivotally attached to lugs t5 t5, dto., pro
jecting forward from cross-bars t“ and t7, fas
tened to the A-stands C C', duc., and the for
ward ends of said pivoted arms are shown
adjustably supported by means of screws T4
T4, &c.`, Whose lower‘ends are attached thereto
and which are themselves supported bymeans
of brackets t8 i2, Alto., attached to the cross
bar P. Said screws pass through internally
screw~threaded holes in said brackets and are
provided at their upper ends with hand
bands on the other alone relied upon in con
wheels t” t”, duc. , by means of which said tight
eners are adjusted.
structing the machine.
V V are arms or brackets extending for
U and UQ Figs. l, 3, 5, 6, and 7, are shafts ward from near the corners of the front end 70
journaled in bearings 1t 1t u’ 1t', attached to
the A~stands C C', duc., above and in the rear
of the shafts M and M’. To the outer end of
each of these shafts the brake-shoes 1t2 and u2
d of the platform, to which they are attached,
and V’ V' are similar arms or brackets at
tached to the rear end of the platform and
extending backward. Each of these arms
are respectively attached. These shoes are has a vertical bearing 1; formed in its outer 75
adapted to engage the inner sides of the gear end,through which projects upward the spin
rings d', as shown most clearlyin Figs. 3 and G. dle 1;’ of a curved stock V2 of a caster-wheel
U2 and U3, Figs. l, 3, 5, 6, and ’7, are foot «02. Each spindle, as shown, terminates at
levers respectively made fast to the inner its lower end in a shoulder t2, and between
ends of the shafts U and U’. To the upper this shoulder and the arm V or V', which sup
end of each lever a treadle a4 is attached, and' ports the wheel, a coiled spring t", which sur
the lower end a5 of each of said levers pref rounds the spindle, is shown. The down
erably projects below the shaft to which it is ward movement of the spindles of the stocks
attached. To the inner ends of the shafts M V2 V2, the., may be limited by means of
and M' in front of and below the levers U2 pins 1:5 f05, &c. The front caster-wheels are
and U3 fast pulleys U4 and U5 are attached, designed to rest upon the ground when the
and over each of these bands 1t“ and ’a7 pass. vehicle is at rest, the center of gravity of the
The ends of one of these bands are attached
Vehicle and load being in front of the spin
to the lever U and the ends of the other to dles upon which the wheels A A turn. The
the lever U’. One end of each is attached to positions of the caster-wheels at such times 90
25 its lever above the shaft to which such lever are shown in dotted lines in Fig. l. In the
is fastened and the other to the lower end 165 same iigure they are represented in full lines
of the lever below the shaft, and fart-her from in the positions which they preferably occupy
it than the point of attachment of the other when the vehicle is in motion. They are not
end. This method of attachment makes it intended to touch the ground when the ve 95
50 possible to tighten the band around the pul hicle is in motion, except for a moment in
ley over which it passes by pushing` the treadle starting, or when the character of the road
of the lever to which the band is attached suddenly becomes worse, orthe driver is about
forward and loosen it by the spring u8 moving to stop, or in descending steep hills. ÑVhen
the treadle backward. By tightening both they are suddenly brought into contact with
35 bands when the vehicle is in motion the speed the ground, the springs r4 prevent any jolt
with which the shafts M and M’ and parts
being felt.
thereto attached revolve may be lessened,
XV and W', Figs. l and 5, represent front
and, if desired, the motion of said shafts may and rear seats for the driver and passengers.
be stopped, in which case the belts will slide They are shown placed back to back.
on the fast pulleys if the motion of the motor
The same motion of the levers U2 and U3
Each 105
seat has attached to it an independent back
10 and afoot~rest 10', both of which move with
it, and said seats rest upon and are attached
above described also operates the brake-shoes to springs 102 102, the., by which they are sup
a2 and u2, as will be obvious, the forward ported and which are in turn in the arrange
45 movement bringing the shoes into contact ment shown attached to and supported by
with the gear-rings and the backward move~ the A-stands C C, the., and the axle B. Such
ment disengaging them. inasmuch as the an arrangement may be used, but I prefer
brake-shoes 1t2 and 102 are attached to sepa
the sliding seat 102. (Represented in Figs. 15
rate shafts and the shafts to which the pulleys and 1G.) This seat rests and slides in guides 115
SO U4 and U5 are respectively attached revolve 10“l 104, shownl attached to a cross-piece 105.
independently, it will be evident that by de This cross-piece preferably rests upon and is
pressing only one of said levers the speed of‘ attached to the springs 102 102, the., which are
the wheel A on one side can be made slower,
attached to the A-stands and the axle B, as
or the wheel stopped entirely, while the other above stated. “There this form of seat is
55 continues to revolve at the same speed as be used, a foot-rest 106, detached therefrom and
fore, or, while the brakes are applied to both attached to and supported by the A-stands
wheels, they may be applied more forcibly to C C’, dre., is preferred. As will be obvious,
one than the other, and by adopting either there is no obstacle in the way of seating pas
course the Vehicle can be very readily turned
and be made to make very short turns if de
sired. It will also be obvious that though I
have combined two methods of braking to
gether, so as to cause them to cooperate,
either method can be used alone without the
other and the levers and brake-shoes, on the
one hand, or the levers, fast pulleys, and
sengers back to back on such a sliding seat,
if desired. This form of seat is preferred for '
the reason that it enables the driver to trim
the load by moving the seat forward or back
ward, so as to compensate for changes in the
level or character of the road or in the speed
at which the vehicle is driven.
X, Fig. 1, represents a canopy which may
l 5
be used to shade riders from the sun. It is` wheels at its lower end strike the ground, so
supported by means of a central rod ai, rising that the variation from a horizontal can never
from the part b’ of the axle to which it is at be great.
tached, and rods œ' ac', springing from said
The difliculties experienced in balancing
rod and extending to the front and rear. This my improved vehicle `may be entirely over
`form of canopy is of a known form, and is not come by means enabling a portion of the load
for that reason more particularly described. to be readily moved forward or backward,
It will be observed that the arrangement such as the sliding seat hereinbefore de
of parts above described is one which throws scribed. IVhen such a seat is used, the weight
lO `the center of gravity of the vehicle and driv
of the parts supported by the axle maybe so
« ing mechanism in front of‘a vertical plane arranged that when the passenger is seated
passing through the central axial line of the udirectly over the axle the motion of the ve
spindles of the axle B. The weight supported hicle at a given speed over an ordinary level
by the spindles should preferably be great road will keep the seat level, and when less
enough and so disposed as to cause the force power is required to propel the vehicle the
of gravity tending to tilt the front end of the seat may be moved backward, and when the
platform D down out of- a horizontal position road becomes worse or the speedv is increased
to substantially equal the power required to the seat may be moved forward. I prefer to
turn the main wheels of the vehicle when it extend the front of the seat beyond the guides,
is running at a desired speed over the road as shown, and make them iit its edges snugly,
on which it is to travel, in order that the tend so that the weight of the rider will clamp it
ency of the movement of the pinions to tilt in position, but this is not essential.
the front end of the vehicle-body upward and
In starting my vehicle, especially where the
carry it around the gear-ring may be counter road is bad, the front end is apt to‘be raised
25 balanced and the platform D‘and the seats high enough to cause the rear caster-wheels
_ kept substantially level. Of course some to strike the ground, but their springs pre
slight oscillation is unavoidable, because no vent any disagreeable jolt, and as momen
road is exactly even, and such oscillations tum is acquired they leave the ground and
4will be `greatest when the weight carried by the platform D assumes a horizontal position,
30 the vehicletis so arranged that it cannot be if tlieweight is distributed as preferred. On
moved forward> or back,‘as in the form of ve the other hand, in stopping, the front end of
hicle ‘represented in Fig.` 1,’ in `which the seats the vehicle descends and the front caster
`are‘stationary and thereis no part movable Vwheels come in'contact with the ground.
I have described certain combinations and
forward and backward by means' of ¿which
35 - the effects of changes in the Speeder the char forms of parts which may be used and stated
acter of the road can be counterbalanced. "In `which of these I prefer, but, as will lbe obvi
.that form of my vehicle the bent form 'of the ous, all the parts described are not essential,
faxle and placing the center of gravity low and for those which are necessary other equiv
down is chiefly relied upon to keep theve alent parts orcombinations of parts may be
hicle steady, where the weight is distributed substituted without departing from the es
asshown, with the heavier portion beneath sence of my invention.“ For instance, as will
. the axle.4 The power required to lift the front `be obvious, the exact number of caster
lend of the platform is greater than where the wheels shown is not essential, nor is it essen
axle is straight, and constantly increases as tial that they should be used at both ends of
,the front end of the platform is lifted higher the vehicle, though it is desirable. ‘Where
until a point is reached at which the platform two are shown, a single one could be substi
assumes a vertical position.
tuted, or more than two could be used, though
In the form of vehicle shown in Fig. l the `I prefer the arrangement shown.
weight placed on the front and rear seats
It is‘not essential that the exhaust-pipe E'
50 `should preferably be equal, so that a verti and branch c2 should ever be entirely closed
.cal plane passing through the central axial by `their respective valves. All that is nec
lines of the spindles of the axle B will pass essary is that on the one hand when the
through the center of gravity of the passen whistle is to be blown enough of the exhaust
gers when their seats are level and :they are
gas or steam shall be turned into the branch
55 `seated upright substantiallyas it would pass `pipe to do the work- and thaton the other
through that of a singlepassenger if he were hand at other times means shall be used pre
seated upon or over the axle, so that his cen venting enough of the exhaust from passing
.ter of gravity came over its center. 1 .As will through the branch pipe to blow the whistle. 125
`be obvious, however, the weight of one or ‘ “There in my claims I speak of the “ vehicle
more persons seated either on the front or body,” I do not'wish to be understood to con
rearseats may be counterbalanced by bag-` fine myself to a body of any particular con
gage instead of other passengers, and the struction. As will be obvious, many differ
weight -of anyone seated on the front seat `ent forms may be used without departlng 13::
may be counterbalanced by means of arti
from the essence of my invention.
The one
65 cles placed upon the rear end of the platform shown is, however, a good one.
D, if desired. `Where through any cause the
platform D is Ytipped far enough, the caster
I claim-
I. The combinati ouin avehicle of two main
wheels; a body portion; means supporting it ' gear-wheels a and a’ thereto attached, about
between said wheels; a drivin g-shaf t turning
in bearings attached to said body; four fast
pulleys on said shaft of two different sizes
two of the larger size and two of the smaller;
two other shafts parallel to the -first, both
axle having spindles upon which said wheels
turn; a body attached to said axle, swinging
concentric with the centers of said wheels; 70
and having a platform beneath the axle; a
motor carried on said platform below the axle;
turning in bearings attached to said body, shafts M and M’; bearings attached to said
two loose pulleys on each of the latter shafts body in which said shafts turn; pinions R,
one on each shaft opposite one of the larger R, attached to said shafts and meshing in
driving-pulleys and one opposite one of the
smaller; means by which the two loose pul
with said gear-rings, means transmitting mo
tion from said motor to said shafts and pin~
leys opposite the smaller drivin g-pulleys may ions and through them to said wheels, caster
be simultaneously made fast; to their shafts; roller stops attached to said platform before
means by which the two loose pulleys oppo and behind said axle; and the weight of all
site the larger drivin g-pulleys may be simul~ parts being so proportioned and distributed
taneously made fast to their shafts; means that the center of gravity of all parts carried
t ‘ansmitting motion from the drivin g-pulleys by said wheels is lower and farther forward
to the pulleys opposite them and means at~ than said axle when the vehicle is at rest and
tached to each of the shafts carrying loose causes the front end of the body of the vehi S5
pulleys transmitting motion from such shaft cle to rest upon the front casters when the
to the main wheel next it, substantially as vehicle stops, substantially as described.
G. The combination in a vehicle of two main
2. The combination in a vehicle of two main wheels; a body portion; means supporting it
wheels; a body means by which it is swung between said wheels; a driving-shaft turning 90
between said wheels; two shafts turning in in bearings attached to said body; four fast
bearings attached to said body; means com pulleys on said shaft of ytwo different sizes, .
m unicati ng motion to said sl1afts,means trans two of the larger and two of the smaller; two
mitting motion from one of said shafts to one '
driven shafts parallel to the driving-shaft,
wheel, and from the other shaft to the other both turning in bearings; means for trans 95
30 wheel; a fast pulley on each shaft; a band mitting motion from one of the latter shafts
passing partly around each pulley and lneans to one wheel, and from the other shaft to the
by which said bands are separately lightened other wheel; two loose pulleys on each driven
substantially as, and for the purposes de shaft, one on each shaft, opposite one of the
larger driving~pulleys; and one opposite one IOO
3. The combination in a vehicle of two main of the smaller; means by which the loose pul
supporting-wheels; an axle connecting them, leys may be made fast to their shafts; a belt
springs supported by said axle parallel guides running from each pulley on the driving»
supported by said springs and a seat sliding shaft to the loose pulley opposite it; and a
backward and forward in said guides sub belt-tightoner for each belt, substantially as 105
stantially as described.
4. The combination in a vehicle of a pair
7. The combination in a- vehicle; of two
of main supporting-wheels; a pair of gear main wheels; a body portion; means support
-rings, one attached to each wheel, and each ing` it between said wheels; a driving-shaft
smooth on its inner side, and having out turning in bearings attached to said body; IIO
wardly-projectin g teeth; a body swinging be four fast pulleys on said shaft of two differ
tween said wheels concentric with their axis, ent sizes, two of the larger size and two of the
means by which it is connected to said wheels, smaller; two driven shafts parallel to the
two brake-shafts turning in bearings; at
tached to said body, a brake-shoe attached
50 to each shaft, one extending within one of
said rings and the other within the other rin g
a lever attached to cach brake-shaft; two
other shafts in front of said brake-sl1afts,bear-
driving-shaft, both turning in bearings at
tached to said body; two loose pulleys on each 115
driven shaft; one on each shaft opposite one
of the smaller drivin g-pulleys; and one oppo~
site one of the larger; means transmitting
motion from the driving-pulleys fo the loose
ings attached to said body, in which the two pulleys; clutches for making the loose pul
55 last-named shafts turn; means communicat leys fast to their shafts; the lever Q; means
ing motion to the latter shaft; a pinion at pivotally attaching said lever to the body of
the outer end of each of said shafts which
the vehicle; a rocking bar Q2, engaged by said
meshes in with the Vteeth of the gear-ring at lever Q; levers qt, q“, connected at their up
tached to the adjoining wheel; a fast pulley per ends, to the ends of the rocking bars; 125
on each of said shafts, one of said pulleys be means pivotally connecting the lower ends of
ing located in front of each of said brake the levers ql, Q4, to said body; and means con
levers; a brake-band attached to each of said
levers and passing over the fast- pulley in
front of it and all operating substantially as
necting said levers qi, with said clutches,
and enabling the operator to make either the
loose pulleys opposite the larger driving-pul
leys, or the loose pulleys opposite the smaller
5. The combination of the wheels A, A, pulleys fast, by throwing the lever Q to one
573,334; i
side or the other; and, to allow the loose pul- l ported by the axle and each resting upona 1o
leys to run loose, _by allowing the lever Q, to l pair of said projecting arms; and a platform
stand upright, substantially as described.
D supported by said A-shaped stands, sub
S. The combination of a pair of supporting- stantially as described.
Wheels, running side by side; a bent axle oon-
neeting said Wheels7 and upon which they
turn, and Whieh‘axle has the horizontal por' tion ZJ’ having` arms b2, projecting forward
and back therefrom; A-shaped stands sup
r T