CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08876 WWW.IMMACULATECONCEPTION.ORG Parish Center February 15, 2015 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Week end Masses Saturday—5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:00AM,10:30AM, 12:00 NOON, Spanish 2:00PM Holy Day Eve (Vigil) 7:30PM Holy Day 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 12:10PM, and 7:30PM Daily Masses 6:30 and 8:00AM Note: September to June the schedule changes as follows: Friday, 6:30 and 8:30AM First Friday, 6:30, 8:30 and 10:15AM Religious Formation Grades: 1-8: Monday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Wednesday—4:00-5:15PM 6:15-7:30PM Confessions Saturday 4:00–5:00PM 7:30–8:00PM Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Msgr. J. Nevin Kennedy, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Associate Pastor Rev. Charles Sabella, Associate Pastor Deacon Frank J. Quinn Deacon Anthony J. Hancock Deacon John R. Czekaj Deacon Paul Blessing Deacon Emeritus, John Ivers Deacon Emeritus, Luis Vindas Sister Virginia Quinn, IHM, Convent Superior Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager Karen Bohler, Director, Children’s Faith Formation Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/Adult Faith Formation Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Sacred Music John Hack, Director, Development Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager Daphne Lazarte, Spanish Secretary Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper Parish Center Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9:00AM–8:00PM Friday, 9:00AM–5:00PM Parish Center: (908) 725-1112 Fax (908) 725-6269; [email protected] Office of Children’s Faith Formation: (908) 725-1112 Ext. 1119 or 1128 Development Office: (908) 722-0200 Ext. 224 Music Office: (908) 526-3016 Schools Immaculata High School: (908) 722-0200 Mrs. Jean G. Kline, M.Ed., Principal Immaculate Conception School: (908) 725-6516 Sister Mary C. Chapman, IHM, Ed. D., Principal Liturgy and Prayer This Week Parish Mission Immaculate Conception is a parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey. We seek to live the gospel as faithful Disciples of Jesus Christ. As Stewards of our God given gifts we proclaim the good news of salvation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we are commissioned as Apostles to transform all things in Christ. Mass Intentions Monday, February 16 6:30AM MARY BARONE PAUL KUZIO 8:00AM MELISSA LEGACKI 6:30AM-CONV Tuesday, February 17 6:30AM EDNA LUCIA ALLENA LUIS & CARMENZA CESPEDES 8:00AM 6:30AM-CONV CAROLINE D’ANGELO Wednesday, February 18, Ash Wednesday 6:30AM JACKIE MCCANN 8:30AM BOB LAZO MELISSA LEGACKI 12:10PM 6:30PM DAVID P. NORRIS SPANISH MASS 8:00PM Thursday, February 19 6:30AM FRANCIS WIEDER ANNE MARKEY 8:00AM 6:30AM-CONV MARIA DE LOS ANGELES Friday, February 20 6:30AM MARIA DEBENEDETTO 8:30AM ELIZABETH O’BRIEN 6:30AM-CONV LAURA MERKEL Saturday, February 21 6:30AM ALFONSA MENDOZA 8:00AM CONCETTA A. LOBUE 5:00PM THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, February 22, 1st Sunday of Lent 7:30AM MARY C. ORLANDI PHILIP & MARTHA KALMBACK 9:00AM JOSEPH MANTELLA 10:30AM VIRGINIA M. GURRY 12:00PM SPANISH MASS 2:00PM Baptisms Baptisms are celebrated in English on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 11AM and on the 3rd Sunday within the 12 Noon Mass. Baptisms in Spanish are on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:30PM. Catholic parents are obliged to attend a preparation session before the baptism of their 1st and 2nd child. We recommend parents attend this class prior to the birth of their child. These preparation classes are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM in the Parish Center in English and on the first Sunday of every month at 4PM in Spanish at the Nazareth House. To register for the baptism of a child, call 725-1112. Next session in English: 3/3/2015. 2 Scripture Readings For This Week The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, February 15, 2015 Today’s Readings Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11 1 Cor 10:31—11:1 Mk 1:40 -45 February 16: Gn 1:1-15, 25 Ps 50:1 and 8, 16bc-17, 20-21 Mk 8:11-13 February 17: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Ps 29:1a and 2, 3ac-4, 3b and 9c-10 Mk 8:14 -21 February 18: Jl 2:12-18 Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-14, 14 and 17 2 Cor 5:20—6:2 Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 February 19: Dt 30:15-20 Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 Lk 9:22-25 February 20: Is 58:1-9a Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 Mt 9:14-15 February 21: Is 58:9b-14 Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Lk 5:27-32 February 22: Gn 9:8-15 Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 1 Pt 3:18-22 Mk 1:12-15 Rosary The Rosary will be recited every Monday at 2:00PM in the Chapel. All are welcome. The Rosary For Life is the first Saturday of the month at 8:30AM in the Chapel. Novena and Evening Prayer This service takes place every Monday in the Chapel, beginning with the Rosary at 7:00PM, followed by the Perpetual Novena Devotion in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Evening Prayer at 7:30PM. Adoration & Exposition: Mon. 8pm-Tues. 6am; Tues. 8:30am-6pm; Thur. 9pm-Fri. 6am; Fri. 9am-6pm . Divine Mercy Chaplet: The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Tuesday evening at 7:00PM in the Chapel. 579 Stewardship. A Way of Life Tithing, God’s Plan For Giving Our Food Collection is this weekend Our next Penny Collection is 2/28 & 3/1 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15 “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31 Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “ I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. Preserving Tradition. Preparing for the Future. Immaculate Conception Church, Immaculate Conception School and Immaculata High School will conduct a Capital Campaign entitled Preserving Tradition, Preparing for the Future in the coming months. All parishioners, parents, alumni and benefactors of our church and schools are invited and encouraged to participate in this exciting program of renewal. This Campaign will support major projects such as replacing the church roof, renovating the cafeteria at ICS, which is used extensively by parish groups and renovating the theatre, cafeteria and replacing some sections of the roof at I.H.S. The sacrifices parishioners and earlier generations in constructing our beautiful church and schools, have bequested to us a rich inheritance and now it falls to us to preserve this legacy by carrying out needed repairs. We will be calling on all our parishioners to make a sacrifice by making a pledge payable over three years. We have retained professional counsel with Walsh & Associates Church Fund Raising Specialists. We have established a Key Events Calendar and are currently developing the materials needed to conduct this campaign. Please give prayerful thought to how and at what level you and your family can support this campaign. With the participation of all our parishioners, parents, alumni and benefactors we will reach our goal and help to preserve our beautiful facilities and bequeath to future generations suitable space for worship and education. Thank you. Msgr Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor 579 This Week at a Glance MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, PRESIDENTS DAY 9:00AM ICS OPEN HOUSE & SCHOOL TOURS 2:00PM ROSARY—CHAPEL NO CFF, PARISH CENTER CLOSED NOVENA—CHAPEL 7:00PM 8PM MONDAY — 6AM TUESDAY ADORATION—CHAPEL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 8:30AM-6PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 7:00PM DIVINE MERCY—CHAPEL 7:00PM AA—TR 9:00PM HOUR OF PRAISE—CHAPEL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, ASH WEDNESDAY SEE PAGE 2 OR 4 FOR MASS TIMES 8:00AM SCRIPS—ST. ANNE ROOM 2:00PM GS (PARONE)—TR NO CFF 8:00PM IRISH DANCING—CAFE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 8:30AM-6PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 8:00AM RENEW—TR 7:00PM H.S.A. GENERAL MTG—GYM 9PM-6AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 9AM-6PM—EUCHARISTIC ADORATION BS (NEE)—TR 5:00PM 7:00PM STATIONS OF THE CROSS—CHURCH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:00AM JEFF CAVINS—CHURCH/SCHOOL 8:00PM AA—NH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 ENGLISH MASSES: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM SPANISH MASS 2:00PM 10:00AM RCIA—ST ANNE 10:00AM NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION—ICS Immaculata High School Annual Memorial Mass 2/22 Immaculata will host its Annual Memorial Mass for deceased alumni and faculty members on Sunday, February 22nd at 1:00 at the school gym. Please join us for this special liturgy. To assure ample seating and refreshments, please contact Terry Lavin Kuboski'69 at [email protected] or call (908) 722-0200 ext. 128 if you plan to attend. 3 Immaculate Conception Church Pro-Life Corner Ash Wednesday ~ February 18 As Christians we know that physician assisted suicide, as with all suicide, violates the intrinsic value and dignity of human life. An individual life is not a commodity that can be disposed of when someone decides it is no longer useful or productive. Only God, as Author of life, can rightly govern when an earthly life should end. But even non-believers should have great fear as those advancing a culture of death attempt to pass laws authorizing physician assisted suicide. The New Jersey Alliance Against Doctor Prescribed Suicide lists reasons to oppose the NJ legislation: "1. Eligibility is based on a sixmonth life expectancy. But doctors agree these estimates are often wrong. Individuals outlive their prognoses by months or even years. Assisted suicide legislation will lead people to give up on treatment and lose good years of their lives. 2. Patients are not required to see a psychiatrist or counselor before obtaining the lethal drug—fewer than 7% have been referred for psychiatric evaluation in Oregon. This means ill people with treatable depression can get a life-ending prescription, rather than effective psychological care. 3. The supposed safeguards are hollow. And nothing in assisted suicide legislation will protect patients when there are pressures, whether financial or emotional, which distort patient choice. 4. Assisted suicide legislation is a recipe for elder abuse. Key provisions allow an heir or abusive caregiver to serve as a witness to help sign the patient up for the lethal drugs, and no witnesses are required when the drugs are taken. 5. We are told that in Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal, the data shows zero problems. But actually, Oregon's annual reports tell us very little. Doctors who fail to make required reports face no penalty. The State does not talk to doctors who denied a request to prescribe lethal drugs, to find out why. Just as in Oregon, assisted suicide legislation fails to give New Jersey any resources or even the authority to investigate violations or provide oversight." Dr. Jim Small with the American Academy of Medical Ethics, Colorado Chapter, stated, "The American Medical Association summed it up well when it described physician-assisted suicide as fundamentally incompatible with a physician's role to heal, difficult to control and posing serious risks to patients. The so-called 'right to die' may become the duty to die for seniors who do not want to be burdens..." If we are truly interested in forming a just society where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, which is each individual's God-given right, we must ask ourselves how adoption of laws that quicken the death of innocent, vulnerable people advances that goal. Please let Governor Christie and your state representatives know your view. The liturgical observance of Lent begins with the imposition of ashes. We're given the challenge that Jesus puts before us in the Gospel of Mark: “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel”. (Mark 1:15) Submitted by Kevin Dugan, ProLife Ministry 4 Ashes will be distributed at: Mass: 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 12:10PM, 6:30PM ENGLISH & 8:00PM SPANISH MASS. TAKE NOTE: THE ICS PARKING LOT WILL BE OPEN FOR ALL MASSES ON ASH WEDNESDAY. Stations of the Cross We will continue the time-honored tradition of walking “The Way of the Cross” on Lenten Fridays at 7:00PM (except Good Friday—when it will be at 7:30PM). Feb 20 The Way of the Cross Traditional Feb 27 The Way of the Cross Traditional March 6 Divine Mercy Stations of the Cross March 13 The Way of the Cross Traditional March 20 The Way of the Cross Traditional March 27 The Family Stations of the Cross April 3 5:30PM Stations of the Cross (in Spanish) 7:30PM Living Stations of the Cross Students of I.C.S. will lead prayers and reenact stations Thank You!! Special thanks to our Office Helpers who volunteered 2 days of their time to help get our 2015 Lenten Booklet out to all our parishioners (over 3500!). Thank you to the following for all your hard work: Betty Cleary, Mary Elizabeth Connors, Nancy DiGraziano, Pat Graham, Marge Kozimbo, Judy McKinnon, Joan Moser, Joanne Pryll, Barbara Riehman, Betty Stitley, Pat Tocci, Jeanet Ulmer, Jane Williams, and Rita York Flowers For the Altar The altar flowers for this week were given in memory of: Philip & Martha Kalmback To arrange for flowers to be placed at the altar, call 725-1112 ext 1116. 579 LENTEN INSTRUCTIONS — 2015 So that the Church of Metuchen may be spiritually one in a common observance of Lent, the following days of fast and abstinence are to be observed by all Catholics of the Diocese who enjoy the blessings of good health: 1. The days of fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 2. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. 3. From the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday until the celebration of the Easter Vigil on the evening of Holy Saturday, the Easter fast should be observed so that, with uplifted and welcoming hearts, we may be ready to celebrate the joys of the Resurrection. This ancient tradition, intimately connected with the Rites of Holy Week and the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is encouraged, especially in those places baptizing catechumens at the Easter Vigil. The obligation to fast applies only to Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59. To fast in the Catholic tradition means to limit oneself to one full meal during the day so as to experience hunger. The obligation of abstinence affects all Catholics who have reached the age of 14. Abstinence in the Catholic tradition means to abstain from meat and all meat products. The obligation of fast and abstinence, as a whole, is a serious obligation. While failure to observe any penitential day in itself may not be considered serious, the failure to observe any penitential days at all, or a substantial number of them without good cause, would be considered a grave matter. Those unable to abstain for a valid reason on any given Friday of Lent are asked to perform some other penitential act, or to abstain on another day. May all our Lenten prayers, fasting and works of mercy help us prepare us to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord with renewed minds and hearts. + Immaculate Conception Grammar School Immaculate Conception School where faith meets academic excellence Rooted in Catholic values, Immaculate Conception School integrates academic excellence with the spiritual and moral formation of each of its students with the support of dedicated teachers and committed parents. This dedication results in an education that challenges each student to develop his or her full potential in an atmosphere where children care for and respect each other. Registration of new students who will enter PreKindergarten through Grade 7 in September 2015 will take place in the main lobby of Immaculate Conception School on: Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:00 am – Noon The following information is needed at the time of registration: --Birth Certificate --Baptismal Certificate --Immunization Record --Pre-School Progress Report (Kindergarten) --Copy of First Penance and First Communion Certificates (Grades 3-7) -Copy of most recent standardized test scores (Grades 1-7, if available) --Copy of most recent report card (Grades 1-7) --$50.00 non-refundable application fee per child Please submit copies, not originals, as we will need these documents for our file. School Tours will be conducted on Monday, February 16 from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Please join us and learn how your child will see success at ICS. Immaculate Conception School 41 Mountain Avenue, Somerville 908-725-6516 • Most Rev. Paul G. Bootkoski Bishop of Metuchen Like us on Facebook: Immaculate Conception School, Somerville 579 5 Ministers Schedule Weekend of February 22, 2015 Lectors 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12 Noon R. Harmon T. Hemingway B. Kuzio D. Lang B. Mahoney Altar Servers M. Adam S. Adam L. Amerman D. Basile C. Rossettie R. Baurkot S. Baurkot F. Bawagan F. Bawagan J. DuBose W. DuBose E. Exil P. Gunning S. Billups J. Blandino M. Blandino A. Brawley A. Buniowski A. Capoocia G. Capoocia J. Carro Eucharistic Ministers J. Danco L. Mabunay J. Mokrycki L. Pillon M. Pillon N. Nelson M. Rice T. Rucci D. Simon L. Tarentino M. Gleeson H. Graham P. Graham T. Hemingway A. Kokulitz J. Koskulitz L. Luscher M. Scolavino A. Klitsch B.MacKenzie N. Mahoney C. Miller G. O’Neil J. Pietrowicz L. Pietrowicz G. Rabulan M. Reno M. Reno J. Jordan M. Jordan M. Kopf J. Kopil L. Lott L. Mahony L. Montemarano M. Montemarano S. Petto T. Petto B. Bowlby D. Cooper D. DeJesus I. DeJesus T. Domider A. Gissoni L. Klar L. Rommel O. Vaz R. Vaz Please fulfill your obligation or find a substitute. Remember to sign in at the Sacristy at least 5 minutes before Mass and join fellow ministers for prayer in main vestibule. Catholic School Tuition Assistance Once again, tuition assistance will be available from the Diocese for families seeking financial aid for the 20152016 school year. To receive a tuition grant, an application must be filed through Private School Aid Service (PSAS). Blank applications will be forwarded directly from PSAS to each school in time for distribution to parents during Catholic Schools Week beginning January 26th. In addition to the hardcopy forms available in both English & Spanish, a PDF version of both forms, which can be downloaded and printed, will be available on the diocesan website at Please take note: that only registered Catholic families with children (K-12) in one of our diocesan or parochial schools are eligible. Pre-K students are not. Parents/ Guardians MUST obtain approval and signature on the forms from their pastor before submission to PSAS for processing. Applications received at PSAS without a Pastor’s signature are considered incomplete and placed in a “hold” status which will jeopardize the applicants’ consideration for aid. The signature is by one’s proper pastor not the pastor of the school. Applications received after the deadline will be returned to the family unprocessed and will not be considered for a grant award; and The DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION TO PSAS IS 3/31/15. Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candles for this week are given in memory of: Louise Capazzi (Chapel) To arrange for Sanctuary Candle to be placed at the altar, call 725-1112 ext: 1116. 6 Volunteer Needed The coordinator of our Safe Environment will move out of our parish in the near future so I am seeking a volunteer to assist me in coordinating the parish and schools safe environment program. Skills needed are primarily good computer skills and ability to organize and maintain records. Only about 2-3 hours per week needed. Volunteer will work in the parish center. Some phone calling required. For more information call Msgr. Brennan at 908-725-1112. Msgr. Brennan Wedding Banns As these couples prepare to meet Christ in the Sacrament of Matrimony, let us pray that their relationship will grow in Him. FIRST Kristine Mascorians, St Anns, Raritan/Frederick Quijano, Immaculate Conception, Hollis, NY FIRST Anna Rivedeneira, Raritan, NJ/ Jamie O’Neill, Immaculate Conception, Clinton, NJ 579 Social Ministry Currently the 2015 Mothers’ Retreat is full however a waitlist is available. For more informaƟon please call Debbie ScoƩ 908-2174715 or email: [email protected] Mothers’ Retreat Prayer Vigil On the weekend of February 28-March 1, 2015, Immaculate Conception will hold its 14th Mothers’ Retreat. This is a very special time for mothers at all of life’s stages to step back from their routine and seek refreshment, inspiration and direction from God. We are seeking people who would be willing to support these women in prayer during the daytime hours of the retreat. If you are interested in participating in this prayer vigil, please contact Jeanine Cavanagh at (908) 725-1112 ext. 1126. or Susan Spencer-Craig at 908-218-0025 email at: [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE! Sunday April 12, 2015 Health Screening at Immaculate Conception Church run by the Parish Nurses. More details in future bulletins! Nursing Home Visitations: You can make a difference in an elderly person’s life by providing companionship to a resident of Rehab at the Riverside formerly known as Raritan Health and Extended Care Facility. Those who volunteer to participate in this ministry are paired with nursing home residents for weekly or biweekly visitations. Volunteers are paired with nursing home residents according to various interests and needs. One of the greatest diseases that our society suffers from is loneliness and rejection. Your brief visits can help cure this ill that causes suffering on a daily basis. Through giving the gift of your time, friendship, and love, you can bring the love of Christ to the aged through this important ministry. If you feel you would like to get involved in this wonderful ministry or would just like more information please contact Michele Reno at 908 722-3172. SHIP's Mobile Soup Kitchen travels throughout the county to provide the homeless and working poor with fresh hot meals. On the first and third Mondays of the month, ICC parish volunteers staff the Mobile Soup Kitchen with food servers. We meet at 5pm at St Joseph's church in North Plainfield and distribute meals there for about 1 hour. We are always in need of new volunteers. No experience necessary. This is a great opportunity for students who need Confirmation hours. If you would like to get involved, please contact Debbie Berger 908- 526 -7711 or Jeanine Cavanagh at 908-725-1112 for more information. 579 ZITI FOR THE NEEDY 2015 SAMARITAN HOMELESS INTERIM PROGRAM Immaculate Conception Parish has long been a supporter of Somerville's Samaritan Homeless Interim Program. SHIP is a response to the increase in need in a variety of social concerns in our region. SHIP provides direct outreach and advocacy for the homeless, the working poor, and the often forgotten members of our community. SHIP has several programs that our Parish participates in and “Ziti for the Needy” is one that we would once again like to bring to fruition with your help. This weekend- February 14 & 15, 2015 we will be distributing aluminum trays after all of the masses to those interested in preparing a casserole to serve those who are in need. Food is a gift often taken for granted, but, essential to life. Through your assistance you would be sustaining someone in need, in a myriad of ways. Simply take a pan home, prepare a casserole some time during the week and freeze the casserole. Return the casserole the following weekend February 21- 22, 2015, before the mass you attend. There will be individuals at all of the entrances to collect your frozen casserole to deliver them to SHIP. Please place your cooked food in the aluminum tray provided; spray the top cover with Pam (or similar) so food does not stick, cover tightly and freeze. Unfrozen food cannot be accepted. Kindly label all trays with what you have prepared, Immaculate Conception Church and the date it was prepared. Know that in this giving, you nourish the body and the soul. For more information please contact Jeanine Cavanagh in the Office of Social Ministry at 908 725-1112 x1126. Thank you in advance for this tremendous contribution. May you be blessed abundantly for your generous heart, a heart like Jesus! We encourage you to put your culinary skills to work and be creative! SHIP, the Samaritan Homeless Interim Program, began operations in 1984 in response to the unheeded cry of the many women, children and men who are in desperate need of emergency housing and associated services. SHIP is a faith based, interfaith and community funded, assisted and supported, grassroots organization. Our clients are the homeless, near-homeless, working poor families, and individuals in Somerset County Regions who are not able to obtain assistance from government or other private agencies, and are therefore denied an opportunity to receive the basic humane assistance they need and deserve. Clients coming to SHIP, in desperate need of help, include many that suffer from substance abuse dependency, HIV/AIDS, mental health issues, the homeless and near homeless working poor, hunger or isolation. We provide this unique population with critically needed emergency interim housing opportunities, interim counseling, and support services that greatly enhances their chances of regaining their self-sufficiency again. SHIP is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the poor. 7 The New Evangelization—Discipleship / Stewardship Dinner with the Pope On 3/5 we will meet from 6:00p.m. at Alfonso’s Restaurant. In preparation for our attendance in World meeting of Families Father Charles will discuss Austen Ivereigh Book "The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope". Please call the Office of New Evangelization and make reservations for this event (908) 725-1112 ext 1125. LENTEN MISSION 2015 FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF THE RENEWAL PREACHING ALL MASSES MARCH 7TH & 8TH EVENING MISSION Main Church MARCH 9TH, 10TH AND 11TH JEFF CAVINS THE BIBLE TIMELINE SEMINAR 2/21/15 You Can Understand the Bible from Genesis to Revelation! Join Jeff Cavins while he presents his Bible Timeline Seminar Sat. February 21, 2015 Mass and Registration 8am-9am Seminar 9am-4pm To register please logon to -Church, -News and Events and scroll down to the Jeff Cavins flier. Print out the registration form and send it in with the fee to the parish center attn. Linda Luscher. Any questions, please contact Kate McCabe at 908-722-8834, [email protected] **Remember, any group of 10 people or more get a discount!! See you there! St Thomas More Column A defense of Marriage and Family. Pope Francis stands firm with Church teaching by steadfastly opposing the forced imposition of Gender Theory upon culture and individuals. But he further challenges us with practical gesture to extend Christ’s love to all of those who suffer or are imprisoned. In other words, he shows us how to love the sinner but hate the sin. Pope Francis is noteworthy for holding up Church Teaching while reaching out in love to those who suffer. He calls us to go into the peripheries to embrace the forgotten, shunned and lost. He is a master at staying true to Christ’s teaching, standing up against evil by radiating Christ’s mercy to those who suffer or are imprisoned. Like Jesus he shows us how to teach TRUTH in CHARITY. Pope Francis recently met with a Spanish transgendered man in the Vatican. The man wrote a letter to Pope Francis sharing that throughout his life he dealt with desires not in conformity to his sexuality. He had a sex change. He felt isolated and shunned by the community around him. Pope Francis was moved by the letter and met the suffering man privately. Does this mean Pope Francis supports Gender Theory? Is this is a new type of Papal gesture? No. Although some might be confused by Pope Francis’ action, he is showing us Christ’s merciful way. Remember the merciful action of Saint Pope John Paul the Great who met with Mehmet Ali Ağca in prison; the man who tried to assassinate him. Does this mean Saint John Paul endorsed assassination? No. Of course not! Pope Francis, like Saint John Paul, is a master at teaching us how to hold firm to the truth but at the same time extend Christ’s love to those who suffer. He constantly reminds us that we are all sinners in need of God’s love. We should not isolate the sinner but on the contrary we should embrace the sinner with Christ’s love. As we stand for the Truth of sacramental marriage to be between one man and one woman, let us always remember to love those who are isolated or alone. Submitted by Patricia Jannuzzi, J.D. 8 579 Parish Directory CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 35 Mountain Avenue, Somerville, New Jersey 08876 Tel: 908-725-1112 · Fax: 908-725-6269 Diocese of Metuchen website: The Parish Clergy Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Pastor Rev. Alexander J. Carles, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1127 Rev. Charles Sabella, Parochial Vicar, Ext 1122 Frank J. Quinn, Deacon Anthony Hancock, Deacon John R. Czekaj, Deacon Paul Blessing, Deacon John Ivers, Deacon Emeritus Luis Vindas, Deacon Emeritus The Parish Office Carol Januse, Parish Secretary/Office Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1116 Jo Anne Peppe, Business Manager E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1120 Office of New Evangelization and Stewardship Patti Jannuzzi, Director, New Evangelization/ Stewardship/ Adult Faith Formation Ext x1124 [email protected] Margie Ellis & Mirna Gonzalez, Coordinators of Discipleship Ext 1124 Mary Young, St. Thomas More Apostolate;908-725-1112 Joan Kopil, Bereavement Ministry and Lazarus Ministry; 908-369-0845 Dona Cramer, Director, Becoming Catholic / Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; 908-725-1112 x1239 Grant VanEck, Young Adult Ministry, [email protected] Parish Trustees, Mrs. Anita B. Hogan Mr. Robert J. Foley Office of Social Ministry John Hack, Development, 722-0200 Ext. 222 Daphne Lazarte, Parish Secretary/Spanish E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1117 Beverly Gaffney, Parish Bookkeeper E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1118 Milton Ayala, Director, Maintenance; Ext 1110 Office of Children's Faith Formation Karen Bohler, Director, Children's Faith Formation E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1119 Jenny Santiago, CFF secretary E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext. 1128 Office of Liturgy & Sacred Music Gary Gavula, Director, Sacred Music E-Mail: [email protected]; Ext 1133 Jeanine Cavanagh, Director, Social Ministry, E-Mail: [email protected], Ext 1126 • • • • • • • • • • • • • SHIP’s Galley —Serving or preparing meals SHIP’s Mobile Kitchen—Serving meals SHIP’s SOS Unit—personal hygiene items Sister Dolores Margaret, IHM, Associate Director, Sacred Music Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, Extraordinary Ministries of the Eucharist Deacon Tony Hancock, Lector Formation Deacon Paul Blessing, Ministers of Hospitality Coordinator 579 Appalachian Relief Services Camp Fatima of NJ/Mentally Disabled Elizabeth Ministry Interfaith Hospitality Network-shelters homeless Habitat for Humanity Hospital Ministry Monthly Food Collection Monthly Penny Collection for SHIP Nursing Home Visitations Parish Nursing Program Pro-Life Outreach St. Joseph Workers Samaritan Homeless Interim Program (SHIP) • • • • St. Peregrine Ministry—Cancer Outreach Project Linus —Lynette Klar Persons with Disabilities—Regina Tegeler 908-963-8473 Welcome Ministry—For New Parishioners 9 Boletín en Español Mensaje Spiritual 15 de febrero del 2015 Sexto domingo del tiempo ordinario Lecturas del Domingo Primera lectura Lev 13, 1-2, 44-46 Segunda lectura 1 Cor 10, 31 11, 1 Evangelio: San Marcos 1, 40-45 El Papa Francisco confirmó hoy que asistirá al VIII Encuentro Mundial de las Familias que se celebrará del 22 al 27 de septiembre del 2015 en Filadelfia (Pensilvania, EEUU), informó la Santa Sede en su portal de noticias. El Arzobispo de Filadelfia (Estados Unidos), Mons. Charles Chaput, anunció que ya están abiertas las inscripciones para participar del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias. Puede registrarse en este sitio web: Anímense y vayamos juntos a recibir a uno de los nuestros! Miércoles, 18 de Febrero del 2015 La celebración litúrgica de la Cuaresma comienza con la imposición de cenizas. Se nos ha dado el desafío que Jesús puso ante nosotros en el Evangelio de Marcos: “Da vuelta al pecado y se fiel al Evangelio”. Las cenizas serán distribuidas durante las misas de este día, en Inglés a las 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 12:10 PM, 6:30 PM y en Español a las 8:00 PM. 10 Una vez más nos encontramos con la compasión del Señor. Hoy se nos narra la curación de un leproso. Dice el evangelio que el leproso se acercó a Jesús. Aparentemente desentendió las leyes que le prohibían hacerlo para no contagiar a nadie. Pero se acercó porque Cristo se había puesto a su alcance, y quien puede resistirse a la atracción de la bondad de su corazón? Siempre podemos volvernos a Dios y pedirle, como hizo ese hombre y le dijo a Jesús: “Si quieres, puedes limpiarme”. Esas palabras son toda una confesión de Fe en el poder de Jesús y también en su misericordia. Existía la creencia de que para acercarse a Dios, era necesario estar totalmente limpio, ser santo. Lo que no se sabia, hasta que vino Cristo, es que el mismo santo iba a llegar hasta nosotros, para hacerlo posible. Así como la lepra conlleva a una degradación del cuerpo, el pecado produce una descomposición interna cuando se instala en nuestro corazón. El encuentro sanador con Cristo, es también el camino para la reconciliación con los demas hombres. De esta manera los Sacramentos son signo del amor de Cristo hacia nosotros, de su compasión. Jesús nos enseña que le necesitamos para ser sanados, que solo El puede liberar nuestro corazón de toda contaminación de culpa. Pero en su gesto también descubrimos que no hay que despreciar a nadie, que no hay que odiar a nadie. El que sana el corazón también puede curar el cuerpo, y quien nos da su gracia nos impulsa a no desentendernos de quienes sufren. Quizás no podemos curarles, pero si ofrecerles el consuelo de nuestra compañía. Rezar es un poco molestar a Dios, para que nos escuche. Pero, el Señor lo dice: como el amigo a media noche, como la viuda al juez... Es atraer los ojos, atraer el corazón de Dios hacia nosotros... Y esto lo han hecho también los leprosos que se le acercaron: 'Si tú quieres, puedes curarme'. Lo han hecho con una cierta seguridad. Así, Jesús nos enseña a rezar. Pongamos con sinceridad nuestra vida en manos de Dios con sus méritos y flaquezas para arrancar de su bondad las gracias que necesitamos. 579 Caridades Católicas Programa de Servicios de Inmigración Este programa de la Diócesis de Metuchen busca ofrecer servicios legales de inmigración a bajo costo a las comunidades de Nueva jersey. Este programa así como también los consejeros están acreditados en la practica de la Ley de Inmigración por parte del gobierno federal a través de Board of Immigration Appeals. Este equipo es multilingüe. Entre los servicios que se ofrecen están: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Consultas generales Ciudadanía Aplicaciones para residencia Acción diferida (DACA) Petición Familiar Visas Solicitud de Asilo Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) Las oficinas están localizadas en: Perth Amboy: 271 Smith St. 732-826-9160 (Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 5pm) New Brunswick : 56 Throop Ave. 732-214-8743 (Lunes a Jueves de 2pm a 8pm) Phillipsburg: 430 South Main St. 908-977-3731 (Lunes de 3pm a 8pm) RESERVE LA FECHA ENCUENTRO CATOLICO HISPANO Diócesis de Metuchen Sábado 18 de abril, 2015 Cook College Center – Rutgers University 59 Biel Road New Brunswick, NJ 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM “Construye mi Templo – La Virgen de Guadalupe y su llamado a la Comunión” Presentado por Timothy Matovina, Profesor de Teologia y Director Ejecutivo del Instituto de Estudios Latinos en la Universidad de Notre Dame. “Encuentro – Caminos de Esperanza y Fe entre Católicos Hispanos” Presentado por Hosffman Ospino, Profesor de Ministerio Hispano y Educación Religiosa en Boston College. Dos que pasan a ser uno No fuimos creados para estar solos. Los seres humanos se necesitan y se complementan mutuamente. La amistad y la comunidad satisfacen ese anhelo con vínculos de amor y de interés comunes. El matrimonio es una forma de Amistad particularmente intima que llama a un hombre y a una mujer a amarse de manera comparable a la alianza de Dios. El matrimonio es un Sacramento. El amor del matrimonio es fructífero y se ofrece sin reservas. Este amor existe a imagen de la fidelidad de Jesús a la Iglesia Dios que ha creado al hombre por amor, lo ha llamado también al amor, vocación fundamental e innata de todo ser humano. Porque el hombre fue creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios (Gen 1,2), que es Amor Habiéndolos creado Dios hombre y mujer, el amor mutuo entre ellos se convierte en imagen del amor absoluto e indefectible con que Dios ama al hombre. Este amor es bueno, muy bueno, a los ojos del Creador. Y este amor que Dios bendice es destinado a ser fecundo y a realizarse en la obra común del cuidado de la creación. «Y los bendijo Dios y les dijo: "Sed fecundos y multiplicaos, y llenad la tierra y sometedla"» (Gen 1,28). 579 Todos están invitados! Costo: $10 para cubrir el almuerzo y los materiales Se dará más información más adelante. EL MANANTIAL El Nuevo Periódico Católico en Español Para llegar a las personas Hispano/Latinas que viven y trabajan en nuestra diócesis, pero no pueden leer The Catholic Spirit, que está en inglés, el obispo Bootkoski ha aprobado la publicación de un periódico nuevo, totalmente en español. Este periódico, El Manantial, ya empezó a imprimirse enteramente en español. Va a ser publicado trimestralmente y tendrá una distribución a las parroquias con comunidades hispanas, así como otros lugares en nuestra diócesis. Tenemos oportunidades de publicidad que ofrecen precios muy asequibles para mostrar anuncios y directorios. Si necesita información adicional, por favor llame a la oficina al 732-5621990, ext. 1410. Atentamente, Nan Kubian The Catholic Spirit 11 Intención de la Santa Misa 15 de febrero del 2015 Ministerios Hispanos Inmaculada Concepción Somerville, NJ Adoración a la Divina Misericordia La misa es ofrecida para recordar en el día de su cumpleaños el alma de MARIA LOURDES SANCHEZ Divino Niño Jesús El Niño Jesús te invita que le abras la puerta de tu casa y tu Corazón con la Oración y el Rosario en Familia. Información con : Flory Vargas (609)-638-0601 ¡Bendíceme Divino Niño Jesús. Ruega por mi sin cesar. Aleja de mí el pecado hoy y en todo momento! La Hora Mariana El grupo se reúne todos los Sábados de 6 PM a 8 PM en la Capilla para orar y rezar el Rosario. También se reúnen ciertos Sábados para orar por ciertas cosas específicas de este mundo. Anímate! Se parte de este grupo para el cual Orar es llamar y responder. Es llamar a Dios y responder a sus invitaciones. Es un diálogo de amor. Para más información, por favor llamar a Margarita Spencer al 908-281-7054. Misa para personas con necesidades especiales: Tercer Domingo del mes a las 6:00 pm En la Iglesia de Inmaculada Concepción Este grupo se reúne todos los Miércoles en la capilla de 7:30—9:30 pm. Empiezan con el Santo Rosario, ofreciéndolo por las familias a Jesús Sacramentado. También oran por los matrimonios que están pasando una situación difícil. Por favor llamar a Fulvio al 908-295-3369 Círculo de Oración Renovación Carismática Adoración y alabanza a Jesús. El grupo se reúne todos los viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM en la capilla. El último viernes de cada mes: Exposición del Santísimo. Los miércoles se hacen visitas a los hogares que necesiten oración. Comunicarse con Sylvia Díaz al 908-448-1128. Recordar que el coro se reúnen todos los Domingos 15 de febrero, 2015 Es una oportunidad para que la parroquia reciba a personas con necesidades especiales a participar plenamente en la vida de la Iglesia. Para mas información por favor contactarse con : Regina Teggler al (908)963-8473 Jeanine Cavanagh al (908) 725-1112, ext. 1126. 12 No se olviden que antes de la misa el coro se reúne. Isabel Salazar esta encargada del coro de mayores y de niños. Para cualquier pregunta por favor llamarla al 908-439-9333 579 Venta de Panes y Postres El grupo de la Divina Misericordia esta realizando una venta de ricos postres y panes. Las Hojas de Pedido donde se especifica las productos a vender así como los precios, están disponibles con cualquier miembro del grupo. La entrega de los postres será el 1 de Marzo del 2015 entre 2 PM y 5:00 PM en la cafetería del colegio Inmaculada Concepción. Por Favor Colaboren! La Diócesis de Metuchen a través de la Oficina de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas ofrece información sobre los cambios recientes en la ley de inmigración que afecta a muchos de nuestros parroquianos. Habrá una sesión a realizarse en Somerville y Perth Amboy en estos próximos días : Bautismo LAS CLASES PRE BAUTISMALES SERAN EL PRIMER DOMINGO DE CADA MES DESPUES DE LA MISA EN LA CASA DE NAZARETH (88 West End Ave., Somerville) El Próximo curso Pre-Bautismal será: el 1 de Marzo, 2015 a las 3:30 pm. RECUERDEN QUE LOS BAUTIZOS SON EL PRIMER Y EL TERCER DOMINGO DE CADA MES A LAS 3:30 PM. Para mas Información y registración, por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial al 908-725-1112 (preguntar por Daphne) Padrinos para el Bautizo Domingo, 1 de Marzo, 2015 Iglesia San José (St. Joseph's), 1:30pm (después de la Misa en Español a las 12:30pm) 41 Manning Avenue, North Plainfield, NJ. RECUERDEN QUE: • El primer Sábado, 8:30 AM, Rosario por la Vida, en la Capilla (en inglés) 7 de Marzo • Los Miércoles de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM La Divina Misericordia, en la Capilla. • El ultimo Jueves de 7 PM-8:30PM Rezo por las Animas del Purgatorio, en la Capilla (26 de Febrero) • Los Jueves de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Movimiento Juan XXIII, en la Casa de Nazaret. • Los Viernes de 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Circulo de Oración, en la Capilla y Talbot Room • El segundo sábado de 7AM-9AM, Hágase en Mi según Tu Palabra (Cry Room) (14 de febrero) • El tercer Domingo de 9AM –1:30PM Las Mil Ave Marías, Casa de Nazaret y Capilla (15 de febrero) • Los Sábados de 6 PM a 8PM Oración con La hora Mariana, en la Capilla • El Primer Viernes, Consolando al que te ama, en la Capilla, 6 PM-7PM (6 de Marzo) 579 Requisitos: Los Estados de derecho canónico (Iglesia) de un Padrino deben ser: • Ser un Católico Bautizado y Confirmado que asiste a la Misa semanal y recibe la Eucaristía. • Al menos 14 años de edad (siempre que el Padrino o la Madrina hayan recibido la Confirmación) • No ser uno de los padres • Llevar una vida moral según la doctrina de la Iglesia, y ser un buen modelo Católico. • Si es casado, estar casado según la ley de la Iglesia • Ser un usuario registrado de su parroquia actual y obtener un certificado de elegibilidad • Sólo podemos dar Certificados de Elegibilidad a aquellos que están registrados en nuestra parroquia. Ya que se requiere solamente un padrino Católico, un miembro Bautizado de otra iglesia cristiana (pero no católico) puede servir como un testigo Cristiano. Puesto que los Padrinos renuevan su Promesa Bautismal prometido durante el rito del bautismo; una persona no bautizada no puede servir en este importante papel. 13 A-PLUS CLOTHING ALTERATIONS • $10 Pants Basic Hem While-U-Wait • Formal Wear • Leather, Suede • Coat Relining 29 W. Somerset St., Raritan 908-393-6066 Quality Insurance Services Since 1940 James T. Rick, Jr. Michael A. McCurry, Jr. 126 West End Avenue • Somerville, NJ • (908) 725-9400 Pinoy Filipino Restaurant 18 Division St., Somerville, NJ 08876 908.450.9878 • Fax 908.393.4982 See you after Mass for the Lunch Buffet MAKE NEW FRIENDS IN THE FINEST SENIOR RESIDENCE CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK This award-winning building is perfect! Plenty of amenities & activities! Total Lawn Care & Landscape Services, LLC LUXURY 1-BR, LR, BATH & KITCHEN AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • Security • Game Room • Shopping • Transportation 601 Route 28, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Proud Member of the New Jersey Self-Storage Association NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 803/mo 471 Elizabeth Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873 LAWN MAINTENANCE LA SNOW PLOWING LA LANDSCAPING & DESIGN D DECORATIVE GRAVELS TOP SOIL & MULCH ELECTRICITY ADDITIONAL C all for an application . A FREE INSPECTION RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. KEVIN KRAFT 732-302-0303 • Fax 732-356-2427 • Community Room • Visiting Nurse • Beauty Parlor $ Residential, Commercial, Condominiums Licensed & Insured S E N I O R C I T I Z E N R E S I D E N C E “The Jack Stine Residence” H®½½ÙÝã MĦÃÄã 459 Shasta Drive Bridgewater, NJ 08807 L I H T C (908) 725-6030 STANDARDS Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST conveniently from your home or office. 732-308-9988 Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Immaculate Conception is looking for a few more sponsors. If you are interested in adver ising your business, please contact John Pat ick Publishing. 800-333-3166 • Thank you. 579 Immaculate Conception, Somerville, NJ (Third) U John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 ( ANTHONY J. PAPAVERO, SR., FOUNDER NJ LIC. NO. 3120 ANTHONY J. PAPAVERO, JR., MANAGER NJ LIC. NO. 4091 Family Owned and Operated JASON C. PAPAVERO, DIRECTOR NJ LIC. NO. 4208 910 U.S. HIGHWAY 202 S., BRANCHBURG, NJ 08876 908-526-7638 • ARCHWAY ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ORTHOPEDIC SHOES OPENING SALE! Four Generations of Professional and Dignified Funeral Service LAW OFFICE OF MARCIA POLGAR ZALEWSKI PRACTICE AREAS INCLUDE: Real Estate • Estate Planning • Probate 64 North Bridge St. • Somerville, NJ • 908-231-1551 • Parishioner Scott’s Florist 20% OFF ON ANY ITEM 732-356-5600 Carrying the Brands: Saucony, Aertrex/Apex, Orthofeet, OOFO, Superfeet, Spenco, Heel That Pain Delivering true shoe fit for an optimum gait. Over 70 Years Sucess - Third Generation ALL PLUMBING • ALL ELECTRICAL • ALL HEATING ALL EXCAVATION • ALL DRAINAGE • ALL HOME REPAIRS Elect. Lic. #4939 • Plumb. Lic. #6954 Parishioner COUNTRYSIDE FUNERAL HOME 724 Route 202 North - PO Box 431 Three Bridges, NJ 08887 73 W. Somerset Street Raritan, NJ 08869 908.218.0033 FUCILLO & WARREN FUNERAL HOME 205 S. Main Street PO Box 515 Manville, NJ 08835 The Largest Funeral Home in Readington Township 908-782-2121 Mention Ad For 10% OFF 908-725-1763 John R. Zalewski, Owner/Manager NJ Lic. #2820 • Sharon Ann Zalewski, Director NJ Lic. # 4003 John R. Zalewski, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4703 • Daniel M. Erickson, Director NJ Lic. #4798 George Rocco Seminara, Jr., Director NJ Lic. #4927 Jacqueline Pirante-Fuchs Kristine Krol, M.D. ABR®, e-PRO®, SRF • Sales Associate [email protected] Medical Director • Proud Parishioner 177 West High Street • Somerville Bernardsville / Basking Ridge Area Office 39 Olcott Square, Bernardsville, NJ 07924 908-725-8666 Our Dad Can Fix It H A N DY M A N S E RV I C E S N.J. License #13VH04133300 908-306-1091 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908-581-8513 Cell • 908-766-2900 Ext. 222 Bus. • TILING INSTALL / REPAIR • INTERIOR / EXTERIOR PAINTING • BATHROOM / KITCHEN / BASEMENT RENOVATIONS • SIDING / TRIM / SHEETROCK / DECK REPAIR & INSTALL • CAULKING PARISHIONER Coins American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Estates Saturday 10am-3pm Collections or By Appointment 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 HOME For SALE Walking Distance to Immaculate Conception Church and Schools Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 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No. 3521 “Parishioner” Member of KOC & AOH FUNERAL HOME INC. 10 West End Ave., Somerville 908-725-2079 Ceramic • Wood • Sanding Laminate • Carpet • Vinyl Pre-arrangement, Pre-planning & NJ Pre-paid Trust Available Anna Louise Bongiovi, CFSP Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 2817 206 S. & Frelinghuysen Raritan Life & Disability, Long Term Care, Annuity & Estate plans INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Anthony Petto, Parishioner 908-725-6466 PO Box 37 • Neshanic Station, NJ 08853 B: 908-371-0824 • C: 908-625-4021 Providing Peace of Mind for Generations Se Habla Español Rick Wright, D.D.S., M.S., P.A. Robert J. Peterman, Patrick Kelly ® D.M.D., M.D.S. 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Main St. Somerville, NJ CASUAL ITALIAN CUISINE REASONABLE RETURNS Susan Smith Morella ~ Parishioner email: [email protected] 908-379-TAX1 Senior home care from our caring hands to yours 908-962-2988 12 First Avenue • Raritan, NJ 08869 BARE CARE 908-255-0647 Over 25 Years Experience • Computerized tax preparation • Electronic filing • Out of state returns • Delinquent prior year returns • New Business start ups • Personal & Business Tax returns • Sales & use tax • Ask about “Parishioner Discounts” ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED (908) 526-0616 277 S. Main St. Manville, NJ Airline Tickets Income Taxes Immigration Accounting Notary Public Translation TRAVEL Money Transfer Fax 908-722-9111 Copies [email protected] Cruises THOMAS M. CONNOR, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. Board Certified Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiologist 101 Old Short Hills Rd., Suite 104 West Orange, NJ 07052 973-731-5550 4-14 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201-794-1366 ideal auto body License 3581A llc Quality repairs since 1959 ASE/I-CAR Certified technicians Lifetime guarantees • 24 hour towing •Free Estimates Will & Gary Sediazek • 35 Old York Rd., Bridgewater •908-725-5900 J & M COMMERCIAL CLEANING JACK/MARY ANN WENTZELL PARISHIONER 908-218-9200 RESIDENTIAL: AIR DUCT/DRYER VENT CLEANING Cell 908-313-4080 MODERN EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS • TRAINED TECHNICIANS [email protected] FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED A+ Rating FREE ESTIMATES NJ Lic. #14568 Contractor’s License #13VH00498900 Cool - O - Matic Inc. 908-722-1400 Heating, Cooling & Electrical Design • Sales • Service • Maintenance Contracts 409 No. Main St., Manville “IF TODAY YOU HEAR HIS VOICE HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS” LEARN HOW CONTACT: DEACON FRANK QUINN 908-725-1112 579 Immaculate Conception, Somerville, NJ (Back) Rt. UPS John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 (
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