TERM ONE, WEEK 3 10TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Reflection Dates to Remember: Friday, 13th February P-5 School Photos Term 1 Fees Due Monday, 16th February Yrs 6-12 & Sibling School Photos Tuesday, 17th February Years 1-6 Parent/ Teacher Meetings Board Meeting Wednesday, 18th February Ash Wednesday Sunday ,22nd February P&F Welcome Mass and Family Fun Day St Eugene de Mazenod Church Sunday: 9.30am & 5.00pm Christ the King Church Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am Station Road PO Box 598 Burpengary Q 4505 P: 07 3491 4600 F: 07 3888 5151 E: pburpengary @bne.catholic.edu.au www.steugene.qld.edu.au ABSENTEE LINE: 3491 4646 The family is the privileged means for transmitting the religious and cultural values which help a person to acquire his or her own identity. Founded on love and open to the gift of life, the family contains in itself the very future of society. John Paul II From the Leadership Team Dear St Eugene Community On Tuesday we made our first attempt for 2015 at developing parental engagement by conducting our parent teacher information sharing night. As previously stated in earlier communication, our 2015 strategic plan has goals around the area of developing parental engagement. A friend and colleague, Cathy Quinn is conducting her doctoral studies in this area of parental engagement. I shared some of her research at the parent teacher evening last Tuesday and I share more detail here for those parents who were unable to attend. A review of literature done by the Australian Research Alliance for children and Youth (ARACY) in 2012 found that positive parental engagement in learning improves academic achievement, wellbeing and productivity. This is not about parents bailing teachers up before school and demanding things to be done for their child. It is not about parents taking over the role of teachers or telling them what to do in the classroom. It is not about parents just being seen as the fundraising committee for the school. It is more than inviting parents to be on advisory boards or coming as guests to show and tell sessions. Pushor and Ruitenberg (2005) suggests it is a sharing of parent knowledge about their child and teacher knowledge about the child. This involves the mutual respect to listen by each to the expert knowledge of the other. A Parent has so much knowledge about their child - how to motivate them, their likes and dislikes, their fears and aspirations and specific aspects of the family traditions and culture. No one has the best interests of their child at heart more than a parent and this is lifelong, not just for 12 years of schooling. A Teacher on the other hand has expert knowledge in the curriculum and in pedagogy, in what has to be taught and how best to teach it. They are experts in their curriculum areas and the psychology of the child. The partnership between Home and School can enhance the teaching of the individual child, their academic achievement and wellbeing. The joining of the knowledge of the parents with the knowledge of the teacher adds to the age old saying…"Two (or more) Heads are better than one." I look forward to providing you with every opportunity to get to know what is being taught and how it is being taught. I also look forward to hearing from you about your child and how we can work together to provide a quality education by valuing each other’s expertise in this partnership. Kind Regards JIM MIDGLEY PRINCIPAL Sunflowers I am enjoying one of those moments in life that come as an unexpected gift. It fills me with hope and wonder and encourages me to continue with patient endurance even when the going gets tough. And it all started at the end of last year. Eugreenies was disposing of seedling stock. On the last day there was a single forlorn punnet left, and at the urging of Jenny Fowler, I paid up and took home two tiny sunflower seedlings about two centimetres tall. After a couple of days I took the effort to plant them and even water and fertilise occasionally. Generally they grew despite my poor horticultural skills. They have now rewarded me a hundred fold. This week the first blossom emerged and I am gobsmacked at the beauty and intricate design of the flower. Evenings are spent looking in awe and expecting the second one to be as magnificent. It has become a moment of meditation and prayer as I cannot help but draw the parallels with the young people that we serve. These tiny creatures that we welcome as Preps have so much potential and growth ahead of them. We, as a College and parents, do our best to provide the right environment to help the growth process. Sometimes we are clumsy and sometimes we are brilliant, but we are always hopeful. Sometimes, the darn grasshoppers injure and eat the leaves and yet we continue to labour in hope. For me, the sunflowers sit next to the bins and passionfruit plants and I have watched every day as I dispose of the rubbish of the family day hoping for the day of reward. Then the magnificent blossom explodes with sumptuous glory, amazing and astonishing with variety and rich hues of glorious colour. And then we sit and enjoy marvelling in the creative power of a God who loves with unconditional love and who is abundant in the natural creation. The other great mystery is that we must share the fruit and blossoms with others. To keep this miracle to ourselves is to deny the great gifts we have all been given not for personal gain but for the building of the whole community. So I share this moment with all. May we all look at our young people with wonder and hope! Have a great week MARK SHAKHOVSKOY P-12 HEAD (SENIOR YEARS) OP INFORMATION EVENING The Parent information evening on OP Scores, how they are calculated and their significance will now be held in Wednesday 4th March not on Wednesday 25th February as is in the College calendar. College News MIDDLE YEARS NEWS APRE NEWS It was lovely to meet many parents at our “Parent Information Evening” on Tuesday. It is so important that parents are involved in their child’s schooling and we all work together to ensure each student’s success. Ash Wednesday 18th February Next week the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. Mass will be held in St Eugene de Mazenod Church Springfield Drive (near the Junior end of the College) at 9 a.m. Families are very welcome to attend. If you would like to take your child/ren to this mass please inform Student Services for marking of the roll. Marisa Dann last night talked about the key dispositions we at St Eugene are trying to instil in the students this year. Remember to use these words at home and encourage your child to talk with you about how they do this in their daily school life: Curiosity & creativity Resilience Ownership Perseverance Communicative Reflective Extra Curricula Timetable Thanks to our wonderful staff, we are able to offer your child a number of extra curricula activities throughout the school year. The timetable for Semester One is at the back of the newsletter. If you have any questions in relation to these activities, please feel free to contact the office for further information. Student Leadership On Tuesday at our School Mass, our Year 5, 9 & 12 Leaders were presented to our College. Each Friday our Senior Students Leaders meet and in the weeks to come, our other year level leaders will come on board to assist. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to really get involved with the College, but also to encourage others to do the same. Congratulations to all leaders and I look forward to working with you. Leaders are only ever successful because of the wonderful support they have around them and whilst our leaders may have a badge, all students in the College are leaders through their words, actions and involvement. Each student in our College is important and contributes to the wonderful community we have. Enjoy the week ahead. LOUISE OLLEY - P-12 AP (MIDDLE YEARS) 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS The Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Project Compassion 2015 focuses on Food for Life. It throws a spotlight on global food issues and how Caritas Australia is empowering the world’s poorest people to establish sustainable food sources for life. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia to work towards the creation of a more just and fair world for whole communities. Please put your compassion into action this Lent by supporting Project Compassion 2015. You can donate online via the website at www.caritas.org.au/ projectcompassion. Caritas Café - Pikelets on Shrove Tuesday – 17th February Did you know? Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday started as a way of using up rich foods such as eggs, milk and sugar before the 40 days of Lent began. We are selling pikelets with jam and cream on Shrove Tuesday for a gold coin. Funds raised will support Project Compassion. Students in Prep to year 5 can place their orders with their class teachers. Students in years 6 to 12 may purchase their pikelets directly from the Caritas Café stall at first break on Shrove Tuesday. (Please note there is a limit of one pikelet per student). ALISON BATES (P-12 APRE – JUNIOR/MIDDLE YEARS) SCHOOL PHOTOS REMINDER! Our college photos will be taken on Thursday, 13th February for Prep– Year 5 and Monday, 16th February for Years 6-12 and sibling photos. The countdown is on! There is only 157 days until the commencement of our fabulous 25th anniversary celebrations! NOTE: ANY STUDENTS BRINGING ENVELOPES ON THEIR PHOTO DAY ARE TO HAND DIRECTLY TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER, NOT TO THE COLLEGE OFFICE. PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE BY CASH, CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER. THE COLLEGE WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOST ENVELOPES/MONIES. Make sure you mark Saturday, 18th July in your calendars! Student Services College News DO YOU HAVE A CHILD IN YEARS 6-12? Stuck? Get unstuck. One-toone, real-life, on-demand help with ‘yourtutor’ Next time your child gets stuck during homework or study, don’t let it turn into an argument! You have free access to a huge network of expert teachers and tutors online, on demand, with ‘yourtutor’. Connect in seconds and get ‘unstuck’. The College is providing access to ‘yourtutor’ in 2015 to help with after-hours study, for confidence, support for parents, and learning improvement. Students from years 6-12 have received activation codes. Activate now at: yourtutor.com.au/start. Once activated, you can log in whenever you have a question. From 3pm—10pm, Sunday to Friday. For more information watch the video at: http://player.vimeo.com/video/47836402 ] PAT BEGGS P-12 AP (SENIOR YEARS) CREATIVE ARTS NEWS Early Years Dance Troupe Congratulations to the following students who are cordially invited to join our 2015 Early Years Dance Troupe. These students have been selected because they received the highest end of year results in Dance last year within their cohorts (according to last year’s Prep to Year 2 results): Erin Kirkham Lucy Cornish Isabella Fisher Emily Fuhrman-Luck Brooke Tovi Matilda Lemon Ava Wasson Reise Beil Tahli Burnett Sienna Garrard Montana Homan Gabrielle Melrose Charli Ballard Matilda Rae Amy McIntosh Khiana-Michelle Morris Georgia Sly Temika O’Keefe Jasmine Allinson Grace Gallagher Jorja Patterson Zahra Madden Juliana Chua Grace Gatfield Abby Howard Rehearsals Rehearsals for this troupe are once weekly in room P1, during the first break every Wednesday. The first rehearsal is next week on Wednesday 18th February. Students will eat their lunch with their class and come straight to rehearsal when the play bell rings. If parents for any reason would prefer their child NOT to be involved in the troupe, please contact the college as soon as possible. There are no extra costs incurred for parents of dancers in this troupe. The troupe will represent our colege in at least one dance eisteddfod throughout the year, as well as at the fete and at other cultural arts events in the college calendar. This is a very exciting opportunity for our youngest dancers and we congratulate them once again on their membership. Our dance troupes enjoy many fun and exciting experiences throughout the year. We welcome Chloe Haugland (Senior Dance student) as an assistant coach and mentor for this team. Please don’t hesitate to contact the college with enquiries about the Early Years troupe or about any other matter. The other 4 dance troupes (Juniors, Middle Years, Senior Years and Boys’ Hip Hop Crew) were formed at the end of last year. These troupes are beginning their rehearsals this week and have been receiving notifications regarding place and time for practice. If there are any students who are new to the college this year and wish to audition for the dance troupes, please make contact with me regarding this matter as soon as possible. Best Wishes, Kathy Stewart Curriculum Leader – The Arts THANK YOU! On behalf of St Eugene College and its Sports Department, Principal Jim Midgley and teacher Jenny Byrne would like to thank McDonalds, Burpengary store for their kind donation of two enormous water containers for our sports carnivals and other ongoing functions. They have already been put to good use at the Yrs 6-12 College Swimming Carnival last week and the containers were well used by thirsty students all day!! DENTAL VAN This year the School Dental Service will provide examination and treatment for students of St Eugene’s College at a dental van located at the Burpengary State School. The van can be accessed from Sacha Street, Burpengary. The School Dental Service has been extended to provide services to eligible clients aged up to 18 years. All children aged from 4 years and enrolled up to Year 10 at school are eligible for free treatment under the Queensland public oral health services. You will need to bring your Medicare card to dental appointments. Cont/... Should you wish to take advantage of this service please contact the Metro North Oral Health Call Centre on Ph 1300 300 850 Tuesday to Friday between 10:00am and 3:00pm to arrange an appointment. As the offer for oral health services is well received there may be a short delay before an appointment time is available. College News SPORTS NEWS VOC ED NEWS YEARS 6-12 SWIMMING CARNIVAL RESULTS Congratulations to DUNLEA house for winning this year’s Middle / Senior swimming carnival. It was a welldeserved win for Dunlea having a strong team effort in the pool. Well done to all the Houses, with their effort, sportsmanship, spirit and behaviour on display throughout the day. A Special Congratulations to RYAN house for being awarded the House with the most Spirit. A very big thank you to all our wonderful staff for their help to make this year’s swimming carnival incredibly successful. Careers GREG HOHNS - SENIOR SPORTS COORDINATOR DISTRICT SPORTS – (10, 11 AND 12 YEAR OLDS) 10 & 11 Years Girls Softball Trials Where: Caboolture East State School, 44 Manley St. Caboolture. When: Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th February, 3:45pm – 5:00pm What: Running shoes, hat/cap, water bottle, glove Who: Girls who are turning 10 & 11 years old 12 Years Girls Softball Trials Where: Burpengary State School, When: Thursday 12th February, 3:30pm – 4:45pm What: Running shoes, hat/cap, water bottle, glove Who: Girls who are turning 12 years old 12 Years Boys AFL Trials Where: Caboolture East State School, 44 Manley St. Caboolture. When: Thursday 26th February, 3:30pm – 4:45pm What: Boots, water bottle. Who: Boys who are turning 11 & 12 years old Year 10/11 students interested in a School Based Traineeship completing a Cert III Business at Foodworx Burpengary, please see Mrs Prince T2 Voc Ed with a copy of your current resume. TAFE TAFE Queensland Brisbane is still enrolling Year 11 and 12 students into our VET courses. If you are interested in enrolling in a course in TAFE please see Mrs Prince T2 Voc Ed for further information. Taste of Navy Trades 9.30am – 3.00pm, Monday 23rd February 2014 Queensland Maritime Museum Southbank RSVP: [email protected] by COB Tuesday 17th February 2015 – spaces are limited The Specialist Recruiting Team – Women in the Navy – is offering an exclusive tour for females interested in a technical trade career in the Navy to see first-hand some of the systems that are used to operate a navy ship. Learn about the unique traditions of the Australian Navy as well as having the opportunity to try your hand at some of the trade skills that are used to keep a navy ship at sea. This activity will give young females the opportunity to meet and talk with sailors from the Royal Australian Navy about their time in the navy and the great opportunities available in technical trades. Morning tea and lunch are provided. Please note to be eligible to attend a participant must be 16 years or older and have obtained a pass in year 10 English, Maths and Science. Year 11 Health Traineeships If you are interested in trialling for any of the above, please see Mrs Collier. RUNNING CLUB Training is starting for those keen to get fit for cross country. All students are welcome to join in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8am to 8:20 am. You can wear suitable clothing and bring your uniform to get changed into. We will meet on the junior oval at 8am sharp. I hope to see lots of enthusiastic runners there. PAULINE COLLIER - JUNIOR SPORTS COORDINATOR Wendy Prince - Voc Ed Assistant College News LIBRARY NEWS ADMIN NEWS World Book Online Our college has been subscribing to the very reputable World Book Online for the past 9 months and I have been reintroducing it to all students from P12 over the past 2 weeks. It should make research so much easier for all our students doing research assignments. There are 5 levels of text catering for Preps to University levels. It is accessible to all our students, staff and families and can be used at school or home at any hour. Plus it has the facility to “read text aloud” for all levels. It also includes short videos for most topics. UNIFORM NEWS Flexischools.com.au is a great way to order your child’s uniforms. You can order and pay online and they are delivered to your child’s class within two days. Older students will find the APA referencing provided for each article of information at the bottom of the screen enabling them to do a copy and paste into their bibliography. I have been encouraging students to play with World Book Online so they become very familiar with it now in readiness for future research. Second-hand Uniforms We do not accept directly any second-hand items unless you wish to donate them to the college We use an online program called the Sustainable School Shop. Please visit it at www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au. Log-in Details: Password: User ID stec (school use); steh (home use) s4505 All students (P-12) whose class attended library orientation lessons in the first two weeks of this term, were all given a WBO log-in flyer to bring home, plus we have spares for parents in the library. Having WBO so readily accessible could save many students much time and effort. Courier Mail Books Offer The offer commenced last Sunday, February 8th with the FREE “Frozen” book and CD with a token (on page 3). Collect the “Disney Read to me Storybooks and CDs” featuring stories from the very popular movie, “Frozen” over the next two weeks. There are 14 in the set altogether costing $2.70 eachbook and CD. Collecting some or all of the “Frozen” books could prove very valuable for many younger students helping them with their reading development. Student Bookclubs Scholastic orders are due in the library before February 19th. Koorong Kids is a religious book club and orders must be handed into the library before the end of the term. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am to 10.00am Tuesday & Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm ANGELIQUE—UNIFORM CONVENOR TUCKSHOP NEWS The tuckshop menu is available on the college website: www.steugene.qld.edu.au. A reminder that tuckshop vouchers are no longer available from Finance. Remember the easiest way you can order is online at www.flexischools.com.au. Follow the instructions online, and your child’s order will be printed at the tuckshop and delivered to their class for children in grades 1 to 5. Children in grades 6 to 12 who order on flexischools need to pick their order up from the senior tuckshop. Next Week’s Roster: Monday HELPER NEEDED Tuesday HELPER NEEDED Wednesday HELPER NEEDED Thursday Lyn Buckley & Anne-Maree Jimmieson Friday Leone Keen & Amanda Bradley PAULA PORTER - TUCKSHOP CONVENOR Chess Lessons Commenced last Thursday, 5th February and will continue every Thursday from 3:15-4:15pm in the library. Classes are taken by a qualified teacher and chess adjudicator, Matt Gilpin who caters for all years and all experience levels. Cost is $10 per lesson and preferably the term should be paid in advance. Our first inter-school Chess Tournament occurs in March. All students from P-12 are eligible to nominate if they know chess rules. Interested students should leave their name at the library front desk. JANICE CHILCOTT—TEACHER/LIBRARIAN REMINDER STUDENT MEDICATION AUTHORITY If your child needs medication during school hours, the school requires a completed Student Medication Request Form. This includes the administration of Panadol. All medication must be supplied in the original package with the labelled instructions. This is to ensure the safety of your child and to protect school staff. Forms are available at the Student Services counter, are current for one year and are now due if your child is currently taking medication. Forms are renewed at the beginning of every school year. This form must be completed for medication to be administered to your child during school hours. ASH WEDNESDAY TUCKSHOP MENU Wednesday18th February VEGE BURGER WITH SALAD $5.00 NACHOS $3.50 VEGETARIAN FRIED RICE $3.50 GARLIC BREAD $1.50 CHEESE PIZZA $3.00 MACARONI & CHEESE $4.00 TOASTED CHEESE SANDWICH $1.50 TOASTED CHEESE & TOMATO SANDWICH $2.00 SPINACH & FETA TRIANGLES $1.00 POTATO GEMS WITH GRAVY $3.50 Sign up with Flexischools to do all your Online Tuckshop and Uniform Shop ordering. It’s so convenient!You can also use this service for special events (ie. Discos etc). Existing users can now download an app to their iphone for convenience. Or register online at https://www.flexischools.com.au College News FREE SKOOLBAG APP FOR MOBILES Our School now has our own Skoolbag iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our Parent/Student community. We are inviting parents/students to install the Skoolbag School App as soon as possible to begin to access it’s benefits for free! Installing the app is very easy, just search for our school name "St Eugene College Burpengary" in either the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store or go to http://www.steugene.qld.edu.au/ documents/skoolbagParentInstructions for a list of instructions to commence using this free service. SAVE OUR FORESTS—ACCESS THE NEWSLETTER ONLINE OR VIA THE SKOOLBAG APP The newsletter comes home on Thursday of every week, sent home via the youngest child in each family. Sadly, this vital piece of communication generally never sees the light of home, often languishing in bags or not even making it into bags and thus contributing to the litter in the school grounds. So...can we urge you to access the Newsletter electronically? If you do so, a hard copy WILL NOT be sent home, which will contribute positively to our planet (and our budget!). If not , please let us know if you would like to ensure your Newsletter arrives by using one of the following options: EMAIL: [email protected] OR return the form below to reception: Family Name: Youngest Child’s Name & Class: OPTIONS: I would like the newsletter emailed to me at (Email Address) I will access the newsletter via the school website at www.steugene.qld.edu.au I will access the newsletter via the Skoolbag app
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