ST. MARCELLINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 822 S. Springinsguth Road | Schaumburg, IL 60193 P: (847) 524-4429 F: (847) 524-4597 Website: AUTHORITY FROM GOD According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 TO THE COMMUNITY OF ST. MARCELLINE It is that time of the year when we focus our attention to the Annual Catholic Appeal. The theme of the appeal this year is “Entrusted with Responsibility.” It flows from Pope Francis’ encyclical “The Joy of the Gospel.” Many of you have responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal by a mailing from Archbishop Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries and services funded by the ACA, thank you for your gifts. If you received the mailing and have not responded, please do so as soon as possible. Next weekend we will be doing an in-pew registration for the Appeal after we listen to a homily from Archbishop Cupich. In addition to providing for ministries and services throughout the Archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help to ministries in our parish. For example, formation for Deacons and lay ministers; support for religious education for financially challenged communities like our sharing parish St. Agatha’s; on-going spiritual formation of priests. God provides each of us with many gifts. We have the responsibility not only to recognize these gifts but also to nurture them. As we contemplate His gifts to us, we should also reflect on our gratitude for these gifts. Your financial support for the work of our parish, our Archdiocese and the Church throughout the world is, in fact, one way to express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal. When our parish reaches its goal of $58,628 in paid pledges, 100% of the additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our parish. Let me end with a reflection on gratitude by Thomas Merton: “To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us—and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference.” May God’s grace and peace be yours. Fr. Hal Greeters Needed In order to maintain our welcoming atmosphere as guests and parishioners cross our threshold, we are in need of a few more greeters to minister at Mass. We have an excellent core of ministers, but need a few more to welcome our many parish members and guests. There are no meetings; training takes only a few minutes, and a flexible schedule is available. Please prayerfully consider offering your time in this important ministry. Call Dr. Brunelle for more information and training at 847.524.0260. Mass Intentions PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Feb 2 8:30 MASS †Lois Wilkas Feb 3 8:30 MASS All Souls Feb 4 8:30 COMMUNION SERVICE Feb 5 8:30 COMMUNION SERVICE Feb 6 8:30 MASS †Mar n Makosh †Nellie Makosh Feb 7 5:00 Feb 8 8:30 11:00 MASS †Helen Pfenninger †Kenneth Mogge, Sr. †John McNellis †Bill Landon †Louise Klinger †Harold Klinger †Falduto Family †Bill Robson †Bob Kathe †Doris Kusek †Arnold Urkoski †Joseph Ullo †Lucre a Ullo †Wally Borla †Thomas Jodlowski †James P. “Jay” Burke Cardinal George Patricia Levin Esther Alm Julia Pawlak Be y Graffy Madelyn Moller Lori Mueller Irene Chmiel Mary Olson Joan Blanford Mary Pauley Joann Recchia Mary Hayes Gerard Marzano Adeline Sowinski Ashley Serbicki Nicole e Zullo Charlo e Lorkowski Barbara Karavas Joan Gross Margaret Dowling Casey Fanning Jill Herz Timmy Hartne Pat Schiro The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. If you wish to have your name added or removed from this list, please call the Administration Center. PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Our Military Men and Women Lori Hammer READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you” (Deuteronomy 18:15-20). Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 95). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties (1 Corinthians 7:3235). Gospel — The people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching; he taught them as one having authority (Mark 1:21-28). Joseph Kudron Genevieve Palkoner Bud Napier Janet Eberhardt Daniel Degrazia Penny Pope Marion Bushong Shawn Johnson Dolores Trendel Pat Lopez Patricia Narske Cathy Arnold Porzel Ruth Linkenheld Pat Wisniewski Sarah Miller Tyler Senese Ka e Harker-Laureano Dolores Ondrus Theresa Jacobazzi Pamela Jacobazzi Allan Maiers Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 MASS CELEBRANTS F 5:00 8:30 11:00 Treasures from our Traditions 7/8, 2015 M M M F . P F . H F . H S S S Eucharistic Adoration Tuesdays, 9:00am to 7:15pm in the church God dwells in our midst, in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. -St. Maximilian Kolbe Come and spend a quiet, personal holy hour of prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament each week. All are welcome to spend time in prayer For more information, call Carrie or Bob Alexander 847.882.3250 2015 Ash Wednesday Liturgy Schedule Wednesday, February 18, 2015 MASS WITH THE DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES 10:00am & 7:30pm LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES 3:00PM & 6:00PM Ashes will only be distributed at the times listed above. Homebound ministers are asked to take their ashes after the 10:00am Mass. The Oil of the Sick, usually labeled OI (for Oleum Infirmarum), is often reserved with chrism and the oil of catechumens in an ambry. An ambry is a cabinet, often beautifully ornamented and kept near the baptistery in the church. Olive oil, with no fragrance added, is blessed at the Chrism Mass in Holy Week by the bishop, although there is now a provision for a priest to bless oil if none is available. This restores to our Latin Rite practice a tradition never lost in the Eastern tradition, in which priests consecrate the oil of the sick, even at the sick person’s home. Any vegetable oil may be used now, since olive oil is difficult to obtain in some places. Many priests keep a small supply of oil close at hand in a small metal tube called a “stock.” In the former rite, every sense of the body was anointed, accompanied by a prayer for forgiveness of sin. So, the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, hands, and feet were all touched. Today, this is simplified to an anointing of the forehead and the hands, but generally today the oil is used more lavishly, and the symbolism of touch so central to the rite is enhanced. Often, a priest will invite everyone present to join in the “laying on of hands.” Sick persons are often pushed aside or feared in our culture, and to be reverently touched in love can be a profound experience of God’s healing, forgiving, accepting presence through the ministry of the Church. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. GOD’S WORD TODAY One line from today’s Gospel stands out: “The people were astonished at his teaching.” Saint Mark, of course, is speaking about the Lord’s teaching in the synagogue at the beginning of his public ministry. Too often we come to church and the words that are proclaimed simply wash over us. When was the last time we were “astonished at his teaching”? Like the man with an unclean spirit in today’s Gospel, we can have too many “spirits” that distract us and make us less receptive to the word of God. As we hear how Jesus drives the unclean spirit from the man, let us ask the Lord to drive from us any distractions that prevent us from knowing the true power of the word of God. Let the words of today’s responsorial psalm become our own. Today, when we hear God’s voice, let us pray that our hearts will not be hardened, but opened to transformation and astonishment. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company C H , P D, RN, LCPC, is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, with a PhD in Clinical Psychology and cer fied as an Addic ons Counselor. She assists individuals, couples, and families dealing with personal issues and family problems. For persons who cannot afford a professional fee, low cost services will be available based on the person’s assessment of what he or she can afford, and no one will be turned away for financial reasons. Call her directly for an appointment at 847.845.8696. February 3rd - Birthdays. Regular Meeting & Bingo. February 17th - Meeting followed by movie courtesy of Doris Pearson and Ted Kowalik. March 3rd - Birthdays. Presentation by Schaumburg Village Health Nurse. March 17th - Franco Subs, hosted by Hoskins table. If any senior 55 or over is interested in joining us as our guest, please CALL MONICA at 847.891.2074. We are a non-denominational senior group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11:45 am in Diemer Hall. Annual membership is $15.00 per year. We have welcomed 6 new members into our group. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Needs Paper Towels Jello Bathroom Tissue Baby Wipes Liquid Dish Soap Cookies Kleenex Cereal Saltine Crackers Tuna Diapers - sizes, 3,4 and 5 Thank you for providing the resources that allow us to continue to assist area residents in need during these difficult times and maintain a well-stocked food pantry. For assistance with: Food call 847.524.9676 Confidential parishioner assistance call 224.545.3734 St. Marcelline is on Facebook!! Like Us Now News! Events! Mass Schedules! KEEP ST. MARCELLINE UPDATED! It is important that we have your correct information. Please let us know when you change your home address, phone number or email address, when you add to your family or have a death in your family. Contact the Parish Administration Center at 847.524.4429 or email [email protected] with your changes. TRIPS WITH DORIS TO CONTACT HER - 847.985.1048 BULLETIN GUIDELINES MORE Care more than others think necessary. Trust more than others think wise. Serve more than others think practical. —Anonymous Check out our Website All articles must be submitted to [email protected] in a proofed MS Word document by Monday NOON, 11 DAYS PRIOR TO BULLETIN DATE NOT INCLUDING WEEKENDS. If the article is received late, it will be published in the following week’s bulletin if information is current. Content: Articles should include name of event, date, time, location and name and phone number of contact person to be included in the article. A brief description and/or graphic may be included in article submission. Depending on size of Bulletin, articles may be reformatted and/or edited. Event Deadline: Articles will run 1-2 weeks depending on date of event and space in bulletin. Articles may be published for a longer period of time as long as a fresh article is submitted. Holiday Articles: All articles MUST BE IN 18 DAYS PRIOR (NOT INCLUDING WEEKENDS) for the weekend you would like the article published. Holiday bulletin copy is always requested by the publishing company at least a week to two weeks ahead of time. Parish Offerings Save The Date 2015 Lenten Mission January 25, 2015 Actual Offertory $11,845 Fiscal Year to Date $463,254 Surplus/Deficit Year to Date Capital Impr. Budgeted $16,500 $478,500 $15,246 Sunday 3/15 thru Tuesday 3/17 @ 7:30 PM St. Hubert Catholic Church Speaker Friar Brian Walker O.P. To Praise, To Bless, To Preach $1,575 Vocation Cross Schedule Here is the schedule for the month of February for volunteers to pray for Vocations to become Catholic Priests and Nuns. All parishioners are urged to sign up to receive the prayer cross at any mass you desire, by contacting Knights of Columbus member Charles Linkenheld at 847.352.6358, or email him directly at [email protected]. Pickup in Sacristy and return no later than 4:00 pm the following week. Tom & Chris Cooper Laverne Bobkowski Pete & Rosemary Justen 02/08/2015 02/14/2015 02/22/2015 THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM February 1, 2015 Leo Fulton Macaluso Son of Joseph & Katherine Macaluso In today’s second reading St Paul talks about the fact that married couples have to deal with the anxieties of the world. Sometimes those stresses can really have a negative impact on our marriages. Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just focus on God and each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 13-15, 2015 or April 17-19, 2015 or June 12-14, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630.577.0778 or contact us through . Saint Marcelline Italian Dinner Night Organized by the St. Marcelline Knights of Columbus Saturday, February 7th 6:00 pm in Diemer Hall $12.00 per Adult $5.00 per child Come join fellow parishioners and friends for a night of fellowship and food. Menu: Green Salad Garlic bread Pasta with choice of marinara or meat sauce Italian sausage and meat balls Soda and water Italian desserts Tickets will be sold after all masses starting January 24th or contact Jim Vaughan at 847.524.1203. All proceeds will donated to the parish. New Hope for Families Update SAINT HUBERT JOB AND NETWORKING MINISTRY Family #23 Our mom reported that her job was recently switched to a different northwest suburb and her hours have changed because she is still in training for the new position. She reported that it’s going fine but transportation is becoming an issue. Now that she is at a new location it’s further away from her daughter’s school and she is carpooling with her mother. Unfortunately our mom, because she is taking her mother to and from work, she was not able to take the Language Arts portion of the GED exam as scheduled. She has plans to take the entire exam in March. Until then she will continue to utilize online quizzes and study material. Her mother is doing well and still working part time four days per week and she loves her job! Her daughter’s asthma is under control and hasn’t had any issues in about 2 weeks. This family was very grateful for the Christmas gifts to her family! Her daughter was especially very happy. Thank you to our parishioners for all the help! Family #25 The new family consists of a single mother with four children. She has 3 boys ages 6, 11 and 15 and a girl age 10. Our new family is settling in while getting adjusted. Our mom and her children are all doing well. Her six year old son is currently getting additional assistance in speech and making major progress. She reports that she is a diabetic and takes insulin. As long as her diet is controlled and she takes her medicine regularly she is fine. She reported that she worked a lot of over time over the holidays and made some extra money! She is already on target with her goals and savings! This family was very happy and excited to receive their gifts and their new apartment! This Christmas was very special one for this family! A special thanks to our parishioners. New Hope extends special greetings to the Peace and Justice Cluster Parishioners for their continuing support! March 7, 2015 – “Using Improve in Your Job Search”– 9:00am to 12:00 Noon – (Location TBD) – We are excited to bring you this brand new program and the return of our friend Jim Walzak. Jim studied and has effectively used Improv. He will lead us through a fun filled presentation that will help you with spontaneity, which can help you break the ice. It can also help you to sell yourself to others in a friendly and good natured way. March 9, 2015 – “Casual Networking Night” – 6:30pm to 8:30pm - St. Hubert Ministry Center, 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, IL. Continuing this popular meeting agenda format, the Saint Hubert Job and Networking Ministry will again feature a casual networking opportunity. We will have break-out tables set up for key topics to discuss as well as refreshments and an open networking opportunity for all that attend. Topics will include Interviewing, Resumes, Networking help, Researching, Job Campaign Targeting. March 23, 2015 – “Networking and LinkedIn Utilization” - 7:00pm to 9:15pm - St. Hubert Ministry Center, 729 Grand Canyon, Hoffman Estates, IL. With Networking remaining the best method to use to find work, knowing how to effectively network and to maximize LinkedIn contacts is still a critical success step. Our presenter is Phil Ferenzi, Job Ministry member, host and sponsor of local Networking events. March 28, 2015 - “Resume Review” – 9:00am to 11:00am – Immanuel Lutheran Church – 200 N Plum Grove Rd., Palatine, IL. Bring your resume for a personal evaluation by one of six HR, Search, or Career Counselors who will be on hand to give you their thoughts and suggestions. Bring a friend. Questions regarding the St. Hubert Job Ministry Events, call: Bob Podgorski at 847.843.0020 ST. MARCELLINE WOMEN’S CLUB Meeting will be on February 9th Diemer Hall at 7:00PM Join us for “Game Night” PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, February 1 ASP Mee ng Handbell Choir 8:30 8:30 am am FR 9 Monday, February 2 Bible Study Joyful Noise KC Planning Mee ng 7:00 7:00 7:30 pm pm pm FR 9 5,7 Tuesday, February 3 Eucharis c Adora on Morning Bible Study GA Seniors RCIA 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 7:00 am am am pm pm C L 2 DH 12 Wednesday, February 4 OA SPRED 9:30 6:30 am pm 2 2,4 Friday, February 6 Italian Dinner Set-up AA 12:00 7:30 pm pm DH 1,3 Saturday, February 7 Rosary for Life Eucharist Class Confessions Italian Dinner Night 8:00 9:00 4:00 6:00 am C am 1-4,FR pm Recon Rm pm DH Sunday, February 8 Handbell Choir EDGE Confirma on 1 & 2 8:30 9:00 5:45 am am pm 9 FR All, FR For an up to date list of all weekly calendar events please go to To Be Joyful Again, a non-denominational support group for widows, widowers, or anyone who has lost a significant other, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness . All are welcome. Contact Elaine at 847.705.9886 for more information. CUPCAKE SALE GRIEF Ministry It Hurts! It’s Lonely! It’s Unpredictable! It’s Normal! It’s Healing! Pres St M ented b a y Wom rcellin e en’s Club When we experience the loss of someone we love, we face a period of time for personal grief. No one can predict how long this grieving process should last—grief is personal, and everyone grieves in his or her own way. There may be times during this process when we find that our experience of grief has taken complete control over all that we do. Grief can be very unpredictable; it affects us mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. Grief can make us feel crazy. The journey of grief is a hard road to travel—it hurts. Sometimes it helps to know that others share the same pain, the same feelings, and the same struggle. The community of St. Marcelline wishes to reach out to you, or perhaps someone in your family, who find their struggle with grief hard to endure. If you or other family members find the struggle with grief too difficult, then we would like to invite you to our next series of support sessions, which will begin on Saturday, February 21st and continue for six weeks. Each 1-1/2 hour session begins at 10:30 am, and is held in our Family Life Center. Come to as many sessions as you like, or are able to attend. Please contact the Parish Administration Office at 847-524-4429 and register for our next series of sessions. Should you have any questions regarding this program, a member of our ministry team will be happy to contact you and answer any questions you may have. Diemer Hall after all masses February 14th & 15th Priests Rev. Harold B. Stanger Pastor [email protected] Rev. Paul Sims, CR, PhD Weekend Associate Deacon Couples Joe and Rey Garcia Bible Study Tom and Pat LaMan a St. Vincent DePaul Society Mike and Darla Filipucci Ministry of Care Paul and Diane Migala Marriage Prepara on Don and Roxanne Maiers Bap sm Prepara on/RCIA Pastoral Staff Dr. Marc Alan Brunelle, DMA Director of Liturgy & Music [email protected] Direct Line: 847.524.0260 Mary Kramer, MPS Director of Faith & Forma on [email protected] Direct Line: 847.524.1140 Alice Ciupka Coordinator of Elementary Ed. [email protected] Direct Line: 847.524.4113 Howard Grossman Youth Minister Coordinator of JH/HS Educa on [email protected] Direct Line: 847.524.9484 Barbara LaMan a Office Manager blaman [email protected] Pam Kwiatkowski Parish Accountant [email protected] Robin Lesiewicz Administra ve Assistant [email protected] Len Kuczma Buildings & Grounds Keith Harvey Weekend Maintenance M A S S S C H E D U L E SATURDAY VIGIL 5:00pm Mass SUNDAY 8:30am Mass The Joyful Noise Children’s Handbell Choir First Sunday of the Month 11:00am Mass The Sanctuary Choir and Jubilation Ringers DAILY MASS COMMUNION SERVICE HOLY DAYS 8:30am Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:30am Wednesday, Thursday Check the Bulletin for Mass Times PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES Rosary after 8:30am Weekday Mass Respect Life Rosary - First Saturday of the Month - 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration - Tuesday, 9:00am - 7:00pm Benediction on 3rd Tuesday at 7:00pm S C S BAPTISM Parents need to attend a Baptism Preparation class. Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. More information is contained on our website. S RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00 to 4:30 pm in the Reconciliation Room in Church, or by appointment with a priest. S A S The parish celebrates the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick on the first Tuesday of the month at the 8:30 am daily Mass. For other requests for Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office. S M Please call the Parish Administration Center to register at least one year in advance. S .V D P S F P 847.524.9676 By appointment only P A C 847.524.4429 ~ 847.524.4597 (Fax) Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm P W CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Marcelline #512144 822 South Springinsguth Road Schaumburg, IL 60193 TELEPHONE 847.524.4429 CONTACT PERSON Barbara LaMantia SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 4700 February 1, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 15 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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