Welcome to St. Dominic Church 493 North Second Street, Breese, Illinois 62230 Phone: 618-526-7746 Fax: 618-526-7755 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT March 1, 2015 Pastor: Fr. Patrick N. Peter Deacon: Linus Klostermann Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 8am and 11am Weekday Masses: 8am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday First Reading: Genesis 22:1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18 Second Reading: Romans 8:31B-34 Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 Websites: St. Dominic Church Diocese of Belleville Knights of Columbus Mater Dei High School All Saints Academy Holy Day Masses: 8am, 12:10pm, & 7pm Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment Baptism & Marriage: For arrangement please contact the Parish office Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at noon Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9am-3pm Office Staff: Judie Kuper Office manager Carol Niemeyer Office secretary All Saints Academy Dr. Robin Booth - Principal Pat Huene - Secretary 295 N. Clinton St. 526-4323 Mater Dei High School Dennis Litteken - Principal 900 N. Mater Dei Dr. 526-7216 E-mail: [email protected] Bulletin info: [email protected] Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org ww.saintdominicbreese.org www.diobelle.org www.breeseknights.org www.materdeiknights.org www.asasaints.com Parish Organizations, Committees and Ministries Parish Council Janice Albers Bill Hummert Cyndi Riley—Vice P Cindy Klein Rita Litteken Marty Johnson– Pres. Janice Niemeyer-Sec. Kathleen Heinzmann Christopher Stark Trustees Dennis Ratermann Dawn Tebbe Community Committee Janice Albers Rita Litteken Adult Servers Mary Ellen Detmer Men’s Sodality Ken Schonhoff Adoration Allison Cowgill Picnic Executives Leo Lammers Mike Klein Mike Klostermann Altar Sodality Kathleen Venhaus Eucharistic Ministers Dorothy Voss First Fridays/Homebound Ministry-Fr. Pat Lectors Rod Kloeckner Liturgy Committee Cyndi Riley Building & Maintenance Alfred Ratermann Prayer Ministry Marie Timmermann Lorine Schmidt Choirs, Cantors, Musicians Leah Loddeke Rosary Leaders open Church Decorating Lynn Hollenkamp RCIA Mark Wright Sacristans Ruth Langhauser Gail Linn Josie Timmermann Servers Fr. Pat Spiritual Formation Rita Litteken Stephen Ministry Marg Beckmann Sue Darr Aggie Dumstorff Helen Essenpreis Marilyn Gnaedinger Peggy Hellige Margaret Jakel Michael & Cindy Klein Deacon Linus Klostermann Marita Loddeke Stewardship Committee Marty Johnson Ushers Dave Moss Welcoming Committee Dot Bauman Youth Faith Formation Darlene Menietti Youth Ministry Diane Klostermann Mass Intentions Saturday, February 28 5:30pm: Bernie & Trudy Husmann Sunday, March 1 8:00am: Ralph Wilke Mike Richter 11:00am: Robert ―Bob‖ Roland Smith Monday, March 2 8:00am: Edward Linn Adoration 1-7pm Tuesday, March 3 8:00am: Colleen Wilkinson Adoration 1-7pm 10:00am: (NH) For strength to be accepting of God’s will Wednesday, March 4 8:00am: Martha Timmermann 7:00pm: Al Rascher Thursday, March 5 NO MASS 9:00am: Quilting in the rectory Adoration 1-7pm Friday, March 6 8:00am: Roger Huelsmann Adoration 1-7pm 2:00pm—ASA Station of the Cross 7:00pm: Stations and Benediction (Youth Ministry) Saturday, March 7 8:30: Rosary 9:00: Padre Pio Mass 5:30pm: Jason Kruse Sunday, March 8 8:00am: Parish Family 11:00am: Bernie & Trudy Husmann Girl Scout Sunday Last Weekend’s Stewardship: Sunday envelopes: $7,812.00 Online Giving $1,508.00 Loose: $248.00 Children’s Envelopes: $3.00 Adopted Parish: $0.00 Needy: $0.00 Tuition Assistance: $.00 Building: $350.00 Miscellaneous Blue: $.00 Messenger $75.00 Ash Wednesday $295.00 Black & Indian Mission $392.00 Easter Flowers $733.00 Events This Week Sunday, March 1: Pre-Cana at Mater Dei Monday, March 2: No School—Casmir Pulaski Day Picnic Chair Meeting 7:00pm in cafeteria MD school board meeting 7:30pm Tuesday, March 3: Stewardship Meeting 6:30pm Liturgy Meeting 7:00pm Wednesday, March 4: Mass 7:00pm Thursday, March 5: Quilting in the Rectory 9:00am ASA Market Day 5:00pm-5:30pm Friday, March 6: Stations & Benedictions 2:00pm & 7:00pm Saturday, March 7: Padre Pio Mass & prayers for cancer patients Adoration during Lent is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 1:00pm-7:00pm. 26th Weekly Cash Raffle Winner: Joe & Judy Husmann ($500) We would like to welcome into our faith family, Kenna Lee Pollmann, daughter of Terry & Chelsey Pollmann and Easton David Finne, son of Chester & Mary Finne III. Kenna & Easton were both baptized here last weekend. Congratulations. Quilting in the Rectory: Quilting will continue every Thursday 9:00am in the rectory. Quilters are invited to come and help make quilts for the Parish. If you don’t quilt, please help by providing a dish for the lunches on Thursdays: a main dish, a side dish or a dessert. Call Ann Olliges at 526-7349 to volunteer to make a dish. at SAVE THE DATES: Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner March 8, 2015 Church Picnic June 20, 2015 Pre-Mission Planning meeting, April 25 at 10:00am in the Multipurpose room. All parish leadership need to attend and anyone else who would like to volunteer. Picnic Chairmen Meeting March 2, 2015, 7:00pm in the Parish Cafeteria. All picnic chairmen need to attend. Let’s All go to the Movies ....Sunday morning at the movies… Come join us each Sunday morning during Lent (9:15 am in the Parish Center multi-purpose room) as we present Father Robert Barron’s video series Priest, Prophet, King. The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. Father Barron will help us discover Jesus as the Anointed One-- the ultimate priest, prophet and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Spend an hour learning a little more about Jesus and our faith especially during this Lent. All second graders will be making banners for their First Communion on Thursday, March 19th at 6:00pmin the Parish Center Cafeteria Lenten Reconciliation Services: March 8, 1:00 PM at St. Bernard, Albers March 10, 7:00 PM. at St. Rose March 15, 3:00 PM at St. Mary's, Carlyle March 15, 4:30 PM at St. Cecelia, Bartelso ( this was changed from Germantown) March 15, 2:00 pm at St. George, New Baden March 18, 7:00 PM at St. Barbara, Okawville March 19, 7:00 PM at St. Dominic, Breese March 22, 3:00 PM at St. Francis, Aviston March 22, 4:30 PM at St. Mary, Trenton March 24, 6:00 PM at St. Lawrence, Sandoval March 24, 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Centralia March 25, 7:30 PM at St. Teresa, Marydale The next Cancer Mass is scheduled for March 17 at 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Trenton. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available from 6:15 to 6:45 PM. St. Dominic Spring Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner is Sunday, March 8th from 11am-6pm.Families with last names starting with A-L are scheduled to work. Families with last names starting M-Z are asked to bring a dessert. Please bring 2 pies, cakes or easy to serve desserts to the "dessert delivery area" at the East entrance to the Parish Center (will be clearly marked) any time between 9am and 3pm on Sunday, March 8th. Someone will meet you at your vehicle to carry in your desserts. Be sure to invite your family and friends to support this fundraiser for St. Dominic! The Altar Sodality meeting honoring the sodality's past presidents will be Monday March 9th at 7:30 in the parish center. There will also be a silent auction for the Guatemala missions. Come show appreciation for the sodality's past presidents and support a very worthy cause by participating in the auction. Envelopes are in your packet for Easter flower memorials. These donations pay for the flowers in Church during the Easter season. For each donation, a memorial will be displayed at the Easter Masses. Remember to fill out the side with ―in honor of‖ or ―in memory of‖. Mater Dei parents will be selling raffle tickets after mass this weekend for their annual Dinner Auction. Stop by their table and check it out. . Chicken Dinner Immaculate Conception Church Pierron, Il Sunday, March 1st from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Breese Lions Chicken Dinner, Sunday, March 1, 2015 at the Breese American Legion. Serving from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Sausage Breakfast at St. Anthony’s Parish Center in Beckemeyer on Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 8:00am to Noon. Breese Knights of Columbus will have their Annual Lenten Fish Fries every Friday from 4:00pm-7:00pm. Serving White Fish, Shrimp and Whole Catfish Dinners, Sandwiches and Sides. Chicken strips available for the kids. Dine or Carryout Highland Knights of Columbus will hold its annual Lenten Fish Fry's on all Fridays during Lent. Annual Quilting Bee on Monday, March 2nd 9:00am till ? in the St. Anthony Parish Hall, Lively Grove, Il. An All You Can Eat Turkey Dinner will be served. The Holy Name Sodality of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Posen, Il is hosting its annual Wurstmarkt on Saturday, March 7, 20115 from 3:00-8:00pm in th OLPH Parish Hall. Carry-outs will be available. A raffle featuring 51 prizes will also be held in conjunction with the dinner. Villas of St. James is looking for quilts for their Annual Quilt Show to be held on Sunday, April 26th. Churches are welcome to display their quilts and sell quilt raffle tickets. If you are interested in the quilt show, call Marilyn at 526-0100. From now until Good Friday, April 3rd, St. Joseph Hospital will be collecting summer fun items for Community Link’s Early Learning and Family Support Program. Items they would like are Sunscreen (20SPF, lotion or stick. No spray), Swim Diapers, Youth Sunglasses, Big-brimmed Hats, & Beach towels. Items new and in original packaging, can be left in the donation tubs in the HealthPlex, Front Lobby and Cafeteria Hallway or call Sue Darr or Helen Essenpreis. St. Liborius Parish Quilt Bingo, Sunday, March 1, 2015 at the American Legion Hall in Saint Libory. 24 games, 12/cash and 12/quilts. Bingo starts at 1:00pm. St. Mary Magdalen Church, Todds Mill is holding a Pinochle Tournament Sunday, March 8, 2015. For more information call Bernadine Suchomski at 618-327-2283. Euchre & Bunco Tournament, Friday, March 6, 2015 at Germantown Legion. Proceeds go to American Heart Association. Save your can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. The American Heart Association Heart Walk will be in May and the Congenital Heart Walk in August. Please call Tina Kohrmann for more information on the Tournament, Can Tabs or Heart Walk 789-2815. Mater Dei Music Program Trivia Knight on Saturday evening March 7thth at the Knights of Columbus hall in Breese. This year’s Trivia Knight will be centered around a ―VACATION‖ theme. Doors open at 6:30 with trivia beginning at 7:00. Cost is $10.00 per person with tables ranging from 4 to 8 players. Beer and soda available for purchase. Bring your own snacks. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. For additional information or to register a team please call Mark and Allison Cowgill at 526-7153 or Karen Kaufman at 973-1554. 120 casseroles. That is how many, as a parish, we provided in October 2014 to Cosgrove’s Soup Kitchen! We are again asking each family to prepare, freeze and donate one casserole. This weekend March 1st, after each mass, parishioners can pick up an aluminum pan @ the back of church (recipe provided or use your own), then return the frozen casserole on Sunday, March 8th to the St. Dominic's kitchen anytime during the Chicken Dinner. However, if you would prefer, they also gladly accept & need donations of packaged cookies, potato chips, coffee, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, socks, gloves. These items can be placed in the boxes located in the back of church until 3/8/15. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Dumstorff @ 792-3017. Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center is hosting their 5th Annual MANE EVENT, Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Aviston Legion. Semi-Formal 50’s night. For tickets call Barb at 618-604-9559 or Kay at 618-3340885. Catholic Women for Christ Day on March 21, 2015 at St. Charles Convention Center in St. Charles sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Cost is $45 prior to 2/28/15. The day includes speakers and liturgy. Contact Diane at 526-4395 Kings House & Renewal Center Men’s Holy week retreat, Fixing the eyes on the Heart of Jesus will be April 2-4, 2015. For more information on this retreat, please call the office at 526-7746. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Help available: Do you need a little help with leaf removal, snow shoveling or other yard work? Some of our High School students have volunteered to assist the elderly, ill or widowed. Contact Diane at 526-4395. This service is offered free of charge by the Breese Youth Ministry. Any high school youth interested in attending the Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) should contact Mary 5267797, Cheryl 526-7594 or Diane 526-4395. Conference is 3/273/29 in Collinsville.. There will be a Quest experience (a chance to experience your faith with other youth in a fun and exciting new way) for Freshmen and Sophomores 3/7-3/8 at Sacred Heart Parish DuQuoin. Contact Diane at 526-4395, Cheryl 526-7594 or Mary 526-7797 for Details. The next Youth Ministry meeting is on 3/1/15 at St. Augustine cafeteria at noon. All High School youth are encouraged to attend. ——————————————————————————————Saints in the Classroom: Mrs. McSparin's 6th-graders have been following in the footsteps of the saints this month with Random Acts of Kindness. They researched some ideas on their iPads, wrote down some that they could perform, and then carried them out. A few of their kind acts included the following: buying a treat for a brother or sister, leaving inspirational notes around the junior high building, giving a baked good to a neighbor, and leaving change in a vending machine for someone to find. ——————————————————————————————-All Girls Scouts are invited to celebrate Girl Scout Sunday at the 11:00am mass on Sunday, March 8, 2015 at St. Dominic. Pews will be reserved up front for the girl scouts. Note to Parishioners: We just had two big mailings go out. The envelopes were in the back of Church for pick up. With 917 families, we had to mail out the following since the envelopes were not picked up in Church. Golden Egg: Stamps were placed on 368 envelopes Chicken Dinner: Stamps were placed on 579 envelopes Total money spent on stamps 368x.49 =$180.32 579x.49 =$283.71 $464.03 In the past we were able to mail this out for approximately $200.00 using bulk mail. The Postal Office now requires any envelope that contains raffle tickets have a stamp on it. Therefore, every time we have a mailing that has raffle tickets (which is most of the time) we have to stamp every envelope to be mailed. As you can see, $464.00 is a lot of money that reduces the profit of fundraisers. In the future, please pick up these envelopes in Church so we can save the postage. RESPECT LIFE CORNER Begin Again – Lent is a time of cleansing, of purifying – not in a painful sense, but in a refreshing way. The Sacrament of Reconciliation washes away the ―dirt‖ of our sin and opens our hearts to encounter God’s mercy so we can start with a ―clean slate.‖ Once you are touched by God’s mercy, you understand how he is gentle and loving and always calling you closer to him. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent. Pray all people may understand that God’s mercy is life-giving. Sunday 11 am Sunday 8 am Saturday 5:30 Ministers of the Mass for March 7/8 USHERS Clarence Voss Steve Guttersohn Joe B. Voss Sam Krebs Charlie Kruse Beatrice Richter SERVERS Lacey Schrand Mya Albers Morgan Berndsen Maci Dumstorff Juliana Garland EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Lynette Eilermann Susie Hempen Kori Voss, Bob Albers Janice Gebke Brenda Hellige Julius & Aggie Kampwerth LECTOR: Bobby Deters Fred Becker Jerry Jansen Ron Kleiboeker Jerry Lampe Dave Moss Norb Ottensmeier Austin Brown Kaitlyn Brown Alex Detmer Garrett Foppe Logan Detmer Dennis Ratermann Cyndi Riley, Norb Tebbe Pat Zuelow Joe & Judy Husmann Joe McNamara Vernon Mohesky LECTOR: Marvin Eversgerd ORGANIST/CANTOR Darlene/Angie K. Mitchell Pollmann Will Schleper Drew Timmermann Logan Johnson Grant Goebel Deb Koetting Tim Schleper, Jane P. Jansen Mary Ellen Detmer Esther, Koch, Mary Schleper Diane Klostermann Melissa Poletti LECTOR: Callista Becker ORGANIST/CANTOR Darlene Mark C. Kenton Roeckenhaus Marty Johnson Alex Koopmann Ric Koopmann Alan Grapperhaus Jared Niemeyer Pete Jansen ORGANIST/CANTOR Beth/Jennifer K. GIFT BEARERS: Kruse Family GIFT BEAERS Parish Family GIFT BEARERS Ushers ask parishioners
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