St. John’s Regular Activities. Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. Evening Service at 7:00 p.m. on the last Sunday of each month. Women’s Fellowship 2:30 p.m. fortnightly on Tuesdays. Leader Ellie Jones. OTT - Club for over 10s Carol Gough 01407-720088. Friendship Circle 7:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday. Jackie & Mike Heslop. Church open for Prayer 10 – 11 a.m. every Friday. Enter by the vestry door. Organiser Jean Owen. MethSoc for Students Rev. Chrissie Howe 01248-353140 email: [email protected] Events Diary October 2014 Sunday 19th: 3:30 p.m. Farewell service for Rev. Eric Jones at Berea Newydd. Tuesday 21st: 2:30 p.m. Women’s Fellowship, DIY at Anna Matthews’. Wednesday 22nd: 7:30 p.m. Friendship Circle filling Shoe boxes, the Cooper’s. Saturday 25th: 10 -12 noon Bangor Street Pastors’ Coffee Morning at Penrallt. Sunday 26th: 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s led by Dr. Jean Ware. November 2014 Tuesday 4th: 7:30 p.m. Worship Consultation, open to all, in the church hall. Friday 7th: 8 p.m., Bangor Street Pastors commissioning at Capel Penuel. Monday 17th: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Circuit Quiet Day, Beechwood Court, leader Audrey Aspey. Saturday 29th: 2:30 p.m., MethSoc WWI remembrance event, Main Arts Lecture Theatre. “War Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?” Speaker Rev. Inderjit Bhogal. Sunday 30th: 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s. Provision for Children at St. John's If you have children with you at Church who would be happy to have a story and activity session just let us know during the preceding week and we will be happy to organise. Sue Eckersley and Angela Roe. Arrangements for Notices The next Notice Sheet, for October 26th will be prepared by Howard Jackson. Telephone 01248-810050, email [email protected] Clocks go back 1 hour next Saturday Night 25th October. St. John’s Methodist Church. Welcome to Worship 10:30 a.m. October 19th Morning Worship, led by Rev. Chrissie Howe. Please join us for tea/coffee in the hall afterwards. Fair Trade goods will be on sale Please write prayer requests for today’s intercessions in the Prayer Request Book at the back of church. Next Wednesday 22nd October 7:30 p.m. Friendship Circle filling Christmas shoeboxes at the Cooper’s. Next Sunday 26th October Morning Worship led by Mrs Jean Owen 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s, led by Dr. Jean Ware. St. John’s Methodist Church, Bangor Superintendent Minister: Rev. Chrissie Howe Tel. 01248-353140 Email: [email protected] Student Worker: Adam Hawker Email [email protected] Evening Service Next Week th Sunday 26 of October is Bible Sunday and the theme of the evening service on will be "How can we hear what the Bible has to say to us?" If you are coming to the service it would be helpful if you could bring with you a Bible (or more than one if you have several different translations/ paraphrases). You may like to think of things which help you listen to what the Bible is saying. St John's Friendship Circle It is that time of year again when we are asking for your help with the Christmas Shoe Boxes. We will be making up the shoe boxes at our meeting on Wednesday 22nd October. If you would like to help but feel unable to provide articles, a contribution to the transport costs would be very much appreciated. Last year the cost was £2 per box. Michael Cooper. Women's Fellowship Our next meeting will be at Anna Matthews’ home in Llanfairfechan, 18 Cae America (Note new address) on Tuesday 21st October (2.00 for 2.30 p.m.), when we will continue the DIY entertainment started at Sue’s on the 23rd September. For lifts see Jean and Ellie. Ellie Jones. CYTUN Feedback from the recent Executive Meeting Needs: CYTUN needs a Publicity Officer to liaise with the local press. The Giant Puppets team needs more volunteers. Anyone interested should contact Martin Pritchard: [email protected] Events: Street Pastors Commissioning Service at Capel Penuel 8 p.m. on Friday 7th November. Carol Singing at Morrisons 6-7 p.m. on Friday 19th December, supporting Christian Aid. Via Dr Sarah Jackson, Secretary, CYTÛN Bangor Churches Together. Lamb and Mutton for Sale From next week we will have meat on sale from our sheep flock. As last year we will be selling whole and half lambs as well as individual joints and packs of sausages and mince. There is a limited supply of mutton. For any sales to people from St Johns we will make a Gift Aided donation to the Redevelopment Fund. For more information, please contact us on 01248-600226 or [email protected] and we can discuss your requirements. John and Della Fazey. Bible Sunday 26th October Complementary Bible Reading notes will be available on Bible Sunday. In the hall there will be a display of BRF [Bible Reading Fellowship] books for sale and free catalogues and information about BRF Ministries including “Messy Church”. Anne Jackson. Church Directory I am collating any changes in the church directory for publication of this year's edition in December. Please will you let me have any changes or additions in writing by 31st October. Eleanor Price (email: [email protected] ) War Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow? The MethSoc World War I remembrance event will be held on Saturday 29th November at 2:30 p.m. in the University Main Arts Lecture Theatre, College Road. The theme is “War Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?” and the speaker will be Rev. Inderjit Bhogal, a past President of the Methodist Conference. Revelation North Wales Penrallt Baptist Church is holding a young people’s Christian event, called “Revelation North Wales”, on Friday 14th November 7:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Guest speakers and performers include Joe Moreno, Chip Kendall and Resident One Forty Four. For more information and to book tickets (£3) visit . Adam Hawker. Bangor Street Pastors Bangor Street Pastors are holding their third annual coffee morning at Penrallt on Saturday 25th October. This is a great opportunity for people to find out more about what they do. There are currently twelve more people being trained as Street Pastors. Amongst them is the first one from St. John’s Church, Joy Ostle, who will be commissioned along with the others at Penuel Chapel on Friday November 7 th The Daily Post newspaper will be giving away £25,000 to charities across North Wales and I have registered the Bangor Street Pastors to receive a share. If you read the Daily Post we would be most grateful if you would collect the tokens each day and give them to us at Penrallt Chapel between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m., Monday to Friday. The promotion runs from Tuesday, 14th October, until early December. The more tokens we collect the more money we can raise for the Street Pastors. Via Paul Rowlinson, by email.
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