File - Arrowhead Elementary

The Arrowhead
Elementary School
2510 38th Street West
Billings, MT 59102
“Building Knowledge, Character,
& Community in each Child.”
Arrowhead Mission
At Arrowhead we will foster a
safe, nurturing, responsible,
and positive environment that
is conducive to the academic,
social, and emotional growth of
each individual student.
LAST CHANCE!! If you have
taken school related pictures
and would like to submit them
for consideration for the
Memory Book, please send
them to Tanya Bentley at
[email protected]
Thank You!
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March 2015
Dear Arrowhead Parents,
Time to move into March with the Science
Fair and the start of standardized testing on our
plates. Amazing how quickly the school year moves
A big “shout out” to all Arrowhead families for
generously giving to the PTA donation drive this
school year. The PTA used survey feedback from
last spring and ran a donation drive as the one
fundraiser for the year, with 100% of the donations
going to the PTA. With the success of the donation drive, the PTA was able to
meet their expenses, commit to every PTA event intended, and gift the school
• 30 mini ipads and PowerSync cart
• 5 Desktop MacBooks for the stationary lab (we now have 30 computers
in this lab)
• 32 Chromebooks and PowerSync cart
WOW and THANK YOU. The additional technology gets us closer to meeting
the academic and testing needs at Arrowhead.
Also, the 2014-15 technology levy funds of $32,900 (based on student
enrollment) purchased:
• 14 Interactive projectors for classrooms
• 30 ipads and cases
• PowerSync cart for the ipads
The teachers utilize this technology every day at Arrowhead. Teachers
are sure there is a direct academic purpose and intentionality when students
use technology, it’s not a time for non-educational games or just for fun. !
Please join me for “Coffee with the Principal” on March 10th at 8:30. I’ll
be sharing Project Lead the Way and other Arrowhead information. Send me
an RSVP and plan on conversation and getting your questions answered!
Pam Meier
Memory Books will once again be sold by pre-order only. Registration is now
open to order your Memory Books. Go to to order.
Deadline will be on March 6th.
Thanks, Tanya Bentley
Calendar of Events
3rd-5th: MontCas Science Testing for 4th Grade
2nd: PTA Meeting @ 8:30 a.m.
2nd: Early Out at Noon
PTA Meeting @ 8:30 a.m. 10th: Coffee with the Principal @ 8:30; Please RSVP 3rd-6th: NO SCHOOL
23rd: NO SCHOOL 7th: Report Cards
26th: Arrowhead Science Fair
13th: NO SCHOOL, PIR Day
31st: End of Quarter
17th: Memories with Moms @ 7:15 a.m.
Class Placements for the 2015-2016 school year will take place between the staff
and myself in May. This student placement process is a team effort done with great care, and each
student s best interests are kept in mind. Teachers have insight into the way your child(ren) learns,
the way they conduct themselves with their peers, and their learning style. While these insights
remain fresh, teachers will recommend next year s placement for students based on these three
a. Learning style of the student
b. Learning style of the teacher
c. Peer relationships in the classroom
I am asking that you first and foremost trust the judgement and wisdom of those who observe your
child(ren) on a daily basis in the learning process. I assure you that every effort will be made as to
what is best for your child(ren) regarding his/her placement. It becomes extremely complicated and
soon unworkable to try to place every child with a parent request. You would be helping the
process greatly by allowing the teachers and myself to do the best we can in making these classroom
placements. However, parents may have specific concerns which the teacher may be unaware of
that would benefit us in this process. If so, please complete in writing the yellow Parent Input for
Student Placement form located in Kids Corner by the gym. This form must be returned to
Arrowhead by May 7th in a sealed envelope addressed to me or you can also email me the
responses to the questions. Please be aware that there is no guarantee that every concern can be
addressed but we will do our best and keep your child s academic success as our priority. Keep in
mind staff changes may occur over the summer due to fluctuations in enrollment and/or teacher
Thank you for your support and encouragement, time and energy, and your investment in the lives
of all students at Arrowhead Elementary.
Pam Meier
Please check the Arrowhead website for the latest news and
information. The site is updated weekly and serves as a resource to keep you informed. THANKS!
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Office Reminders and Announcements
Registration for
Elementary schools are now accepting registrations for kindergarten students for the 2015-2016 school
year. Once again, Boulder School will be enrolling students from the Arrowhead and Boulder School
attendance areas. If you wish for your child to attend Boulder, it is recommended that you turn in a
completed registration packet by the end of this school year. Spots are filled by a first come, first serve
basis and a place will not be reserved for your child until paperwork is completed and is turned in with a
certified birth certificate and complete immunization record. Transportation is available free of charge for
Arrowhead children. Please call the Boulder office at 281-6206 and they will be happy to answer any
questions or provide additional information.
The District s registration requirements:
• The child must be five years old on or before September 10, 2015.
• Present the child s birth certificate and a complete record of immunization.
Please note that registration is not considered complete until these are turned in and complete.
• If you have a computer, go to
• Click on the Parents square.
• Click on Enrollment/Registration.
• Scroll down until you find, How do I register my child for Kindergarten?
• Print out all four pages. All of these pages need to be completed & signed by the parent or guardian.
• Bring the registration information to Boulder School along with your child s birth certificate and
complete record of immunization.
• Stop by Boulder School and pick up an enrollment form.
• All four pages must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian.
• Bring the child s birth certificate and complete record of immunization.
If you know of someone who has an incoming kindergartner but does not have an older
child already in school, please share this information with them.
Arrowhead Science Fair Extravaganza
on Thursday, March 26
Mark your calendar for March 26 to stop by the school anytime from 8:00-3:00 to
look at all the Science Fair projects in the gym. Participating students will bring
their projects to the gym before school and take them home after school.
See science at its best!!
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General Duty Assistant:
A warm THANK YOU to the following ladies who earn
their pay by keeping our lunchroom clean and
playground safe from 11:00-1:00 every day:
Pat Chamberlain, Natalie Cook, Heather
Jefferson, Nicole Korin, Ali Manning, Nita Murphy,
Jen Nelson, Rosie Rice, Wednesday Tryan,
Sheila Waller, Sandy Wandle, and Jan Winhofer.
Thanks for working with our wonderful Arrowhead
children. Sandy is leaving her duty so we are looking for
a replacement. Please call the school if interested in
Amazon Smile
Shopping Portal! If you plan to do any on-line shopping
through Amazon, please use this link as
Arrowhead will get a percentage of sales. Just
one more way for us to put a little more cash
in the bank.
Just click on the link and
whenever using Amazon, be sure to log-in
through Amazon Smile to ensure the funds
are distributed to us.
Morning Traffic Request: Please refrain from dropping off your child(ren) in the street along 38th Street. This isn’t safe for children
and can cause additional traffic back up. It’s best to park your vehicle next to the curb and have your
children exit along the sidewalk. Thank you.
With Spring weather approaching, many students
TESTING for 3rd-5th
graders is here…
will be riding bikes to school. Responsible riders
March 3-5: MontCAS Science for all 4th graders
in grades 3-5 (grades 1 and 2 when accompanied
(paper and pencil test)
by a parent) are allowed to ride their bikes to
school as long as they follow safety rules. Walk
March 24-May 15: NWEA MAP for all 3rd-5th
them on sidewalks and crosswalks, and lock them
graders in Math, Reading, and Language Arts
to the bike racks. City ordinance #00-5135
(computerized test; 3 sixty min tests each)
requires all individuals under 16 to wear helmets
while riding a bicycle in the city limits. The
school cannot assume any responsibility for stolen
or damaged bicycles or equipment. Students are
March 18-May 27: SmarterBalance Test for all
3rd-5th graders in Math and Reading (computerized
test; 6 forty-five min tests each)
asked not to ride scooters or wear roller blades to
Teachers will let you know the exact dates these
tests will occur in their classroom.
to this year’s
Spelling Bee
winners: 1st Place:
Dayton Magone
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2nd Place:
Drake Rhodes
PTA News…
Dear Parents & Staff,
I hope everyone enjoyed the winter break in February and is ready to tackle the busy schedule that accompanies
spring! Your PTA will begin budgeting and planning for next school year. Your opinions are important to us, so if you
have any ideas or interest in becoming involved, please let me know. I would love to hear from you. Also, as a
reminder, our meetings are open to everyone and our next meeting will be March 5, 8:30 a.m. in the music room.
Recognizing that this time slot doesn’t work for all parents, there will be a PTA General Meeting on March 26 at 6:30
This year, the PTA has made some changes that we hope have been well received with parents and staff and we’re
looking at other changes for next year. Hopefully those of you using Facebook have been introduced to the
Arrowhead Facebook page. It is our hope that this will be one more way to easily communicate happenings at or
affecting Arrowhead. The PTA also intends to have the directory on-line next year via a smartphone application. The
Board has narrowed the choices down to two apps and will likely select one in the next month or two. The apps are
easy to use and update and will still allow users to print a hard copy if they desire. Additionally, the cost switching
from a printed directory to a smartphone is a few hundred dollars less expensive. We hope that parents and staff
alike will appreciate a user-friendly app to immediately access information.
Special thanks to Meagen Heenan for organizing Arrowhead Family Fun Night at The Reef. It is so wonderful that
students, families and staff had the opportunity to splash around and have some fun! Also, thank you to all of you
who assisted with organizing and running the classroom Valentine’s Day parties. Your effort and work are sincerely
Again, I would like to thank all of you for your involvement and your contributions of both time and money to our
school. I am often overwhelmed at the willingness of Arrowhead parents to dive into projects and events. One of the
things I enjoy most about my involvement with Arrowhead PTA is getting to know staff, students and families. It’s
personally very rewarding to me. I hope to see you at the General Meeting on March 26. As always, if you have any
questions or issues you would like to discuss with me, I’m available at 534-4004 or via e-mail, [email protected].
Lora Huston
PTA President
on Friday, April 17th from 7:15-8:00 a.m. in the
Arrowhead Gymnasium. If your mom is unavailable
to come, bring a grandmother, aunt, friend or other
special woman in your life!! As the gym fills up, you
are invited to move to your child s classroom to
allow for continued seating as other families arrive.
Teacher supervision for morning walking will begin
at 8:00. Hope to see you there!!
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Memories with Moms,
April 17th
Fostering Independence in Your Child!
As parents, it is hard to believe there will come a day when the child that needs you for every aspect of his or her
survival, will also clamor for independence. Our ultimate job as caregivers is to prepare our children for that day.!
Independence, like many attributes of successful adults, is something that must be cultivated – it does not happen
overnight. There are steps you as a parent can take to support the development of independence, even from infancy.!
Encourage problem-solving:
Instead of swooping in and “rescuing” your child as he struggles to push his foot through the bent leg of his pants, step
back and give him time to figure it out. If he starts to show signs of frustration, offer suggestions and express confidence
in his ability to figure out a solution. Even babies can determine the way out from under a chair or how to reach a toy
with time and our encouragement. The goal is that children develop a sense of self-efficacy: the belief that they have the
ability to figure things out. This sense is key as a child navigates his way in the world.!
Give choices:
Part of being a competent and independent adult is the ability to make good choices. If a child is going to make good
choices, we have to give her practice in making them. Making the choice between the red shirt or the blue shirt, or which
book to read before bed sets the foundation for weighing options and living with the result. Older children can be given
the choice of which vegetable to serve with dinner, or even what route to drive to school (past the church or past the
Expect participation:
A family (no matter the size) functions best when all members take an active role in the work and play of the household.
Even very young children can help with chores around the house. Toddlers will love throwing clothing into the washing
machine. Most children can clear their plates after dinner. Older children can push the recycling bin to the curb for pickup or help match those pesky mismatched socks. Children gain a sense of competence when they contribute to the
wellbeing of the family.
Develop systems:
There are many steps involved in brushing one’s teeth or making sure a child has everything needed for the school day.
Create systems that support your child in doing these tasks independently. Post pictures in the bathroom that
demonstrate the steps for brushing teeth. Place a checklist on the door that shows everything that needs to be in the
backpack before heading out for the day. These tools develop your child’s ability to care for himself.!
Provide a solid base:
The most important thing you can do is be a solid launching pad and secure landing spot for your child. Create the
launching pad by giving your child space and time to figure things out, take appropriate risks, and try new things. Be the
landing spot by being there to support her if she fails, picking her up when she falls, and debriefing when things didn’t go
quite as planned. Most of all, surround your child with a love that lets her know that you believe in her.!
Today, you are the sustaining force that provides for your child’s needs. But, before you know it, that child will step forth
into the world. Steps you take now will help you feel assured that you are releasing into the world a young person ready
for the independence they so desire.!
By Michelle Salcedo, M.Ed., Sunshine House Chief Academic Officer
Arrowhead School has received a $500 grant from
the ExxonMobil Educational Alliance program to support the school’s Math &
Science Programs.
The grants are made possible by funding from the
ExxonMobil Corporation.
Town Pump is proud to be part of the efforts by Arrowhead school to continue
to provide outstanding educational opportunities to the young people of Billings.
The ExxonMobil Educational Alliance program is designed to provide Exxon and Mobil retailers with
an opportunity to invest in the future of their communities through educational grants to
neighborhood schools. ExxonMobil believes that, as members of the community, local retailers are
best qualified to work with local educators to help identify schools and programs most in need of
support. THANK YOU…ExxonMobil and Town Pump!!
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