THIS WEEK @ RCPC - Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church

A weekly update from the Presbyterians on Grandin Road
March 3, 2015
We "Spring Forward" into Daylight Savings Time this
weekend. Don't forget to set your clocks forward an hour
on Saturday evening!
An Update about Communication at RCPC
Thank you so much for your responses to our survey about communications at
RCPC from last week's email. We truly appreciate your feedback. 75 people responded
and we got some great constructive ideas - some of which directly contradicted each
other, but all of which are great things to know as we seek to maximize the effectiveness
of our communications.
So far, the initial and most obvious change is that This Week @ RCPC will now be sent
out on Tuesdays, so that the staff can collaborate on information to include during our
staff meeting on Tuesday mornings.
In addition to our new publication day, we are in the midst of a redesign! Next week's
This Week @ RCPC will have a different look than what you've been seeing lately, and
during the following weeks and months we will be tweaking things as we figure out what
works best. Your input has clarified what information you use and value, and it is of
course our goal to continue to include that very information. Don't worry, it will still be
there, it will just look a little different!
We hope to continue this conversation with you as we move forward - please feel free to
email Rachel ([email protected]) if you'd like to chime in or get involved with our
Communications Team. Thank you again for your time and input!
Nursery care is now provided for the 8:15 am Worship Service.
Sunday, March 8 - The Third Sunday in Lent
Sermon: "RSVP - No Regrets"
Texts: Matthew 22: 1-14
 8:15 am, Chapel
11:00 am, Sanctuary - Robert Mangus, son of Rob and Emily
Mangus, will be baptized at the 11:00 am service
Each Wednesday - Worship with Communion
7:00 am, Gathering Area - Scripture selected from the Daily
Wee Worship begins this week in the Nursery for babies 0-2 years old. Each
week there will be a different combination of experiences for your baby to
explore - songs, playing instruments, touch, feel, and play with theme-based
toys, read and listen to Bible stories, look at visuals, play with puppets - all
things joyful and engaging for your baby! In March our theme is "Love One
Another." (John 13:34)
Our Fellowship dinner is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 4, at 6:15 pm. The menu is
roasted chicken, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, bread & butter, and applesauce
spice cake. There is a vegetarian option available.
There is a need for church members willing to serve as a receptionist at our main
desk during the week. It involves a 4-hour commitment on a regular or irregular basis,
either morning or afternoon, at the church. It is a great way to meet church members and
preschool families, support our church staff, and see how RCPC is involved with our
community. If you need more information or are ready to volunteer, please contact the
church office (343-5541) or Fred Hoffman (353-1637 or [email protected]).
The RCPC Book Group will meet at 12:30 on March 11. Our book is"Lisette's List " by
Susan Vreeland. Anyone who enjoys reading and discussing books is welcome. If you
have any questions, call Nancy Ayling at 344-5454.
Congregational Care
Prayer Requests: Sara Dabney, Sam Hodges, Jr., Emily Holly, Colleen and Sandra
Kerfoot, Kay Koehler, Louis Newton, Harry Shannon, Mary Jo Shannon, Marvin (Buddy)
Smith, and Marcia Via
Christian Education
Adult Opportunities
Seekers and Connections: The combined Seekers and Connections classes are
undertaking a 6-week Lenten study using Adam Hamilton's DVD series "24 Hours That
Changed the World." (Click here to view a one-minute introduction to the series!) All are
welcome to join this study in room 202 above the chapel.
Etheridge Class: The Women's Etheridge Sunday Class meets in Room 102 off of the
Chapel. All are invited to attend and study the Present Word.
Triangle Class: This Narrative Lectionary Study meets in Room 101, next to the Library.
Inquirers' Class: We began our four-week study last week with our first question, "What
is distinctive about being a Christian?" This week, we'll be talking more about "What is
distinctive about being a Presbyterian?" We hope by asking questions and getting to
know one another better, we will move forward together on the path that God desires for
us. Come join us for a time of fellowship and discussion, in the Loft, room 204 upstairs in
the chapel.
Youth Opportunities
Service Hour: Middle and high school students that are not in Confirmation will assist in
teaching our younger children. Meet Mrs. Leigh in room 9 downstairs to find out where
your leadership is needed.
9th grade Confirmation Class: This 8 week part of the confirmation journey will be led
by Anne Travers in room 203.
Youth Group: We will meet at our regular time on Sunday evening (from 6:00 to 8:00
pm) for dinner, worship and word, and rec. Come join with other youth from grades 6 to
12 as we focus on "Real Life, Real Faith" - developing our relationships with Christ by
bringing Christ and his magnificent grace into our present world.
Children's Opportunities
2s & 3s: Harriet Vance and Nancy Guynn will explore God's love and life as a church
family with our littlest friends in room 7.
Pre-K: "Grow, Proclaim, Serve" in room 5 explore adventures in the New Testament
with Clare Crawford.
Christ Connections:
"Holy Moly" - Grades K-2 - room 9 with Jimmy Ward
"Connect" - Grades 3-5 - room 12 with Leigh Sackett
God Alive!: Our mid-week ministry for children in kindergarten through the fifth grade is
currently learning about Lent. This week during mission time we will explore Praying in
Color! God Alive meets Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:15 pm. Contact Leigh Sackett for
more info or just show up on Wednesday to join us. God Alive is open to the children of
our church and community!
Preschool News
It might be hard to believe, but summer is fast approaching! What better way to let
your youngest celebrate than to attend one or all of our summer camps? Each themed
camp runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Available for ages 12
months through rising 1st grade. Space is limited.
June 15 - 19: Amazing Animals
July 13 - 17: Passport Around the World
August 3 - 7: Just Bugging Around
Registration information will be available on our preschool website soon!
Tuesday, March 3
10:00 am, Staff Meeting
10:30 am, AA Primary Purpose
7:00 pm, Youth Group Ministry
Wednesday, March 4
7:00 am, Worship with Communion
8:00 am, Fellowship Time
4:00 pm, God Alive
6:15 pm, Fellowship Dinner
7:15 pm, Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, March 5
10:30 am, AA Primary Purpose
12:00 pm, Hunger Mission
Friday, March 6
11:45 am, Al-Anon
Sunday, March 8
8:00 am, Worship
9:30 am, Sunday School
11:00 am, Worship
12:30 pm, Adult Education Meeting
5:00 pm, Youth Choir Rehearsal
6:00 pm, Youth Group
7:00 pm, Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Monday, March 9
10:00 am, Prayer Group
6:45 pm, Deacons Meeting
Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church
1837 Grandin Road, Roanoke, VA 24015
(540) 343-5541 ~ [email protected] ~