PERMANENT NOTICES Collection Details Sunday 1st March Planned £732.90 Loose £629.20 Standing Orders Weekly £491.26 The two red sanctuary lamps in the sanctuary are permanently lit for the Holy Souls. The porch of the Church is open for people to pray from 8.00am – 5.30pm every day except Sunday, when the Church will close after the last Mass or baptism. Third Sunday Of Lent 8th March 2015 1st Reading Exodus 20: 1-17 When God had freed the Chosen People, the descendants of Abraham, from the slavery of Egypt, he lead them to Mount Sinai in the southern sinaitic peninsula. There, amidst aweinspiring manifestations of his presence, he made a Covenant or pact with the Israelites through which he promised to make them his own people, to lead them into the Promised Land and protect them from their enemies there. The Israelites, on their part, were to reverence him and him only as their Lord, and they were to obey the moral and cultic laws which he had laid down for them. The Ten Commandments which we have just read are the essence of the moral obligations imposed on the Israelites. These commandments governed their duties to God and to their neighbours. 2nd Reading Corinthians 1:22-25 In a few sentences St. Paul gives us the basic reasons which motivated opposition to the gospel message on the part of Jews and Gentiles. The Jews who did not accept Christ as their promised Messiah, refused because he did not fit the preconceived ideas they had formed of the Messiah. The Messiah they were looking for was to be a political leader, a national liberator who would not only rid Palestine of the hated Romans but set it over all the pagan nations. God, they thought, would help him do this, by giving him the power to work . . . . . . some spectacular miracles or signs (see Mt. 13:36; 16:4; Jn.4:48; 6-30). The Greeks or Gentiles on the other hand looked to philosophy or human “wisdom” for the solution of man’s problems. Christianity had no such earthly wisdom and so the intelligentsia among the Greeks had no time for the Gospel of Jesus. Gospel John 2:13-25 St. John puts the cleansing of the temple at the beginning of our Lord’s public life. The Synoptics place it at the end. There could very well have been two such cleansings, though it is also possible that St John is anticipating the time for theological reasons (see Mal. 3:1). But it is not the chronology of the event, so much as its meaning, that is important. Jesus intended to make his claim to be the Messiah known to the leaders of the Jews, the priests and the Pharisees, who were always around the Temple. He also foretold his resurrection, even though neither his enemies nor his friends understood his prediction then. They both did later. He drove the leaders and the money-changers from the temple precinct and nobody dared to stop him. The Jews suspected he was the Messiah because they asked for a “sign”, a miracle from God to prove he was the Messiah. He gave them a sign. They did not understand it and they gradually lost even this “suspicion” and in time gradually turned against him and his claims. He worked some miracles during his stay in Jerusalem but had very few real converts. Gloria Page 9 in the Mass Books. Readings Page 154 The Creed Page 11 For information on Growing in Faith, contact the Parish Team as follows: 6.00pm Mass - Pauline Cooper 07752 413859 8.00am Mass - Jo Rowthorn 07971 322240 10.00am Mass - Therease Bright 07455 003597 / David Rielly 07938 228037 12.00pm Mass - Christine Cattini 07724 089174 Parish Hall Bookings and enquiries, please contact Mary Bradley on 07709 639628. If no reply, please leave a message. ELECTRONIC LINKS The parish e-Newsletter is available by email each week. To subscribe, please email [email protected] Follow us on Twitter too: Visit the Parish Website See the Quick Links on the front page and click: Volunteer Online to go to a volunteer form if you would like to help the parish in any way. Guide to the Church for a Tour Guide of St Bridget’s New Parishioners information can be found by clicking on the link near the foot of the front page. We are particularly grateful to parishioners who join the Planned Giving scheme and who pay by bankers order – please follow the same link for details or ask in the Parish Office. Fr. Stewart’s Thought For The Week Let us not forget them This week I have become aware that 2 or 3 fairies won’t be around during Holy Week. We also don’t have enough fairies at the 10.00am Mass (please see the notice elsewhere in the newsletter). As a result this will cause problems and in the latter’s case, there could be consequences that will affect many children. This highlights the importance of the role of fairies in church. Given this I think it’s time that we do pay tribute to our fairies; as it is a couple of years since we’ve done this. It’s time we gave them some thought. You think they are made up? No, No. Fairies exist; they must do! The thing about fairies is that they are rarely noticed, but they are always busy; you just have to look. When we come to Mass in our clean, beautiful church we come, quite rightly to meet and worship God. But this would be impossible without the fairies. Who are these fairies? Well, we give them names; unremarkable names, which don’t begin to describe how important they are. Names like cleaners, florists, sacristans, servers, musicians, readers, catechists, Eucharistic ministers, secretary, money collectors & counters and those who go to the bank. Then there are committees and groups, whether it’s communications, finance or parish pastoral council. Those who organise the Christmas fair etc etc etc and the list can go on and on. The truth is, things just don’t happen. Lots of people behind the scenes do lots of work, without which there would be no Church or parish. We take them so much for granted, it’s as if we assume everything happens by magic, it’s done by fairies!! So let us give them some thanks for the work of the fairies and please consider being one yourself when the need arises. So…. St Bridget’s Isleworth Dear Fairies Thank you for everything you do. With love and prayers Everyone in the parish xxx H.C.P.T The appeal will take place at the 8.00, 10.00 & 12.00 Masses this weekend, but NOT the Saturday 6.00pm Mass. This is because Fr Stewart is making the appeal and he has other commitments this weekend. The appeal will instead take place next weekend at the 6.00pm Mass. Children’s Liturgy We are desperately short of Liturgists to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 10.00am Mass. This has got to the point where it is realistically unsustainable. So we will continue as we are until Easter, but we only revive after the break if we have more help. Funeral The funeral details for the late Mick White. Funeral Mass, Tuesday 17th March at 11.30am JESUS MERCY MARY PRAY STATIONS OF THE CROSS will take place on Fridays throughout Lent. It will follow the 7.00pm Mass, beginning about 7.25pm. It will end with Benediction which will be the 15th Station, “The Resurrection”. As usual we do not have flowers in church from Ash Wednesday to Easter. PARISH PILGRIMAGE To Nevers & Liseux LED BY FR STEWART Sunday 26th July – Sunday 1st Aug 2015. Please note there will be a lot of walking involved. Approx price £600. If you are interested there is a sign- up sheet on the notice board in the porch. For further information please contact Therease Bright on 07455 003597 Lenten Divine Mercy Retreat Saturday, 14th March 2015 11:00 am - 4:00 pm at the RC Church of St Scholastica, 17 Kenninghall Road Clapton, London First Holy Communion 2015 The next meeting in the church Wednesday 11th March at 6.25pm. Confirmation Classes Next meeting is for the candidates and is Wednesday 11th March at 7.30pm in the hall. Regular Groups & Events _____________________________________________ In the Parish Hall unless otherwise stated Date Feast Day Mass Saturday 7th March Vigil Mass 6.00pm Joe Ward R.D, Mick White R.D & Danny & Mary Courtney R.I.P (Anniv) Sunday 8th March Third Sunday In Lent 8.00am Flora (Special Intention), Mike Healy R.D Eloise Poiret R.D, Mary Kershaw R.I.P (20th Anniv) 10.00am Eamon Collins (Sick) & Gaynor Mc Ilvenna R.I.P 12.00noon Dagmar Dale R.I.P (1st Anniv) Joe Ward R.D Monday ________________________________________________ Thanks for supporting CAFOD Lent Fast Day Together, our parish raised £831.96 for CAFOD’s work. With Uk Aid Match funding, this means we have ensured £1663.92 can be used to help more of our sisters and brothers to deal with the devastating impact of extreme weather such as storms, droughts and floods. Thank you for your generous compassion for those living in poverty, and for fasting in solidarity with them! CHISWICK BAROQUE Presents “MUSIC AND SILENCE” at St. Vincent De Paul Church 19th March at 8.00 pm. An hour and a quarter of musical meditation where music arises out of and falls back into silence, providing a space for personal reflection: Contemplative music for five unaccompanied voices including works by Bach, Bruckner Byrd, Lassus, Schutz, Tallis, Tchaikovsky, Vaughan Williams, Victoria, and Harper. To be followed by light refreshments. Donation: £6 in aid of Nursery Project, Turkana Kenya. Second Edition! On sale now: Stuart Bagnall's revised history of "The Catholic Community in Isleworth". Price £5 at the Repository Gift Shop. All profits go to parish funds. There are a few copies signed by Stuart still left. Friendship Club for Older People Next meeting is the 9th March Legion of Mary Every Monday at 7.30pm Intention Tuesday ________________________________________________ Tuesday Club for Youth/ Adults with Special Needs 10th March 7.00 – 9.00pm (Term time) Wednesday ________________________________________________ Partially Sighted Meeting Place Every other Wednesday 1.30pm - 3pm Next meeting 4th March Monday 9th March Lent Feria 7.00pm Tuesday 10th March Lent Feria 9.00am Wednesday 11th March Lent Feria 9.00am Thursday 12th March Lent Feria 9.00am Friday 13th March Lent Feria 7.00pm Saturday 14th March Lent Feria 10.00am Vigil Mass 6.00pm William Heenan R.I.P (1st Anniv) Thursday ________________________________________________ Little Angels Baby & Toddler Group Changed to Mondays. Next meeting 9th March . 9.15 am – 11.15am. Entry £2 per adult. All welcome. Contact Maria on 07412480084 if you have any questions. Parish Hall Can all hall users please double check when you leave that the main doors are locked and the heating thermostat is at number 10. We have had several incidents when checking first thing in the morning the hall is unlocked and the heating still on. London Marathon at the end of April Our parishioner Kathleen Crouch’s son Michael is running for the Echo Charity. This charity supports the families of children who are suffering from cardiac problems during what is a very stressful time. Michael and Lisa were lucky to have their support last August when their daughter Sophie underwent heart surgery at St.Thomas' hospital when she was 5 days old. Thankfully Sophie is making a good recovery. If you would like to sponsor Michael for his marathon run please find the link to his just giving site below. Michael is very thankful for your support Many thanks Kathleen Crouch. Church Cleaning after 9.00am Mass Gentle Seated Exercises for Older People Run by an AGE CONCERN physiotherapist. Every Thursday from 2.00 – 3.00pm Mick White R.D Friday ________________________________________________ Mini Mary's Music Mayhem £1.50 child, £2.50 max 9.15-10.15 am Mental Health Drop-In 12noon to 4.00pm Sunday ________________________________________________ Refreshments after 10.00am Mass this week. Sunday Breakfast This Sunday after 8.00am Mass ________________________________________________ Sick Eileen Benton, Lee Brinkley, Margaret Harrison, Josephine Price, Kirsty Grainger, Ellie Corley, Naval Mair, Michael Riordan, Eamon Collins, Pat Dempsey, Howard May, Gail Taylor, Eileen O’Connor, Edna Garrod, Gerald Kauser, Michael Chapman, Kath Bolton, Wladzia Siedlecka, Helen Fernandes, Alison Rebello, Sian Hughes, Ellen Bradley, Gary Hales, Georgia Clark, David Fairweather, Emma Hennessey, Odette Barnes, Peter Manly, Christopher O’Regan, Ted Reilly, P J Mc Mahon, Lesley Martin, Michele Lees, Dickie Bell, Shirley Jackson, Gloria Ihme, Bradán Peacock, Clair Christian, Theresa Breen, Ann Cronin, Tom Richardson, Theresa Healy, Carny James, Tina Cavey, Eric Tuckwell, Heather MacMillan, Alison Grant, Hugh Breach, Soirse and Maj Cunningham, May Kissane, Jack Brady, Pat & Roy Edwards, Maureen Pierce, Elizabeth Russell, Martin Russell, Mary Nathan, Anthony Casey, Richard Atterwill, John Dennison, Christine Steele, Maria Zehetner, Sr Anne Marie, Marie Donnelly, Philip Casey, Sue & Bob Young, Cathie Budge, Miriam Gutteridge, Pawla Dennison, Pauline Williams, Sophie Bordi, Joyce Ennis, John Okonjo, Onyeka Okonjo, Kiana Gooding, Mary Natha, Sheila Dodd, Marie Seymour, Terry Sharpe, Tony Richardson, Loretta De’Silva, Pamela Fernando, Clarina Dias, Peggy Convery, Angela Convery, Bob Stainton, Margaret Mullin, Simon Allad, Marie Aiyadoria, Mabel D’Cruz, Florence Harwood, Christiana Ziregbe, Reg Legro, Jackie McGuinness, Marie Whitehead, Bernadette McCullagh, Flora Ziregbe, Tony Treacy, Anthony Casey, Catherine Hynes Recently Deceased:, Hannah Gaynor, Mick White, Emily Munemo, Paul Rooney Those whose anniversaries occur about this time: William Heenan, Dann & Mary Courtney, Catherine Fitzgerald, Christine Manners, Flavia Cunningham, Fred & Mary Duncan, Bracken Family, Carroll Family, Philip Macwan Across Jumbulance visit and St Patrick’s Day Parade. The Mayor of London is having the St Patrick’s Day Parade and celebrations on Sunday 15th March. We are bringing the Jumbulance down from Scotland and we have booked it in the parade. All parishioners are welcome to join us especially those that are less able as they will be allowed to stay on board the Jumbulance throughout. We plan to load at the church at 10am and all being well we should be back about 3 pm. It’s all free. To book your seat call John or Tina 07973127327. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace R EP OSI TORY GI FT SH OP CATHOLIC CHURCH ISLEWORTH Open after all weekend Masses (t) 020 8560 1431
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