Volume 14, Issue 3 Monthly newsletter of First United Church of Christ 27 North 3rd St., Easton, PA 18042 (Mailing address: 229 Church St., Easton, PA 18042 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.firstucceaston.org Join us for Worship & Sun day Sch ool at 10 a.m.! The Children join us for the beginning of the worship service, then dismiss to their classes After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” They replied, “The Lord needs it.” They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it. As he went along, people spread their cloaks on the road. When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (And bring a friend!) (“Jesus King” continues on pg. 20...) -2- ~ Easter Adult Bell Choir practices every Thurs. at 7:00 p.m. ~ ~ Senior Choir practices every Thurs. evening at 7:30 p.m. ~ Sun., Mar. 1st - 10 a.m. - 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT ~ Morning Worship with FOOD BANK SUNDAY. SUNDAY SCHOOL begins at 10 a.m. Everyone is asked to bring a nonperishable food item (Tomatoes or dried or canned beans or other item) to help restock ProJeCt’s Food Pantry. Mon., March 2nd - Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, Read Across America! Tues., March 3rd - C.W.U. Lenten Meditation at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church, Newburg Rd., 11:15 a.m. Wed., March 4th - Christian Witness meets at 7 p.m. Fri., Mar. 6th- World Day of Prayer - C.W.U. Program at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wilson Register 1:00, Program 1:30 p.m. Sat., March 7th ~ DON’T FORGET TO “SPRING FORWARD” & turn your clocks ahead before you go to bed or you will be an hour late for church! Daylight Savings time Begins! Sun., Mar. 8th - 10:00 a.m. - Daylight Saving’s Time Begins! 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT ~ Morning Worship at 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL begins at 10:00 a.m. Mon., Mar. 9th - Consistory Meets at 7:00 p.m. Tues., March 10th - C.W.U. Tues. Lenten Meditation 11:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church, Newburg Rd. Sat., March 14th - Pi Day (3.14 right?!?!?!) Sun., Mar 15th - 10:00 a.m. - 4th Sun. in Lent ~ Morning Worship SUNDAY SCHOOL begins at 10:00 a.m. OUR ANNUAL MEETING begins with lunch following worship! Please sign up! APRIL STEEPLE NEWS deadline. (“March Events” continue on page 4) -3- (“March Events” continued from page 1) Tues., March 17th - Happy St. Patrick’s Day C.W.U. Tues. Lenten Meditation 11:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church, Newburg Rd. Fri., Mar. 20th - First Day of Spring! HALLELUJAH! Sun., Mar. 22nd - 10:00 a.m. - 5th Sun. in Lent ~ Morning Worship Tentative Consistory Installation & Sun. School Our Annual Meeting SNOW DATE! Tues., March 24th - C.W.U. Tues. Lenten Meditation 11:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church, Newburg Rd. Palm Sun., Mar. 29th- ~ 10:00 a.m. - PALM/PASSION SUN. ~ OGHS Sun. & Morning Worship with Palms & Praise as we begin Holy Week! Join us for our EASTER BREAKFAST immediately FOLLOWING worship Sun. School begins at 10 a.m. DEADLINE to order Easter Flowers or dedicate Easter Sunshine Fund gifts Tues., March 31st - (Last) C.W.U. Tues. Lenten Meditation 11:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church. Wed., April 1st - April Fool’s Day! Thurs., April 2nd - MAUNDY THURS. Evening Worship. AGAPE FEAST begins at 6:30 p.m. TENEBRAE COMMUNION SERVICE begins at 7:30 p.m. in our Sanctuary. Fri., April 3rd - GOOD FRIDAY ~ Community Service at Trinity Episcopal at noon EASTER SUN., April 5th- ~ HE IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! COMMUNITY SUNRISE SERVICE at 7 a.m. At Riverside Park. A time of fellowship & refreshment will follow at Riverside TRADITIONAL EASTER MORNING COMMUNION SERVICE here at 10 a.m. -4- Don’t forget! The first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday so please bring along something for ProJeCt’s Food Pantry. They are especially in need of canned tomatoes & dried or canned beans. rch Chu NeBwusi ness s! All of our members are invited & encouraged to attend our Annual Meeting scheduled for Sunday, March 15th following worship. It is OGHS Sunday too! The First Ladies will be serving lunch that day, so plan on joining us. The lunch will be soup, sandwiches, beverage and dessert for $4.50, and there will be a sign up sheet in Memorial Hall for helpers and eaters. Everyone is asked to stay after worship, enjoy lunch & participate in the decisions about the future of your church, by supporting your Consistory in the works of your congregation. Okay, it just wouldn't dare snow for our Annual Meeting on the 15th of March, but just in case it does, we will meet on the 22nd to hold our meeting. Maybe if we all chant "no snow!", "no snow!" that will work.....lets hope! Attention: Copies of our Annual Report are available at the church. If you need one mailed to you, please call the church office at 610-258-3361. -5- The First Ladies will again be seeing that everyone has a hot, hearty lunch before the Annual Meeting on March 15, for a cost of $4.50. If you can, please sign up in the Narthex, so we know how many to plan for. Easter is the first Sunday of April (April 5) so in order to make sure everyone has plenty of time to order & dedicate their Easter flowers & donations to our Easter “Sunshine Fund”, we have enclosed a Flower & ”Sunshine Fund” form in this newsletter. Soup, sandwich, dessert and beverage are all included, so come join us for a good lunch, and stay for the meeting to hear all that's going on at First UCC. Proceeds will go to our missions. Cierech’s Greenhouses has (somehow) kept the prices the same for the last several years & their plants are always very healthy & beautiful & make our Sanctuary so glorious! The DEADLINE for orders & donations is PALM SUN., March 29th. Well, it’s that time of year when weather becomes a consideration. Do you know where to look or listen when the snow and ice make travel tricky? There are lots of ways to find out if our Sunday service is still on. (power permitting) Please check your e-mail (please make sure we have your current e-address), check out our website (www.firstucceaston.org) , call the office (610-258-3361) for a current message, watch WLVT or channel 69 for news of any service cancellations. -6- Adult Handbells 7:00-7:30 p.m. ~ Senior Choir at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to join any of our choirs, no experience is necessary. Please see Sheila Cooke for more info. ~ TUESDAY LENTEN MEDITATIONS Continue, every Tuesday in March! 11:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s 3rd Lutheran Church on Newburg Rd. March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31. Bring a friend, men & women are welcome! Bring a bagged lunch. Desserts & beverages will be provided. ~ WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Fri., March 6th At Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 2115 Washington Blvd., Easton PA (Wilson Boro) Program: Jesus said, “Do you understand what I have done for you?” Registration: 1 p.m. Program: 1:30 p.m. Dessert & Beverages Provided March 2nd is Dr. Suess’s birthday & schools all over the country will celebrate “Read Across America” in March. So, remember... "You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." -7- Our Sunday School will be collecting books for kids of all ages, from picture books for the littlest ‘readers’ to great literature for High Schoolers. The local “Cops & Kids” program needs books for their reading room, located at the Easton Community Center (St. Anthony’s) & to hand out to kids at the many community events they attend. If you want to help our local kids to expand their imaginations reading leads to better learning - or just need to clear some bookshelf space, please see Beth B. with your books! AND... It all goes hand in hand with the March 2nd celebration of “Dr. Seuss’s Birthday & “Read Across America”! Because... “Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot, NOTHING is going to get better. It’s NOT.” Because our kids need to know... “You have BRAINS in your Head. You have FEET in your SHOES. You can STEER yourself any DIRECTION you CHOOSE.” ~ Dr. Seuss -8- Thanks to Jean R. for again volunteering to host a pizza night and book discussion of "The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks. We have had to re-reschedule & do not yet have a confirmed date as of this writing. As I am writing this, we have had the last 2 Sunday services “snowed out” so we re-rescheduled just so folks would know about it. Please keep your eye on the bulletins & your e-mail for an update Our next book selection is called “The House of Sand and Fog”, for those who like to check the local libraries for it. We will meet in early April for discussion, food, and fun, so watch those bulletins for a date. Your new slate of officers will be installed on Sunday, March 22 at the 10 o'clock worship service (as long as our March 15th meeting isn’t snowed out). Please plan on attending to show your support to all those who serve on Consistory, and make important decisions about the future of First UCC. The deadline for our April 2015 Steeple News is Sun., March 15th. Since Easter is April 5th, please get info about upcoming Easter events, dinners, meetings, fund raising, & other happenings to the church office by the 15th so we can get the word out in time. Thanks! -9- Dear friends, When I first read the scripture for One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), 2 Corinthians 8-9, I have to admit it was a bit puzzling! Paul asks that early Christians in Corinth give, from their abundance, to Christians in Macedonia who were beset by famines and other misfortunes. It seems that the Macedonians, if I understood correctly, GAVE, even in their poverty, encouraged by their “wealth of spirit”, in service to others. Having NOTHING the Macedonians GAVE what they could, their “fair share” to fulfill their Christian commitment. Why, then, couldn’t the Corinthians, who were much more “well off” give from their abundance setting the example given by Christ who, was “rich” in grace, became “poor” so that WE through His poverty, might become “rich” in grace and GIVING in abundance. None of us have what we would regard as extreme wealth! We’re not the “Bill Gates’s of the world; nor are we the Mother Theresa’s”. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle or lower… We could give a little more, but, what if WE suffer need and nobody will help US?? Then what do we do!!!! The scripture seems to say that we are all RICH in the gifts of the spirit and we should share these gifts , both materially and spiritually with the world in which we live, without the worry of not having enough for us!! I guess God wants to be the “Great Equalizer “for the “haves and the have nots”, so that all of His children have sufficient for their needs. In summation, I ask that YOU consider when giving your gift to OGHS that this gift is governed by the joy you have received in Christ and will receive by sharing your abundance with those less fortunate. Thank you for prayerfully considering OGHS this year!! Your OGHS Coordinator, Sue B. Please use the special OGHS envelope enclosed in this issue of our Steeple News to return your OGHS gift! - 10 - This year we will celebrate our Church Family with an Easter Breakfast on Palm Sunday, March 29th FOLLOWING our Worship Service. Everyone is welcome to join us AFTER church, on Palm Sunday morning for a fabulous breakfast. Please sign up! Our Committee members are working to provide what is needed but additional contributions are welcome! if you are willing & able to help provide food items or help out with serving & clean up, please contact the church office. This very special evening of worship begins with our traditional Agape Feast. There is a sign up sheet which includes a list of suggested items (they are JUST SUGGESTIONS, you may bring whatever you like) for the simple meal, so please see the sign up sheet & let us know how many we can expect & what you may be able to contribute. Do you remember how much fun it is decorating for the holidays? Okay. Now how much fun is undecorating? Not so much fun right? Well our own Mark C. took it upon himself to take down all the outside decorations on a ten degree Sunday in February, no less! Thanks Mark for doing what none of the rest of us wanted to do. Job well done. - 11 - This year, our celebration of the Last Supper will be held on Thursday, April 17. We will meet in our Parlor at 6:30 to join in a meal of the foods that our Lord would have eaten with his disciples the night before his Crucifixion. By picking up a towel & a basin of water, Jesus, God in the flesh, Creator of Heaven & Earth & man, stooped to wash the feet of His friends. Knowing what was facing Him, he sought to teach them & all of us, what it means to be a humble servant in love & that the cruelty & evils of this world CANNOT break God’s loving grip on us, EVER. This is a very meaningful event for Christians who are aware of its incredible importance in the life of Jesus, and in our lives as his followers. You may bring nuts, hummus, fresh fruits, dates, vegetables, fish, pita bread, dried fruits….anything you think the group may have eaten together. Worship will follow in the Sanctuary at 7:30. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! - 12 - Thank you to so many people !!! for without you, I could do nothing ! as I had said, I received a lot of compliments on a job well done and while I sincerely appreciated that… all I really did was hang up the ‘sign-up’ sheet….YOU ALL DID THE REST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started the ‘soup-er’ bowl 10 years ago when Jil was away at college (for which she complains that she has never been around to partake !!) We raised a total of $344 !!!! all of which went directly to Trinity to support the Soup kitchen !!!! And we also collected 35 cans/packages of soup for ProJect’s food bank. ! ! YEA! We had 11 crocks of DELICIOUS soups !! some of the favorites were... Mikes Italian chicken tomato that he got from Pinterest. My wild rice mushroom from Cook’s Country on PBS and my personal favorite Linda Wright’s chunky sweet potato that she found on the internet for her new toy (pressure cooker !) there was plenty for every appetite plus enough for takeout for some of our shut ins! Now that is a blessing! Plenty of fresh breads and awesome desserts, to include a really cute snowman birthday cake !! (isn’t that right Kathleen ??!?!?) Thank you all so much for the outpouring of support !!! both with your filling of crocks and pots !!!! Love in Christ, Barbara and Tom P.S. an extra Thanks to Sue B. (pre)and Denise C.(post) for the kitchen help ! - 13 - We lift up the family of Robert Goth in our prayers. Bob passed away on Feb. 1st at age 95. He had been residing at Gracedale & recently our Christmas Carolers, as well as Bev Lambert & others had spent time visiting with him. Bob had served with the U.S. Army during World War II & had worked for Taylor Wharton & Craft Rug Mill in the past. He was a dear & kind soul. When his Libby was at Gracedale, he faithfully visited her everyday. His faithfulness carried to us here too as, for many years, as difficult as it was for him, he walked from his apartment on 4th Street to Church on Sunday, rarely accepting the rides that were always offered. It kept him going! Bob leaves a son, Michael & his wife Karen & a grandson Andrew, all of Emmaus. He will be fondly remembered by us all as we think of him finally reunited with his beloved Libby, together at The Lord’s Table. We received the following note from Bob & Libby’s son Michael & his family... Thank you for all of your support, care and visitation of Robert Goth (my father) during the past year. Thanks to Pastor Bill Wightman for the beautiful funeral and comfort to my family. Your kind expression of sympathy will always remain in our memories. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. From Michael Goth & Family - 14 - 1st - 2nd Sun. of Lent, Food Bank Sun. Greeters - George & Sue B. Ushers - George & Sue B. and David & Carl W. Reader - Sue B. 8th - 3rd Sun. of Lent Greeters - Kim & David K. Ushers - Kim & David K., Linda A.& Linda R. Reader - Linda W. 15th- 4th Sun. of Lent, & Our Annual Meeting Greeters - Ray & Sue R. Ushers - Ray & Sue R., Janet C. & Beverly L. Reader - Janet C. 22nd - 5th Sun. of Lent, Greeters - Linda & Don R. Ushers - Linda & Don R. and Janice & Keith H. Reader - Kathleen D. 29th - Palm/Passion Sunday & OGHS Sunday Greeters - Carol S. & Larry M. Ushers - Larry M., Gary R. and Tara & Mark C. Reader - Stewart W. * All Acolytes will be chosen from those young people present If you would like to participate in serving our congregation during worship as a Greeter, Usher, Reader or Acolyte, please contact the church office at 610-258-3361. - 15 - Since the kick-off of our Restoration Fund in the fall of 2014, we are pleased to report that progress is being made in reaching our goal of $52,000. 1st - Brenda L., in memory of loved ones 8th - Bob & Phyllis F., in loving memory of Bob’s parents, George & Hazel Flemming, in commemoration of Hazel’s March birthday. 15th - Jean R. in loving memory of her husband, John R.. 22nd - Denise A. C. in loving memory of her father, Dennis J. Walker. 29th - Carol Ann S. in memory of her best friend, Carla LaCour. As we continue to receive pledges, we are encouraged by the response, and remain optimistic that we can reach this goal. To date, we have received $42,840 in pledges, of which $19,482 has been collected. Thank you all for your commitment and dedication to this project, as well as, your devotion to the well being of our church. We will continue to provide you with updates throughout this campaign. Bob A, Stewardship Chair If you would like to sponsor the bulletins for one of our Sunday services, please contact the church office at 610-258-3361. - 16 - After this brutal winter, its time to dust off those wine bottles, and join us for a Wine Tasting at Nancy & Ken’s home on Saturday, April 11, 7:00. Now that's assuming that you haven't emptied all those wine bottles on these frigid nights! If you have, not to worry. Pick up a new bottle or two, and bring it (them) along with your favorite appetizer to be enjoyed by all. We do get cheese and cracker plates, but let see if we can come up with something a bit more exciting for the evening. Again, please sign up in the Narthex, and lets all think SPRING!!!!! We often e-mail important or timely info to our congregation members for whom we have e-addresses. Do you get our e-mails? If not, please e-mail our church office & we’ll add you to our distribution list. 1st - Helen L., in loving memory of her husband, Lester. Additional Arrangement ~ Shirley G., in loving memory of her husband, Russell. 8th - Bette W., in honor of her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. 15th - The Dowd Family, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and their Irish heritage! 22nd- Tony B., in memory of Val & their other loved ones. 29th - The Rush Family in celebration of Phyllis’s March 24th birthday! If you would like to sponsor altar flowers for one of our Sunday services, please contact the church office at 610-258-3361. - 17 - Please remember some of our church family who cannot get out or come & go as they used to. Some would love to come to church, but need a “chauffeur” (would you be willing & able to provide a ride?), some cannot get out at all. Please keep them connected with our church family with a card, call or even better - a visit! Did we forget to mention a birthday, anniversary or other special day, event, milestone or achievement? Please let us know because we love to offer up congratulations & encouragement! (“Jesus King” continued from pg.2) Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. ~ Luke 19:28-42 - 18 - This year’s joint Community Easter Sunrise Service will be held at the Riverside Amphitheater along the riverfront at 7:00 am on Easter morning, April 5th. Following the Sunrise Service, light refreshments will be served at Riverside. So, please join us at the Community Ecumenical Easter Sunrise service. It is always a beautiful time to worship our Risen Savior at such a beautiful place. Then stay and enjoy visiting and catching up with your First UCC family & our brothers & sisters from our neighboring churches. NOTE: we will hold our traditional Easter Communion service in our Sanctuary at 10 a.m. ALL ARE WELCOME!!! Pi = 3.14159..., is a very old number. We know the ancient Egyptians & Babylonians knew about the existence of the constant ratio pi (πR2). Pi is an infinite decimal. Unlike numbers such as 3, 9.876, and 4.5, which have finitely many nonzero numbers to the right of the decimal place, pi has infinitely many numbers to the right of the decimal point. Pi is a number that cannot be written as a repeating decimal or a finite decimal (you can never get to the end of it) pi is irrational: it cannot be written as a fraction (the ratio of two integers). It is also a great reason to celebrate with PIE!!!! <>< - 19 -
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