Coopersville United Methodist Church 105 N 68th Ave. Coopersville, MI 49404 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED @Coopersville United Methodist Church MARCH 2015 NEWSLETTER VISION OF WHO WE ARE A Community Called to: LIVE in Relationship with Christ LOVE Like There's No Tomorrow SERVE & Minister to Our Community. WHAT’S INSIDE? From the Pastor’s Desk, UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF COOPERSVILLE 2 Members in Ministry, Holy Week ALIVE+, Easter Art Exhibit 3 Craft Retreat Weekend, Special Music Church Events 10:00 AM - Sunday Worship Service 11:15 AM - Fellowship Time 11:30 AM - Sunday School for all ages Wednesday - 6:00 PM - ALIVE+ for ages Pre-K - 12th grade 105 N 68th Ave. Coopersville, Michigan 49404 OFFICE PHONE: 616.997.9225 FAX: 616.997.9226 PASTOR: Rev. Cori Cypret CELL: 269.986.0732 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 2 PM PASTOR’S E-MAIL: [email protected] SECRETARY: Kris Brandt CHURCH E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: @Coopersville United Methodist 4&5 Daily, Weekly, Monthly; SCRIP, Craft Night, Blood Drive, Prayer Chain Missions/Outreach, 6 Bob Farr Event, Youth Missions Camp Scholarships, Camping 7 Birthdays & Anniv., Church Directory Bible Training, Bring a Friend Day 8 Prayer Chain, Skit Guys, Bake Sale March Volunteer Ministries 9, featured position March Calendar Endowment, Electronic Giving 10 CELEBRATIONS OF VISION OF WHO WE ARE: A Community Called to: LIVE in Relationship with Christ LOVE Like There's No Tomorrow SERVE & Minister to Our Community. SERMON SERIES LENT Lent is the time of year, beginning with Ash Wednesday, and continuing for six weeks until Easter, when Christians prepare their hearts, souls, and minds for the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. This time of preparation includes prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As a church family, we will be spending this Lenten season undergoing “A Reality Check.” Join together with your church on Sundays through Lent as we take a serious look at life, the world, and us. JOIN US FOR WORSHIP DURING HOLY WEEK MARCH 29 - APRIL 5 Here are our services and times: PALM SUNDAY: SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE @10AM We will be finishing our Reality Check series and celebrating the entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem as He drew closer to the Cross. MAUNDY THURSDAY: 7PM A service of hymns and readings centering on the voices of Jesus' past and present. Seder Meal GOOD FRIDAY: COMMUNITY SERVICE AT CUMC @ NOON Let us join together with area churches as we remember the events of the day of Jesus arrest, trial, and crucifixion. EASTER SUNDAY: SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE @ 10AM Join with us for the start of our next sermon series: Do You Believe? Do you really believe what you say you believe? Page 2 SUCH A SWEET IDEAI hope you had the opportunity to sign the Valentine’s Day cards. This was such a sweet idea that Pam Stammis and Kathy Thwaites came up with. The ladies got cards and candy and delivered to 10 of our shut-ins. Thank you both for your kind hearts. A BIG STEP This year started with a few new volunteer positions, we know have a Liturgist each Sunday morning, a Youth Group Assistant on Wednesday night, and the Kids Club has been split up into the Bible lesson and craft time. We have had people step up and fill these positions. Thank you & check out if you would like to be a part of these positions. LIVE LOVE SERVE Please check out the new artwork displayed on the North wall of the Fellowship Room. The pictures of Live and Love are by Karen Urquhart. The paintings of Live Love Serve are by Pastor Cori. The collages of Live Love Serve are by Paige Kirby. Thank you all for showing us what Live Love Serve means to you. MOVIE NIGHT Did you see the Lego Movie at church? If you came then you know that it was a good time had by all. Watch for more events in the future. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 February 8 was Boy Scout Sunday, it was great to see so many Boy Scouts and their families. Thank you Ken Bush for bringing the message of Love to our congregation for our Live Love Serve series. DECORATION CHANGES 1. Thank you Catherine Freeland for decorating the Fellowship Room over that past few months. It is great to see some festive colors on the tables in the Fellowship Room. 2. Have you noticed the changes to the counter area in the Fellowship Room? There were cabinets taken out by Pete Ryder & Seth Seth, the area was painted, thank you Gail and carpet was put in by Gary who did the carpeting. This makes such a nice area for people who have fundraisers & will become a welcome area. 3. The worship center stage area has a new feel for the Reality Check series that we have for the Lenten season. Thank you Patrick, Ryan, David and Joe D for planning and the display. CRAFT RETREAT WEEKEND Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm is for kids & youth ages Pre-K - 12th grades. A time of worship through song & prayer and a meal for all along with individual classes for ALIVE Youth Group & Kids Club. March 6, 2015 - 6:30pm-midnight and March 7, 2015 - 9am-5pm $15.00 per person for both times Are you a crafty person? Then this retreat is for you. You can work on any craft you wish. Lunch is included on Saturday. First come first serve basis. The only way to hold your spot is payment upfront. Must sign up and pay by March 3rd, there are a couple spots available. Please email Angie at [email protected] or call her @ 616.366.5234. ALIVE - YOUTH GROUP THE ALIVE YOUTH GROUP IS FOUNDED ON ROMANS 6:11. “...count yourselves dead to sin but alive to Christ Jesus.” They meet on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm and consist of 6th-12th grade students. They worship through song and prayer, enjoy a hot meal and then come together to hang out, to learn about God and life, and yes, even have fun! ALIVE - YOUTH GROUP ASSISTANT We are looking for adults (over 21) to assist Pastor Cori (Youth Leader) with the evening events. Sign up at go/10C0D49AFA62FABFC1-alive8 KID’S CLUB - “THE + IN ALIVE +” Kids Club is coordinated through our Education Team for Pre-K - 5th graders & is from 6-7:30 pm on Wednesdays. They worship with the ALIVE Youth Group through song & prayer, share the food provided for the evening and then go into the classroom and have a time of learning about stories from the bible along with a craft. KIDS CLUB WORKERS Your help is welcome. We need 2 adults for the bible lesson & another 2 adults for the craft. Please help out where you can. Sign up at 10C0D49AFA62FABFC1-kid 2015 SPECIAL MUSIC The Coopersville United Methodist Church invites you to bring Special Music to our congregation during our 10 AM Sunday Worship Service. We ask that you contact the church office and provide your name(s) and the name of the song(s) you wish to sing/play. Church office number is 997-9225 and email is [email protected]. ASSISTED HEARING DEVICE Do you have a hard time hearing what is said in church? The church has Assisted Hearing Devices. The devices will be available on a first come first serve basis and are available from the soundboard operator in the media room. We ask that you return the device after the morning service to the media center. EASTER ART EXHIBIT Calling all artists! Since CUMC moved to this new building on 68th Ave, over seven years ago, we have sought to use the space we have for many new, interesting, and creative things. This Easter, we want to use this space to display your artwork. Specifically, we are inviting local and church artists to create and display artwork inspired by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This can be done through painting, sculpture, photography, music, performance art, or any other creative art form. Artwork would need to be at the church before Easter to be displayed that Sunday, April 5- May 17. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Cori, and in the meantime, get creating! Page 3 CHURCH EVENTS BIRTHDAY SUNDAY CAKES ADULT FELLOWSHIP We will have a speaker from Holland Home Speakers Bureau who will speak on the topic "Have a Great Day". Live positively! This fun and practical presentation explores how to maintain a positive outlook on life. We will hear the speaker first and then have luncheon catered by the "Copper Rose" restaurant. Gather at the Church at 11AM on Friday, March 20th. I will have a menu for you to decide what you'd like ahead of time. Char Reffeor ALTAR FLOWER Everyone is encouraged to sign up to have flowers displayed on the Altar in church on any given Sunday if you wish. We can have more than one person/ family signed up on any given Sunday. Please put your name and the reason for giving the flowers on the chart by the drinking fountain or use All flowers are ordered and billed through Coopersville Floral at a cost of $25.00. Here are the available dates; March 15, April 12, May 3, 10, 31, June 14, 21, 28, July 26, September 13, 27, October 25, December 6. Birthday Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of each month. Please sign up to make a 9x13 cake of any flavor to be served by the coffee hosts for the day. There are 6 cakes needed for each month. Sign up at or the sheet in the Fellowship room. COMMUNITY CRAFT NIGHT & WEEKEND RETREATS Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends & neighbors. Come and work on any craft that you have from quilting, knitting, crocheting, card making, painting and scrapbooking, etc. There is a $2.00 fee to attend. Please notify Angie Quinlan by calling 616.366.5234 or email [email protected], if you will be attending. If you plan on attending the Friday Craft Night please rsvp by the Thursday before the date so there are enough tables set up. Here is the schedule; Friday Craft Night are 6:30pm midnight and the Weekend Retreats (WR) 9am - 5pm on Saturday. 2015: March 6 & 7 (WR), May 1, Oct 2, Nov 6 & 7 (WR), Dec 11. FEEDING AMERICA TRUCK Coopersville Cares has a Feeding America Mobile Pantry truck at Church of the Saviour at 10 AM on the Second Tuesday of each month. Please bring your own bags/containers. Next date is March 10. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Coopersville UMC is hosting a blood drive: Monday, March 23 from 12:30 – 6:15 PM. Encourage everyone you know to donate blood. To become a blood donor, you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in general good health. Every two seconds someone in America gets a blood transfusion. MEN’S BREAKFAST The last Saturday of each month the men of our community are invited to attend a breakfast at Coopersville UMC. It is a time of food and fellowship between men. The next breakfast is March 28 @ 8AM. Contact Pete Stammis at 837-9595 with any questions. ART WORK MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Do you have artwork you would like to display in our fellowship room? Make sure they are framed and ready to hang. Contact Kris in the office and let her know how many pictures you have. She will make arraignments to have the pictures hung. Worship -March 3 Trustee’s - March 10 Finance - March 17 Church Council - March 24 Page 4 Meetings are held @ 7 pm & open to everyone. CHURCH EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 NEWSLETTER - APRIL 2015 SCRIP/GIFT CARDS Everyone is encourage to submit articles for the Church newsletter. Our newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with everyone in our church. If you have something you would like to share with our Congregation, please do so. The deadline to submit articles to Kris @ [email protected] for the April newsletter is March 17. DO YOU SHOPS, BUY GROCERIES, GAS, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, ETC? Contact Kris in the office at 997-9225 with questions. OUR DAILY BREAD The daily devotional thoughts published in Our Daily Bread help readers spend time each day in God's Word. Each daily thought is designed to draw the listener into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and to evoke responses of worship, love, trust and obedience. The March, April, May issue of the booklets are on the table in the fellowship room by the drinking fountain. They are for you to keep. PRAISE BAND MINISTRIES The Praise Band rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 PM. Rehearsals are open to all. Anyone interested please contact Patrick Conran at 616.915.1740. YOU MIGHT EVEN EAT OUT AND BUY GIFTS FOR FAMILY OR FRIENDS! IF SO THEN SCRIP IS FOR YOU. You can now purchase SCRIP without having to wait until the 2nd Sunday of each month to place an order. If there is a company you would be interested in the church having on hand, please let Gail know. We hope this will encourage more of you to use this program to increase the money we can raise for church ministries. A complete list of companies is on the bulletin board by the drinking fountain and order forms are on the table. Make checks payable to CUMC Orders can be placed online at any time, it will be processed on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The next order deadline is Sunday, March 8, please have your order & payment to Gail Holmes. Contact Gail @ 723-2422 or [email protected], with any questions. WEBSITE & FACEBOOK Stay up to date with church events from our website @ While on the website, like the church on Facebook and make sure to follow us on Facebook. Check out Pastor Cori’s blogs and the Sermon message from Sunday mornings, as well as links to sign up to serve on church ministries. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS PRAYER CHAIN Do you have a prayer request to share with your church family? Would you like to be included in our phone or email prayer updates? Contact Carol Pfahler at 837-9036 or email Lorna Brittain at [email protected]. The Wednesday meal is a ministry of our church to our ALIVE +. We ask that you provide a hot meal, drinks and snack/dessert for about 40 people. For those of you willing to bring food for the evening use or the sign up sheet in the Fellowship Room. Our ALIVE + is an outreach to many in our community. The kids are truly thankful for the support they receive from the whole congregation. PRAYER FOR YOUR LIFE Lord, help me to understand, to take in what it means for You, the Holy One, to bear my sin. Remind me to give You thanks for salvation and for all the ways You show me Your love throughout my day today. Page 5 WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY! Ever wanted to go deeper into a book of the Bible? Each Wednesday at 10 am, we are doing just that. We are in the midst of an in-depth study of the book of Mark. All are welcome to this time of fellowship & study. MARCH MISSION “BLANKETS FOR HELEN DEVOS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL” March mission offering is for the DeVos Children's Hospital fleece blanket drive. It is the 9th Annual Fleece Blanket Drive! Our very own Kaylee Brocker is Junior Miss Coopersville this year. This blanket drive was started in our community by the Miss Coopersville Scholarship Program. Our collection will be taken on March 1 and the money is used to purchase the fleece. Each blanket takes 2 yards of fabric. You are also welcome to make blankets at home. If you need instructions see Char or call her at 837-8895. There will be a Blanket Work Bee to finish the edges of the fleece which can be done in any manner you wish. The Work Bee is at 7PM on Friday, March 20th. Last year Jr. Miss Coopersville delivered over 260 blankets, please help Kaylee reach her goal of 300 blankets this year! For our April Mission our Youth will participate in the 30 hr. Famine for World Vision with a potluck dinner following the Sunday service. There will be more detail on this in next month's newsletter. DEAR PASTOR CORI & UMC YOUTH GROUP, MISSIONS/OUTREACH SCHEDULE On behalf of Coopersville Cares and our many volunteers, I would like to thank you for your generous donation for our food pantry. This time of year people are struggling to make ends meet and because of that, requests for food assistance are high. Rural poverty and hunger are real and we find them in every community. That is why groups like yours are so vital to the health of our community. Thanks again! Sincerely, Lee Ann Rosel Coopersville Care Director - January 22, 2015 WE WILL STARVE SO OTHERS DON'T HAVE TO Each year, hundreds of thousands of students in the U.S. and around the world do the Famine: learning about hunger, raising funds to fight hunger, and then going hungry themselves- growing closer to Christ and each other, all while helping to save the lives of hungry kids. For this year's Famine, our Youth Group, and any other youth grades 7-12 along with Youth Groups from our community, will learn about hunger, actively raise money to support hunger efforts, participate in the Famine by going without food for 30 hours, have lots of fun, build and sleep in their own box-village outside, and celebrate their work with a church-wide potluck! They will be raising awareness and money beginning in April, the Famine event will be April 25-26. Page 6 March 1: DeVos Blanket Announcement & collection. Work Bee on March 20 @ 7pm. March 29: - 5th Sunday collection f/Coopersville Cares April 26: Youth to participate in 30 hr. Famine for World Vision, potluck dinner after Worship Service. MISSIONS REPORT Souper Bowl of Caring with all donations going to Coopersville Cares was our February Mission. There was $569.64 raised in our support of this mission. Thank you Missions/Outreach and the ALIVE Youth Group for the passion you have for missions. Thank you all for your support of our church missions. EQUIPPING YOUR CHURCH FOR CHANGE: A DAY WITH BOB FARR Please join Pastor Cori in attending this event. The cost is $20.00 and you can register online at http:// Notify Pastor Cori, if you wish to carpool with her. MARCH CELEBRATION MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3/4 3/8 3/9 3/11 3/13 3/17 3/21 3/26 3/29 Catherine Freeland Jim Urquhart David Thwaites Killian Weaver Evelyn Wilson Tricia Bush Kristie Taylor Gerry Welsh Char Reffeor If your birthday or anniversary dates are listed wrong or has been omitted, please call the church at 997-9225 to correct it. MARCH ANNIVERSARIES DATE 3/7 3/12 3/14 3/20 NAME YEARS Don & Patti Eldred 44 Bill & Caroll Crouse 49 Dennis & Jean Leussenkamp 35 Chris & Angie Cumberworth 22 CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships based on financial need are available from the United Methodist West Michigan Conference. Conference scholarships are awarded on a first come first served basis, so apply early. Funds are usually depleted by March 15th! Applications are available from the church office or online at pages/detail/2237. Scholarships applicable at these four camp sites only: Albright Park, Crystal Springs, Lake Michigan, and Wesley Woods. Pastor Cori needs to confirm your financial need by signing the application form. Send the completed scholarship form, registration form and camp deposit to the Camp Registrar's Office. Preference will be given to first-time campers and families with more than one camper attending West Michigan Camps. CHURCH CAMP EXPERIENCE UPDATED ADDRESSES Bob & Jean Foster 32 River St. Coopersville, MI 49404 231.373.0379 [email protected] Children: Samantha, Nathaniel, Rosetta, Steffanie & Christina Jim & Nicole Looks 2056 Cleveland St. E Coopersville, MI 49404 616.644.1014 [email protected] Children: Maya, Nevaeh & Tavaeh Mickey Taylor 301 Ottawa St. #307 Coopersville, MI 49404 616.837.8237 The Summer Camp Programs of the West Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church are about meeting the hopes and dreams of parents, and creating lifelong, life-changing memories for young people in a safe, fun, and caring environment. Your child will have the opportunity to look back at the summer and remember singing camp songs, sensing the sounds, sights, and smells of nature, creating new friendships with kids from faraway places, and discovering an ever-greater love for God in their hearts. Your child will grow in self-confidence, resourcefulness, and gratefulness as they encounter a spiritual awakening that will unfold over a lifetime. Registration is available online at http:// The church is willing to help with a portion of the cost of camp, if you can’t afford the cost on your own. Scholarships are also available from our District offices. Contact Kris in the office if you need any help, also let the office know if your child is going to camp so we as a church can be in prayer for your camper. Page 7 THE EPIC OF EDEN BIBLE TRAINING CLASS Here is a short introduction to the book & video training. Does your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events and ideas? How many times have you resolved to really understand the OT? To finally make sense of it? In Epic of Eden, Dr. Sandra Richter clearly and powerfully communicates a history of God’s redeeming grace, weaving together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem. The Community is welcome to attend "The Epic of Eden Bible Training Class". This class will meet at Coopersville UMChurch (105 68th Ave. N, Coopersville) on Sunday evenings starting March 1 and going for 12 weeks. Class starts @ 6PM and goes until 7:30PM. Class is led by Pastor Cori Cypret. The Nursery will be staffed by Youth from church to provide daycare if needed. EBooks & soft cover books are available All versions are $22.95. 3RD ANNUAL PACK IT UP BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER Jessie Cypret & Sarah Brandt are hosting the 3rd Annual Bake Sale for PACK IT UP during the Business Expo on March 21 at the Community Services Building. They would like to have a couple people to work with them to make the bake sale a success again this year. The collecting of the bake goods will be on Thursday, March 19 at Coopersville UMC from 8am-2pm & from 6:30-8pm. Bake goods can also be dropped off at the Community Services building on Friday, March 20 from 4:30-6pm or Saturday, March 21 from 8 - 8:30am. Looking for people to work at the booth with them, people to donate bake goods, help get the word out, and pricing of baked goods. Sign up to make baked goods @ 10C0D49AFAD22A4FD0-pack2. Thanks and let Jessie or Sarah know if you can help on March 21. Contact them at [email protected] or 616.997.9225. BRING A FRIEND TO CHURCH DAY We love our church and the family we have built here. And we love potlucks. So let's show others just how great they are. On Sunday, April 12 (that's the Sunday after Easter), we'll be having our first annual Bring A Friend Day! Grab a friend or two, some family members, and your neighbors, and bring them to worship that Sunday. And bring your favorite potluck dish too. We're going to have a great time in worship, and fellowship with some great food afterwards.'s unofficial Bow Tie Sunday! So wear your favorite bow tie. Pick one up from the local thrift store. Learn to tie one from a regular tie (check out There will be some extras available that Sunday for anyone who wants to join in on the bow tie fun. Help us make this first annual Bring A Friend Day (and the unofficial Bow Tie Sunday) a great success! THE SKIT GUYS WILL BE IN ALLENDALE IN MARCH March 27, 2015 @ Life Stream Worship Center, pre-show 7:30pm and main show 8:05. Tommy Woodard and Eddie James are The Skit Guys. They have been best friends since high school. Think of them as the wise guys in class who had everyone laughing and managed to make a career out of it. They’ve been teaching God’s word using comedy, drama and whatever category talking action figures fit into for over twenty years. Tickets are available by calling Life Stream @ 616.777.0365 or from their website Page 8 MARCH VOLUNTEER POSITIONS ALTAR FLOWERS March 1 8 15 22 29 LCD EDITOR/OPERATOR March Jo Kilpatrick Jerre Jean Conran ________________ Leanne Weaver Gerry Welsh 1 8 15 22 29 March 1 8 15 22 29 March ________________ Joe Denson ________________ Joe Denson ________________ March 1 8 15 22 29 CHILDRENS MESSAGE 1 8 15 22 29 WEDNESDAY EVENING MEALS March 4 11 18 25 Jerre Jean Conran ________________ ________________ Diane Seth 1 8 15 22 29 March ALIVE Youth Group Char R/_______ Jim/Karen Urquhart ________________ ________________ 1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29 KIDS CLUB CRAFTS March 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 Kirby family Jim/Karen Urquhart Brocker family Karolyn H/Grace H Karolyn H/________ BIRTHDAY SUNDAY CAKES March 15 Nancy D/Roxanne D Roxanne D/Lois K Lois K/_________ Roxanne D/Nancy D ________/_______ March Karolyn H/_______ Denise S/________ Denise S/________ Wendy B/Roxanne D ________________ COFFEE HOSTS COUNTING OF OFFERING KIDS CLUB LESSONS Jerre Jean C/Karie K Denise S/Jerre Jean C Jerre Jean C/______ Jerre Jean C/______ 1 8 15 22 29 USHERS March N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DOOR GREETERS March Wendy Brocker Kathy Thwaites Wendy Brocker Pam Stammis Stephen Thwaites March Denise Sernick Bob Koch Denise Sernick Denise Sernick Denise Sernick March Kate Alvarez Carrie Schoenborn Kate Alvarez Kate Alvarez Kate Alvarez 1 8 15 22 29 LITURGIST NURSERY 1 8 15 22 29 March Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Ross C Gail H/Gail H Gail H/Ross C SOUNDBOARD OPERATOR WORSHIP ASSISTANT 1 2 3 4 5 Janet Denson Karen Urquhart Nancy Krepps Wendy Brocker Pam Stammis ALIVE YOUTH ASSISTANT March Pete R/Denise S Michele R/Pete R Karie K/Pete R Michele R/Pete R 4 11 18 25 Joe Denson Diane Seth Roxanne Denson Denise Sernick A blank line means this ministry is available. Use or the clip board in the Fellowship Room to fill a position. SIGN UP GENIUS.COM is for Volunteers to sign up for church positions; Altar Flowers, LCD Operator, Worship Assistant, Door Greeters, Soundboard Operator, Liturgist, Ushers, Coffee Host, Children’s Message, Counting of Offering, Birthday Sunday Cakes, Wednesday Evening Meals, Kids Club (2 Lessons, & 2 Crafts), ALIVE Youth Group Assistant, potlucks and etc. Please sign up as you feel called. There will continue to be a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Room for those of you who are not on the internet and are willing to volunteer. Contact Kris Brandt if you have any questions. FUNERAL HOSPITALITY COORDINATOR Hosting a funeral, or funeral luncheon, is one of the greatest honors for our church family. We are currently looking for a caring and enthusiastic individual to coordinate funeral lunches for the church. We are typically asked to do 2-4 lunches per year for people inside, or outside, of our church. A detailed description of this position is available through the church office. If you are interested in serving in this great ministry, please see Pastor Cori. MARCH CALENDAR 2015 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/15 3/16 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 6 -7:30 PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 6:15 PM Boy Scouts Admin. Meeting 7:00PM Boy Scouts Troop #4 7:00 PM Worship Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Bible Study - Study of Mark 6-7:30 PM ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 6:30 PM Girl Scout Troop #3159 6:30 PM-Midnight Weekend Craft Retreat 9AM-5PM Weekend Craft Retreat Daylight Saving Time Begins SCRIP Orders Due 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 6 -7:30 PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 7:00PM Boy Scouts Troop #4 10:00 AM Feeding America Truck @ COS 7:00 PM Trustee Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Bible Study - Study of Mark 6-7 PM ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 6 -7:30 PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 7:00PM Boy Scouts Troop #4 St. Patrick’s Day April Newsletter Deadline 10:00 AM Bible Study - Study of Mark 6 - 7:30 PM ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class 8-2 PM Drop off Baked Goods @ CUMC 6:30-8PM Drop off Baked Goods @ CUMC 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 6:30-8PM Girl Scout Troop #3159 First Day of Spring 11:00 AM Adult Fellowship 4:30-6PM Drop off Baked Goods @ Coopersville Community Services Building (CCSB) 7:00 PM Blanket Work Bee 8-8:30 AM Drop off Baked Goods @ CCSB 9AM-2PM Coopersville Expo @ CCSB 9-3:30 PM Equipping Your Church for Change March Calendar Continued . . . 3/22 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 6 -7:30 PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 3/23 12:30-6:15PM American Red Cross Blood Drive 7:00PM Boy Scouts Troop #4 3/24 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting 3/25 10:00 AM Bible Study - Study of Mark 6:00 PM ALIVE + 6:10 PM Body Power Sculpt Class 3/26 6:30-8PM Praise Band Ministries 3/27 7:00 PM Skit Guys @ Life Stream 3/28 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 3/29 Palm Sunday 10:00 AM Worship Service 11:15 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Sunday school for all ages 6 -7:30 PM Epic of Eden Bible Training Class 3/30 7:00PM Boy Scouts Troop #4 ELECTRONIC GIVING Do you do a lot of your banking and spending electronically? Do you wish there was a way to give to your church electronically, as well? Did you know that if you do online banking, you can set up automatic payments to the church? Do you have an interest in direct debit of your tithe and other church giving? If any of this sounds interesting to you, the Finance Committee encourages you to speak with Bob Koch about the options we have for electronic giving to the church. You can speak to him in person, or email him ([email protected]). MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND The Coopersville UMC Memorial Endowment is a permanent fund, which provides perpetual support for our church. Your gift to the endowment continues a lasting legacy to Coopersville UMC. Only the interest from the fund can be spent, not the principal that anchors the endowment. The interest from the endowment about 4% can be reinvested or used by the Trustee Committee for capital improvements on the building. Administrated by the Coopersville Area Community Foundation which is an affiliate of the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation. Consider honoring your loved ones by giving a gift to the Endowment Fund.
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