BUFFE ET MEN NU A Brea ad Display y Bread, Oliv ve Bread, Walnut W Brea ad, French Bread, Arabic Brread, Assorrted Bread Rolls, Ciab batta Bread d, Grissini Sticks S Mezze eh & Salad ds Mouttabbel, Fattoush, F B Baba Ganno oush, Kishk keh, Tabbouleh, Mouh hammarah H Hummus Potato Salad, Palm meto Salad d, Mixed Oliives, Stuffe ed Vine Lea aves Rocca Sa alad with Pa armaesan and a Mushrrooms Greek Salad, S Salad d Bar with Dressings, Assorted Olives O & Pic ckles Ho ot Mezzah Cheese and Spinach Sambou usek & Kub bbeh Griill Station F Fillet of Bee ef and Kofta a Kebab Roasted Potatoe es ed Vegetables Sautee Indiian Station n Chicken n Tikka Ma asala Fis sh Korma W White Rice Na aan Bread Served with w Condim ments Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax Pas sta Station n Freshly y Made Pastta with 3 diifferent Sau uces Penne, Fus silli & Farfa ale Pasta with Alfredo, A Bolo ognese & Arabiatta A sa auces Lamb Carving C Sta ation Whole W Roasted Lamb se erved on a Bed of Orie ental Rice Shaw werma Stattion Chicken or o Beef Shaw werma with Full F Condim ments Shrak S Bread d, Garlic Mayonnaise, M , Pickles & Tomatoes Dess sert Corne er Black k Trifle Cak ke, Fresh Fruit F Displa ay Triple Cho ocolate Gatteau, Assorrted Fruit Tartlets T Assortted Arabic Pastries, P Crrème Caram mel Kun nafeh Statio on, Strawbe erry Mille feuille, fe Tiram misu Shots s Charlotte e Aux Fram mboise Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax BUFFE ET MEN NU B Brea ad Display y Fo occacia Bre ead, Ciabattta Bread, Olive O Bread d, Walnut Bread, B Fren nch Bread Arabic A Brea ad, Assorted d Bread Ro olls, Grissin ni Sticks Mezze eh & Salad ds Fattou ush, Tabbo ouleh, Mouh hammarah h, Hummus s, Mouttabb bel Griilled Vegeta able Platterr, Coleslaw Gre eek Salad, Green Bean Salad, Ro occa Salad with Parm masaen & Mushrooms M T Thai Beef Sa alad, Palme eto Salad Salad Bar with 3 Dre essings Assorted Olives & Pickles P Ho ot Mezzah Meat, Che eese & Spin nach Samb bousek & Ku ubbeh Griill Station F Fillet of Bee ef and Kofta a Kebab Roasted Potatoe es ed Vegetables Sautee Indiian Station n Chicken n Tikka Ma asala Fis sh Korma W White Rice Na aan Bread Served with w Condim ments Asia an Station n Live Stiir Fried Coo oking Chicken with w Cashe ew Nuts Serv ved with Frried Rice & Beef Noodlles Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax Pas sta Statio on Freshly y made Pas sta with 3 Different D Sa auces Penne, Fus silli & Farfa ale Pasta with Allfredo, Bolo ognese & Arabiatta Sa auces Shaw werma Stattion Chicken or o Beef Sha awerma with Full F Condim ments Shrak S Bread d, Garlic Mayonnaise, M , Pickles & Tomatoes Lamb Carving C Sta ation Whole W Roasted Lamb se erved on a Bed of Orie ental Rice Fallafel Statio on Live Fried Fala afel with Full F Condim ments Arabic Pita a Bread, Ta ahina Sauc ce, Pickles, Shatta, Tomatoes & Summac S Dess sert Corne er Black k Trifle Cak ke, Fresh Fruit F Displa ay Triple Cho ocolate Gate eaux, Assorrted Fruit Tartlets T Assortted Arabic Pastries, P Crrème Caram mel Kun nafeh Statio on, Strawberry Millefe euille, Tiram misu Shots s Charrlotte Aux Framboises F , Chocolate e & Strawberry Mouss se Chocolate C & Coffee Éclairs, Mint Chocolate C B Brownies Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax BUFFE ET MEN NU C Brea ad Display y Cerea al Bread, As ssorted Bre ead Rolls, Sun S Dried Tomato T Bread Ciabattta Bread, Olive O Bread,, French Brread Walnut Bread, Ara abic Bread, Grissini Stticks Mezze eh & Salad ds Hummus Be eirouti, Mou uttabbel, Ta abbouleh, Stuffed S Vin ne Leaves, Fattoush, F Grilled Arttichoke with h Pesto Be eef Thai Sallad, Tomato o Caprese Baba B Ghan noush, Kish hkeh, Turkiish Mouhhamarah German Potato Salad with Criispy Beef Bacon B Palmetto Salad, Mixed M Olives s, Greek Sa alad Shrimp Sa alad, Rocca a and Smok ked Salmon n Salad Sa alad Bar wiith 3 Dressiings, Assorrted Olives & Pickles Ho ot Mezzah Mini Musakkhan M n Rolls, Cheese, Meat & Spinach h Sambouss sek h & Spring rolls Kubbeh Asiian Station n Live Stirr Fried Coo oking Chicken with w Cashe ew Nuts Serv ved with Frried Rice & Beef Noodlles Shaw werma Stattion Chicken or o Beef Shaw werma with Full F Condim ments Shrak S Bread d, Garlic Mayonnaise, M , Pickles & Tomatoes Fallafel Statio on Live Fried F Falaffel with Full F Condim ments Arabic Pita a Bread, Ta ahina Sauc ce, Pickles, Shatta, Tomatoes & Summac S Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax Pas sta Statio on Freshly made Pastta with 3 Different Sau uces Penne, Fus silli & Farfa ale Pasta with Allfredo, Bolo ognese & Arabiatta Sa auces Griill Station F Fillet of Bee ef and Kofta a Kebab Roasted Potatoe es ed Vegetables Sautee Temp pura Statio on Chicken or o Shrimp Tempura T Liive Cooking g Station Serve ed with Soy y and Sweett Chilli Sau uces Carv ving Statio on Roaste ed Beef Ten nderloin an nd Chicken with 3 Diffferent Sauc ces Dess sert Corne er App ple Crumble e, Fresh Fru uit Display, Triple Cho ocolate Gatteau, Assorrted Fruit Tartlets T Assortted Arabic Pastries, P Crrème Caram mel Kun nafeh Statio on, Strawberry Millefe euille, Tiram misu Shots s Charrlotte Aux Framboises F , Chocolate e & Strawberry Mouss se Chocolate & Co offee Éclairrs, Sliced Sw weet and Water W Melon n Um m Ali, Mint Chocolate Brownies Choco olate Foun ntain o Seasonal Fresh Fruiit & Marshm mallow Ske ewers with a Selection of Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax Plea ase select from f the fo ollowing liv ve cooking g stations to add to your y menu u *These Items I are su ubject to add dictioanl cha arges Smoked d Salmon Station S Norwegia an Smoked Salmon served with horserradish Crea am, Lemon n Wedges, Capers C & Onions Shrrimp Statio on ain served with w Marina ara and Co ocktail Sauc ces Shrimp Founta Orien ntal BBQ Grill G Shish Taouk, Kebab, Sh hish Kebab s served with h all the Condiments W Wok Station n Live Sttir fried Coo oking beef sze echwan OR R chicken with w cashew w nuts served d with stir fried f vegeta ables & noo odles Tempura Statiion Chicken or o Shrimp Tempura T Liive Cooking g Station serve ed with Soy y and Sweett Chilli Sau uces Shaw werma Stattion Ch hicken or Beef B Shawerrma Station n with Full F Condim ments Shrak S Bread d, Garlic Mayonnaise, M , Pickles & Tomatoes Fallafel Statio on Live Fried Fala afel with Full F Condim ments Arabic Pita a Bread, Ta ahina Sauc ce, Pickles, Shatta, Tomatoes & Summac S Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax Saj Station Freshly y made Sajj with 3 diffferent stufffings Ha alloum che eese, Za'ater & Nutella a Pea alla Station Tra aditional Sp panish Paellla made wiith Chicken n, Fish Fille et Shrimp, Mussels M & Calamari C Carv ving Statio on Roaste ed Beef Ten nderloin an nd Chicken with 3 Diffferent Sauc ces Mex xican Station A Sellection of Quessadilla Q s and Fajitas Can ndy Statio on Towe er of Assorrted Candie es and Sweets Chocolate Fountain n Served with h a Selectio on of Seaso onal Fresh Fruit & Ma arshmallow w Skewers Ice cream Stattion Vanilla a, Chocoate e, Strawberrry & Mang go (Moevenp pick Ice-cre eam) I Internation nal Cheese e Station A Selection n of International Chee eses served d with Dried d Fruits, Crrackers & Grapes Prices P above aree subject to 10% % service charge ge and 16% gove vernment tax
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