St Mary’s West Horsley . PraYer aNd PraiSe l We pray for... - those unwell, including Len White in hospital & Doris in Lime Grove; Jeremy Lees; Jeremy Miles; Pam Bowley; Caroline Titford's mother, Stella - any difficult family situations - any of our children worried about school work - the protection & blessing for those who speak publicly about their Christian faith. - l We give thanks for- the successful Safari Supper! - Noah's Ark as it meets a genuine community need - Lent & the opportunity to reflect - so many material blessings we can also share! - CONTaCTS St Mary’s Church Office the Wheelhouse, 82 east lane, West Horsley, surrey Kt24 6lQ Noticeboard A new group is being launched for anyone interested in meeting to make music, informally, in worship of God. Please contact Simon Wellicome on 07966 272371 or [email protected] if you would like to come. The plan is to meet monthly on a Thursday (starting on 26th March) 7:30 to 9:30pm & for this group to be a space where people can enjoy making music outside the more formal Sunday services’ music structures. The hope is also for it to be a forum to introduce new worship music to our church & for people to renew/develop their musical skills, as well as to be part of the bridging structures between our two Sunday services that help pull us all together. The Electoral Roll is the Church of England's membership tool. So if you have joined the church over the last year & consider St Mary's to be your church, please complete an Electoral Roll Application Form, which you can pick up at both services during March or from the church office. Forms need to be returned to the office by Monday 30th March. PCC Nominations. At this year's APCM, we need to elect 3 new people to PCC (Parochial Church Council) - the overall leadership body within our church. Please pray for the right 3 people to serve in this next season of church life. If you are considering standing for PCC yourself, please contact the office to obtain an information sheet James has put together outlining what you need to think through & do, as well as a document outlining the PCC's current roles & responsibilities. Notes to self... Telephone 01483 281898 email: Rector James Porter 01483 286879 Children & Youth edd Cope 01483 808709 coPY deadliNe entries for next week’s newsletter by tuesday afternoon to [email protected] living, loving and serving with Jesus Services Next Week Traditional Morning Prayer Service at St Mary’s Church Speaker: James Porter 10.45am Contemporary Service with groups for 0-15yrs at East Horsley Village Hall Speaker: James Porter Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus West Horsley 9.00am Sunday 15th March 2015 Welcome to st Mary’s, particularly if you are visiting for the first time it’s great to see you! We hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have any questions about today’s service or would like further information, please ask a member of the church Welcome Team who greeted you at the door, or fill in a welcome card. Traditional Communion Service at St Mary’s Church Speaker: James Porter Readings: Matthew 6:19-24 1 Timothy 6:17-21 10.45am Contemporary Service & Baptism with groups for 0-15yrs at East Horsley Village Hall Speaker: James Porter Reading: 1 Timothy 6:17-21 WeekLY BiBLe VeRSe “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16 (NIV) Please do stay on for refreshments that are served after the service and use the opportunity to find out more about us. If we can help you in any way, we will. We look forward to meeting you. James & Katie Porter Sunday 22nd March 2015 9.00am Sl Mary’s Services Sunday 15th March 2015 God at Work: Money & Giving Mothering Sunday This year, the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will take place on Sunday 26th April at 3pm in St Mary's. Open 9-3 Mon/tue/thu/Fri. Closed Wed. [email protected] welcome a warm Children and Youth roots: Age 0 - reception construction Zone: Age 5-11 years (yr 1-6) id: Age 11-15 (yr 7-10) @ 10.45 i PCC nomination forms are up at both services from today until the APCM at the end of April. (See 'Noticeboard' section for further details). For further details contact the Parish office 01483 281898 Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus St Mary’s West Horsley diarY dateS... lthurs 26th March Worship Music Group (new) Simon Wellicome 07966 272371 [email protected] lSat 18th april West Horsley litter Pick Pamela Holt 283370 lSun 26th april St Mary’s aPcM 3pm lthurs 7th May Heart & Soul 7.30pm Quaich this Week today engage 7-9pm at The Copes tuesday 17th March Bible Teaching Group 9.45am WHVH and 7.45pm Glen Cottage, Cobham Way - studying The Beatitudes. All Welcome. Contact Jennifer 283878 Scrabble 2.00-3.45pm Wesley Room at The Methodist Church. Contact 281703 10am-Noon weekdays Wednesday 18th March Seated Dance exercise Class 10.15am West Horsley Village Hall Contact 281703 10am-Noon weekdays the core 7.30-9pm at The Copes Practical Support SAFARI SUPPER A huge thank you to all who supported this – organisers, hosts & participants. It was a really good evening & wonderful to meet up with so many different people. Ann Masset FUtUre eVeNtS thursday 19th March Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler group 10am The Wheelhouse Contact Katie 286879 Palm Sunday (29th March) – • 'Service for all-ages' at 10.30am in St Mary's Good Friday (3rd April) – • A short 'Open Air Service' at 10am at Station Parade (outside Quaich). Meeting Point 11.15am St Mary’s Church Service followed by Ploughman’s lunch • St Mary's will be open for quiet reflection and prayer between 11am - 1pm. Movement to Music 2.15-3pm The Wheelhouse Dance class followed by refreshments Easter Sunday (5th April) – • 'All-Age Celebration with communion' at 10.30am in St Mary's. Men’s Stuff Study/discussion 7.45pm at Phils house/Brian to lead on Intergrity and speaking truth HEART & SOUL please note that we are not meeting in April as our usual date of the first Thursday of the month falls so close to Easter and in the school holidays. Our next get together is therefore on Thursday May 7th – 7.30pm for 8pm start at Quaich coffee shop. Peter Davies is coming back to speak to us on "Biblical Womanhood in Today's World” and will be looking at the role of women according to the Bible. Fri 20th March Swimming club 6.15pm at Cranmore School Contact Janet 283746 l listings for all church activities are welcome: Please email [email protected] with any entries for the diary listings by tuesday afternoon. Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus • 'Family Easter Trail & Walkers' Cafe' from 2 - 4pm at St Mary's. Small Groups are central to our Church life. if you are interested in joining a small group please contact Phil & Lynda Hill on 01483 284093 in need of prayer? Please come to the front after the service, where our prayer ministry team would love to pray with you. For urgent prayer requests during the week, please contact Mary Mc Allister 282457 or Church Office 281898 to activate our prayer chain. On April 14 from 7:30pm. Churches Together in Bookham will host an open forum at the Bookham Baptist Church. 5 Mole Valley candidates will form a panel to reply to questions from local constituents. This will be a great opportunity to hear each of the candidates explain their policies and how they impact on the issues facing us in Mole Valley today. The local churches have come together to sponsor this event They are especially keen to hear answers to issues of social responsibility, justice and cohesion which affect our nation and our international relationships. It will be chaired by Revd Alan Jenkins, Rector of St Nicolas Church, Bookham Participants will be: Len Amos (Lab) Sir Paul Beresford (Con) Jacquetta Fewster (Green) Paul Kennedy (LD) Paul Oakley (UKIP) Time: 7:30pm for 8:00 pm Place: Bookham Baptist Church, Lower Road, Great Bookham If you would like further details and to suggest questions, contact: Ken Picknell [email protected] Elaine Crutchley [email protected] MONTHLY MiSSiON PARTNeR - salvation Army Mission Partner Committee Member - sylvia taylor the salvation Army Guildford supports families and Homeless. Continued prayer for Natasha Paul and linda and Mac. and all the homeless people that the salvation army reach . Continued prayer for Jean Prayer needed for future plans of the salvation Army building as they are considering building showers for their visitors “ What is God doing, or has done, in your life? Share it here. contact James/office with your tweet-sized quote - 140 characters max. coNFereNceS & SeMiNarS l Hillsong’s Colour Conference for women at Wembley with special guest speaker Joyce Meyer – Thursday April 30th (evening), Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2nd. Group booking rate of £110 until March 1st. See Sarah KhadkaLowe/office for info and group booking code details. l New Wine week one dates – 25 July to 1 August 2015 – Venue: Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet Living, Loving and Serving with Jesus
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