For Your Prayers As part of Churches Together in Hexham we pray for the people of St Mary’s R.C. Church and their Priest, Father Christopher Warren. Within Hexham Deanery we pray for the parishes of Allendale with Whitfield and Ninebanks and their Rector, Revd Jon Russell. Within our Diocese we pray for the Crown Nominations Commission working on finding the twelfth Bishop of Newcastle. At this time we especially pray for Bishop Frank White. Within our Parish we pray for the ministry and dedication of our Churchwardens and PCC Lay Chair and all who serve on Abbey committees. We pray for our world, especially for the situations in Syria, Northern Iraq, the Middle East and for all affected by the Ebola outbreak. For those who are unwell or who have asked for our prayers including, Karen Wells, Elizabeth Clarke, Ken Norton, Malcolm Hare, Edna O’Neil, Stan Batey, Joyce Christie, Alice Yates and Br Damian SSF. For those who have died remembering especially Eileen Robson, Beatrice Hollingsworth, Pauline Flannigan and all those who mourn. HEXHAM ABBEY The Priory and Parish Church of St Andrew Sunday 15th March Fourth Sunday of Lent – Mothering Sunday Welcome to the Abbey today as we gather for worship and fellowship. If you are visiting you are most welcome and we hope that you enjoy your time with us. If you are new in the Parish do complete one of the address cards in the pews. During communion all are welcome to come forward for bread and wine or a blessing – if for a blessing simply keep your head bowed. We do hope you can stay for refreshments in the South Transept after Parish Eucharist. Junior Church please join the opening procession and you will be guided to your group in the Priory Buildings. Sunday Tots (0-5) make your way to the Priory Buildings through the Cloister Porch door during the first hymn. TODAY'S SERVICES 8.30 am The Parish Centre Office is open Monday – Friday 10am-1pm. Tel 01434 602 031 10.00am Email: [email protected] Website: Administrator: Canon Dr Dagmar Winter Tel: 01434 604 580 (except Monday) Revd Michelle Dalliston Tel. 0191 281 6554 (except Monday) Revd Alan Currie Tel. 01434 607614 (except Saturday) Canon Frank Dexter Tel 01434 601759 Ken Newitt (394 352) Roger Milton and Douglas Vigor Marcus Wibberley (602 031) Andrew Wyatt Sally McRobie Volunteer & Events Manager: Jane Musto (611 904) Rector: Interim Minister: Assistant Priest: Retired Clergy Contact: Reader: Readers Emeriti: Director of Music: Assistant Organist: Finance Officer: Vergers: Education & Community Officer: Hexham Abbey PCC: Parish Visiting: Hexham Abbey Heritage Trading Ltd (HAHTL) Reader: Intercessor: Setting: Motet: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bible: 6.30pm Lay Chair of the PCC: Canon Gill Alexander Churchwardens: Paul Binks, Fiona Finnon, Fiona Kelsey, Helen Milner, Chris Wilson PCC Hon. Treasurer: Susan Robson PCC Secretary: Michelle Mackie Fiona Kelsey (600 372) Shop Manager: Hugh Fearnall Café Manager: Sally Oliver Business Manager: Clare Daltry (611 908) Sue Snow Mike Rowarth Briggs Truro Eucharist Rutter The Lord bless you and keep you Bach Toccata and Fugue in F major, BWV 540 528, 138, 523, 612 Num 21:4-9 page145 John 3:14-21 page 90 Choral Evensong Officiant: Dagmar Winter Preacher: Alan Currie Reader: Canticles: Anthem: Voluntary: Hymns: Pew Bible: Rachel Ogilvie Derek Iles & Austin Winstanley (607 090) Toni Bush (611 905) Holy Communion President & Dagmar Winter Preacher: Parish Eucharist President: Alan Currie Preacher: Dagmar Winter Hedley Everett Wood in E flat no 2 Brahms Geistliches Lied Alain Litanies, JA 119 325, 307 Exodus 6:2-13 page54 Rom 5:1-11 page 151 NEXT SUNDAY'S SERVICES 22nd March – 5th Sunday of Lent 8.30 am 10:00am Holy Communion President: Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Ken Newitt Parish Eucharist President Michelle Dalliston Preacher Ken Newitt Reader: Intercessor: 6.30pm Wendy Nott Nora Horne Choral Evensong Officiant & Michelle Dalliston Preacher: Reader: Richard Dance At Hexham Abbey we have a vision of a world in which God’s love is enjoyed, celebrated and shared. Services, Meetings and Events in the Abbey the week beginning 16.03.15 Parish Notices Monday 16th March Temporary Closure - Please note that the Refectory 9.00am Morning Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to start the day 9-12.30 5.00pm 7.30pm Schools Easter Pilgrimage Day Evening Prayer - A reflective 20 minute service to end the day. Contemplative Prayer Group – Lent Series Tuesday 17th March 9.00am 9-3pm 12.00pm 5.00pm Morning Prayer Schools Easter Pilgrimage Day Holy Communion (Stephen Pedley) *St Wilfrid’s Chapel Evening Prayer Wednesday 18th March 9.00am 9.30am 10.15am Morning Prayer Holy Communion (Dagmar Winter) Tots’ Praise – Songs, stories and fun for babies, toddlers and pre-school children and their carers. 6.30pm 7.00pm Choral Evensong Hradec Quartet – The Great Hall Café will be closed on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th March, whilst changes are made to the its main entrance. The Refectory will re-open at its normal time on Wednesday 25th March. Apologies for any inconvenience. 'Not the Sunday Lunch' – Continues today!! See poster and flyers for details. Priory Buildings from 12 – 1.45pm Everyone is welcome! Why not come straight after coffee today! And why not try Poetry for Lent?- meet with Michelle in the Allendale Room at the Refectory Café at 12.30pm on Fridays, for informal discussion over coffee and lunch based on Janet Morley’s ‘The Heart’s Time’ – a poem a day for Lent and Easter. Christian Aid Week – 10-16th May 2015. Frank Riley (601 649) is still looking for one more person to help with the organisation this year. Thursday 19th March Garden Days – Sheila Dance (607 335) and Fiona 9.00am 9.30am Finnon (601 347) are looking for initial expressions of interest in setting up an Open Gardens day to raise money for the monastic herb garden. Definitely not RHS – more a cup of tea and a supportive chat about the pros and cons of Buddleia in a small garden, or how to keep the slugs off your hostas! If you would be willing to ‘host’ in your garden, help with organisation or even just have an interest, please contact either Sheila or Fiona. Morning Prayer Prayer Group – Treasury a group that prays the petitions left at the Prayer Board. Fish, 601 142 10.30am 6.30pm Contact: Elizabeth Holy Communion (Jean Mayland) Choral Evensong Friday 20th March 9.00am 12.30pm 5.00pm 8.00pm Morning Prayer Lent Poetry Lunch – Allendale Room Evening Prayer Friday Zone – Sleepover in the Abbey st Saturday 21 March 9.00am 5.00pm Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Sung Responses to the Gospel Contemplative Prayer Group – Continues this week in St Wilfrid’s Chapel at 7.30pm. No experience necessary, and all welcome. Please meet at the Slype door at 7.15pm. Please contact Toby Quibell ([email protected]) for more information, or simply arrive. We would love to see you there. ‘Perspectives’ Men’s Breakfast - Saturday 28th March, 8.30-10am at Vallum Farm tea room. Speaker: Steve Cooper, founder of the charity ‘Cry in the Dark’, which works with children in Romania. More information at Confirmation - If you are interested in exploring confirmation, please contact Michelle or Dagmar; or come to an informal gathering in church after the 10am nd service on Sunday 22 March. Be a Chorister for a Day - Could your son or Bach Lent Series – We continue our Lenten exploration of the organ music of J S Bach (1685-1750) today with his monumental Toccata and Fugue in F major, BWV 540. The Toccata is the grandest of all of his toccatas and features two extended pedal solos. Bach signs his name in the music a number of times with the notes B-A-C-H. The Fugue is a double fugue, with two expositions featuring material that is later combined together ingeniously. The piece was written in 1713 for the organ of the Augustusburg, Weissenfels, to celebrate its unusually long keyboard and pedalboard compasses. daughter be a chorister in the Abbey Choir? If they enjoy singing they should come and try for themselves during the afternoon of Sunday 29th March! Contact Marcus Wibberley (Director of Music) for further details. Mothers’ Union Prayer Loving Lord, we thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world. Bless the work of the Mothers' Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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