SAINT MONICA PARISH SAINT EDMOND CHURCH SAINT MONICA CHURCH MARCH 15, 2015 _______________ Philadelphia, PA 19145 REVEREND JOSEPH KELLEY Pastor MOST REVEREND LOUIS A. DE SIMONE, D.D. Pastor Emeritus – St. Monica ASSOCIATES Rev. Richard Smith Deacon Leonard D. DeMasi Director of Religious Education Deacon James Stewart Business Manager Sister, Servants of the I. H. M. Sr. Kathleen White, I.H.M. Pastoral Services Ms. Bonney Dos Santos Director Elder Care Services Miss Barbara Inforzato Principal Sr. Rosemary Peterson, I. H. M. Early Learning Center PHONES Mark Louis, Photography, 215-467-2607 Parish: 215-334-4170 Schools: 215-467-5338 (Senior) 215-334-3777 (Junior) Early Learning Center: 215-3346001 Religious Education: 215-334-1659 Elder Care Services: 215-334-0285 Pastoral Services: 215-334-0286 Convent: 215-334-0745 St. Edmond Office: 215-334-3755 MASS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM- St. Edmond 5:00 – St. Monica Sundays: St. Edmond – 10:00 St. Monica: 7, 8:30, 10& 11:30 AM, & 5 PM Eve of Holy Days: St. Monica 7 PM Holy Days: St. Edmond: 8 AM & 7 PM St. Monica: 6:30, 8:30 & 10 AM, & 7 PM Daily Mass: St. Edmond – 8:00 AM St. Monica – 6:30 & 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS St. Edmond’s: 1st Saturday after 1st Friday - 3:30-4:15 St. Monica’s all other Saturdays - 3:30-4:15; Thursdays before First Friday 4-5 PM. 4th SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 15, 2015 “NO ONE IS FAR FROM GOD” - St. Monica +Mass Schedule for the Week+ 4th SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday— March 15, 2015 7:00 a.m. For the People 8:30 a.m. Jane Quigley 10:00 a.m. Ann & Michael Mignogno **10:00 a.m. Charles & Anna Foti 11:30 a.m. Salvatore Parto 5:00 p.m. Michael Leone Monday—Mar. 16 6:30 a.m. Jack & Cass Jordan **8:00 a.m. Carmela Arico 8:30 a.m. Giuseppina Alli & Giuseppe Ieraei Tuesday—Mar. 17 6:30 a.m. Mary Raducci **8:00 a.m. Sanctuary Society & Giving Tree 8:30 a.m. James & Elizabeth Grugan Wednesday—Mar. 18 6:30 a.m. Mary De Masi **8:00 a.m. Deceased Members Persico & Stalfieri Families 8:30 a.m. Deceased Members Del Casale Fam. Thursday-Mar. 19 6:30 a.m. Tommaso & Rosaria Bucco **8:00 a.m. Alex Bonavitacola (8th Anniv.) 8:30 a.m. Vincent Rotolo (Birthday) Friday—Mar. 20 6:30 a.m. Irene Cauacini **8:00 a.m. Raffaele Giacomucci & Fam. 8:30 a.m. Betoni Family Saturday—Mar. 21 8:30 a.m. Ida Bolognese **4:30 p.m. Vigil Lillian & Jesse D’Orazio SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Barring any unforeseen changes, the Mass schedule for next Saturday, Mar. 21 & Sunday March 22 will be: **4:30 p.m. Vigil 5:00 p.m. Vigil 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. **10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Fr. Smith Fr. Kelley Fr. Smith Fr. Tumosa Fr. Kelley Fr. Smith Fr. Kelley Fr. Tom Saint Monica Hosts & Wine Upper Church Justina Palange ….from Carol Palange & Lord Family Hosts & Wine Lower Church Joseph Arrera ...from The Family Sanctuary Lamps Upper Church Julia & John Kelly ...from Maureen Salvatore Palange, Jr. ...from Carol Palange & Lord Family Sanctuary Lamps Lower Church Gussie Ciserni (1 yr. Anniv.) ...from Dolly Anthony Piccone ...from Marie & Grandchildren St. Edmond Candles-Blessed Mother: Lena Guarnere (1 yr. Anniv.) ...Mikki Capo Edward Zarro (1st Anniv.) ...from Lou & Lucy Belcastro 155-2 SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 4th Sunday of Lent 1) 2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23 2) Ephesians 2:4-10 3) John 3:14-21 FOCUS: We are a people saved from eternal death and brought to new life by Jesus. God has great mercy and deep love for us. Out of this love, God sent his son, Jesus, to redeem us by his blood, offering us the hope of eternal life. Our rescue from sin and death is sheer grace. this great gift from God merits a response of gratitude and a life of faith and good works. LITURGY OF THE WORD In the first reading, the chosen people of God are free to return to Israel. In Ephesians we hear of God’s rich mercy. Jesus teaches in the Gospel that God sent him as a sacrifice to save us. He compares his being lifted up on the cross to the bronze serpent lifted by Moses to heal the Israelites. HOLY THURSDAY ADORATION SCHEDULE 8:00—9:00 Senior Citizens, Ushers & Sodality (All Present) 9:00—10:00 Pro-Life, Lectors, Home & School, & GEMs 10:00—11:00 Holy Name, Ems & St. Vincent de Paul 11:00—12:00 Father & Sons & CYO Awesome News Saint Monica School Excels Saint Monica School is rated among the top 5 Archdiocesan Schools and merited a perfect score of 10 out of 10 criteria as noted by Greater Philly All schools public, parochial, charter and private schools are assessed and the results are posted. We are most proud and grateful to our Administration, faculty and staff for their tireless dedication on behalf of our students. We are especially proud and commend our students for their drive and determination to succeed. To our dedicated and concerned parents, please know that the many sacrifices you make to provide your children with a sound God centered education with high academic and moral standards is a testament to you and an investment in their future. It is a gift that will keep on giving for a lifetime. Congratulations, Best Wishes and God’s Blessings to all. Keep our tradition alive 107 years strong and still “The Pride of South Philly”. The Annual Archdiocesan Mass Honoring the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities, The Deaf Community, Family, Friends & Caregivers is Sat., March 21, at 10:30 am at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter & Paul at 18th & Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., will be principal celebrant & homilist. We encourage parish participation, individuals, & parish groups to attend and/or volunteer in assisting with aspects of the Mass & reception. There will be a light reception immediately following the Mass. ALL ARE WELCOME. To RSVP go to, email [email protected] or call the Office Stella Maris Church ...a note from Bernadette Di Matteo... Please join us to pray the Rosary on Sat. March 21 at 12:00 noon. In honor of St.. Joseph’s Day, we will pray for families. We will pray by the gate in front of the alcove with the image of our Blessed Mother at 10th & Bigler Streets. 155-3 Stations of the Cross The Stations of the Cross will be held on Wednesday at 1:30 PM and 7 PM in St. Monica Church and at 3 PM in St. Edmond Rectory Chapel. Please make an effort to pray this Lenten devotion. Pray for the Sick Please keep all our sick loved ones in your daily prayers: Winnie Spencer Barattini, Loretta Cicirello, Donald Celia, Linda & Velia Brill, Marie Lippre, Rita Fortino, Michael Del Buono, Patricia Cianciarulo, Rita Canulli, Anna Ruggiero, Derek & Bernadette Pignola. Lenora Cuccinello, Kathleen Whithead, Dorothy Lengetti, Russell De Santo, Robin Twaddell, Loretta Melchiore, Joseph Celia, Salvatore Fortino, Louis Menna IV, Edward Peterson, Francine Baiocco, Marie Cinalli, Domenica Rotolo, Roseann Haggerty, Francis Santore, Mark Anthony Melchiore Jr., Danny Pignula, Marie Di Donato, Angelina Gallo, Joseph Cavallaro, Baby Jonathan Loke, Frances Cunicelli, Michael Smith, Scarlett Smith, Patricia Smith, Virginia & Bob Hayes, Eleanor Natale, Matthew Wallowitch, Dorothy Sarandrea, Baby Katie Lynn Rossi, Bobby Bright, Clara Cain, Therese Kisielius, Joseph Giuffre, Michele Rinick, Margaret Muldowney, Ramon Pastor, Richard Gildea, Val Bivens, Lucille Bonelli, Josephine Primiano, Louis Menna, Brian Webb, Patricia Rosato, Celeste Leto, Joseph Fucci, Natalie Palumbo, Joe Cannuli, Felix DiPadova, Diana DiPadova. Joshua DiPadova, Linda Tenuto, Dolores DeMarco, Josephine Pasquarelli, Anthony Orlando, Elaine Tumetty, Rita Giordano, Jennie Vitale, Mary Jane Brydges, Ralph Berarducci, Virginia Rago, James Young, Renee Gentile ,George Favuzzi, Terry Frangelli, Marion Scaltrito, Eric Gallo Marion Veltri If you know of anyone who should be added or removed from this list, please call the Rectory. Operation Rice Bowl Once again our parish will participate in Operation Rice Bowl. We are encouraged to skip a meal or a few snacks each week in solidarity with the poor and then place the monies saved in the rice bowl and return it to church each week in the large rice bowl in front of St. Joseph. Please help to make a difference this Lent which will benefit others as well as ourselves. St. Edmond Lottery Date # Amt. Winner Seller 3/1 SEE NEXT WEEK Tickets are $10.00 monthly. Winning numbers based on the PA. Daily Evening Number. Weekdays pay $100 / Saturday wins pays $500. Call Rectories for tickets. St. Jude Shop …. will be open on Wednesdays, Fridays 11 –5, Saturdays 11 am to 3 pm & Sundays 7:30 am to 1pm 215-389-7694 St. Patrick—St. Joseph Dinner Tues., March 17—6 PM Galdo’s Catering, 20th & Moyamensing. Buffet Dinner, Cash Bar, Dessert, Dancing (Music by DJ Phil DiAntonio. $30 per person. Please call with reservations ASAP: Lion Barbara Ricci— 215-336-3932 Annual Energy Collection Envelopes for the Annual Energy Collection are being mailed to your homes. This collection helps us to defray some of the extraordinary expenses of the winter season. You can imagine the bills we receive for the heating of 2 churches, 2 schools, 2 rectories & a convent. Your generosity & faithfulness to your parish is admirable. We are requesting a donation of $25.00 or more. Please feel free to give as your means permit. Aged, Shut-ins & Hospitalized: Please notify the Rectory regarding homebound, sick or hospitalized relatives, friends & neighbors. The sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing are our joy & privilege to administer. Poor Boxes Please Remember our local Poor & needy by dropping a donation in the poor boxes. Every little donation helps the St. Vincent de Paul Society minister to those in need. St. Vincent de Paul said “The poor box is the bread box of the poor”. 155-4 8th WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES Save the Date: September 22-27, 2015… Theme: “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” Thousands from around the world will visit for this international event. Speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, & prayer, all of which will bring renewal & transformation for you, your loved ones, & the world. You can open your home & host a family! It is easy to sign up online. Be a part of this historic event & learn more & register on “Register” page at: or E-mail us at [email protected] Learn how to prepare your parish, get involved, or get your copy of the official Catechesis. You can text “World” to 51555 for updates or text: “Pray” to 80888 with your prayer intentions to make a $10 donation. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015” & Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015. Registration is now open! Prayer for the World Meeting of Families Please pray this prayer before all parish Masses and before parish meetings and events. This prayer is not prayed during Mass. God and Father of us all, In Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love Help our families In every part of the world Be united to one another In fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, With the aid of your Holy Spirit, Guide all families, especially those most troubled, To be homes of communion and prayer And to always seek your truth and live in your love. Retreat to St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton Shrine On April 21st, St. Monica’s Sodality will be sponsoring a retreat to St. Elizabeth Anne Seaton Shrine & The National Shrine Grotto of Lourdes in Maryland. The cost is $65 per person. We will be departing at 7 am from the Senior School located at 16th & Porter. Limited parking will be available in the school parking lot. Please fill out the form below & return it to Fr. Smith with your payment no later than April 12th. Name _________________________________ Phone#: _______________________________ St. Edmond Spring Red Cross blood drive will be on Wed. April 15 from 2 to 7 pm. Volunteers are needed before & that day. Please leave your name & number at the Rectory if you can help. Save the Dates… April 25th…. ”HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD” Fund Raiser sponsored by St. Edmond Choir. ...Walk the Red Carpet… Details to follow __________________________________________ Wed., May 20….come join St. Monica Seniors to see “RESPECT”, at Penns Landing Playhouse. Show is 2 pm. Old fashion trolley leaves 16th & Porter at 1 pm & returns 5 pm. Price $61 (includes transportation, driver tip & show). Call Lucy DiLisi at 215-389-8049. Back by Popular Demand…VILLA ROMA (CATSKILLS) Nov. 30 to Dec. 4, 2015. All inclusive Resort. For details call Lucy at 215-389-8049 155-5 MINISTRY SCHEDULE The Ministry Assignments for March 21 & March 22 are as follows: LECTORS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Sat., March 21 5 PM B. Quici T. Landy, B. Quici, S. Berns Sun., March 22 7 am 8:30 am 10 am 11:30 am 5 PM M. Mazzotta D. Siciliano Joe Pooler M. Starr K. Seppy M. Sandefur, Joe DiNic J. Pooler, T. Pooler, P. McAllister K. Dougherty, A. Carroll, M. Starr M. Carfagno, L. Carfagno, J. Baker ALTAR SERVERS The Altar Server assignments for the March 14 & March 15 are: Sat., March 21 5 pm Richard Torelli, Maria Torelli, Rebecca Fanelli Sun., March 22 7 am 8:30 am 10 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm Sacristan Jaclyn Berry, Marissa Ferrante, Isabella Fuscillaro Quynh Bui, Tiffany Bui, Lorena Mangan Dillon Duffy, Riely Duffy, Grace DiDomenico Nicholas Moore, Stephen Moore, Joseph Nacchio Please Note: You serve an important part in the liturgy and we are grateful for your service to the parish and to the Lord. If you are unable to keep your assignment please get a replacement. Many thanks. Easter Flower Sale—Sat. & Sun. 3/28 & 29 St. Monica’s 8th grade class will be swelling Easter Flowers. Come out & support the 8th grade class ! BULLETIN REQUESTS…..please include your name & phone #, so that we may contact you if necessary. We will not complete your requests without contact info. Also, try to keep these notices as short as possible, but include necessary info. Keep in mind, we may not always have room for your requests & they cannot be kept in longer than 1 or 2 weeks. Church notices & events are first & then, with approval, your article may appear. All requests must be in by MONDAY. You can drop them off at Rectory or email me at St. Monica’s [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation, Janet Vendors: to advertise in the Bulletin please call Bob Arnold at John Patrick Publishing: 800-333-3166 ext. 146, or cell 856-840-5582 St. Monica’s 8th grade class is hosting a White Elephant Sale—Sat. Mar. 22 8 am to 1 pm—Junior School Cafeteria. Proceeds benefit this year’s graduating class. For sale: housewares, tools, decorations, electronics & more. If you would like to donate items for sale-we’d appreciate it. Any questions call Yvonne 215-266-0578 or Karen 215-605-0169. Coaching Position Available at Little Flower Catholic H.S. for Girls …..Track & Field Coach position available. All interested mail a resume to Mr. Adam Buchter, Athletic Director, Little Flower Catholic H.S. for Schools, 1000 W. Lycoming St., Phila., PA 19140. Any questions call Maureen Kerr at 215-455-6900, Ext. 162. Janet at St. Monica: [email protected] St. Monica FAX#: 215-389-6045 155-6 Board Certified - Family Practice FOOT SPECIALIST HOUSE CALLS 215-755-7566 Leonardo Realty PA Lic. #006806 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 215-427-1727 ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning • Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 (215) 334-2550 New Roofs • Repairs • Coating S/C Discount 215-423-9663 Petals Florist RITNER HARDWARE FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Wedding • Parties • Funerals 17th & Porter 1641 Ritner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145 Paints • Electrical • Plumbing House Furnishings • Keys Made, Locksmith Screens & Windows Repaired 215-334-3400 215-334-3220 • L ic e n s Pizzeria Pesto Monday thru Saturday RICHIE HAMMOND ROOFING Appraisals • Real Estate Residential • Commercial Free Francis Leonardo - Broker/Appraiser Office 215-389-7944 • Cell 215-356-8597 Estimates 2136 S. 16th St., Phila., PA 19145 JEFCO Since 1950 Windows • AWNINGS • Doors For Your Home or Business Distinctive Doors & Windows Drapes • Shades • Blinds FREE ESTIMATES 2715 S. Front St., Phila. All Patients Welcome Affiliated with Methodist, Jefferson and neighborhood hospitals. House Calls. Call For Info 1641 Jackson St., Philadelphia, PA 1713 Ritner St., Phila., PA ed & In Tony 215-334-4927 Anthony R PLUMBE LEUZZI Sr. Parishioner ed Licensed & Insured Dr. Adam Ellis RICHARD F. SPEZIALE, D.P.M. ur FREE INSPECTION s Eat In • Take Out • Delivery FREE Small Cheese Pizza with purchase of any Large Pizza ICES BY PLUMBING SERV WITH COUPON 1925 S. Broad 215-271-6840 MARK ING NEEDS! L YOUR PLUMB AL 215-389-7291 • [email protected] 215-755-1500 Online Mortgage Applications! Member FDIC PACKER PARK COURT 19th & Hartranft St. PA TDD/TTY # 800.654.5988 ©2013 Kindred Healthcare Operating, Inc. 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Bravette, M.D. 1722 Oregon Ave Phila, PA 19145 215.339.9929 Bring Coupon to receive $1.00 off purchase of $10.00 or more 1809 - 13 Oregon Avenue 215-389-3890 Pasquale F. Nestico, M.D. conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 1809 - 13 Oregon Avenue 2nd Floor 215-465-3435 Howard Rosner, D.O. Romano Construction LLC Specializing in Complete Home Renovations Carpentry, Flooring & Tile, Kitchens & Bathrooms, all Masonry & Brickwork Fully Licensed & Insured in PA & NJ • FREE ESTIMATES 215-463-2315 • [email protected] “Your New Dental Home” AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS 215.587.5650 Family, Pediatric, Cosmetic & Sleep Dentistry Accepting most insurance including CHIP and Medicaid 155 St. Monica, Philadelphia, PA (Rt. C) INSIDE 48 Snyder Avenue, Snyder Plaza South, Philadelphia, PA, 19148 (215) 554-6830 John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 • Handicapped Accessible Vincent Gangemi Funeral Home, Inc. VINCENT C. GANGEMI, JR. Supervisor 2232-40 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145 (215) 467-3838 • Fax: (215) 551-4247 JAMES L. GUERCIO Funeral Director VINCENT GANGEMI Founder LOUIS’ TAG AGENCY INSTANT TAGS • INSURANCE / NOTARY • FAX SERVICE TRUCKS / BOATS • MOTORCYCLES • TRAILERS 1601 Packer Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19145 215/389-3011 ONLINE SERVICE Fax: 215/389-3013 GRASSO Funeral Home & Cremation Services Raymond E. Grasso • Buddy Dougherty Funeral Directors 215.462.2889 The Petal Pusher FLORIST PASQUARELLO Plumbing & Heating Hot Water Heaters • Faucets • Toilets • Water Lines • Soil Lines Serving the Community Since 1969 2515 S. 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Oregon Ave 10:30am - 11:00pm (215) 334-PIZZA (7499) ALL TYPES OF ROOFS 215-634-6666 Senior Discounts STOLFO FUNERAL HOME 2536-38 SOUTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19145 (215) 334-7376 DAD’S SStuffing BUTCHER PREPARED FOOD & CATERING 1615 W. Ritner St., Phila., PA 19145 215-334-1934 Featuring “Carmen & Annette’s” Specialties! Carto Funeral Home Inc. 2212-2214 S. Broad St. • Philadelphia 215-465-9577 NEWLY RENOVATED!!! Family Owned and Operated Since 1952 Amenities... • Featuring Ground Level Entrance • Elevator Station For Handicap Accessibility • Pre-Arranged & Pre-Paid Funerals • Video Screens For Displaying Decedent Photos &/Or Video Tapes • Child Care Center • Y.M.S. Casket & Vault Selection Room Nunzio Carto Jr., Funeral Director President & Supervisor Natalie Elise Guercio Business Development Office Manager 15th & Shunk Sts. Ph: 215-467-8553 F: 215-467-8511 Breyer’s Ice Cream, Sandwiches, Salads & More! Kevin J. Kelley, Agent New York Life Insurance Company 555 E. City Avenue Suite 800 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Bus. 610-617-4469 • Cel. 215 327-2196 Fax 610 664-7270 [email protected] Rosaries From Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” The Company You Keep® Life Insurance Retirement Planning Long Term Care Insurance 401K Rollover Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuity Issued by New York Life and Annuity Corporation. Guarantees are dependent upon the claims paying ability of the insurer If interested Call: Fr. Kelley’s brother, Kevin Kelley at 215-327-2196 155 St. Monica, Philadelphia, PA (Rt. C) BACK 1215 MAIN STREET, UNIT 122 TEWKSBURY, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Mention this ad and receive a free key-chain with your order John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 •
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