ST. JOHN NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH 633 SAINT JOHN COURT • KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37934 PHONE: (865) 966-4540 • FAX: (865) 675-6815 • The mission of St. John Neumann parish is to build up the Kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the proclamation of the Good News and in the evangelical service that flows from it. PASTOR Rev. Monsignor G. Patrick Garrity, V.E. FULLFULL-TIME ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Michael Maples PART--TIME PART ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Christopher Manning DEACONS PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Donald Amelse, MPS (865) 719-9660 Marquis Syler (865) 986-8132 Jim Lawson (865) 363-3779 Sister Restituta Nyinoweitu (865) 777-4319 [email protected] WELCOME VISITORS! We extend a special welcome to our visitors and guests. If you are new to the parish and have questions about our parish community, the SJN Welcoming Committee invites you to contact Jane at 675-3930 or [email protected]. Registration packets are available in the parish office. Registered parishioners are asked to notify the office of any changes in contact information. MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays 4:30 pm Sundays 8:30 am, 10:30 am (choir), 6:00 pm See inside for Daily and/or Holy Day Mass Schedule RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Sunday 9:40 - 10:20 am (Grades K - 5) Wednesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm (Grades 6 - 10) RCIA: Wednesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm RITE OF RECONCILIATION Wednesdays 5:00 - 5:50 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mondays 1:30 - 4:30 pm Saturdays 3:00 - 4:20 pm Tuesdays - Fridays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm And by appointment FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT + WEEK OF MARCH 15, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Office E-mail: [email protected] Announcement Deadlines Bulletin: Mondays, 8:00 am (Flyers may be submitted for the 2nd weekend of the month.) All submissions must be via e-mail. Ambo: Fridays, 8:00 am Prayer Chain: Renee Hamilton, [email protected] High School Youth Ministry meets every Sunday evening after the 6 pm Mass until 9:30 pm in Seton Hall. All youth in grades 8 -12 are invited to attend! Coming into the Catholic Church Are you interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Questions or concerns? Wondering how to become a Catholic? If so, please contact Sr. Elizabeth, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator. Altar Flowers If you are interested in donating flowers on the altar for the weekend Masses, please see the sign-up book in the narthex. Once you have decided on a weekend, please contact Myra Fancher to discuss arrangement and payment. Sunday, March 15 8:30 am † Merlin & Lillian Pollock 10:30 am † Mary McIntee 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann Monday, March 16 8:10 am † Emily Byrkit Tuesday, March 17 7:00 am † Linda Swift 8:10 am *No Mass (SJNCS Spring Break)* Wednesday, March 18 Noon † John Pittman 6:00 pm † Joseph Kaiser Thursday, March 19 7:00 am Donald Nicholson 8:10 am *No Mass (SJNCS Spring Break)* Saturday, March 21 4:30 pm Sr. Angela Niko March 8, 2015 Church Operation Debt Reduction Last Week Offertory $ 20,988 $ 2,271 Weekly Offertory Budget $ 22,680 $ 7,634 Year to Date Actual $ 781,929 $ 121,534 Year to Date Budget $ 816,480 $ 274,824 YTD Surplus (Deficit) $ (34,551) $ (153,290) Home Campaign Results Total Pledged(Final Adjusted Total): $ 1,862,260 Amount Received to Date: $ 294,590 Serve God With Loving Hearts, Joyfully Embrace Our Christian Faith, Nurture Individual and Academic Excellence Saint John Neumann Catholic School 625 St. John Court Knoxville, TN 37934 Phone: (865) 777-0077 Fax: (865) 777-0087 Saturday, March 14 4:30 pm Jurita Nyamutindirwa Friday, March 20 8:10 am School children of St. John Neumann Financial Stewardship St John Neumann Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Collection Mass Intentions Principal Bill Derbyshire Assistant Principal Mary Sue Kosky Our parish school enrolls students from Pre-school to the 8th grade. Before and after care is available for students. Please contact the school office for further information. Sunday, March 22 8:30 am † Dan Olson 10:30 am † James & Maxine Haines 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann † Repose of the soul PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “Let us confidently approach the throne of grace for mercy and to find help and favor in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) Packets explaining Eucharistic Adoration are available. Contact Anita Gouge (966-9504 or [email protected]) or Sue Conway, Evening Division Leader (966-1736) for more information. TIMES TO BE FILLED Monday: Midnight - 1:00 am Monday: 1:00 - 2:00 am Thursday: 2:00 - 3:00 am Friday: 2:00 - 3:00 am Saturday: 12:00 - 1:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 - 12:00 pm Sunday: 4:00 - 5:00 am Sponsor of the Week Please Pray for the Sick in Our Parish Listed are the names of the parishioners we are praying for at Mass. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Larry Edwards Jim Froula, Sr. Sarah Holmes Vann Johnston, Sr. Stations of the Cross begin at 6 pm every Friday during Lent, followed by the Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner in the school cafeteria. PARISH STAFF Family & Parish Life Grades K-12 Faith Formation Marilyn Derbyshire 777-4312 [email protected] Adult Faith Formation Sr. Elizabeth Wanyoike 777-4313 [email protected] Business Manager Ellie Sanchez-Valencia 777-4311 [email protected] Secretary Mary Hearnsberger [email protected] Administrative Assistant Lilia Walker, 777-4316 [email protected] Music Coordinator Choir Director Jonathan Leichman [email protected] Contemporary Ensemble Kay Marie Hodge, 712-1707 Youth Ministry Al Forsythe [email protected] Facilities Manager Harry Schukman [email protected] COUNCIL 8781 Doug Varga, Varga Grand Knight Don Schreyer, Schreyer Deputy Grand Knight Stuart Lewis, Lewis Financial Secretary Please visit us at: Do you laugh because I tell you that you have a ‘vocation to marriage?’ Well, you have just that—a vocation. Commend yourself to Saint Raphael that he may keep you pure, as he did Tobias, until the end of the way. (St. Josemaría Escrivá) In Sympathy Please remember in your prayers the soul of Vincent Patrick Ellis, husband of Peggy Ellis and parishioner of SJN, who passed away on March 4. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Save the Date! SJN Easter Egg Hunt April 4! NEW LENTEN BANNERS The Art and Environment Committee under the direction of Monsignor Garrity commissioned a new set of Lenten banners to be designed and made for St. John Neumann Church. Thanks to Classic Alterations and Monograms for carefully and thoughtfully executing our designs and to members of the committee for creating the banners from first pencil stroke to final knot. The committee wants to share with the parish the meanings of the new banner symbols. Thanks to the parish for its always generous support of time, talent, and treasure. CHALICE AND BREAD These images represent the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus during His final Passover feast with His assembled Apostles in Jerusalem. With the communal cup of wine and unleavened bread the feast of Holy Thursday connects the ancient Passover of Moses and the Israelites to the New Covenant of Jesus and to the Mass we celebrate and participate in today. ST. GERARD PRAYER MINISTRY St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers and motherhood. If you are an expectant mother and would like to have a member of our parish pray for you and your baby, or if you are having difficulty conceiving a child and would like prayers, you are invited to be part of the St. Gerard Prayer Ministry. Parishioners who are willing to pray for these women are invited to be a part of this ministry also. Please contact Bri at (843) 469-3552 or [email protected] if you would like to receive prayers or if you will volunteer to pray. JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL EVENT! “ILLUSIONS OF THE MAGI” Wonders for the Mind and Truth for the Soul The private thoughts and mystical revelations of “Mirgo the Magician” are dramatized in this one man play. Suitable for the whole family and true to the teaching of the Catholic Church; magician David Russell entertains and evangelizes in this unique presentation to benefit the poor through the charitable work of St. Vincent De Paul. MARCH 25 AT 7:00 PM St. John Neumann School Gymnasium Activities & Events for the Ladies of St. John Neumann All Ladies of St. John Neumann are automatic members of the Women’s Club! Please note in your Smartphone, iPad, iPod, or Datebook these upcoming SJN Women’s Club events and activities. Hope to see you at an event soon! The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Psalm 23:1-3 March 26 Save these Dates! Stch? Knit? Crochet? Needlework? Bring whatever you’re working on and join us for a me of fellowship every 4th Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in Seton Hall. Our first gathering will be Thursday, March 26th. Coffee & tea will be provided. Don’t do needle & thread cra/ing? Come anyway. All are welcome. For more info, email Andrea Russell [email protected]. Coming The Women’s Club 4th Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show is April 18th! Just as last year you can expect Soon beauful clothes, a delicious lunch, and great fashion ps. Watch The Datebook for more info later this month. SJN Youth Ministry Launches Shoe Collec-on Drive to raise money for Youth Par-cipa-on at the Na-onal Catholic Youth Conference Shoe donaons will also support micro-enterprises in developing naons and reduce what goes into landfills. St. John Neumann Youth Ministry is conduc ng a shoe collec on drive from March 15 – June 15 to raise funds for youth to par cipate in the Na onal Catholic Youth Conference. SJN Youth Ministry will earn funds based on the number of pairs collected, as Funds2Orgs will purchase all of the donated goods. Those dollars will benefit our young people. Anyone can help by dona ng gently worn, used, or new shoes. All donated shoes will then be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of micro-enterprise partners in developing na ons. This helps impoverished people start, maintain, and grow businesses in countries such as Hai , Honduras, and other na ons in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are used to feed, clothe, and house their families. One budding entrepreneur in Hai even earned enough to send her son to law school. “We are excited about our shoe drive," said Al Forsythe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry. "We know that most people have extra shoes in their closets they would like donate to us and help those less fortunate become self-sufficient. It’s a win-win for everyone.” By dona ng shoes to the SJN Youth Ministry, the shoes will be given a second chance and make a difference in people’s lives. All shoes can be dropped off in the narthex or parish office. BAPTISM PREP CLASS There will be a Baptism Preparation Class next Sunday, March 22, at 1:00 pm in the school. Parents planning to have their child baptized must attend if they have not already been to one in the last three years. For any questions, please contact Quent or Diane Below at 675-3623. SVDP LENTEN LADIES OF CHARITY FOOD DRIVE AND OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE HOURS Thank you for your past donations to our semi-annual St Vincent de Paul food drives to support the Ladies of Charity Food Pantry. Food donations from St. John Neumann Parish are a major support to this vital ministry. The number of families needing help in our community is still very great. We will again be collecting non-perishable items after all Masses this weekend and next. Lists of items requested by the Ladies of Charity will be available after Masses this weekend, or you may ask a St. Vincent de Paul member for more information. Either a variety of individual items or cases of a particular item are always appreciated. Cash, checks, and grocery gift cards are also gratefully accepted to fill the need! This is a great opportunity for service hours for teen volunteers who would like to assist with receiving, sorting, and packing food items. Any and all volunteers are greatly needed and greatly appreciated. Please call Phyllis Cada at 966-8862 to sign up for service hours or to volunteer. Please arrive 30-45 minutes before any Mass on the weekends of food collection to help out or join us after Mass to help weigh the food and/or to load boxes into vans. Those who helped in the Fall were appreciated more than we can say—thank you! May God bless you deeply for your generosity and assistance and for your prayers for those in need. DONATIONS NEEDED! Please consider helping this great mission opportunity for our young people! Appalachian Experience: On Monday, April 6—Friday, April 10, members of the Youth Ministry program will be traveling once again to Osage, WV to help the people in need in the Appalachian region of West Virginia. The young people will participate in a variety of experiences, including building ramps and decks for shut-ins, replacing roofs and repairing sheetrock, along with some minor electrical work as well as opportunities to visit with the elderly and homebound of this coal mining region. Your help is needed! We are looking for individuals or businesses who can help defray some of the costs associated with this mission trip. Gift cards (Lowes, Home Depot, 84 Lumber, or Kroger preferred) for supplies or cash donations to help finance some of the projects would be greatly appreciated. Any donations can be dropped off at the parish office or placed in the collection basket in an envelope marked Youth Mission Trip. Our fund raising goal for this year is $3,500. Please consider supporting this great experience for our youth and those whom we will serve. Troop 125 St. John Neumann Boy Scouts bagged a lot of trash this past weekend along the stream at the corner of Campbell Station and Grigsby Chapel. The troop recently adopted the PopeFrancesteachesusthat“Inthepoorandoutcastwesee stream as part of its Christ’sface;bylovingandhelpingthepoor,weloveand commitment to keep the waterways of our community serveChrist.” clean. The St. John Neumann Boy Scouts proudly proclaim our oath: DuringtheLentenseasonweareespeciallycalledtoshow On my honor, I will do my best devotionandloveforChristbyservingandcaringforthe To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the needsofHisprecious,impoverishedchildren. Scout Law; PleaseConsider SponsoringaChild thisLent Unbound(formerlyChristianFoundationforChildrenand Aging)isaninternationalnonprofitorganizationfoundedby layCatholicsgroundedintheGospeltoassistintheneedsof themostvulnerablechildrenintheworld’snations.The UnboundOrganizationhasvisitedSt.JohnNeumann Churchandotherareachurchesonoccasionsinthepast solicitingsponsorshipforthechildrenidentifiedaslivingin extremepovertyanddestitutionandinneedofthemost basichumanessentials. Ifyouareinterestedinsponsoringoneofthesechildren, pleasecontacttheUnboundAmbassadoratSJN,Joanne Perkins,[email protected]. To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Believe it or not, it is time to start planning for VBS 2015! This summer our Parish will be hosting Totus Tuus a Catholic summer program for youth from Pre-K to 12th grade that is sure to be fun and exciting! Two separate programs are offered: Pre-K—6th grade June 22-26 9 am to 2:30 pm 7th—12th grade June 21-25 7 to 9 pm Fourchildrenremainavailableforsomeonetocareforthem forfinanciallyandtoprovideloveandguidancethrough lettersfromyou.Theirindividualpacketsincludepictures, biographicalinformation,andhelpfulinformationabout sponsorship.Themonthlytaxdeductiblecontributionis $33.00. Thankyouforyourprayersandsupport. Volunteers Needed!! ADULTS Needed for: • classroom supervision (daytime & evening) • snack help TEENS (7-12th grade) Needed June 22-26 from 8:45 am to 2:45 pm Positions are limited! If interested, please contact Lydia Donahue at [email protected]. Path Toward Healing Grief Support Finding Peace and Acceptance After the Death of a Loved One St. John Neumann parish is offering grief support sessions for adults beginning Saturday, April 11 at 10:00 a.m. Path Toward Healing is an 8 week Catholic-based grief support program for the bereaved. If you have lost a loved one, you are warmly invited to participate in this opportunity for prayer and healing as you journey through your time of grief. For more information, contact facilitator Natalie Tabler at [email protected] or 357357-1818 To register, contact Marilyn Derbyshire at [email protected] or 777777-4312 I will turn their mourning into joy, I will console and gladden them after their sorrows. Jeremiah 31:13b CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS ANOINTING & PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please notify the church office if someone wants to be visited in the hospital, nursing home or at home. Our pastoral staff and Eucharistic Ministers will gladly minister to those in need. For the ANOINTING OF THE SICK, the priest should be notified as soon as serious illness is diagnosed or serious injury is indicated; please do not wait until the end is near before notifying us. BAPTISM: Parents planning to have their child baptized are to attend a Parents’ Preparation class, unless they have attended a class within the past three years. Call Quent or Diane Below at (865) 675-3623 to register for the class. The class may be attended at another parish. Baptisms are scheduled by appointment with one of our priests or deacons. Please call the parish office for any other information. CONFIRMATION: Confirmation is celebrated at St. John Neumann during the junior or senior year of high school. The Confirmation process is formation and education. The initial meetings for each cycle are held in the fall, around the time that school starts. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is separate from regular Religious Education at SJN and Catholic High School. MARRIAGE: The Catholic Church requires a preparation period for marriage. In this diocese, the preparation period is four months and includes at least four working meetings with one of the priests or deacons, plus a marriage preparation weekend (more information can be found at Prior to setting the date for your wedding, you are required to plan an initial meeting with a parish priest. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): We welcome all who feel interested in the Catholic Faith or have been going to Mass but are not Catholics to learn more through our RCIA program. Please call us or see our website for more information. CONVALIDATION OF MARRIAGE: The church teaches that married persons must be in a valid marriage recognized by the church in order to receive the Eucharist worthily. If you want help pursuing a case with the Tribunal, we will be happy to assist you.
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