Current Bulletin - Our Lady of Sorrows

Sunday Eucharist:
Saturday Vigil - 5:00 pm
Sunday - 8:00, 10:00 am
Weekday Masses:
Monday—Friday 6:30 am
Reconciliation: Fifteen minutes before morning Mass on
Tuesday. Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 pm. You may also call a
priest for an appointment for Confession.
Eucharistic Adoration: The Adoration Chapel, located in the
South Sacristy, is open Mon-Thur 9:00 am - 7:00 pm and Fri
9:00 am - 5:00 p.m. Please come and spend some time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Rev. Peter Blake, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Andrew Sigmund, In Residence
Permanent Deacons—
Rev. Mr. Dan Skillman
Director of Music—
Mr. Greg Schweizer
Parish Nurse—
Mrs. Mary Ann Eggleston
Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) —
Dr. Christina Sanders
Our Lady of Sorrows Rectory:
5020 Rhodes Avenue, 63109-3589
Phone: 351-1600 Fax: 351-1602
E-mail: [email protected]
Our Lady of Sorrows School:
5831 South Kingshighway, 63109
Phone: 353-1451 Fax: 351-8464
Mrs. Kath Liermann, Principal
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Pastoral Council Members
Ray Bockskopf
Tom Brennan
Dan Cline
Don Franke
Dominic Grana
Krista Grueninger
Paul Kappel
Julie Temme
Megan Temme
Diana Wagner
Larry Wilson
Kathy Winston
Prayer Chain
Parish Helpers:
Martha Ministry (funeral luncheons)
School Board President—
John Darmody
Bulletin articles
Should be submitted by 9am Monday morning prior to the weekend the article is to run. Articles may be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 314.351.1602, or drop them
off at the Rectory office.
Infant Baptism:
Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of
the month at 11:15 pm in Church. Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Program. Please call the
rectory to arrange for an infant baptism.
Adult Initiation:
Adults normally join the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) celebrated at the Easter Vigil, after participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Please call the rectory for more information.
Anointing of the Sick:
If you are homebound, entering the hospital, or otherwise wish
to be anointed, please call the rectory to arrange a visit with a
Christian Marriage:
Couples contemplating Marriage at Our Lady of Sorrows
Church should contact a parish priest as soon as possible after
engagement and at least six months prior to the wedding date.
At least one of the couple should be an active Catholic registered and living in the parish. A program of Marriage Preparation is required.
Vocations to the Priesthood
& Religious Life:
Any young man contemplating a call
to the Priesthood or any young person interested in the Religious Life is
encouraged to call one of the parish
priests or the Archdiocesan Vocation
Office at 792-6460. All parishioners
and all Catholics are reminded to
pray for religious vocations.
[email protected]
Parish Mission Statement
We, the Catholic community of Our Lady of Sorrows, are disciples of Jesus Christ through our Baptism. Nourished by
Word and Sacrament we seek to form adults, teens and children in the ways of the Gospel, while welcoming new
members to our parish and our Catholic faith. As a Eucharistic people, guided by the Holy Spirit, we minister to all,
especially the ill, elderly and those in need, through works of fellowship, charity and justice. We strive to continue
the mission of our parish begun a century ago through the prayerful intercession of Mary, Our Mother.
Pastor’s Column:
Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of
Lent. As we continue our Lenten journey
we are called today to allow God to purify
our hearts in order to receive the wisdom
and power to recognize Jesus as God
present among us. In the first reading
and the Gospel we hear about the two
fundamental institutions of Israel; the Torah and the Temple. Jesus completely overturns this revealing Himself as
the new Law, and the place where God and creation
meet. Once more we are being called to scrutinize our
lives in light of Jesus and ask ourselves if we are looking
to Him, and Him alone as the truth we follow. Do we recognize His Body, the Church, is the place where we encounter Him in Word and Sacrament, and are nourished
to acknowledge Him and Him alone as our way to Heaven?
Thank you to all who have had their pictures taken for the New Photo Directory last month. We were fortunate to have most people show for appointments, and
just a few who needed to cancel and reschedule due to
illness. The weather also cooperated for the most part. If
you still haven’t signed up, please do so this Month. There
are many opportunities for pictures in April still available.
Our goal is to have as many photographed as possible in
order for the new book to be an invaluable tool for us to
get to know one another better. Please go online to our
parish website,, and click on the LifeTouch Sign-up icon. If you need further assistance, please
call the parish office.
Where can you go for an evening of fun and fellowship and test your knowledge of many categories, all
for the amazing low price of $20.? Right here at Faenger
Hall, March 21st. Our Home and School Association will be
hosting another amazing Trivia Night to benefit our School
children. Doors open right after Mass at 6pm. Games
begin at 6:30pm. Please sign-up and join in a great night
out. See the bulletin for more details.
Last weekend we had another taste of Winter
with snow beginning Saturday afternoon, continuing
through the night, and winding down with flurries and
sleet on Sunday. I commend all those who made the attempt to come to Mass, and remind our ‘Seniors’ that
didn’t venture out that God certainly doesn’t ask you to
risk ‘life and limb’ to fulfill your duty. Hopefully you were
able to remember Holy Mass on TV. I also want to express
the parish’s gratitude to Tracy and our maintenance/
janitorial staff for clearing sidewalks and steps in order for
us to enter Church safely. They did a valiant job both Saturday and Sunday. Take the opportunity when you see
them to express your gratitude.
Finally today, I am not at the parish for this weekend and next as I am spending the next two weeks at
home in New England, before my Sabbatical, to visit with
my mother and family. It is unusual for a Pastor to be
gone during Lent, but thanks to Fr. Sigmund being here
for Masses, and Deacon Dan lending a hand, I wanted to
surprise Mom on her 88th Birthday (March 7th). It was important to me to have the chance to see her before heading off in May where it will be more difficult to be in contact for long periods of time.
God Bless! Happy Lent!
Remember those 3 Hail Marys. (Fr. Pete )
Your HELP is Needed!
On Friday, March 13th after the 8:15 am Mass, we are going to wash the pews
for Easter. If you can spare an hour or so to help just bring a bucket. Thanks to all for your help!
Early Bulletin Deadlines!
 Bulletin articles for the March 22 AND March 29
(Palm Sunday) bulletins are due on Monday March
16 at 9am.
During the Lenten Season we will be collecting food each
Sunday for the needy of our Community. Please bring
canned or non-perishable food products for our St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry. Your gifts will be
placed at the Foot of the Cross, on the Holy Family Side
of the Church, as a sign of our Parish’s Almsgiving. Your
gifts accumulated during the Lenten Season to be given to
those most in need within our Parish Community during
the Easter Season. Thanking you in advance for your
 Bulletin Articles for the April 5th (Easter) bulletin are
due on Monday March 23 at 9am.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Msgr Ed Griesedieck Jubiliee
Come help us celebrate Msgr. Ed Griesedieck’s Jubilee of
Priestly Ordination at an open house on Monday, April 6,
2015 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Cardinal Rigali Center in
the Lally Room on the first floor. All are welcome.
For planning purposes, please call 314-792-7414 or email
[email protected] to let us know if you plan to attend.
Monday, Mar 9, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
† Alan Gafford
Tuesday, Mar 10, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
† Julia Guzinski
Wednesday Mar 11, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
† Joseph Michalka
8:15 a.m.
† Sandra McDonnell
Thursday, Mar 12, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m..
† Mildred Michalka
Friday, Mar 13, Lenten Weekday
6:30 a.m.
† Adele Guillermo
8:15 a.m.
† Fanny Scholl
Saturday, Mar 14, Lenten Weekday
5:00 p.m.
† George Callahan
celebrant: Fr Andrew Sigmund
servers: G Corzine, S Stockmann, H Hellmeier
lectors: T Hunt & P Manning
Sunday Mar 15th, 4th Sunday of Lent
8:00 a.m.
People of OLS
celebrant: Fr Andrew Sigmund
servers: B Klevorn, J Kremer, J Fesi
lectors: C Stoffel
10:00 a.m
† Linda Piasecki
celebrant: Fr Andrew Sigmund
servers: C Rooney, A Chura, M McManemin
lectors: S Riggs & T Riggs
•8:15 .am. Mass is determined by the school’s schedule…
Will only occur when listed above.
Monday, Mar 9
Exercise Class
Basketball practice
Men’s Club
9:30 am
4:00 pm
7;30 pm
S/S Rm
Faenger Hall
Tuesday, Mar 10
Basketball Practice
School Board
Chancel Choir
St Vincent De Paul Mtg
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Faenger Hall
Quilting room
Notred Dame Rm
Holland Rm
Wednesday, Mar 11
WG Meeting & Potluck
Cub Scout DEN Mtg
BS Troop 51
H&S Babysitting
Home & School Mtg
9:00 am
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Quilting Rm
S/S Rm
S/S Rm
Fr Brennell Rm
Feanger Hall
Thursday, Mar 12
Gr 7 Confirmation retreat
Legion of Mary
Exercise Class
Basketball Practice
all day
8:45 am
9:30 am
4:00 pm
6:00 pm
Faenger Hall
Holland Rm
S/S Rm
Faenger Hall
Fr Brennell Rm
Friday, Mar 13
Stations of the Cross (school)
Basketball games
Fish Fry
Stations of the Cross
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
7:00 pm
Faenger Hall
Cafeteria & S/S
Saturday, Mar 14
Basketball League Play
WG Tea Party
8:00 am
10:00 am
Faenger Hall
Sunday, Mar 15
Instructional Basketball
Bowling Event
Cub Scout Pack Mtg
Men’s Basketball
11:00 am
2:00 pm
6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Faenger Hall
Faenger Hall
Eleanor Crudden
2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30
Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9;
Mt. 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20;
Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23
Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17;
Mk 12:28-34
Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14
2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6;
Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21
Alternate readings (Year A):
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6;
Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]
Sunday March 1, 2015
$ 10,022
2015 Lenten Fish Fries
Join us for our next Fish Fry
Friday 3/13 from 4:30—7:00 pm
in the school cafeteria.
For delivery, call Nancy at 314-258-3144 the evening before.
The fish fry committee is still in need of volunteers to help with the serving of meals to our patrons on
Fridays during lent. If you are able to donate a few hours of your time during any of the next 6 Fridays
please contact Maureen at [email protected]. OLS School families still interested in helping and being
eligible for the OLS Men's Club $500 scholarship can still volunteer as well. We need help, a fish fry is a
big undertaking and can only happen with community support. Please consider volunteering!
$8.50 (Includes 2 Sides)
SENIOR’S OR CHILD’S PLATE: $5.50 (Includes 2 Sides)
Cole Slaw
Green Beans
Hush Puppies
Potato Salad
Mac & Cheese
Fish Fillet Sandwich ... $4.00
Shrimp ......................... $1.00 ea.
Baked Cod (1) .............. $3.00
Grilled Cheese ............. $2.00
Side Items .................... $1.25
“Special” ...................... $3.00
Dessert ......................... $ .50
Soda ............................. $1.00
Bottled Water............... $1.00
Lemonade .................... $1.00
Iced Tea ....................... $1.00
Coffee ........................... $1.00
Beer .............................. $2.00
Faith Formation Opportunities
The next Baptismal Preparation Evening is Monday, April 6th from 7-8 p.m. in
the Rectory. If you need to have your child (under 7) baptized, please call 3511600, to sign up for our next preparation opportunity.
Dynamic Catholic, Alive! – Why go to Confession?
When was the last Ɵme you went to confession? Many spiritual directors recommend going once a
month. Last week, we learned about the reality of sin. Christ insƟtuted the Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon for the conversion of the bapƟzed who have been separated from Him by sin. “Each of the faithful who has reached the age of discreƟon is bound to confess his or her mortal sins at least once a
year and always before receiving Holy Communion” (Compendium, 305). In the words of Pope Francis:
“Be courageous and go to confession.”
The Choir will present
“A Service of Darkness”
Sunday Evening, March 29th at 7:30 pm
in Church
Contemplative Outreach Retreat on The
Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin
4:30 p.m. Friday, March 27 through 1:00 p.m. Sunday,
March 29, 2015 at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center
2039 N. Geyer Road, St. Louis, MO 63131
Please join us as we begin
Holy Week
with this prayerful service
of song and scripture.
Explore the towering mysticism of Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin as presented by this gifted professor, author, and
contemplative retreat leader. Donald Goergen, O.P.,
Ph.D.,currently teaches at the Aquinas Institute of Theology. His doctorate is in systematic theology, his dissertation on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and his current interests include contemplative traditions, East and West, the
evolution of consciousness, and the thought of Thomas
Aquinas as a spiritual master.
Legion Of Mary
This is a silent retreat which includes several periods of
Centering Prayer. The retreat ends with the Palm Sunday
Mass followed by lunch.
The Legion of Mary is holding their Annual Acies on Saturday, March 21, 2015 beginning at 1:00 p.m. at St. Alphonsus "Rock" Church, 1118 North Grand Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63106.
This is a time for all active and auxiliary members to join
together and renew their fealty to Mary, our Mother. The
afternoon will include the praying of the rosary, the Tessera prayers, the individual Act of Consecration to Mary
and Benediction. At the conclusion of the services, refreshments will be available in their parish hall. Limited
transportation is available by contacting Mary Lou
Goedeker 481-9175 or Pat Reinarman 481-3713. If you
will provide your own means of transportation, following
are driving directions: St. Alphonsus Church is approximately 7 miles from O.L.S. Church. Proceed north on
Grand Blvd., you will pass St. Louis University and the
Fox Theatre, continue driving to 1118 "North" Grand. The
Church is located on the right. We hope you will be able
to participate in this very special devotion to our Blessed
Mother Mary.
Retreat fee: $250, includes room, board,
and all retreat sessions.
Save your place with a $100 deposit.
Full fee must be paid by March 14, 2015.
Sponsored by Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis.
For more information and to register, go to
First St Louis “Mass Mob”
Archbishop Carlson will be presiding over a special Mass
at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church on April 12 at 9:30
AM. This is the inaugural event of Mass Mob St. Louis.
People from across the region come for a single mass to
see beautiful, historic churches they might otherwise never see. For more information, see or
Pray for the Sick
Please Remember the following people in your prayers:
Ron Toth
Becky Blaha
Kenneth Miller
Tom Davis
Virginia McDermott Fr John Dempsey
Beatrice Reymer Emma Bullock Alexander MacDonald
Eleanor Rimkus Anna Marie Mackey Katherine Blake
(please contact the office when an individual can be removed
from this list)
Attention all Highschoolers! Join your
peers this Wednesday from 7-9pm at
High School at Saint Louis Life Teen – we will be coming
together in community, food, and faith. This week we will
be discussing more about what it means to be in the desert with Jesus. Questions – contact Lauren at
314.288.8873 or [email protected]
The OLS Athletic Association
150 Club Wants You!
Do you have a child or know one who plays sports for
OLS? The 150 Club is a fundraising program that lets you
show your support for OLS athletes. Plus, you just might
win something in return.
Annual dues are $150. Members are entered into cash
drawings throughout the year, 18 in all, including a $1,000
winner at the end of the year. All members and a guest
are invited to a dinner at the end of the year.
All proceeds go towards the purchase of uniforms &/or
sporting equipment. Pay in full or make two payments of
$75. Make your check out to OLS AA 150 Club. Drop it in
the basket (put OLS AA 150 club on the envelope), bring
it to the concession stand, or mail it to OLS AA 150 Club,
5020 Rhodes Ave, St. Louis MO 63109.
You can find more information online at
Call or e-mail Joe Thompson at 314-808-6136
([email protected]) with any questions. Welcome, to our new members and a big thanks to our returning members.
Presentation on Climate Change at IHM
Wednesday March 18, 2015 at 7pm
In the Stolte-Schuermann Room
Space is Limited so Registration is Required
To register, go to
click on Safe Environment Program,
and “Register for a Workshop”
Any adults who want to volunteer in parish activities or
ministries that include children or vulnerable adults must
be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program
of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Compliance requires: 1) attendance at one Protecting
God’s Children workshop; 2) a signed Code of Ethical
Conduct; and 3) submitting to a background check which
will be updated in even numbered years.
Job Opening
Our Lady of Sorrows Early Childhood Program has an
immediate opening for a part-time afternoon aide. Hours
are Tuesday-Friday, 12:00-5:00. Job responsibilities include serving lunch, supervising nap time, serving afternoon snack, and collaborating with the OLS Latchkey
program for after-care of 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. Candidates should be available mid-March-May, 2015
and must be compliant with the Archdiocese's Safe Environment Program. If you or someone you know is interested,
[email protected]
2015 Our Lady of Sorrows Picnic
This year’s picnic will be held on June 2 starting with the Parade
at 9 am, followed by bingo, raffles, games, food, carnival rides
and plenty of entertainment! Our committees include Parade,
Food, Booths, Entertainment, and Financial.
There are various volunteer opportunities if you are interested in
helping. We are prayerfully seeking a person or two to head up
the Food Committee. We have several people with years of
experience that are willing to help you!
This year we are also expanding the opportunity for you or a
business to sponsor one of our 22 booths or the Entertainment
Stage. If you are interested in helping out or sponsoring a booth,
please contact Tom Skillman at 707-4148 or email [email protected]. Please join us for the fun and help make this
the best Picnic ever.
As Pope Francis writes an encyclical on climate disruption effecting humans, animals, plants, waters, and soil, we are
called to be informed and take action. You are invited to invited to attend a film presentation of “The Wisdom to
Survive – Climate Change, Capitalism & Community”. This 90 min. film looks at climate change and all its ramifications.
March 18, 2015 (6:30 – 8:00PM)
 Immaculate Heart of Mary Church – 4092 Blow Street, St. Louis, 63116
Admission is free but registration is required. A brief discussion follows. Register at [email protected]
Presented by StL Sisters of Earth, Rockhaven Ecozoic Center, Inter-Community Ecological Council and LCWR
Catholic Families Tuition Assistance
Any Catholic family wishing to apply for tuition assistance
through the Archdiocese for the 2015-2016 school year
must submit a “FACTS” application. You may apply
online at
Students must attend an Archdiocesan or Parochial Elementary School or an Archdiocesan or Parochial High
School to be eligible. The due date for the application is
March 15, 2015 and must include a copy of your 2013
Income Tax Return and 2014 W2’s.
The Catholic Education Center appreciates the support of the ACA and all of its donors.
30th Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner
March 15
All you can eat Clancy's Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner.
Fun and games for all ages. Ham, Hot Dogs, and Corned
Beef Sandwiches will be served.
Where: St. Martin of Tours Hall (Corner of Telegraph Rd.
and W. Ripa Ave.)
When: Sunday, March 15 from Noon - 6 p.m.
Adult Prices: $10 in Advance; $11 at the Door.
Children (14 and under): $4.
For Tickets and Information: call 314-544-5664 or email
[email protected]
Save the Date!
Try “Laughter Yoga”
Well, while you’re at it, grab all those dusty books
you no longer have room for and consider donating them to the Women’s Guild for our long
awaited Book Fair (which will be held this July!). We have
boxes at the doors of Church marked “Books for W.G” and
we’ll be accepting all books with the exception of text
(school) books and encyclopedias. Any money we make on
any and all of our endeavors gets turned in for repairs, replacements and items for our beautiful Church and School,
or things the Pastor deems necessary so please help!. You
can also drop books off at 5635 Milentz. If you are unable to
get to Church or to Milentz but have books you’d like to donate, please call 752-4660. We appreciate your kind and
generous help!
Response from Bread for the World regarding
Through Bread's annual Offering of Letters in which OLS
participated we have achieved great progress in our
shared mission of ending hunger. Thanks to our letters to
Congress, our nation's decision makers have provided
hope and opportunity for people who are hungry. We
have great reason to celebrate because we helped
achieve several victories. Among them were reforms that
delivered food aid to 1.5 million more of the world's most
desperate people. We also halted increase subsidies to
the world's shipping companies. If passed the bill would
have reduced the reach of food aid programs by 2 million
people annually.
Join the fun on April 22nd from 12:30 to 1:30 in the
S/S Room for a session of Laughter Yoga.
 Easy and fun exercise for health and happiness
 Lowers stress and strengthens immune system
 Keeps you in a good mood and cheerful throughout
the day.
 Oxygenates your brain and makes you feel more energetic.
 Dessert and coffee after the class. (that will help too!)
RSVP to Mary Ann Eggleston, Parish Nurse at 351-1600
x 118 (leave a message). Be prepared to laugh or at least
The Vatican wants to hear from YOU
In preparation for the Synod of Bishops XIV Ordinary General Assembly, scheduled to take place in
October 2015 on the Vocation and Mission of the
Family in the Church and Contemporary World, the
Synod of Bishops is requesting each Ordinary to ask
members of their archdiocese to respond to a series
of questions.
Link to
Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): register today for a life-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at
King’s House Retreat Center, Belleville, IL (20 min from downtown St. Louis, MO), on April 17-19, 2015.
Cost is just $185 for meals and a single room. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret it!
Call (312) 532-8286, e-mail [email protected], or visit for details.
Hungering for
A Season of Hope
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
The next stop on our CRS
Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where
we’re reminded that life’s joy
and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray
for people who struggle to feed their families during the
hungry season – when food is in short supply – and we
commit to acting for the common good
Rice Bowl Meal
40 years ago, Catholics in the
United States wanted to respond
to famine in Africa. Could we
feed the hungry through Lenten
prayers, fasting and almsgiving? The answer was yes-and the CRS Rice Bowl was born!
This year, as in the past, CRS is highlighting 5 countries:
Nicaragua, Tanzania, Niger, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Please join us for a simple meal prepared from a recipe from Nicaragua, gallo pinto (red beans and rice),
on Sunday, March 8, in the cafeteria. The meal will be
served from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. with a presentation on the
good work of CRS by Dominican Brother Lorenzo Laorden and Brother Nicholas Reynolds, following the meal.
All are reservations required! Free will
offerings will be accepted with all money collected sent to
CRS. Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate will also be
available for purchase. For more information contact
Dianne Mees, 832-1376.
Our Lady of Sorrows is now on Facebook!
“Like” us at:
Thank you to all who responded to our
appeal for adorers in the Chapel.
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel has one hour
Tuesday 2:00 pm
Please consider giving your name as a substitute or full
time adorer. call Terri, 771-1984 or Audrey at 481-5712.
Permanent Diaconate
Are you feeling a call to grow in your service to the Gospel
and our Church? Consider a Vocation to the Permanent Diaconate. Please consider attending the next Information
Night on Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Cardinal Rigali Center – St. Louis. For more information, or to
reserve a pace, call the Office of the Diaconate at (314) 7927431. You may also contact Deacon Dan Skillman at (314)
Saturday, May 2, 2015:
Run for Roses Trivia Night / Silent Auction,
Sponsored by The Rose Foundation, All proceeds go to
benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Held at Nerinx
Hall EAC. 530 E. Lockwood Ave. Webster Groves, MO
63119. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Trivia begins at 7
p.m. Cost: Prepaid reservations by April1st, $25 per person / tables of 8; $30.00 per person after April 1st. .
Beer, soda, snacks provided.
AIRFARE! Trivia presented by .
Visit us at For Reservations:
Please call Linda Caul at 314-952-7944
OLS Bowling Event!
Come join the OLS parish family for an afternoon of bowling at Epiphany Lanes on Sunday March 15th from 2:00 until 4:00 PM. The event is sponsored by the Parish Council and will be a great opportunity for Fellowship, Rejoicing,
and Fun! Non-bowlers are welcome too!
Cost per bowler: $5 (includes shoe rental and unlimited bowling) No charge for non-bowlers
Due to limited space, reservations are encouraged and will be on a first come, first serve basis. You can submit
a team or individual reservation. 6 people per team. Any partial team registrations will be combined with other individuals. Please return registration form below to the Rectory or via the Sunday collection. Money will be collected the day
of the event.
You are welcome to bring a dessert to share at the event. All other food and all beverage must be purchased from the
concession stand. Epiphany Lanes is a CASH ONLY establishment.
Bowling at Epiphany Lanes—March 15, 2015
Number of people registering:_______
Important stuff:
Fun stuff:
50/50raf le
bucketofboozeraf le
vote for your prom queen
We are asking for donations of TWB gift cards to Shop n Save or Dierbergs for the Prom.
If you can donate any gift cards, contact Brighid Kappel (353-5785) or at [email protected].
Thank you for your support!
(clip and return)
Please mail your payment by April 18th to Brighid Kappel
5447 Walsh; 63109 or you can turn into your school office.
Contact Brighid with questions at 314-353-5785
Contact #
#of guests