83-4 February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lenten Schedule A leper came to him (and kneeling down) begged him and said, "If you wish, you can make me clean." Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, "I do will it. Be made clean." The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-42). ―He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere.‖ Nothing could stop the crowds from gathering. Men, women, and children traveled from near and far, everywhere, to find Jesus. Word had spread quickly about the miraculous healing of the leprous man. And people wanted to know what it was all about. Yes, he had the power to cure illnesses and drive out demons. But more than that, he had the power to change hearts. His words of compassion and mercy, and the actions that backed them up, must have caused many a conversion during those encounters in the deserted places. Although we don’t have the opportunity to see him in person, we do have the chance to search for Jesus and to find him. Sometimes, he may seem remote. Maybe we don’t automatically feel his presence. Perhaps, when times are tough, we wonder where he is hiding. But when we persevere in our journey by praying, reading the bible, and coming to church to receive the sacraments, we too can find the Lord. And as we bring our needs to him, Jesus will be ―moved with pity‖ for us as well and will extend to us the healing love that has transformed so many hearts throughout Christian history. This Wednesday we begin the journey of Lent. May it be a time of grace and growth in the Lord as we journey together for 40 days to Easter night and the Resurrection. Parents of Children making their First Communion and those who wish to be Confirmed, we are working with our Catholic schools for these sacraments. I ask the parents of the First Communicants to fill out a ―Form of Intent‖, that will be available in the church during the weekend Masses of February 22nd & March 1st. For Children that will be making their Confirmation, I require a letter from the Confirmandees stating WHY they would like to be confirmed. These Forms of Intent and Letters are to be given to me during those two weekend Masses. Thank you. Fr. John Kids’ Corner: Ash Wednesday – February 18th 8:15 am – Parish Mass – (Ashes) 9:00 am – St. John School - Church (Ashes - All welcome) 11:00 am – Notre Dame School - Church 12:00 – Distribution of Ashes – Church (No Mass) 4:30 pm – Distribution of Ashes – Church (No Mass) 7:00 pm - Parish Mass – (Ashes) Fridays of Lent Stations of the Cross - 4:30 pm Confessions Saturdays 3:45 pm to 4:15 pm Wednesday, March 4th 9:00 am to 10:00 am 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Tuesday, March 3st1 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Parish Mission 7:00 pm, March 16, 17, 18 - Church Palm Sunday Masses Saturday, March 28th 4:30 pm - Vigil Mass Sunday, March 29th 9:00 am & 11:00 am Holy Thursday – April 2nd 8:15 am - No Mass 1:00 pm - Stations of the Cross- St. John’s School 7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday – April 3rd 8:15 am - No Mass 12:00 noon & 3:00 pm - Liturgy of the Word Holy Saturday – April 4th 7:00 pm - Easter Vigil Easter Sunday Masses – April 5th 9:00 am & 11:00 am Mass Intentions Tuesday, February 17th 8:15 am for + MARION (KIDD) THIVY Requested by Eilleen Craigie Wednesday, February 18th 8:15 am for + KAYLEEN WATSON Requested by Richard & Margaret Malone Thursday, February 19th 8:15 am for + DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MCCOURT FAMILY Requested by Isabel Cairns & Family The Sanctuary light burns this week in loving memory of Linda Busby Friday, February 20th 8:15 am for + KATHRYN A. BUCKLEY Requested by Friends February 15, 2015 Please Pray For The Sick Dr. Nauts Tom Common Matt Kavanagh Agnes Gostick We are constantly updating our prayer list, and try to reserve this list for those who are critically ill. If we do not hear from you by the end of the month names will be removed. If you wish to add/keep a name, please call or email us. Thank you for your understanding. In The News LENTEN RETREAT - The Embracing Christ of the San Damiano Cross: Saturday, February 28, 2015, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm. Catholic Family Services of Toronto - New Beginnings outreach to those who have experienced loss invites you to attend a Lenten retreat led by Capuchin Franciscan - Brother Ignatius Feaver at St. Clare's Church Parish Hall (1118 St. Clair Ave. W.). Light lunch will be provided. All are welcome. Please pre-register for this event. By contacting 416.921.1163, ext. 2235 or emailing mbenincasa@cfstoronto TRAINING FOR FRIENDLY VISITORS: The In Good Company ministry of Fontbonne Ministries, Sisters of St. Joseph, Toronto offers a training program for people who visit homebound or isolated individuals. It deals with issues such as listening skills, boundaries, mental health, grief and loss, dealing with the elderly. The next session is Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 101 Thorncliffe Park Drive. To register, 416.465.6069 or email [email protected] (registration deadline is Friday, February 20 and pre-registration is required) $30 per person covers materials, refreshments and a light lunch. HOLY SPIRIT GROWTH RETREAT: 9:30 am at Divine Retreat Centre Toronto, 69 William St., Toronto. Three-day Holy Spirit growth retreat led by Fr. Paul Parekattil, VC, Fr. Joby Kachappilly, VC, and Divine Team Toronto. Inaugural Mass and Message by His Grace Lawrence Saldanha, Archbishop Emeritus of Lahore. Pre-registration required. Registration fee: $75. Attendance is mandatory on all three days. For more information, call 647.660.1314 or 647.949.4932 or www.divinetoronto.com. CALLING ALL GIRLS: An evening for Catholic mothers and their daughters featuring Canadian Catholic song writer and singer Maggie Wang, radio producer Laura Cirami, Gary Zimak, a EWTN personality, Catholic authors, Moira Noonan and Dorothy Pilarski on March 13, from 7 to 10 pm at the International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Road, Toronto. Visit www.dynamicwomenfaith.com or call 905.279.7702 LIFT JESUS HIGHER RALLY: March 7th from 9 am to 5:30 pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. ―The Happiness Factor‖. There will be compelling talks, uplifting music, prayer ministry, inspiring personal testimonies, confession, a Divine Mercy celebration and a Eucharistic procession. Closing Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins and a Youth Rally (13-18 year-olds) will be held simultaneously next door. Tickets $10 for the Youth Rally and $20 for the Adult Rally. For information, call 416.251.4255, email [email protected] or visit www.liftjesus-higher-rally.org. Parish Events & Opportunities Working wonders in our community… We are all called to care for those who are vulnerable in our community. The ShareLife parish campaign gives us an opportunity to reach out in justice and love. ―My prayer is that you will join me as together we work wonders to lovingly care for those who are in need around us.‖ —Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto. Donations can be made at the parish or online at www.sharelife.org and select ―St. John’s Parish, Toronto‖ First ShareLife Sunday – March 1st, 2015 Our Parish Goal is $63,000. Please give generously. You can work wonders! CWL: A reminder to all parishioners to bring in your used sweaters and fleece articles beginning next weekend for our Lenten project. Neutral or solid coloured sweaters made of any material are preferred as they will be used to make fleece lined toques & neck warmers for the homeless. A HUGE THANKS! to the great group of people who braved the winter weather for two hours of fun at the bowling lanes at O'Connor Bowl. Everyone really appreciated Fr. John and Mgr. Brad coming to cheer them on. Thanks to David Breech and JM for donating some of the prizes. See you next year. INCOME TAX TIME: Income Tax receipts are making its way to your home. Any donations you may have made to St. Vincent De Paul Society will not be included on this receipt but will be received directly from St. Vincent De Paul Society. Thank you for supporting your parish. REMINDER CONFIRMATION CLASSES: Classes to prepare candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin on Sunday February 22nd. To register your child, please call Sheila Stuart at 416.693.8854 or email at [email protected] DON’T FORGET - SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE DINNER: Tuesday, February 17th from 5:30 to 6:45 pm in the Church Hall. Pancakes, sausages, tea, coffee and juice will be served up for all to enjoy. Senior/Students $5/ Adults $10/ Family $15. Tickets available at the door. 2015 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: have been moved to the office. If you would like to begin using envelopes or have yet to pick up yours please contact the office. Thank you and God Bless. Our Parish is where we are married and bring our children to be baptized. It is where we come to be fed in the Holy Eucharist, be reconciled with God and the world, and hope to leave this world on our final journey to meet the God that we love. Thank you for making a gift to your Parish. Sunday Collection: Offertory PAG: $ $ 2014 3888 744 $ $ 2015 3756 847 Little Levity: One day God was talking to one of his angels. He said, “John, I just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness on Earth.” John replied, “What are you going to do now?” God said, “Call it a day.” Peace begins with a smile. ……………………..…...Mother Theresa
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