LAY MINISTRIES Adoration Altar Servers (Spanish) Altar Society Bible Study Boy Scouts Catholic Daughters Catholic MOM’s Christian Initiation (Spanish/Español) Cursillistas Kaylene Mongeau Brian Braquet Martha Araiza Merle Mabry Peggy Ryder Brian Nemec Andre Williams Rachell Rendall Shawn Pickett Rosa Cortez Alberto Lemus Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Brian Braquet (Spanish) Mayra Leal Comite Hispano/Hispanic Comitee Higinio Bocanegra Jail Ministry Pete Mendolia Knights of Columbus Mario Ruiz Adam Todd Cub Scouts Ethics & Integrity Lisa Bate Parish Contact Mona Gabriel Ladies Auxiliary Peggy Hammett Maria Goretti Network Danny Elzner Legion of Mary Tammy Michaelson Ministry to the Sick 903-894-7411 903-592-1617 903-705-3686 903-530-5044 903-596-0477 903-839-8183 903-571-6079 469-278-3272 903-592-1617 903-526-4447 903-595-1651 903-592-1617 903-944-0687 903-570-6127 903-372-1021 903-952-2167 972-998-1038 903-520-7622 936-675-0619 903-592-1617 903-894-6367 903-780-6898 Mission of Love Music De Colores Counseling San Gregorio Santa Cecilia Chapel Music Natural Family Planning Planificación Familiar Prison Ministry Readers (Spanish) Renovación Carismática T.O.O.L. Ushers (Spanish) Wellspring St. Vincent de Paul Youth Ministries Margaret Poepsel Brian Braquet Rosa Cortez Simone Key Gabriel Araiza Felicitas Ruiz Suzanne Liles Dan & Natalie Herrera Dan & Natalie Herrera Tom Cussen Brian Braquet Juana Rocha Ezequiel Alfaro Ted & Eileen Kosnik Dutch Schorr David Espinoza Fr. Gus Tharappel,MSFS Shawn Pickett Jason Gale 903-939-0733 903-592-1617 903-526-4447 214-640-0651 903-780-6632 903-530-4921 903-520-1710 903-574-8872 903-574-8872 903-581-7256 903-592-1617 903-920-5991 903-597-7575 903-535-7864 903-530-9637 903-593-8765 903-839-1280 903-592-0027 903-595-0249 ADVISORY COMMITTEES Pastoral Council Finance Council Eileen Kosnik Jim Mazzu 903-535-7864 903-592-1617 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 16th - MARCH 21st CATHEDRAL 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:30 M T W Th F S CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Rev. Bernard L. Pustejovsky, Daughters of Divine Hope Seth Henry Porter, Linda Porter 12:05 M Father Anthony McLaughlin (SI) Cristina Pistilli, The Petosa Family 12:05 T Jack Ryder, The Cogdill Family Priests of the Diocese of Tyler, Cecil and Dora Bueno 12:05 W Alice H. Brennan, Tom and Patricia Cussen 12:05 Th Maureen and Mary Shauna Kane (SI), the Kanes Cindy and Rollie Stephen (SI), Patricia Welther Jack Ryder, Schwarzbach Family 12:05 F Ubong Joseph David, The Family The parish bulletin is available on-line at SECOND COLLECTION: CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES RETREAT IN PREPARATION FOR HOLY WEEK Saturday, March 28, 2015 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon Wellspring, Fransalian Center for Spirituality The journey through Holy Week is a call to walk with Jesus. The journey we began in ashes will take us to the cross. T ake this opportunity to reflect on the meaning and spiritual significance of Holy Week. Fr. Gus will guide the retreat. All are welcome. For more information about the Wellspring programs, contact Fr. Gus at 903-839-1280 or [email protected] SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION CATHEDRAL Saturday 9:00 – 10 AM., 4– 5:15 PM and 6:30 – 7:30 PM Thursday — After 7 PM Mass (Or by appointment) CHAPEL Friday 11AM Reflection on Sunday Readings THE PATH TO FREEDOM Most of us, if we were asked “Does the phrase‘the Ten Commandments’ appear in the Bible?” would likely get it wrong, because the answer is “no.” “The Ten Commandments” is a post biblical, phrase that developed along with an image of God as police officer that is not found in today’s passage from Exodus. The first phrase is the key: God is the one who brings us out of slavery; following God’s law or commands is our path to freedom. The moneychangers whom Jesus drove from the temple were not explicitly breaking any of the commandments, but neither were they helping people to find God’s path to freedom as they came to worship at the temple. This is an important Lenten lesson for us. We need to stop asking ourselves whether or not we are breaking specific rules or regulations and instead examine our lives to see if we are truly following a path to God’s freedom through Christ. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE CELEBRANT SCHEDULE CATHEDRAL Saturday March 21st 5:30 PM – Father Hank Sunday March 22nd 6:30 AM – Father Eugene 8:00 AM – Father George 10:00 AM – Father Hank 12:00 Noon – Father Eugene 1:30 PM (Spanish) – Father Hank CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Sunday March 22nd 9:00 AM – Father Eugene 11:00 AM – Father George 6:00 PM – Father George (Subject to change) 500 South Vine Street 903-747-3174 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT SVdP. Please prayerfully consider helping with this important parish ministry. Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers.... Pick-up coordinator – volunteer from your home. Individual needed to accept phone calls from those needing pick-up of large items to be donated. You will be collecting information over the phone and relaying/coordinating information to teams of volunteers by e-mail and phone. Approximate 2 hours/wk. Truck Drivers ––teams of 2-3 individuals to schedule and provide pick-ups of donated items using SVdP truck. 4-10 hours per month. Cashiers and Sorter/pricers – SVdP Thrift Store. Help needed on Tuesdays (10-2) and on Monday and Thursday afternoons (2-5:45). 4-16 hours per month. Food & Clothing Distribution – SVdP Center. Help needed on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons (12:30-4:30) and Thursday mornings (8-11). Assisting those in need with food and clothing choices. 3-4 hours per week. Sorters – SVdP Center. Accepting and sorting clothing and other donated items. Flexible times on Tuesdays (8-4), Wednesdays (8noon) & Thursdays (8-4). 2+ hours per week. If interested, please contact Kelly at 903-570-1800 OR [email protected]. SVdP Food Cost for the Poor-February Number of Families Served 300 Number of People Served 1,100 Food Expenses $7,142 ALTAR SOCIETY THANKS Don’t be late for a very important date!’Saturday, April 18, 6-9 PM is the Father Daughter Dance in the Cathedral Center, hosted by the Catholic Mothers of Ministry. Proceeds will be donated to the Magdalene Home. Please bring a donation for Saint Vincent de Paul and $20 per dad. The Altar Society wishes to thank Cathi Martin and Janie Danna for cleaning the Cathedral pews during the month of February. John and Daisy Saleh and Pat Melvin performed this same serve at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul If you would like to participate in this ministry of service, please contact Maria Crossman. Volunteers are always appreciated. COMMEMORATIVE DAYS THIS WEEK Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saint Patrick Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Saint Joseph EMERGENCY you need to contact a priest in an emergency, please call at 903-279-7886. ST. JOSEPH MASS WITH BISHOP JOSEPH STRICKLAND Bishop Strickland will celebrate a Bilingual Mass to end his pilgrimage across the diocese on March 19th at 7:00 PM at the Cathedral. The Very Reverend Hank Lanik will be installed as Rector of the Cathedral at this Mass. ALL ARE INVITED. ICY NEWS BISHOP T.K.GORMAN CON’T All students in the 9th-12th grades are encouraged to join us every Wednesday for a great night of faith and fellowship! We meet from 6:30 to 8:15 PM in Samperi Hall. CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS THE TYLER CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 131175, TYLER, TEXAS 75713 (903) 526-5988 * Foundation Announcing the 23rd Msgr. Milam Joseph Golf and Tennis Tournament benefitting Tyler Catholic Schools on Monday, April 13 th Willow Brook Country Club Tee time 12:30 PM Tennis Matches 12:30 PM Complimentary Lunch, Prizes, Goody Bags and More For more information contact 903-526-5988 * In honor of John Carney’s 85th birthday, gifts were received from Ken and Billie Dutke, Dennis and Christine Carney, Linda Mooney and Naffie Lightsey and Anthony, Andrew, Anne-Clare and Aidan Culpepper and John and Debra Powers. Gifts will be dedicated to the John Carney Softball Field Endowment. * In memory of James Sedberry, a gift was received from Bruce and Mary Lauren Faulkner. * In Honor of Sister Susan Seitz the cathedral parish has established a St. Gregory Cathedral School scholarship to honor her work, to be administered by the Tyler Catholic School Foundation. The foundation is pleased to administer the Sister Susan Seitz, OFS Scholarship. Gifts may be mailed to the Tyler Catholic School Foundation, P O Box 131175, Tyler, Texas 75713. * Gifts to the Jackman Family Academic & Fine Arts Endowment are matched by an established fund. * The Tyler Catholic School Foundation wishes to thank all our generous donors for their contributions to Catholic education. Every gift you give, no matter how large or small, is an investment in the future of our children. For more information, please contact Nickie Murchison, development director, at 903-526-5988 (office) or cell (214-701-7415) or [email protected] BEYOND CONFIRMA TION A Weekend Y OUTH Retreat or f ages 13-17 will be heldApril 1719, 2015 in LIndale,TX. Focusing on understanding the sacraments and the daily application of them in our lives. This retreat is sure to bring a lasting understanding of the Real Presence of Jesus and a personal relationship with Him. All information, videos, and registration online at or or call 903-3433567 for more information or pick up an application in the parish office. HOLY MASS IN HONOR OF SANTO NINO DE CEBU Holy mass in honor of Santo Nino de Cebu will be held on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 7 PM at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Fellowship will follow in the Cathedral Center. ALL ARE WELCOME! CHILDREN’S BULLETINS Children’s bulletins can now be found in the information center. Upcoming Events ST. GREGORY Wednesday, March 18 Friday, March 20 Monday, March 26 ANNUAL APPEAL Thank you to all who have given toward the 2014-2015 Annual Appeal for upgraded technology in the classrooms. Thanks to your generosity, we have raised $21,419.00 to date. The Bishop Gorman PTO has issued a matchÖfrom now until March 30th; every gift that is donated will be matched up to $15,000. Now is the time to make a difference and help us meet our $50,000 goal. Please see Barbara King for a pledge card or go online at under the giving tab. BISHOP GORMAN SECOND ANNUAL CRAWFISH BOIL SAVE THE DATE Bishop Gorman would like to thank our donors, volunteers, alumni and families with a crawfish boil on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 from 5 – 7 PM. on the John Carney Softball Field. Come celebrate with crawfish, red beans and rice, dessert, music and fun! rd Grade 3 Multicultural Fair garten Zoo Kinder Trip Class Pictures BISHOP T.K.GORMAN MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL INCLEMENT WEATHER MAKE UPS The Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese has indicated that both Monday and Tuesday, February 23rd and 24th counted as full school days. The school will make up Wednesday, February 25th on April 6, 2015, Easter Monday, which will be a Regular White Day Schedule. JUNIOR RING MASS The Junior Ring Mass is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 6 PM in the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. All parishioners are invited to this important leadership transition ceremony for the Class of 2015. K of C FISH FRY Back by popular demand! The Knights of Columbus will sponsor two Fish Frys this Lenten Season on March 13th and March 27th at 6 PM at the Knights’ Hall at 3509 WSW Loop 323, across from Sweet Sue’s. Come and enjoy fried catfish and fixin’s and ice tea and desserts. It’ s a bargain at $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12. Everyone is invited, come and enjoy the fellowship and great food. FAMILY CATECHESIS FAMILY CATECHESIS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We ARE truly blessed in the Cathedral Community and continue to grow. Last year we had 191 students registered in Family Catechesis, at last count we have 347 students registered and ATTENDING!! Thanks be to God!! For this reason I continue to ask for volunteers who are willing to share some of their time as an aide or an extra adult to help out our devoted group of catechists who come every Wednesday evening to help hand on the faith to all the children of the Cathedral. Your presence is invaluable to the success of our program. So please look into your heart and pray about it and ask yourself, “Is God calling me to do some small part to help with this ministry?” For more information, please call Peggy Hammett, Director of Faith Formation, at 903-592-1617 ext 19 or E-mail at [email protected] IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS If your child is attending Family Catechesis on Wednesday evenings here at the Cathedral, it is expected that a parent brings the child and stay for the Adult/Parent Component of the session. We do understand that sometimes this is not always possible. But or f safety reasons we are asking the following, if for some reason you are not attending with your child we ask that you bring your child into either the Cathedral center or the Gym and sign them in, letting us know that they are on campus and that you will not be here. Ms. Cookie Young will sign them in at the Cathedral Center and Ms. Veronica Lemus will sign them in at the Gym. Then we ask that you come back into the Cathedral Center or the Gym and pick your children up. We are having a problem with some parents dropping their children off and then the child goes out into the parking lot to get picked up. This is very dangerous. All children need to be checked in and checked out. Please cooperate with our policy for the safety of all of the children that come to us for Faith Formation. Thank you. ”SACRAMENTAL FORMATION” If your child is in year 2 of Sacramental Formation and you missed the Sacramental Orientations this past fall please contact Peggy at the Cathedral Office to go over what is required for your child to be ready to celebrate in October of 2015. All candidates who are in preparation to celebrate Confirmation and first Holy Communion next October are reminded that they should have started celebrating Reconciliation in 2014. Please let Peggy know when your child has celebrated for the first time. We will have our February, 2015 Confirmation Masses on the following weekends. February 7th and 14th at the Saturday - 5:30 Mass, February 8th and 15th at the Sunday -1:30 Mass. If you feel your child has completed all preparation required by the Cathedral and is ready to celebrate please contact Peggy Hammett at the Cathedral Office. ”SPECIAL NEEDS” All Special Needs classes are from 6:45-7:30 in Room 110 over at St. Gregory School. Please park on College Street to access the school classroom. The schedule and topics for classes in 2015 are as follows: April 8 - Easter (Eucharist) March 18 - Reconciliation May 13 - Living as a Disciple ALL ARE WELCOME ACTS MEN’S RETREAT ADULT FAITH FORMATION Sponsored by St. Mary Magdalene, Flint ACTS Family The Shroud of Turn: a Look into Christ’s Passion March 19th – 22nd (Thursday 4:30 PM to Sunday 1:30 PM) It’s your time! Men 20 years old and better will gather for a fun, reenergizing spiritual renewal to refresh our faith, hope and love in God as “we are GOD’S WORKMANSHIP” and YOU are cordially invited. Cost: $180.00 903.330.4152 text David Overmeyer, he will send you a registration form with your commitment to have a truly good weekend Lenten getaway! The first 19 men who reply will enjoy secured reservations. This retreat is open to Catholics and non-Catholics. Spanish-English translators will be available. Lent is a great time to meditate on Christ’s Passion. Come learn the evidence for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ based on Dr. McQuaid’s education and experience in Medicine, in particular Forensic Pathology. Prayerfully reflect what our Lord went through to allow us to be reunited with the Father. The class will be held in the Cathedral Center on Monday, March 23rd, from 6:30-8:30 PM. For more information contact Eric Dietel at 903-592-1617 Ext. 30. MISSION OF LOVE ALMSGIVING TREE All who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith are welcome to join us at any time. The trees in the foyer of both the Cathedral and Chapel contain items needed for our ministry in Saltillo, Mexico A . small group of Cathedral missionaries will be returning to Mexico in June to minister with our sister parish of San Jose in the ranchos and barrios. Please consider this opportunity to share your blessings with the poorest of the poor this Lenten season. Envelopes removed from the tree and enclosed with donation can be put in the collection or dropped at the church office. Thank you for your prayers and for blessing others with your almsgiving! CHRISTIAN INITIATION March 19: No Class March 26: No Class March 28: Retreat – Reflection on the Triduum Weekly sessions are available at 6:30-8 PM on Thursday. For more information, contact Eric Dietel at 903-592-1617 ext. 30. All are welcome to join us at any time! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT THE CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Sunday 7 PM until Midnight Monday-Friday 4 AM until Midnight Saturday 5 AM until Noon Our Lord is Calling Holy Adorers for Holy Hours One Hour A Week Commit, Pray, Adore, Hope He Awaits! Adoration Chapel, Sts Peter & Paul LENT - Time to Rest & Renew Rest your Heart, Renew your Hope, Return to the Lord Silently Rest before Him in Love, Adoration, Prayer & Petition You will be renewed in Hope, as you make your return to Him “Come to Me, all who are weary and find life burdensome, And I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 For more information on becoming a scheduled Adorer, Please contact Kaylene Mongeau, Coordinator Ph 903-894-7411 or email [email protected] ROSARY HOLY HOUR Held weekly on Tuesdays at 11 AM in the Adoration Chapel. at Saints Peter & Paul. Open to all. For more information, contact Susan Mills 903-780-2935, email [email protected] ROSARY RETREAT AT WELLSPRING A Rosary Retreat will be held at Wellspring in Whitehouse on Tuesday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. Retreat begins at 11AM in the Shrine of Our Lady of Compassion. Mass will be celebrated at 11:15 AM followed by Rosary. Afterw ards, there will be fellowship, discussion on “The Power of the Rosary” plus time for individual prayer and meditation. Wellspring is located at 16828 FM 2964 (Rhones Quarter Rd. off Grande Blvd.), website:, telephone: (903)839-1280. NEW PARISH DIRECTORY SIGN UP NOW We need all individuals and families to participate! It has been many years since our last parish pictorial directory. Since that time, we have had many new parishioners, marriages, and babies who are not represented, so it’s time for a new directory and we need everyone to take part to make this a success! There will be no cost to you or your family to sit for a portrait, and only those who have their picture taken will be able to receive a free 8 x 10 picture and a directory. Pictures will be taken from March 10-27, with Sundays and Mondays off. You can register for your session now at https:// immaculateconceptioncathedral1/index.php?page=10 All photos will be taken at the Chapel of Sts Peter and Paul. Picture dates have been extended due to the number of people who have signed up. Thank you to all those who have made an appointment. Please go to the website to make your appointment, or if you do not have access to a computer please call Eileen Kosnik, 903-535-7864, any morning and she will help you. Please do not call the church office. EASTER LILIES If you would like to donate a lily for Easter Sunday, the donation is $10.00and must be turned in to the Cathedral office on or before Monday March 30th Please remember to provide us with the name of the person you wish to honor or memorialize. You may also contact Susan Mills for further information: [email protected] or (903)780-2935. All are welcome. ABORTION RECOVERY Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are mine.” -Isaiah 43:1 his T Lent God is calling you by name and wants to make you whole again. Come discover His love for you.These ministries are here to help. C.A.R.E. (Christ-centered Abortion Recovery of East Texas) Rachel’s V ineyard [email protected] or the Abortion AfterCare-Healing helpline 214-544-CARE (2273) in English, [email protected] or 972679-4760 in Spanish, or visit Pa r i s h c o n t a c t i s : A n ge l a V r b a 9 0 3 - 3 6 0 5547 [email protected] If you have candle money for votive candles that you wish to dedicate to a deceased person, please DO NOT put the money in the metal box. Please put that money in one of the white envelopes ! marked candle money that you will find on the window sill. Deposit the white envelope with money in the collection or turn the money in to church office. Thank you. Please do not hesitate to contact our priests by calling the Cathedral Office: 903-592-1617, the Cathedral Rectory: 903-592-5462 or in an emergency, by calling: 903-279-7886. Our priests are committed to responding in a reasonable period of time. Please note that Father Hank’s day off is Monday, Father Eugene’s day off is Tuesday , Father Braun’s day off is Friday and Father George’s day off is Wednesday. RESPECT IN CHURCH YOUR GIFTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US CATHEDRAL FINANCES: Dress well and modestly as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, our sacred meal of sacrifice. We are gathered to meet the Lord in the liturgy and in each other, and our attire should show respect for that truth. Thank you for accepting these reminders in a spirit of love for the Mass. Donations for the weekend of March 7 th - March 8 th 1st Collection....................................................$37,132.39 2nd Collection (Church Maintenance Fund)....................$3,366.01 Loose Cash........................................................... $937.00 THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO WORSHIP WITH US Visit, Send a Card, or Offer a Prayer for Those Unable to Attend Mass If others in our parish are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Communion, or if you are interested in joining the ministry that delivers communion to the homebound, please call the Church Office and arrangements will be made. Connie Alejo Jose Alvarez Berniece Anderson Charles Anderson Socorro Aparicio Verna Baxter C. J. Benedict Errol Broussard Heather Brown Aquila & Charlotte Calhoun Louise Campbell Justin Carrington Catharine Chrietzberg Mignonne Cleneay Rose Coleman Billie Cospan Ines De la Cruz Mary “Liesa” Dirks Jean Dones Dolores Dorr KarenDoyle Casimira Drake Jack Duke John Ellis Oberli Flores Carol Forsberg Hamlin Fox Patsy Garvin Maria Gilmore Holey Hallmark Virginia Harrie Christina Hartshorn Tim Hatfield Joan Heck Rodolfo Hernandez Robyn Hillin Mary Hingtgen Esther Hogenmiller Bill Hunter Margaret Johnson Priscilla Kelsey Josh Kiser Ronald Kryzinski Marie Matteucci Anna Mayfield Trae Mayfield Kathryn Milam John McCart` Pauline Moiseve Faye Monzingo Dolores Moore Otis Moore Carolyn Turman Mullins Teresa Natera Susan Palmer Sanjuana Perez Connie Radford Larry Renihart Maria Renteria Sofia Saenz Debra Shepherd Catherine Starkey Mary Thompson Elias Adrian Quintanilla MarilynVey Samantha Viramontes Caroline Weisinger Margaret Wood Guadalupe Zavala
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