Middle School Test Schedule LOOKING AHEAD Cathedral School 715-392-2976 Mar.23rd-27th www.superiorcathedralschool.org Preschool 715-392-3900 Wed: Spelling ~ 6, 7, & 8 Unit 27 “God is my Shepherd.” Psalm 23 Tuesday, March 24th Wednesday, March 25th • • • Middle School Information Night 6:30pm Room 308 Chrism Mass School Mass @ 8:30am Thursday, March 26th • Kindergarten Round-Up 9:30am or 6pm • • 5th grade trip to Cities Middle School Spring Fling Dance Friday, March 27 th Kindergarten Round-Up Glossy Paper Drive Drop off your glossy paper or white copy paper on Saturday, March 28th from 11am to 12pm. Drop off is located behind the school on the playground. Drive up and drop off your paper. Helpers will be there to help you unload. Help us fill the bin for February! We’ll earn another $300 for the school. Turn your Trash in to Cash for the School! Join us on Thursday, March 26th for Kindergarten Round-Up. Parents and students, please come to one of our two sessions at 9:30am or 6pm. Meet our wonderful Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Carswell and visit the classroom. If you are interested in attending please contact the main office at 715392-2976 or sign up in preschool classrooms. NO Kindergarten class this day! Service Hours St. Anthony’s Fish Fry/Bake Sale Back to baking!! The bake sale continues this Friday at St. Anthony's from 4-7 pm during their Lenten fish fry. Sign up to bake and sell is in the office. Just a reminder--have your baked goods in Room 203 by 2:30 pm on Friday. If you'd like to sell but can't make it out to the church by 4:00, that's no problem. Just let me know when you can make it out, and I will stay until you can get there. Call Terri Walpole at 715-394-7054. Remember to turn in your service hour forms when you have completed them. If you are still looking for volunteer opportunities please be sure contact the main office. All forms are due by May 1st. Spring Flower Sale Friends of Cathedral are offering a special fundraiser for Mother’s Day! Order your spring bouquet today! All proceeds go to the schools tutoring and counseling programs. Place your order by April 5th. Orders can be picked up in Kress Hall on Saturday, May 9th from 2-5:30pm. Middle School Spring Fling Dance Greetings Middle School Parents and StudentsStudent Council has planned a Spring Fling dance for Friday, March 27th. The dance will start at 6pm TONS Bread Making Our next TON event will be our annual day of bread baking on Saturday, March 28th at 9:00 am in Kress Hall. Please bring a batch or two of sweet bread dough with you. We bake bread every year to sell at all masses on Palm Sunday weekend. All of the money raised is used to buy Easter dinner for 10 families in the Superior community. We will need help on Good Friday, April 3rd, to deliver the food we purchase for each family. If you are able to help deliver food, please let us know. Call Stephanie 218-349-6900 or Diann 715-392-8462 with any questions. and run until 8:30pm. Admission is $5 or $3 with a canned food donation. Snacks and beverages will be provided. We are looking for chaperones. Please email Mr. Garnatz if you are interested. Thank You [email protected] Student Council Popcorn Fundraiser The 8th grade class will continue to sell bags of popcorn on Fridays. You can sign up in your homeroom by Thursday each week to order a bag. Each bag of popcorn is 50 cents. Proceeds benefit the 8th grade for their spring trip. UWS Science Night Every year the Students of Science host Science Night at UWS. Students and professors will run hands-on activities, do demonstrations and present their research. Outside groups like the Duluth Zoo bring live animals. The greenhouse is open for tours. There are science shows and free food. This is an event you don't want to miss! Put it on your calendars: Friday, April 10, 5-8pm at UWS. Volunteer Opportunity! The uniforms shelves and overflow in 203, our parent room needs some sorting and clean up. If you are looking for service hours, please call the main office. St. Francis Roast Beef Dinner The annual St. Francis Church Roast Beef Dinner is set for Sunday, March 29th from 11a.m. – 4p.m. Located at 2316 E. 4th Street, Superior. A delicious meal will be offered consisting of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable and dessert. Cost is $10 for adults; $5 for youth ages 6-12 years; free for children 5 years and younger. Non-perishable food items will be collected at the dinner to help stock the church’s food shelf. Each family that brings a food item or makes a cash donation to the food shelf will be eligible to win a $50 Super One gift card. A 50-50 raffle will be held at the dinner; winners picked every hour, win a football autographed by the 2014 Green Bay Packers. Please join us! Middle School students...are you in need of service hours? Volunteer at the event! Please contact Lesa Radtke by phone or text at 218.391.2662 or [email protected] to find out how you can help. Desserts are needed too! Volunteer Opportunity! If you are able to help sell Cathedral mugs and flowers at our school table during this event please contact Jessica Poskozim at 715-392-8511.
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