SPEAKING DYNAMICS CERTIFICATE (SDC) AVAILABLE IN VANCOUVER Accelerate your spoken English to an advanced level Develop discussion and communications skills and strategies for critical thought Prepare formal presentations and lead discussions LANGUAGE EXCELLENCE C E R T I F I C AT E P R O G R A M Find your fluency PROGRAM OVERVIEW TWO SESSIONS: INTERMEDIATE 2–4 The Certificate in Speaking Dynamics will launch middle to upper intermediate level students into a greater exploration and use of expressive language through the discussion of contemporary topics and engaging issues. This certificate balances academic, creative and language skills with fluency focused classes to help students increase their vocabulary base, competence and overall confidence. CHOOSE TWO OF THE FOLLOWING AM CLASSES, AND FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING PM CLASSES ENTRY REQUIREMENT AM Improve fluency and build vocabulary by exploring and discussing contemporary social issues. Topics reflect global concerns such as women’s and children’s rights, health care, religion and environmental issues. AM Availability of course is subject to student enrollment. ENGLISH THROUGH ART Explore the language of art, art critique and art production. Practise English through drawing, painting, sculpting, writing in a creative journal and visiting art exhibits around the city. No previous art experience is necessary. PROGRAM LENGTH 2 session Full-Time Intensive program PEOPLE AND PLACES THROUGH TIME Practice spoken English skills by discussing current and historical topics. Pursue personal interests through biographies, presentations, debates and role-play. Improve comprehension skills by analyzing a diverse range of texts and video footage. PM Intermediate 3 GLOBAL SOCIAL ISSUES PM PRONUNCIATION Practice and refine all aspects of pronunciation: sound, intonation, stress and mechanics. At the upper level, develop fluent and comprehensible speech through identification and correction of specific pronunciation weaknesses through diagnostic testing, teacher feedback, peer evaluation and selfmonitoring. Certificate completion may vary depending on student progress. PM LISTENING Build comprehension of spoken language by practising listening activities taken from daily social and academic situations. PM SOCIAL MEDIA Explore the history of social media and its various applications for business, politics and personal use. Students will learn how social media is changing our world through examining case-studies, and participating in class discussions and a group project. PM MEDIA STUDIES This course is for those interested in media, social media and their impact on society. Students analyze both the structure and context of newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet. PM ASSERTIVENESS SKILLS Develop skills to confidently handle personal and business situations. A wide variety of speaking and action skills are presented and used in the classroom. Focus on developing fluency rather than on grammar correction or pronunciation difficulties unless they greatly interfere with communication. Develop new ways of expressing yourself in order to communicate clearly, make good choices, create realistic goals, and stand up for yourself in a positive way. 3 HOUR CLASS PM 1.5 HOUR SKILLS ELECTIVE ILSC.VAN.15.150223 AM LEVEL REQUIREMENT B=Beginner I=Intermediate A=Advanced © Copyright 2015 WWW.ILSC.COM EMPOWERING THROUGH EDUCATION LANGUAGE SCHOOLS COLLEGES TE ACHER TR AINING CORPOR ATE TR AINING CONTINUING EDUCATION C ANADA: VANCOUVER, TORONTO, M ON T R ÉA L U S A: S A N F RA N CI S CO, N E W YORK AU S T R AL IA: B RI S BA N E , S YDN E Y I NDI A : N E W D E L HI
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