PROSPECTUS Students are taken through the history of music and its evolution, covering a variety of genres- from Baroque and Classical, to contemporary popular music (including Folk, Jazz, Latin and World music). The curriculum covers a brief overview of major composers and their music through lectures, listening, and watching musical examples. Part of the curriculum aids students in evolving their listening ability, which leads to a better understanding of music, and musical structures. M us ic A pp re c ia ti o n 1 A course in musicianship and music making, students are trained in a variety of musical concepts, including music theory, rhythm, This programme is essential towards all-round Es se n ti a l M us ic Sk il musical development. ls harmony and skills and technical foundations. 2 Designed specifically for aspiring vocalists learn how to sing great harmony by: Informing the mind, conditioning the ear and coordinating the voice. The Harmony curriculum covers practical applications of how harmony and melody work. It also involves ear training, as well as Harmony theory and practical group and choral (V o c a l) singing sessions. Ha rm o n y 3 Music is a time-based art form. Methods of managing and organizing time are critical to the music of all times and of all cultures, making Rhythm our primary tool for achieving such musical organization. Rhythm Studies is an in-depth analysis on the application of rhythm, and contemporary global rhythms in song-writing. Rh St yt ud h ie m s 4 Breathing and Voice Training is an important aspect for Br V ea o ic th e in Tr g a a in n in d g 5 all performing artists (especially vocalists and voice-over artists). This intensive practical session aids students with diction, enunciation, articulation practice, rhythmic cuing, projection, clarity, breath-control and management. This course will benefit all voice users and of course anyone who uses their voice professionally - teachers, lecturers, musicians, managers and public speakers. Jazz Studies is a course designed to demistify Jazz and introduce students to the world of Jazz. The curriculum is focused around Jazz harmony, chord progressions, and a variety of Jazz styles such as swing, bebop, new Jazz and Latin. The course also includes music theory, Jazz rhythms, standards (tunes) and studying the music of‘Jazz Greats. practice routines and other Ja zz development. St areas related to creative ud with course-material, involving ie foundation and improvised music study s Jazz Studies combines a solid musical 6 n o ti y a on is v m o ar pr d H Im n a 7 The improvisation and harmony course module is a study programme that teaches and develops advanced harmony and improvisational skills, concepts and techniques. Ideal for more experienced musicians wishing to widen their horizons, this course is a hands-on, assignment based exploration of the world of harmony, music theory, composition and arrangement and ear training. ra lT ra ho C g in in 8 These practical sessions encompass singing in groups and choirs. The choral training programme is designed to develop vocal skill and technique in a working choral group, as well as learning how to apply the harmony and ear training skills you learn in a live setting. The choral programme also functions as a launchpad for choral ensemble sessions and performances promoted by the College. The Ear Training Course is a set of practical sessions which are designed to improve listening abilities which further enable students to effectively identify what they hear, as well as empower them to Ea play or sing what they hear. The course covers melodic and harmonic interval r and pitch training and improves Tr qualitative identification abilities. in a g in 9 The Music Theory module is an exhaustive exploration of the development of music theory and is Th e o ry application in contemporary music. From reading and writing melody and harmony, to composing rhythm and arranging music, this is an intensive and very helpful approach to the language of music. ue iq hn c Te A thorough, intense, progressive and detailed set of classes, the Technique Development sessions are aimed er n e in t g dia Be me r te instrumental comfort and usage as well In at improving your foundation in as training with advanced technique to perfect your playing and performance. 10 The song-writing course is designed for students to learn the art of composing their own songs, understanding song structure, arrangement and lyricism, as well as dealing with common problems faced by artists such as “writer’s block”. Students undergo training where each student is given a crash course on song production, as well as lyric writing, chord structures and chord scales, thus achieving a level of indpendence when it comes to writing and g So n g w ri ti n 11 recording music. The lyric writing programme at One World College of Music aids students in organizing rhythms, rhymes and releasing several opinions, thoughts and emotions. Students engage in activities aimed at helping them identify the correct phrases and language to use when expressing their ideas, in order to create g compelling verses, choruses and bridges that relate to an audience. n The Lyric Writing Programme is designed to go hand in Ly r ic W ri ti hand with the song writing course. 12 A a dm is si o n C ri te ri 13 Applicants need to be above the age of 15 years. Exceptions can be made in rare circumstances. While it is not absolutely necessary to have prior formal training or exposure in music, these courses would be best employed by those who do have some experience playing and performing on their instrument, at any level, and have some familiarity with musical concepts. Of course, conviction and proven interest are a given. In some cases, an audition might be required, or demo material may be requested for, prior to admission. Classes are conducted through the week. Part time students can expect to attend classes up to 3 days per week, and full time students up to 6 days per week. A final schedule will be customized after admission. To make the most of your education here, you should be prepared to spend above 8 hours (Part time) and 15 hours (full time) per week at the College. The College is open on all Weekdays (Except Tuesdays) from 2 pm to 8 pm, and on weekends from 10 am to 6 pm. Classes C o a ur In nd se fo Sc T im h rm e in a du gs ti le o n will be held within this time bracket. 14 3807 DLF Phase 4, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002 0124-427 5064
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