ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH AMHERST, OHIO MONDAY, MARCH 30th Monday of Holy Week Is 42: 1-7, Jn 12: 1-11 9:00 A.M. Mario P. Lombardi (Mario & Carolyn Lombardi) (MD) TUESDAY, MARCH 31st Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49: 1-6, Jn 13: 21-33, 36-38 7:00 A.M. Frank Danicki (Walt & Millie Mazgaj) (MD) 7:00 P.M. Chrism Mass (St. John’s Cathedral) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50: 4-9a, Mt 26: 14-25 9:00 A.M. Chet Stawicki (Family) (MD) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament till 7PM 7:00 P.M. Benediction (DH) 10:00 A.M. Individual Reconciliation (MD) THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd Thursday of Holy Week Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11: 23-26/Jn 13: 1-15 9:00 A.M. Morning Prayers (DJ) 7:00 P.M. Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper (MD/DH) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 12:00A.M. 12:00 A.M. Midnight Prayer of the Blessed Sacrament (PH) FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd Friday of the Passion of the Lord Is 52: 13—53: 12, Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9, Jn 18: 1—19: 42 9:00 A.M. Morning Prayers (PH) 3:00 P.M. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (MD/DH*) 7:00 P.M. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (MD/DH*) SATURDAY, APRIL 4th Holy Saturday 9:00 A.M. Morning Prayers (PH) (Church) 9:00 A.M. First Saturday rosary (Chapel) 1:30 P.M. Blessings of the Easter Food (Church) Easter Vigil: Gn1:1—2: 2or 1: 1, 26-31a, Gn 22: 1-18 or 22: 1-2, 9a, 10 13, 15 18, Ex 14: 15—15: 1, Is 54: 5-14/ Is 55: 1 11/Bar 3: 9 15, 32—4: 4, Ez 36: 16-17a, 18 28, Rom 6: 3-11/Mk 16: 1-7 8:30 P.M. Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection (MD/DH) SUNDAY, APRIL 5th Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10: 34a, 37-43 Col 3: 1-4, or 1 Cor 5: 6b-8, Jn 20: 1-9, or Mk 16: 1-7 8:00 A.M. People of the Parish (MD) 10:00 A.M. People of the Parish (MD) 12:00 P.M. People of the Parish (RG) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FAMILY: Please pray for souls of John Frisina, Robert Zack (father of Julia Zack, third grade student at St. Joseph School) who past away this week. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. MARCH 29, 2015 MONDAY, MARCH 30th 7:00 P.M. No PSR Gr 7 & 8 (Sch) 7:00 P.M. Men’s Renewal Bible Study (SH/N) TUESDAY, MARCH 31st 7:00 P.M. Knights of Columbus (MPR) 7:00 P.M. Men’s Renewal Support Team (Quest Rm) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st 7:00 P.M. Men’s Renewal 2015 Core Team (Art Rm) 8:00 P.M. Athletic Association Mtg. (Health & Science Rm) FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd No School and Parish Office Closed Help Decorate the Church after the 7:00pm Liturgy on Good Friday SATURDAY, APRIL 4th NO C.L.O.W. NO PSR 6:00 P.M. NO Bingo SUNDAY, APRIL 5th EASTER SUNDAY NO C.L.O.W. No Preschool/K Religion TODAY’S READING “Take it; this is my body.” Mark 14: 1—15: 47 The passion of Jesus is told many times this week. The story is rich with details. Things are broken: a woman’s jar, a lamb’s bones, a man’s body. Intimacies are exchanged: one disciple’s kiss, another’s tears. A hymn is perhaps thoughtlessly sung, and later prayers are fervently prayed. Many sleep; one is vigilant. A steep price is variously paid: in expensive oils, a bag of silver, a servant’s ear, an innocent man’s life. Friends swear allegiances to Jesus they will not keep; one of those friends soon swears he doesn’t know Jesus. One follower runs away naked, while his teacher is robed in purple and crowned with thorns. Later Jesus exchanges his garments for a shroud. The wine of the Last Supper is exchanged for a cup drugged with myrrh. A woman opens the story with her fateful anointing. Other women close it with their faithful vigil at the cross and tomb. Which detail of the passion story speaks most powerfully to you this Holy Week? Find a symbol to remind you of it, and meditate on it this week. St. Joseph Church www: 440-988-2848 View this bulletin online at PALM SUNDAY Palm Sunday Prayer by Rev. Thomas Hall God of unfailing Love, We come before you on this day with thankful and joyous hearts because your love knows no bounds. No boundaries, limits, or obstacles— including those of our own making—can thwart your loving kindness from following us all the days of our lives. Yet during this week, your story of passion mirrors to us how we have tested your love and spurned your compassion. You find no abiding place in those who welcome you in God’s name during this week; you are welcomed with shortlived praise and soon-aborted allegiance. We kneel before you in awe of the Mystery of your faithfulness. We kneel before you with confession, acknowledging our complicity with friends and enemies alike who through the ages have disowned you through our words and actions. We kneel before you in gratitude, forever thankful that even during passion week your love held strong. As we enter into Holy Week brace us with fortitude and gratitude and with the assurance that you are with us, world without end. Amen. Dear Parishioners, I wanted to let you know that we are going to begin a search for a new Director of Religious Education (DRE). Brian Krezman has been in this role for the last few years since Sr. Noel left us. I want to publicly thank Brian for his time and dedication with us over these last few years. He is a man of deep faith and spirituality. He will be continuing his responsibilities until the end of the fiscal year, which is June 1st. In the mean time we will begin the "search" for a new DRE. If you would like to be a part of the search committee please call the parish office and let us know. The DRE position oversees the entire PSR Program from Preschool through Jr. Hi, covering Parish Sacramental Prep for PSR and our Day school, RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children), and Vacation Bible School. A complete job description can be found on our website. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of transition. Also, thank you for your prayers and support during this time while Fr. Martello is recovering. Many have asked how he is doing. Fr. Martello is recovering very well, but it will still be some time before he returns. Continue to pray for him in his discernment as well. We hope to have him back after Easter! The Saint Joseph Players were very excited to have a sneak appearance of Fr. Martello at their rehearsal. Everyone was glad to see him and he was very glad to be able to see the show! I am doing my best to run the two parishes and trying to be at everything that I can. Know that I am here for you all and will do anything I can for you. Please pray for me as well. FROM THE DESK OF KAREN CASAPER LINN We come to these last days of Lent. We have studied and retold the story of Jesus Christ's suffering and death over and over during these forty days. Our thoughts now turn to Holy Thursday and the Triduum when we celebrate the passing of Jesus through suffering and death to life at God's right hand. The branches we receive today will be placed in our classrooms near the cross to remind us of the joy those long ago in Jerusalem felt as they followed Jesus into the city. Our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving have brought us to the Easter season. Our First grade students are serving others by bringing in hygiene and wellness products to put in homemade bags to be given out at the homeless shelter. The shelter closes in April and residents will be on their own. The Third graders have been busy making cards and favors for the residents of our area who receive Meals on Wheels. They were excited to hear that the recipients of their St. Patrick's Day favors made many people very happy. Our students are learning that in life its the little things that make people happy. Our students get so excited when they hear back from someone about something they made for someone. Although the bible says to "do good and not expect thanks" many times we get a thank you from those who have so little. Wishing all of you a very blessed and prayerful Holy Week. May God be with you and your family. Fr. Michael Parish School of Religion • As usual, the combination of Holy Week, Easter and school systems' spring breaks means that we will have no PSR classes until Saturday, April 11 when Grades 1-6 return for their Easter celebration. Pre-School/Kindergarten will return on Sunday April 12 and Junior High, grades 7-8 return on Monday April 13. On behalf of all of our catechists and aides and the religious education staff we wish all of our PSR families a Blessed Easter break! • Saturday April 18 is Jesus Day for our First Communicants from St. Joseph School and PSR program. We will celebrate First Holy Communion on the weekends of April 25-26 and May 2-3. Then, on Mother's Day, Sunday May 10 all of our First Communicants will gather at the 10:00 Mass and celebrate the May Crowning of the statue of our Blessed Mother. This is the one chance to see all of our First Communicants together in their finery as they honor the Mother of God and thank their own mothers. Watch the bulletin for PSR early registration during May and June. View this bulletin online at PALM SUNDAY FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 2015 Weekly Budget $16,600.00 HOLY WEEK NEWS BLESSING OF EASTER FOOD: On Saturday, April 4th at 1:30pm we will have the Blessing of the Easter Food. LITTLE WHITE EASTER BOOKS: The little white Easter books are available in the narthex. DECORATE THE CHURCH FOR EASTER: Help decorate the Church for Easter following the 7:00pm Liturgy on Good Friday. RICE BOWLS: Please drop off your Rice Bowls by Monday, April 13th,, 2015. Sunday, March 22, 2015 $13,852.85 Offertory Online Giving Total $ 964.63 Online Giving Registered 89 Parishioners Children’s Envelopes $ 28.00 Poor Collection Envelopes $ 1,463.40 Online Giving Poor Collection $ 20.00 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: “I now establish my covenant with you and your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock, and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living Creature on the earth.” Genesis 9: 8-9 Thank you for your Generosity! NEWLY BAPTIZED: Through the sacrament of Baptism we joyfully welcome: Nicholas James Kucbel, son of James & Sarah Kucbel Into the fullness of our parish community and congratulate his parents. May the Lord walk closely with you in your journey and may He guide your parents in the very important challenging role they play in your live. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH, ELYRIA: The Altar & Rosary Society of SVD SENDS “Boxes from Home” to deployed soldiers. Do you have a loved one or friend you would like to send a box to? Please call Dorothy at 984-2192 with the soldier’s Name, Rank, Branch of Service and the overseas mailing address. FIRST FRIDAY FORUM : Friday, April 10, 2015 from 11:301:00pm “From St. Francis to Pope Francis Creating A Climate for Creation” and the speaker will be Mr. Dan Misleh, Executive Director of Catholic Climate Covenant. He has helped engage the Catholic community at the national, state and diocesan levels in a serious and sustained conversation about a Catholic approach to climate change focusing on the promotion of the common good, the protection of poor people, and the exercise of prudence with the goal of more fully implementing the U.S. Catholic bishops’ 2001 statement on climate change. Please call the Parish Office 440-988-2848, if you would like to be included in the reservations for the month of April. Deadline date is Monday, April 6th. FOUND: Lots of plastic containers, bowls, cookie sheets in our Social Hall and Parish kitchen. Please check your cupboards and see what you might have left here when you so thoughtful brought something to a function!!!! MEN’S RENEWAL Shepherd Me, O God - Men's Renewal Weekend: Prayerfully consider God's call to attend the men's renewal April 1112. An amazing weekend has been planned to bring men from our parish together to take a fresh look at their faith, pray, re-energize, reconcile and move closer to God. Answer the call! Sign up on our parish website: or pick up a sign-up from the parish office. Contact Ken Stark at 440-864-8094 if you have any questions. View this bulletin online at YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Confirmation Level 2 Students: Little time remains for your personal interview. If you have not scheduled your time with John Kowalski (440) 309-5006 or Brian Krezman, please do so immediately. All paperwork is due at the time of your meeting. Youth Prayer Night: TEENS: Is something missing from your life? Things not going the way you have hoped? Join us in prayer at our monthly prayer night. Due to Holy Thursday, our April gathering will be Thursday, April 9th in the Chapel at St. Joseph from 7-8 pm. Bring prayer intentions for others. IMMERSION Nerf gun night: IMMERSION youth group will have another fun night today, Sunday March 28th from 6:30-8:30 pm in the social hall at St. Joseph. You asked for it, so we’ll have another Nerf gun night! Members, watch your email for any details. If you are a high school student and would like to join the youth group, call or text John at (440) 309-5006. It’s a great ministry to bring you closer to God and to have good times. We’ll be headed out on a road trip in May. Check it out. IMMERSION Stations of the Cross: Thanks to the wonderful large crowd who turned out to experience the IMMERSION’S Station of the Cross on March 10th, at the St. Joseph social hall. It was powerful sign of support for the youth ministry. The students and helpers put in many hours preparing for the evening and we all appreciate such great attendance. We hope we added prayer and contemplation to your Lent. VINCENTIANS HELPED IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Total families served: 21 33 Adults 42 Children 17 Families received food (3 Families given Save-a-Lot gift cards) 1 Families helped with utilities 2 Family helped with rent 1 Family received miscellaneous help 1 Family received Goodwill help 1 Family received client help IMMERSION STATIONS OF THE CROSS OUR YOUTH MINISTRY DID A FINE JOB ~ Journeying With Loss ~ St. Joseph Parish will again be hosting the four-session bereavement workshop, Journeying With Loss, which is intended to provide information and support to anyone who has suffered the pain and grief they’ve experienced with the death of a loved one. The workshops will be held in the School Library from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on the four consecutive Thursdays of April 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, 2015. If you or someone you know would like further information or to register for this workshop, please contact the pastoral minister, Deacon Don Jankowski, at the parish office, (440) 988-2848 ext. 205. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. We thank you for all that you do to help those in need. PRE-CANA Day: Hosted by Holy Spirit Parish in Avon Lake. If you are an engaged couple preparing for marriage you are invited to register now. Couples from neighboring parishes are welcome and invited to attend. This pre-Cana Day will be held on Saturday, April 18th in the Holy Spirit Family Life Center from 8:30 am to 6:00pm (including Mass). Cost for the Day is $65.00 per couple and includes breakfast and lunch. Call 440-695-1010 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected] . DISCERNMENT OF SPIRIT: Part of the Women’s Renewal Path, but all women in the Parish are welcome to join them in the “Discernment of Spirit” series, which begins on March 26th at 7:00pm in the school multipurpose room. Books will be available for purchase at the parish office. For more information email Marsha at [email protected]. “What is Spiritual Discernment? Spiritual Discernment is the quest to discover God’s will for us so that we can follow that will.” View this bulletin online at ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH AMHERST, OHIO MARCH 29, 2015 WIZARD OF OZ Follow the Yellow Brick Road… May 9, 2015, Reverse Raffle 12th ANNUAL REVERSE RAFFLE GRAND PRIZE Win up to $10,000.00 CASH Our annual Reverse Raffle is in the works and we need everyone’s help to make it the BEST YEAR EVER! We are starting to collect money and donations for prizes for our “Famous” adult raffles. No gift is too big or small! Donations in the past have been cash, retail gift cards, sports apparel/memorabilia, toys, special event tickets, time shares, and many other creative ideas (example paint a room). Find a great bargain while out shopping: consider adding it to your cart! The success of the REVERSE RAFFLE DEPENDS ON YOUR SUPPORT! Please drop you donations off at the Parish office or call Lesley at the Parish office (440) 988-2848 and we can pick up your donated items. VOCATION VIEWS Blest are they who come in the name of the Lord. Am I being called to proclaim Jesus as a priest, deacon, brother, or sister? Mark 11: 1-10) ST. JO SEPH CEM ETARY REMINDER: Please pick up winter decorations on graves as soon as possible. After April 1st all items and flowers will be disposed. We need to get our cemetery ready for Easter. Save the date: 2015 Vacation Bible School July 27-31. Come and join us for Camp Discovery. We are in need of group leaders. If you are interested in helping our children discover Jesus, please contact Shelly Bussard at 440-666-0439 or [email protected] THANK YOU This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. NATIVITY SOUTH AMHERST MASS SCHEDULE SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Monday and Wednesday 8:00am Saturday Evening Vigil -- 5:30pm Sunday Mass-- 9:30am 440-986-7011 Please put North Cost Eye Care Ad Drs. D. A. DelPrincipe and A. L. Fisher View this bulletin online at Amherst • 440-282-2020 View these Sponsors and more @ Experience, Diligence, Integrity, OUR Credentials, OUR Promise.... Donna Miller 440-320-1341 Donna George-Templeton 440-522-5677 (parishioner) Email: [email protected] Web: “Howard Hanna’s #1 Agents in the West Region, 2013” Real Estate • Mortgage • Title • Insurance 37800 French Creek Rd. COMPLIMENTS OF Short-Term Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing Alzheimer’s / Dementia Care Assisted & Independent Living (440) 934-2600 A Caring Community • Acorn Child Care Center The Gardens of French Creek Assisted Living Porter Pavilion Memory Support Skilled Nursing Care and Rehabilitation Center Working toward a cavity-free generation. Family Owned since 1965 FLORENCIO E. YUZON, MD FACP 103 Milan Ave., Ste 4 Downtown Amherst Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology JOSEF K. KORINEK, MD 877-215-0763 Drs. D. A. DelPrincipe and A. L. Fisher [email protected] Amherst • 440-282-2020 Northern Refrigeration Ronald E. Kopco, CPA SM Systems FOR ALL YOUR COMMERCIAL A/C & REFRIGERATION NEEDS CPA America Counts on CPAs MIKE CAMERA, PARISHIONER 986-4545 934-3000 5336 Meadow Lane Ct. Sheffield Village [email protected] E LY R I A LICENSE BUREAU Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Vermilion FREE ESTIMATES • TREE TRIMMING TREE REMOVAL • FULLY INSURED Supporting Our Local Communities Since 2000 Ask about our winter price! 440-985-2676 • For The Traveling Catholic ! 2901 Liberty Ave. Vermilion • Online or by eMail 967-9659 Mark G. Misencik, D.D.s. OHIO Parishioner Liberty Woods ProfessionaL Park 572 n. Leavitt rd. • Because Integrity Never Goes Out of Style Debbie Albrecht [email protected] Pray for our Servicemen, Servicewomen, Veterans, and their Families. REALTOR® – Parishioner [email protected] Office: 440-324-0069 Cell: 440-787-6610 158 Cleveland St. • Elyria 988-4415 Farm market • DEPUTY REGISTRAR 175 N. Lake St. 3885 Oberlin Ave., Lorain–282-5100 If No Answer Call 960-4870 MoN: 8-6:30 TUES-FRI: 8-5 SAT: 8-2 MARY KAY EMERY •605 Chestnut Commons Dr. 37701 Colorado Ave., Ste. E, Avon 440-934-5204 Brian J. Jankowski President •322-0723 Jason C. Barb, D.D.S. • John M. Venzel, D.M.D. 24 hour service 440-984-4545 Residential & Commercial C VlinA O , Inc. G g A o H S ating & Co He 2 9122 Leavitt Rd., Elyria Hugh Shagovac [email protected] Agent Sheffield Office: 5455 Detroit Rd. Sheffield Village, OH 44054 (440) 930-4001 Oberlin Office: 23 Eric Nord Way Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 930-4001 Real Estate • Mortgage Title • Insurance “DG” DOUG GEORGE • Parishioner 440-320-6700 [email protected] Holy Matrimony Open 7 days a week is One Man and One Woman 984-7432 209 S. Main St. For Advertising Info Call: 1-800-282-5106 Open For Breakfast EVERY DAY 254 Park Ave. 440-941-0718 10% off on Sundays with this coupon (not combined with any other offer) COMPLIMENTS OF E: 1686 LICENS SCOTT M. CACO O’Toole, Mclaughlin, Dooley & Pecora Co., LPA 440.988.4166 New PatieNts welcome CHINESE RESTAURANT 2292 Kresge Dr. • Amherst 440-960-2299 Parishioner Auto, Property, Life, Business Allstate Insurance Company 24 Hour a 400 N. Leavitt Rd. 988-5500 Day Service 52 1/2 S. Main St. Oberlin Call Us! 440-775-0118 CatholicMatch Ohio 282-6187 Di FRANCESCO GARAGE DOORS AND ELECTRONIC OPENERS INSTALLATION • SALES • SERVICE 3300 OBERLIN AVE. “Di FRAN” THE DOORMAN THE GARAGE DOOR STORE LORAIN Please patronize our bulletin sponsors. COMPLIMENTS OF View these Sponsors and more @ SCHOOL OPEN ENROLLMENT Call for information & Schedule a visit 988-4244 GARLAND - MISENCIK ATTORNEY MARTIN CONRY FUNERAL HOME At Need - Pre Need Funeral and Cremation Services Independently Owned & Operated MARK FUHRMAN AND SON SOS ervice n ite NEW AGAIN Remodeling and Concstruction Mobile Mower Service 209 Park Ave. Downtown Amherst “I Make House Calls” Parish Member 988-4124 Reidy-Scanlan-Giovannazzo You Dream It We Build It Servicing the area’s power equipment needs for over 30 years 988-5200 988-4537 151 PARK AVE. AFFORDABLE PRICES ON ALL YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS RIGHT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLIMENTS OF Wills, Trusts, Real Estate, Domestic/Family, Traffic Violations Funeral Home & Cremation Service 2250 Broadway, Lorain • Traditional Funerals • Cremation • Pre-Arranged Funerals Call for a Free Consultation Vincent J. Giovannazzo 440-244-1961 For Fast Service Call (440) 315-0250 • (440) 949-9975 James M. Janasko 562 Broadway, Lorain Gary Dodson 245-6268 Insurance underwritten by MemberSelect Company. Liberty Ford Lincoln Vermilion 4215 E. Liberty Ave. Vermilion 440-967-6191 1-800-572-3595 General Contractor 440-989-2683 General Manager [email protected] 440-320-6464 We’ve teamed with AAA to bring you great value and coverage. You Dream It, We Build It Jeff Hilko Real Estate Services You could save up to 35% a year by switching to Auto Insurance through AAA. 1-800-282-5106 “Ohio’s #1 Ford Dealer Group!” For Advertising Information CALL Jane and Ken Gremling SELL YOUR HOME FOR LESS! Ask Us About Our Seller-Assist Programs! 440-315-6670 Parishioners *Preschool *Kindergarten - Eighth Grade *Day Care *Academic Excellence *Family Atmosphere *Spiritual Values Custom Building & Remodeling Since 1956 GreGG Fior Chelsea Parham Dana Christian Stylists in Flowers 136 Park Ave. 988-5723 Smith’S CuStom Catering • Dr. & Mrs. Demostenes Sison • Dr. & Mrs. James Ohliger Complete Catering ServiCeS Dave Fox, Owner • Parishioner since 1970 440-934-5403 Visit Our Studio at 133 Park Ave. Veterans Discount D.D.S., Inc. Dovin and Reber Jones 1110 Cooper Foster Park Rd. 985-2100 Residential Remodeling Interior/Exterior Addition/Garages We Design 988-7292 195 Cleveland Ave. 984-2468 General Dentist Most Insurance Welcome Mastercard & Visa Office Hours By Appointment New Patients Welcome 1704 St. Rt. 60 • Vermilion 967-4782 412 E. Broad • Elyria 323-3339 2129 Parishioners 37500 Colorado Rd. • Avon General Contractor - Since 1989 Darrell & Denise McCarty Parishioners Funeral & Cremation Center Bill Jones Jim & Michelle Sustersic, Parishioners Professional Sponsors of St. Joseph GENE & SHARON HENDERSON Pamela Reber Jones AGent Cell 440-221-3534 [email protected] 199 n. leAvitt rd. Amherst
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