PARISH PRESS THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY TODAY 29 March 2015 - 8.00am 9.30am 7.30pm Palm Sunday (Red) NOTICES Holy Eucharist, followed by breakfast Sung Eucharist, followed by morning tea Stainer’s “The Crucifixion”@ St Peter’s Box Hill 29 March 2015 Palm Sunday THIS WEEK Parish Office: Wednesday only 9.15am to 1.15pm Tues to Fri 9.00am Morning Prayer Services in the Chapel of St George Holy Monday 30th 7.00pm Holy Eucharist in St George’s Chapel(Violet) Holy Tuesday 31st 7.00pm 7.30 pm Holy Eucharist in St George’s Chapel(Violet) Choir practice (for Holy Week only) Holy Wednesday 1st 10.00am 11.00 am 7.00pm Healing Service from Iona (Violet) All are welcome. We follow the service with morning tea Study Group in the John English Room Meditations on Holy Week Maundy Thursday 2d 7.00pm Festal Eucharist (swung incense) Good Friday 3rd (Violet) 10.00am Antecommunion & veneration of the Cross (Red) Holy Saturday 4th 7.00pm New fire, Vigil and First Communion of Easter 12.00 midnight, Daylight Saving Ends NEXT SUNDAY 5 April 2015 - Easter Day 8.00am 9.30am 5.00pm Readings: (White) Holy Eucharist (altar incense), followed by breakfast Festal Eucharist, (altar incense) for families and children followed by morning tea Choral Evensong 1st Reading: Isaiah 25.6-9 Psalm: Hymn to the Risen Christ 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11 Gospel: Mark 16.1-8 PARISH CONTACTS Vicar Assistant Priest Parish Office Pastoral Care Director of Music Lay Readers Verger Parish Office Websites The Venerable Ian Morrison SCP T: 03 9890 2605 [email protected] M: 04333 04444 The Reverend Jenny Sumpter SCP T: 03 9723 3265 [email protected] M: 0434 434 444 Administrator - Ruth Theodoridis T: 03 9890 2165 [email protected] F: 03 9890 2040 Co-ordinator - Judy Goodes T: 03 9817 1083 Richard Hoy T: 03 9894 2335 Paul Carver, Ann Constable Leslie Gibbons Cnr Union Road & Montrose Street, Surrey Hills 3127 P O Box 300, Surrey Hills 3127 T: 03 9890 2165 4 Music Notes The communion setting for Lent will be Matthias. During communion the organ music will be "Adagio for Strings" by the American composer Samuel Barber (1910-1981). The composition has been arranged for piano/organ, choir (Agnus Dei) and film music. The postlude is "Processional to Calvary" from the cantata "The Crucifixion" by the English organist/composer Sir John Stainer (1840-1901). See separate notice in Parish Press. Parish Prayer List The Church We pray for the Diocese of Newcastle; Lay Ministry; Parish of Holy Trinity, Bacchus Marsh; Christ Church, Myrniong and St George's Balliang. The world We pray that the world may know Christ through his death and resurrection, and we pray for the victims of the plane crash in the French Alps. Amen Our community We pray for asll who will be celebrating the events of Holy Week with us. Amen Those in need Rev.d Jenny Sumpter, Tess, Baby Josiah, Tunde, Memory Grecian, Anne L, Lucas Grigg, Alexandra Cameron, Jessica, Suzanne, Ursula, Gwen Patton, Michael Goldsworthy, Philip Worssam, Ashley Witcombe, Margery Witcombe, Jean 1 Cheshire, Patricia, Joan, Margie Thomas, Tony Smith, Peter Branson, Dorothy Gwilliam, Elizabeth Goodman, Betty Hunt, Suellen Bowers, Alison Z, Margaret Howard, Barbara Plunkett, Rev Fr John Leaver, Caroline Jackson, Mariee D-B, Carol and Viv, Joan Crowley, Karen Foster, Sean Dillon, Melissa Mariani. The departed We give thanks for the lives of those who have died recently; for those whose anniversaries of death occur around this time especially Geoffrey Edwin Barratt, Lorna Hope Crowther, Edward Benn, Patricia Anne Forster. Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord & let light perpetual shine upon them _______________________________________________________________ From the Vicar Fortunately as we will hear in today’s readings, everything went according to plan for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday. On the other hand, however, we have encountered some turbulence in the approach to Holy Week here in Surrey Hills & Mont Albert. As you will no doubt see, Jenny has broken her arm. Fortunately we believe it is a clean fracture which is already healing, but she won’t be able to drive for a few weeks. Then our Parish Administrator diligently noticed that daylight savings ends early on Easter morning. Could this be because the ‘Light of the World’ has risen from the dead? Our Easter Services flyer and signboard certainly suggest a glow from the empty tomb on that morning. Please remember to adjust your clocks to that you are not too early, though that’s better than being late. If you are early, we will entertain you in any case. Today we have our Palm Sunday services and evening concert at St Peter’s Box Hill at 7.30pm. If you are wondering how to fill in the afternoon, Philip Widmer is conducting a tour of Box Hill cemetery at 2pm on the theme ‘Famous and Unusual’. Please let him know (0403419522) if you are going to join me there. On Holy Monday at 7pm we have a Eucharist in the chapel which Jenny is celebrating, ably assisted by Patricia Fincham. On Holy Tuesday at 7pm we also have Holy Eucharist at 7pm in the chapel. On Holy Wednesday we have our healing service at 10am, this time using a service from the Iona Community. Afterwards we will have the final morning Lenten study that we missed last week. At 7pm, there is a special meditation service at stations spread throughout the church and Parish Centre. Jenny has devised this and I hope you can join us. I will be arranging fish and chips for dinner afterwards ($10). Jenny and I wish you a very holy week and a happy Easter. How could we be anything else but happy as ‘Christ is risen’. Fr Ian ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notices The cantata "The Crucifixion", a meditation on the Passion, by John Stainer will be performed at 7.30 pm THIS EVENING Palm Sunday by the joint choirs of St Peters Box Hill and Holy Trinity at St Peters Box Hill. The soloists are Barry Fry bass and Richard Thomas tenor, the conductor is Derek Jones and the organist is Lewis Plumridge. Members of the Holy Trinity Parish may find this an opportunity to farewell Rev. Derek Jones who is retiring from full-time parish ministry on the Sunday after Easter. Trinity @home There is no meeting on Maundy Thursday 2 April. Easter Flowers-thank you Thanks for the generous response from parishioners for money towards the Christmas flowers I am able to purchase for Easter without asking for donations at this time. If anyone has long stemmed white, yellow/gold flowers you would like using for Easter please let me know. Book launch Muriel Porter has a new book being launched on Monday 13 April 2015 at St George’s Malvern at 6.30pm. The book, A New Exile: The Future of Anglicanism, has been ordered for our Parish library. Stewardship Envelopes 2015-16 The new boxes are available today in the narthex. Your commitment to our Weekly Giving program is very much needed, and is appreciated. ‘ Home of the Persians’ Oxfam’s Canterbury Group are hosting a talk by Elizabeth and Eric McKay on their recent trip through Iran, on Wednesday 8 April at 11am at the Camberwell Uniting Church. See flyer on the board in the narthex or speak with Ann Richards ‘Famous and Unusual’ a tour of Box Hill cemetery today at 2pm with Philip Widmer. Contact Philip if you wish to participate on 0403419552. Graves of the Coles Myer family and more. On Maundy Thursday we have our special commemoration of the Last Supper at 7pm with five priests concelebrating. This is the beginning of the Triduum, the great three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. On Good Friday at 10am we will have our Solemn Liturgy of the veneration of the cross and Antecommunion, using the sacrament remaining from our Maundy Thursday service. Afterwards we will have hot cross buns. Holy Saturday brings us to the new fire of Easter at 7pm, with the Vigil readings and the first Eucharist of Easter (which technically starts from sunset on Saturday evening). On Easter Day we have services at 8am and 9.30am as usual (less daylight savings time), with a special emphasis on children at our 9.30 service. All the services this year are new (or at least different from last year), so please come and also keep the Orders of Service for reflection. 2 This rite of Holy Eucharist is from A Prayer Book for Australia (APBA), © 1995 The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation, published under the imprint of Broughton Books. Hymns are from the Australian Hymn Book (AHB) and Together in Song (TiS), © 1977, 1999 The Australian Hymn Book Pty Ltd unless otherwise specified. Scripture texts are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible – Catholic Edition (NRSV), © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Copyright material is used with permission. CAL- ST4235,BHT 0906. 3
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