Bulletin of the Central Church of Christ 2722 Oakland Avenue • Johnson City, TN • 37601-1844 • Phone (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE www.GraceMine.org March 29, 2015 No.13 Ministers Ministers Tim Hall Greg Ryan Dustin Humphreys Elders Gene Arrowood Dan Bowman Gene Chapman L.A. Hamilton Steve Ingram John McKinnis Dennis Russell Deacons Doug Booton Randy Brewer Jim Carden David Crockett John Doyle Andrew Easterling David Erickson Jason Faddis Jim Fillers David Frakes Ken Gilliam Phil Gilliam Chig Gunter Mike Higginbotham Danny Kellum Ken Misterly Brandon Quesinberry Ren Rice Trey Robertson Sherrell Shepard Dave Torgerson Cary Vantine Ron Whitson Worship Times Times Sundays: Worship, 10:30 am, 6 pm; Classes: 9:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm Some Thoughts I’d Like to Share…by Tim Hall Watch Out For Mockers In this land of freedom, you have the right – it’s in the First Amendment – to mock law enforcement. The name “Barney Fife” has been applied to many police officers, a tactic that often brings sneers and ridicule. But when that officer, acting on the basis of his government-sanctioned orders, tells you to pull over, it’s time to come back to reality. There seems to be an increasing amount of mockery of Christian faith. It has long been found on late-night television, but you don’t have to stay up late to hear it anymore. In prime time jokes are made about “old fashioned values” and “outdated morals”. Such “comedy” has caused many a disciple to shrink back and reconsider whether they want to be known as a Bible believer. In 2 Chronicles 30, King Hezekiah realized that Judah had not been keeping the Passover Feast as God had commanded. sent throughout land, urging the people to assemble in ThisCouriers Weekwere – “The Bride oftheChrist” Jerusalem on an announced date to do what the Lord had commanded. Here’s what the text says: “So the couriers went from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, and as far as Zebulun, but they laughed them to scorn and mocked them” (2 Chronicles 30:10). There were some who responded to the king’s order and came to keep the feast. But this element who mocked those who truly represented God’s will did not go away. Their efforts were one of the reasons God allowed Judah to be conquered by Babylon: “The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place. But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising the words and scoffing at His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against His people, until there was no remedy” (2 Chronicles 36:15,16). Psalm 22:7 spoke about the reception Jesus Christ would have: “All who see Me mock Me; they make mouths at Me; they wag their heads.” Matthew 27:39-43 records the fulfillment of that prophecy. Mockery is used today with great effectiveness to turn people away from one set of ideas to another. Patton Oswalt, a popular comedian of our day, affirmed this in a January 8, 2015 interview for HuffingtonPost.com: “There's not a bigger weapon against oppressiveness and evil than satire and bad taste,” he is quoted as saying. He is one who sometimes mocks religion. Yes, ours is a land of free speech, and our goal is not to censor those who mock our faith. But when we hear jokes and scoffing about truths we’ve been taught and have lived by, will we quickly abandon them? Or will we take the time to examine afresh the reasons why we believe and practice what we do? “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked” (Galatians 6:7). 3/29/15: Let’s pray for: Buddy Barefield, emergency rehospitalization last Thursday; Stephanie Vance, hospitalized Wednesday with pain and weakness in her arm; Charlie Hartman, one more chemo treatment to complete; Peggy Vonderfecht; Claude Terry; Caroline Faddis; Sue Neeley; Debbie Honeycutt; Jennifer Easterling; Edna Hayes; Mark Boggs; Tom and Jacquelyn Ellis; Pam Billingsby; Kerry Hutchinson; Robin Wishon; Allen Jackson; Joyce Hall; Isaac Vance; Frank Chapo; Glenn Blacklidge; Doug Grindstaff; Lorene Arrowood; Teresa Guinn; Betty Hamilton; Mike Lyons; Gay Enkema; Karen Stevens. Skilled nursing/assisted living/homebound: Grace Muse; Mildred Hall; Harold Napier; Delora Tidwell; James Carden, Sr.; Joy Carter-Hildrich; Sherry McCulley; Louise Welch; Velma Stables; Lola Johnson; Jesse Crabtree; Johnny & Elayne Trent; Lon & Mildred Shuler. Friends, relatives: Wade Brooks, member of the State Street, Bristol, congregation, serious health problems; Priscilla Grindstaff’s sister, Carolyn, facial injuries from a bad fall; Mae Humphreys, Elizabeth McConnell’s mother, declining health; James Bowser, a man in the community with health problems. Continuing problems: Sandra Ryan; Randal Salyer; Ronald Barton; Sherry Vandeventer; Regina Mullen; Carlene Bannister; Greta Copas; Leigh Rice; Jane Cox; Carla Carlson; Dorothy Jones; Robert Martin; Linda Jennings; Carol Reavis; Jean Thompson; John Pansock; Chris Baker; Sue Wong; June Miller Gouge; Mamie Gates; Wade Cole; Kenneth Hall; Jeana Rogers; Rita Veselak; John Keith Verble; Melissa Ours; Braysen Thatcher; Patrice Gillespie; Anthony Basket; Janet Green; Martha Forbes; Clinton Lady; Daniel Owusu’s brother, Stephen; Becky Gross; Dana Kelly; Valerie Merkel; Lucy Burgess; Doris Kessinger; Cornail Proffitt. CHANGES/UPDATES UNDERLINED MILITARY: Robbie Glenn, Eli Mitchell, Jordan Heatly, Air Force; Nicole Stephens, Brittany Lobos, Army; Brennan McCain, Marines; Kaylee Vantine, Navy. SUNDAY A.M. on WEMT: TV Sunday School, 7:00; In Search of the Lord’s Way, 7:30; Biblical Viewpoints, 8:00. LADIES, WEDDING SHOWER for Ivey Rice and Nick Cunningham, here on Sunday, 4/19, 2:30-4 p.m. They are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohl’s, Sears, Belk, Target. Hostesses: Ruth Boggs, Sandra Norris, Kathy Higginbotham, Luanne Hoilman, Luci Jernigan, Margaret Sams. JOIN US FOR LUNCH! Following our morning worship assembly, we will gather downstairs for another of our famous covered dish fellowship meals. We would love for you to join us, even if you haven’t brought anything. Stay and eat, and let’s get better acquainted! Visitors are our honored guests! PANTRY NEEDS: Toilet paper MONDAY NIGHT For The Master tomorrow 6 p.m. Making phone calls or visits, writing cards, doing jobs around the building – there’s work for all. IF YOU WANT any of the Home Devotionals, leave a note on the sheet with the binder; we will print them. IF YOU CAN’T be here because of weather, illness, or travel, listen in at http://gracemine.org/audiostreaming.htm. IF YOU NEED to update your listing and/or have a new picture made for our directory, please see John McKinnis or Ron Whitson by May 10 (new date). NEW TIMES START April 12: Bible classes 9:15, worship service 10:15. THE ANNUAL Leaders’ Workshop will be Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17. All elders, deacons and ministers of Central are urged to be present. THE LOST AND FOUND is now in a container behind the Welcome Counter. “HEARTS BOWED DOWN” is our new 15 minute devotional, 8 p.m. Saturdays on http://gracemine.org/audiostreaming.htm. FAMILY & FRIENDS DAY, Sunday, May 3, theme - “Surviving The Storm”. WELCOME OUR NEWEST ELDER: Last Sunday morning Dan Bowman was announced as our newest elder. Dan and his wife, Lisa, have worshiped with us since late 2010, and they have shown an enthusiasm for service. Pray for them as Dan begins his service with us. EASTER EGG HUNT and party, next Sunday, 2-4 p.m. here. You can help by: 1. Everyone who can, please bring individually wrapped candy to be put in the eggs, by Wednesday, 4/1. 2. Sign up to bring finger foods at the visitor center. 3. Donations are sought to help pay for the inflatables and other rentals. Please give to Lori or David Erickson. Parents, bring lawn chairs and quilts, and be sure your child brings a basket. OUR SYMPATHY to the family of John Buchanan who died last Tuesday. He was the brother-in-law of Mark Stayer and also the father-in-law of Charlie and Priscilla Grindstaff’s son Jay. REMEMBER to fill out your RSVP card and leave it in the container on the Welcome Counter by May 1 if you plan to attend the wedding of Ivey Rice and Nick Cunningham. Thanks! RESPONSES: Last Sunday, Megan Sorrow was baptized by her father, Brad. Let’s all welcome our new sister! And welcome to Kent Earnest, son of Ruth Earnest, who placed membership with us last Sunday! “THE BAGLEY FAMILY would like to say thanks to the Central family for all your thoughts, prayers, and support as Tony searches for new employment. In Christian love, Tony and Shatoya” “OUR SINCERE THANKS to all for the cards, visits, lovely plant, and prayers upon the death of my mother. They all brought great comfort in this time of sorrow. In Christian love, Ruth Ann Mowery and family” BIRTHDAYS: Mandy Oaks (today); Gene Arrowood, Emily Fatherree, Ron Whitson, Gay Clark (Tues.); Autumn Looney (Wed.); Teresa Wolfe, Thurman Dye, Brad Sorrow (Thu.); Mike Higginbotham (Fri.); Tammy Williams, Eugene Wolfe (Sat.). ANNIVERSARIES: Mark & Ruth Boggs (today). “THEREFORE, WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, GOD MAKING HIS APPEAL THROUGH US. WE IMPLORE YOU ON BEHALF OF CHRIST, BE RECONCILED TO GOD” - ESV, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 03.29.15 03.29 .15 YOUTH NEWS – CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST HERE’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO! • • • • Tonight’s Devotional: Our devotional will be today right after most of us are done eating at the fellowship meal. We are going to test just how well you can see. Wednesday Dinner Date: Our dinner date will be at 5:30 at Zaxby’s on Roan St. Phone Numbers and E-Mail: If you need to update your phone number or e-mail so that you can receive the texts that are sent out for the youth, please let me know the updated information ASAP. You can either e-mail me ([email protected]) or call me (540-664-7257). Home Devotionals: The congregation has access to home devotionals in order to give you ideas for lessons while you are working on things around the house, garage, kitchen, and yard. Check out the binder in the foyer and if you see ones you want feel free to copy it or let me know which ones you would like print outs of. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! Remembering Your Sins? Maybe you do not struggle with this, but I did when I was baptized. After I was baptized, I was feeling great and everything was going well. Then I started having thoughts pop in my head that I didn’t want. They were the reminders of the sin that I Calling All Writers: Do you have a desire to make an impact for God in your writing? Let me know and I would LOVE for some of our youth to submit articles for our website, KAMission.com. NOW is the time to make an impact for God, and you can do that through your writing. committed. • T-Shirts: Let’s get these t-shirts ordered! There are forms in the foyer. Please get those back to me by April 12th. just wash away too?” I wanted them • Family Meeting/Events: We need planners for this year, so be thinking what month you want to help with in order for us to have a good, well-planned event. • I thought to myself, “Why don’t those gone, but you can’t erase memories. Then I realized this, by remembering where God had brought me from, it made His grace and mercy even sweeter. It is a constant reminder for not how awful I was (and still am), but how good God is. March 29, 2015 Contact Doug Booton if unable to serve Sunday Morning: Welcome: Gene Arrowood Song Leader: David Crockett Next Week: Danny Kellum Prayer: Michael Rasnake Next Week: Butch Carden Scripture: Butch Carden Next Week: Jerry Whitted Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Heaven Holds All To Me” Dismissal: Gene Arrowood Next Week: Dan Bowman Lord's Supper: Presiding: Doug Booton Next Week: Michael Rasnake Serving: Alex Doyle, Andrew Easterling, Andrew Trent, Austin Hamilton, Claude Terry, Devin Hamilton, Jason Faddis, Jerry Whitted, John Hutchinson, John Trent, Larry Reece, Marshall Stables, Matthew Sorrow, Maxin Peters, Neal Elliott, Trey Robertson Children's Training Class: the Gilliams Nursery: Rachel Laycock, April Looney, Maggie Misterly Sunday Evening: Song Leader: Danny Kellum Prayer: Michael McConnell Scripture: Sermon: Song Service Topic: Dismissal: Trey Robertson Lord's Supper: Darrell Honeycutt, Jerry Pierce Nursery & Toddler: Stacy Rice Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: Steve Ingram Devotional: D.B. Honeycutt Dismissal: Scott Chisam Report from last week Central Church of Christ P.O. Box 4021 Johnson City, TN 37602-3961 (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE Building Security: Ken Misterly, Dave Torgerson Next Week: D.B. Honeycutt, Ken Gilliam Opening, Closing building: Scott Chisam Next Week: Steve Williams For March: Communion Prep: David & Sheila Frakes Contact Sherrell Shepard, 477-2278, if unable to prepare Cup & Bulletin Pick-up: 2nd graders Baptistery: Sheila Frakes Registry Data Entry: Gay Clark Classes: 204; A.M. 387; P.M. 156; Wed. 182 Offering: $14,011.52 Weekly Budget: $12,500.00
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