Bulletin of the Central Church of Christ 2722 Oakland Avenue • Johnson City, TN • 37601-1844 • Phone (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE www.GraceMine.org March 15, 2015 No.11 Ministers Ministers Tim Hall Greg Ryan Dustin Humphreys Elders Gene Arrowood Gene Chapman L.A. Hamilton Steve Ingram John McKinnis Dennis Russell Deacons Doug Booton Dan Bowman Randy Brewer Jim Carden David Crockett John Doyle Andrew Easterling David Erickson Jason Faddis Jim Fillers David Frakes Ken Gilliam Phil Gilliam Chig Gunter Mike Higginbotham Danny Kellum Ken Misterly Brandon Quesinberry Ren Rice Trey Robertson Sherrell Shepard Dave Torgerson Cary Vantine Ron Whitson Worship Times Sundays: Worship, 10:30 am, 6 pm; Classes: 9:30 am Wednesdays: 7:00 pm Some Thoughts I’d Like to Share…by Tim Hall “The Office Of Overseer” Dan Bowman’s name was placed before the congregation last Sunday as a candidate for elder. You are asked to prayerfully consider the qualifications given in Scripture for this office, and then share with the elders your impressions of Dan, positive or negative, as one worthy of this appointment. Please share those impressions by next Sunday, March 22. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, Thisa Week – “The Bride of able to teach, not drunkard, not violent butChrist” gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.” (1 Timothy 3:17, English Standard Version) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you – if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, selfcontrolled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” (Titus 1:5-9, English Standard Version) Send your feedback via email to [email protected], or hand your written notes (signed) to one of the elders. 3/15/15: Let’s pray for: Claude Terry, outpatient surgery last Friday to remove a node on his parathyroid gland; Jennifer Easterling, recent outpatient surgery; Edna Hayes; Thurman Dye; Buddy Barefield; Mark Boggs; Ann Brewer; Mildred Hall; Tom Ellis; Pam Billingsby; Kerry Hutchinson; Robin Wishon; Sue Neeley; Allen Jackson; Charlie Hartman; Joyce Hall; Isaac Vance; Frank Chapo; Glenn Blacklidge; Doug Grindstaff; Lorene Arrowood; Teresa Guinn; Betty Hamilton; Mike Lyons; Gay Enkema; Karen Stevens. Skilled nursing/assisted living/homebound: Grace Muse; Harold Napier; Delora Tidwell; James Carden, Sr.; Sherry McCulley; Louise Welch; Velma Stables; Lola Johnson; Jesse Crabtree; Johnny & Elayne Trent; Lon & Mildred Shuler. CHANGES/UPDATES UNDERLINED Friends, relatives: Regina Mullen, friend of Christa Wright and teacher in Elizabethton, cervical spine surgery after a serious car wreck; friend of Cherie Doyle, cancer; Sherry Vandeventer, member of the Elizabethton congregation and friend of Elizabeth McConnell, double knee replacement surgery; two people in the community, Susan Livingston and Sean Chastain, have asked for prayers as they deal with health problems. Continuing problems: Michelle Neal; Carlene Bannister; Greta Copas; Leigh Rice; Jane Cox; Carla Carlson; Dorothy Jones; Robert Martin; Linda Jennings; Carol Reavis; Jean Thompson; Joy Carter-Hildrich; Argil Neal; John Pansock; Chris Baker; Sue Wong; Sandra Ryan; June Miller Gouge; Mamie Gates; Wade Cole; Kenneth Hall; Jeana Rogers; Rita Veselak; Brenda McKinnis’s coworker; John Keith Verble; Melissa Ours; Braysen Thatcher; Patrice Gillespie; Eric Southerland; Anthony Basket; Janet Green; Martha Forbes; Clinton Lady; Daniel Owusu’s brother, Stephen; Becky Gross; Dana Kelly; Coraline Cutshall; Valerie Merkel; Lucy Burgess; Doris Kessinger; Cornail Proffitt. Praise God! Ray Rice, Ren’s brother, has now been declared cancer-free! MILITARY: Robbie Glenn, Eli Mitchell, Jordan Heatly, Air Force; Nicole Stephens, Brittany Lobos, Army; Brennan McCain, Marines; Kaylee Vantine, Navy. SUNDAY A.M. on WEMT: TV Sunday School, 7:00; In Search of the Lord’s Way, 7:30; Biblical Viewpoints, 8:00. PANTRY NEEDS: Soup MONDAY NIGHT For The Master tomorrow 6 p.m. Making phone calls or visits, writing cards, doing jobs around the building – there’s work for all. IF YOU WANT any of the Home Devotionals, leave a note on the sheet with the binder; we will print them. BIBLE STORYTIME graders tonight, 2nd-3rd TODAY, 4:30, elders/deacons meeting IF YOU CAN’T be here because of weather, illness, or travel, listen in at http://gracemine.org/audiostreaming.htm. MEN OF CENTRAL, it’s time for an update of your worship service duties. If you are new to Central, new brother in Christ, or want to expand on your current list, please pick up an assignment checklist at the welcome counters or see Doug Booton. Return them to one of the elders or Doug. PATTI FATHERREE is collecting glass baby food jars for a children’s project. Please leave in the old kitchen by 3/19. THANK YOU to Rosie Ryan and to Ella and Ethan Jenkins for donating books to the Family Legacy Library! There are now 28 new books and 1 new video! 5TH SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP LUNCH, 3/29. Make your plans now to bring enough for your family and a few more. WE NEED more volunteers to enter the data from the Friendship Registries a month at a time. This can be done from home. Please see Dennis Russell. IF YOU NEED to update your listing and/or have a new picture made for our directory, please see John McKinnis or Ron Whitson by the end of this month. NEW TIMES STARTING April 12: After talking with many about their preferences, the decision has been made to start Bible classes at 9:15 and worship service at 10:15. This is not a trial, these will be the permanent times. IF YOU WOULD LIKE to send Buddy Barefield a card, his address is 3217 Dolphin St., Sebring, FL 33870 CATHERINE MASONE is looking for a position to provide care to a loved one. Please call her at 433-9346. OUR SYMPATHY to Fred and Georgie Roten and Georgie’s sister, Jean Byrd, on the death of Jean’s husband, Joe. Sympathy also to April Looney and Justin Laycock on the death of their cousin, Denise Reilley, last Monday, and to D.B. Honeycutt on the passing of his brother, Hugh Honeycutt, last week. 55+ POTLUCK DINNER, Thursday at 6. Please sign up what you will bring. FAMILY & FRIENDS DAY, May 3. THE SUNDAY MORNING study of Churches In the Shape of Scripture is for all adults. If you don’t already have a book, pick one up from the counter. DAN BOWMAN has been proposed for the position of elder, and your input is sought. Spend some time reviewing the qualifications for elders and share with the elders any input, good or bad, about Dan serving in this capacity. Email them at [email protected] or hand a signed note to one of them, by 3/22. RECENTLY ESPN.com had Daniel Norris’s photo and a link to his story on their front page. There have been many other stories. But now his dad David has made the local news – he is retiring from the bike shop! Congratulations! MANY OF US know Steve Williams’s dad Ed. Did you know that he’s a poet? His new book, Come Walk With Me Again, available soon on Amazon, can be found now at www.createspace.com/4994955. “THANK YOU for the cards, food and prayers offered on my behalf during my recent health problems. It was comforting to know that others were praying for me during a time when I needed them so much. Thanks for being there for Joe and me. Debbie Pugh” “WE LOVE EVERY ONE of you and feel truly blessed and touched by all of the phone calls, Facebook messages, text messages, cards, and, most of all, the prayers going on behalf of our daddy and his healing and rest of our peace and strength. Thanks to everyone. Charla Bacon (On behalf of the Barefield, Bacon, and Davis families)” BIRTHDAYS: Buddy Barefield, Derek Stayer (today); Kathy Torgerson, Parker Eanes, Marie Hartman (Mon.); Charla Bacon, Reba Nabors (Tues.); Debbie Pugh (Wed.); Shelley Lyons (Thu.); Julia Elliott (Fri.); Suzanne Gunter, Allison Rasnake (Sat.). “THEREFORE, WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, GOD MAKING HIS APPEAL THROUGH US. WE IMPLORE YOU ON BEHALF OF CHRIST, BE RECONCILED TO GOD” - ESV, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 03.15.15 03.15 .15 YOUTH NEWS – CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST HERE’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO! • • • • • • • • Paintball: Are you interested in playing paintball with us? We are looking at the 28th as a potential day to go play paintball together. Let me know how many of you are interested so we can make this happen! LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! Stress!!! Tonight’s Devotional: There WILL be a devotional today at the Church’s building at 5 p.m. We will be playing “life-sized hungryhungry hippos.” Come out and join us for some fun and fellowship! We have all been stressed before, Wednesday Dinner Date: Our dinner date tonight will be at Chick-Fil-A on People’s St. at 5:30 p.m. See you there! coming up, a paper due, or just things Phone Numbers and E-Mail: If you need to update your phone number or e-mail so that you can receive the texts that are sent out for the youth, please let me know the updated information ASAP. You can either e-mail me ([email protected]) or call me (540-664-7257). Home Devotionals: The congregation has access to home devotionals in order to give you ideas for lessons while you are working on things around the house, garage, kitchen, and yard. Check out the binder in the foyer and if you see ones you want feel free to copy it or let me know which ones you would like print outs of. Calling All Writers: Do you have a desire to make an impact for God in your writing? Let me know and I would LOVE for some of our youth to submit articles for our website, KAMission.com. NOW is the time to make an impact for God, and you can do that through your writing. Summer Mission Trip: There is a mission trip to Inner City Nashville that costs $100 per person. The ONLY things you would be asked to bring extra money for would be snacks and spending money for activities. The dates available are June 13-20, and July 4-11. Is there a day that works best for you? Let me know ASAP! Thanks! T-Shirts: Let’s get these t-shirts ordered! My plan is to get a form out to each family to request sizes for t-shirts. Be looking for one in an email or in the foyer shortly. haven’t we? Whether it is a test going on at home, there are many things that stress us out in this life. What are some healthy ways of dealing with stress? 1) Let’s pray. When Jesus was stressed, He went to the Father in prayer. 2) Remember this is temporary. This is not the world that we are looking forward to, but instead, all of these things will pass away. 3) Remember that God loves you and you have a Church family that loves you too! March 15, 2015 Contact Doug Booton if unable to serve Sunday Morning: Welcome: Dennis Russell Song Leader: Dennis Vonderfecht Next Week: Phil Gilliam Prayer: Lee Davis Next Week: Joe Pugh Scripture: Mike Stephens Next Week: Jerry Pierce Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Stand Up For Jesus” Dismissal: Dennis Russell Next Week: John McKinnis Lord's Supper: Presiding: Dan Bowman Next Week: Steve Trent Serving: Alex Doyle, Andrew Easterling, Andrew Trent, Austin Hamilton, Claude Terry, Devin Hamilton, Jason Faddis, Jerry Whitted, John Hutchinson, John Trent, Larry Reece, Marshall Stables, Matthew Sorrow, Maxin Peters, Neal Elliott, Trey Robertson Children's Training Class: the Gilliams Nursery: Linda Russell, Mary McCormick, Keri Vantine Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: Steve Williams Devotional: Joe Pugh Dismissal: Andrew McCormick Central Church of Christ P.O. Box 4021 Johnson City, TN 37602-3961 (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE Sunday Evening: Song Leader: Don Wolford Prayer: Terry Billingsby Scripture: Cary Vantine Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Genesis Concepts: Sin” Dismissal: Michael Rasnake Lord's Supper: Darrell Honeycutt, Jerry Pierce Nursery & Toddler: Meredith Brewer Building Security: Andrew McCormick, David Crockett Next Week: Cary Vantine, Matt Mahaley Opening, Closing building: Andrew Easterling Next Week: Brandon Quesinberry For March: Communion Prep: David & Sheila Frakes Contact Sherrell Shepard, 477-2278, if unable to prepare Cup & Bulletin Pick-up: 2nd graders Baptistery: Sheila Frakes Registry Data Entry: Gay Clark Report from last week Classes: 170; A.M. 341; P.M. 146; Wed. 167 Offering: $9,423.79 Weekly Budget: $12,500.00
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