7th European Conference on Intellectual Capital 9-10 April 2015 Wednesday 8 April 2015 18:30 Welcome reception and registration (Until 1930) in the bar at the NH Hotel Bar followed by a KNOWLEDGE TAPA tour of Cartagena Thursday 9 April 2015 08:30 Registration and coffee 09:00 Room: Salon de Actos Welcome to the Conference by Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro and Eva Martinez Caro 09:15 Keynote address: A Dynamic Perspective on Intellectual Capital Constantin Bratianu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania 10:00 Conference splits into streams Room: 301 Stream A: Mini track on Management of intellectual capital and corporate reputation Chair: Dr. Inocencia Martínez-León & Dr. Isabel Olmedo-Cifuentes Room: 303 Stream B: Mini-Track on Knowledge Cities and Intellectual Capital Chair: Dr Denise Bedford 10:15 The Technique for Assessment of Intellectual Capital of Kazakhstan Organizations Dosmanbetova Aliya, Manshuk Dosmanbetova, and Aliya, Manshuk Dosmanbetova, and Kamshat Dosmanbetova, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan Intellectual Capital Statements as a Driver for the Sustainable Development of Regions Wuscher Sven, Filippo Viel, Sven, Filippo Viel, Ronald Orth, Ronald Orth, Fraunhofer Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology and Holger Kohl, Technical University of Berlin, Germany 10:45 Importance of the Relational Capital in Universities: Impact of Socio‐Economic Setting in the Financial the Students' and Professors' Approaches Behaviour in Cooperative Companies. Lordache‐Platis Magdalena, University of Bucharest, Martinez Victoria Maria del Carmen, Mariluz Mat Romania Sanchez‐Val, and Narciso Arcas Lario, Technical University of Cartagena, Spain Architecture and Design of a Knowledge Index for 11:15 Corporate Reputation ‐ an Input or an Output of Cities Intellectual Capital? Bedford Denise, Kent State University, Paul Carlson, Leon Ramona‐Diana, Florina Pinzaru, Alexandra Zbuchea, and, National University of Political Studies City of Columbus Jaysahree Ramanathan and Caroline Wagner, Ohio State University, USA and Public Administration, Romania 11:45 The Importance of Intellectual Capital in the EFQM Intellectual Capital Thresholds and the Maturity of Model of Excellence Knowledge Cities Para‐Gonzalez Lorena, University Centre of Defence Bedford Denise, Kent State University, Paul Carlson, at the Spanish Air Force Academy, Daniel Jimenez‐ City of Columbus and Caroline Wagner, Ohio State Jimenez, University of Murcia, and Angel Rafael University, USA Martinez‐Lorente, Technical University of Cartagena, Spain Lunch in the Canteen Lunch in the Canteen 12:15 This timetable is subject to change Room: 304 Stream C: Mini track on Mini track on New ICTs for Intellectual Capital Chair: Dr. Pedro Soto-Acosta & Dr. Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro Room: 305 Stream D: PhD Colloquium Chair: Alexeis Garcia and Daniel Jimenez 1015‐1025 Linking the Intentional Unlearning With Human Capital Aledo Ruiz Maria Dolores, Eva Martinez Caro, and Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro, University Polytechnic of Cartagena, Spain 1030‐1040 The use of Social Networking Sites to Create Customer Knowledge Sanchez‐Casado Noelia, Juan‐Gabriel Cegarra‐Navarro, and Eva The Power of Social Media in Fostering Knowledge Sharing Tomaseti‐Solano, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain Gaal Zoltan, Nora Obermayer‐Kovacs and Lajos Szabo, 1045‐1055 University of Pannonia, Hungary The IC Practice of Human Capital in a University: A experience from Indonesia Wardini Amalia, Murdoch University, Australia Factors Affecting E‐Business use and its Effect on Innovation 1100‐1110 Value Added by Human Resources Within Supply Chain and Firm Performance in Manufacturing SMEs Dinu(Popa) Magdalena Daniela, Bucharest University of Economic Popa Simona and Pedro Soto‐Acosta, University of Murcia, Studies, Romania Spain 1115‐1125 A Discriminant Analysis Application for Developing a Discriminant Model and a Predictive Classification Model For Building an Emotional Challenges in Intellectual Capital Evaluation for Dynamic Intelligence Operational Model (Ieom2) Distributed Software Development Teams DD‐SCALE Magna Oscar and Pedro Vergara, Universidad Tecnol gica Program in Progress Metropolitana (UTEM), Chile, Xavier Llinas, Universitat Polit cnica de Kamaja Pekka, Haaga‐Helia University of Applied Sciences, Catalunya‐ BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain Ruohonen Mikko, and Timo Ingalsuo, University of 1125‐1145 ‐ Discussion and Feeback Group Dynamics as a Driving Force in the Community of Practice‐Based Product Development: A Case Study Pohjola Ilpo, and Anu Puusa, Ilpo, and Anu Puusa, University of Eastern Finland, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland Tampere, Finland Lunch in the Canteen Lunch in the Canteen 1 Thurs PM Room: 301 Stream A: Mini track on Management of intellectual capital and corporate reputation Chair: Dr. Inocencia Martínez-León & Dr. Isabel Olmedo-Cifuentes 13:30 Reputation as an Outcome of Human Capital Olmedo‐Cifuentes Isabel, and Inocencia Maria Martinez Leon, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain Room: 303 Stream B: Mini track on Creating a Bigger Tent for Intellectual Capital Finding Value in More Diverse Intangibles Chair: Dr Scott Erickson and Dr Helen Rothberg Room: 304 Stream C: Mini track on Mini track on New ICTs for Intellectual Capital Chair: Dr. Pedro Soto-Acosta & Dr. Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro Strategies for Social Media: Linking Vision, Mission and Goals with Metrics Harlow Harold, Wingate Univeristy, Charlotte, USA 1330‐1340 ICTs and Relational Learning in networks as drivers of Green Impact of Investments in Human Capital on Corporate Market Value Innovation and Customer Capital: Empirical Evidence from Diniz Mesquita Luis, Universidade Lusiada de Vila Nova de Famalicao, the Spanish Automotive Industry Portugal Leal‐Millen Antonio, Jos L. Roldan and Jaime Ortega‐ 1345‐1355 Gutierez, and Antonio Leal‐Rodriguez, University of Seville, Application of Multivariate Cluster Analysis Techniques and Principal Spain A Longitudinal Look at Strategy, Intellectual Capital, 14:00 Research Potential and Job Satisfaction of the University Staff: Are They Interconnected? and Profit Pools Shakirova Svetlana and Laura Nurakhmetova Almaty Erickson Scott, Ithaca College, USA and Helen Management University, Kazakhstan Rothberg, Marist College, USA New ICTs and entrepreneurship: Which component of intellectual capital should we be promoting? Ribeiro‐Soriano Domingo, Alicia Mas‐Tur and Norat Roig‐ Tierno, University of Valencia, Spain 14:30 Relationships Between Organizational Identity and Corporate Reputation: Management Challenges Bueno Eduardo Raquel Garcia Revilla,, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, Spain, Monica Longo‐Somoza, Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain and Ramona Diana Leon, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania Exploring Network‐Based Intellectual Capital as a Competitive Advantage. An Insight into European Universities from Developing Economies Vatamanescu Elena Madalina, Andreia‐Gabriela Andrei, Diana‐Luiza Dumitriu and Cristina Leovaridis, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania 15:00 Thurs Th PM Refreshments Room: 301 R Stream A: IC Issues Chair: María Eugenia Sánchez Refreshments Room: 303 R Stream B: Organisational Culture Chair: Eva Martinez Caro Refreshments Room: 304 R Stream C: Mini track on Mini track on New ICTs for Intellectual Capital Chair: Dr. Pedro Soto-Acosta & Dr. Juan Gabriel Cegarra Room: 305 Stream D: PhD Colloquium Chair: Alexeis Garcia and Daniel Jimenez Components Using Perceptual Maps for Improvement of an Emotional Intelligence Operational Model Magna Oscar, Pedro Vergara Universidad Tecnol gica Metropolitana (UTEM), Chile, Xavier Llinas, Universitat Polit cnica de Catalunya‐ BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain 1400‐1410 Absorptive Capacity and Technology Knowledge: Enhancing Relational Capital Lopez Cano Vieira Carlos, Algarve University, Portugal, Antonio Juan Briones Penalver and Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain 1410‐1430 ‐ Feedback and discussion Refreshments Room: 305 R 30 Stream D: PhD Colloquium Chair: Anthony Wensley, Alexeis Garcia and Daniel Jimenez 1530‐1540 Dominant Logical in the Workplace for the Natural Intellectual Capital Acquisition Through ICTs and 15:30 Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century: An Creation and Improvement of a TECER 2012 Intellectual Capital and Analysis Based on Intellectual Capital Selection of Organizational Movement Geomarketing Emotional Intelligence Scale and Formulation of an Emotional Tome Eduardo, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa Barrett Bob, American Public University, Charlestown, Wandosell Gonzalo, Raul Balos and Maria Concepcion Intelligence “Ieom2” model Portugal and Natalia Tyulkova, University of Saint USA Parra, Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Magna Oscar and Pedro Vergara, Universidad Tecnol gica Petersbufgh, Russia Metropolitana (UTEM), Chile, Xavier Llinas, Universitat Polit cnica de 16:00 How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual The Effects of Organizational Culture Typologies on Knowledge Transfer in Online Social Networks and the Catalunya‐ BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain (UTEM), Chile Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach Effect in Innovation Capacity Unlearning and Innovation Capabilities. 1545‐1555 Bolisani Ettore and and Enrico Scarso DTG ‐ Leal‐Rodriguez Antonio L., Jose A. Ariza‐Montes and Palacios‐Marques Daniel and Hugo de Juan, Universitat The Development of ICTs and the Introduction of Entrepreneurial University of Padova, italy, Malgorzata Zieba, Gdansk Emilio Morales‐Fernandez, Universidad Loyola Polit cnica de Valencia, Spain, D. Enrique Ribeiro‐Soriano, Capital University of Technology, Poland Andalucia, Spain and Stephen Eldridge, Lancaster IUDESCOOP and Business Administration Department JJ Albort‐Morant Gema Andrea Rey‐Marti, and Cristina Blasco‐ University, UK Renau Piqueras, Spain and Pilar Alguacil, Universitat de Carreras, University of Valencia, Spain Valencia, Spain 1600‐1610 A Semantic Knowledge Management System Framework for 16:30 Internal Communication, Intellectual Capital and Job The Mediating Role of Human Capital in the Crowdsourcing Small Tasks as a Method of Reducing Operating Satisfaction: A Structural Model Applied to a Credit Relationship Between the Organizational Cutlture and Knowledge Integration from Mobile Devices Expense While Protecting Intellectual Property. A Study Case for Union Performance Kabir Nowshade, Grenoble School of Management, France Enterprises in California and Romania State Cristina, Livia Toanc and Dan Popescu, Bucharest University of Leal Carmem, Carlos Marques, and Carla Marques, Gimenez Espin Juan Antonio, Micaela Martinez Costa, Economic Studies, Romania University of Tras‐Os‐Montes in Alto Doro, Portugal and Daniel Jimenez Jimenez, Murcia University, Spain 1610‐1630 Feedback and Discussion and Elizomar Braga‐Filho, Unicred, Joao Pessoa, Brasil 17:00 Close of conference day Close of conference day Close of conference day Close of conference day 19:00 This timetable is subject to change Conference Dinner at Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Cartagena 2 Friday 10 April 08:30 Refreshments are available 09:00 Room: Salon de Actos Opening messages 09:10 Keynote address: Does intellectual capital have a role in making the big strategic decisions? Dr Scott Erickson, School of Business, Ithaca College, NY, USA and Dr Helen Rothberg, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, USA 10:00 Introduction to ECIC 2016 Refreshments Poster Contributors will stand by their posters for others to discuss the research 10:15 Room: 301 Stream A: Employment Issues Chair: Mikko Ruohonen Room: 304 Stream C: PhD Colloquium Chair: Alexeis Garcia and Daniel Jimenez Room: 303 Stream B: Culture Chair: Eduardo Tome 11:00 Employment Analysis in Technologically Demanding Branches in the EU Countries at the Level NUTS2 Spirkova Daniela, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, and Beata Stehlikova, Paneuropean University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia 1100-1110 Cultural Influence on use of Collaborative Technologies 2.0 in Contributions for Integration of Sustainable Human Capital of the Future Transition Economies University Graduates the Labour Market U i it G d t on th L b M k t Vajjhala Narasimha Rao, University of New York Tirana, Popescu Dan, Livia Toanc, and Cristina State, Catalin Petrius, Bucharest Albania 11:30 Social Capital Accumulations and Employer‐of‐Choice Status; What is their Role in Reducing Voluntary Employee Turnover? Rondeau Kent, University of Alberta, Canada The Effect of Work Life Balance on Business Results in Industrial SMEs Cegarra Leiva David, M Eugenia Sanchez Vidal and Juan Gabriel Cegarra‐Navarro, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain University of Economic Studies, Romania 1115-1125 Reporting on Intellectual Capital: What are the Relevant Components for the Universities? Silva Telma, and Augusta Ferreira, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal 1130-1140 Measuring Corporate Reputation in B2B markets .The Corporate Personality Adapted Scale Sequeira Nuno, Rui Vinhas da Silva, and Madalena Ramos, ISCTE - IUL, Portugal and Sharifah Alwi, Brunel Business School, London (Masters 1145-1200 Feedback and Discussion 12:10 Room: Salon de Actos Keynote address: Diagnosing Nations’ Wealth Creation Potential in the Knowledge Economy Context: Reflections on the case of Spain Dr José Maria Viedma Marti, Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain 13:00 Lunch This timetable is subject to change Lunch Lunch 3 Fri PM Room: 301 Stream A: Country Specific Research Chair: David Cegarra Leiva Room: 303 Stream B: Knowledge Management and Innovation Chair: Kent Rondeau 14:00 The Social Capital Influence on Enterprise Competitiveness in Embracing Micro‐Foundations of Organizational Routines: A V4 Countries Dynamic Pospective on the Strategic Management of Spirkova Daniela and Dagmar Caganova, Manan Bawa Interlectual Capital Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia Frances Johanna, Telecom Ecole de Management (TEM), France, Audrey Depeige and Stavros Sindakis, IKI‐SEA (Bangkok University), Thailand 14:30 ICM in the Public Sector of Pakistan: Theoretical Framework Managing Experts in the Knowledge Economy by Enneagram for Third Wave Tome Eduardo, Ludmila Mladkova, Universidade Europeia, Awais Khan Alam and Muhammad Nouman, Institute of Lisboa, Portugal Management Sciences, Pesharar, Pakistan 15:00 Intellectual Capital in Manufacturing and Services firms of the Dominican Republic: an exploratory approach Gomez‐Valenzuela Victor, ONAPI‐CNC‐AIRD‐ATABEY, Spain 15:30 Room: 304 Stream C: Learning in Organisations Chair: Harold Harlow Building Intellectual Capital by Generative Listening and Learning From the Future Kaiser Alexander and Florian Kragulj, Vienna Univeristy University of Economics and Business, Austria Learning Preferences of Millennials in a Knowledge‐Based Environment Hadar Giora, University of Groningen, Netherlands Knowledge Portfolio Optimization: a Multi‐Criteria Mediating Effects of Trust: Knowledge Sharing in a Large Professional Competency‐Driven Approach for Enhanced Innovation Service Firm Capabilities Max Evans, McGill University, Canada Depeige Audrey, IKI‐SEA (Bangkok University), Thailand and Julien Girodon, ERPI/ENGSI, France Room: Salon de Actos A summary of issues raised during the conference Led by Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro and Eva Martinez Caro Prize-Giving for Best Poster and best PhD Paper Close of Conference 16:00 Close of Conference Close of Conference POSTERS Geographic Information Systems and Geomarketing Strategies for Intellectual Capital Acquisition and Management Baños Raúl, Gonzalo Wandosell, and María Concepción, Parra Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Human Capital and Innovation Competences. An Empirical Study. Giménez Espín Juan Antonio, Daniel Jiménez Jiménez, Micaela Martínez Costa, University of Murcia, Spain The mediating Role of Organizational Unlearning on the link Characteristics of the Research Environment of UAE Research Institutions:A Work in Progress between Market Orientation and Performance Leal‐Rodriguez Antonio L., Jose A. Ariza‐Montes and Emilio Ryan James, United Arab Emirates University, UAE and Jennifer Ryan, Morales‐Fernandez, Universidad Loyola Andalucia, Spain and Higher College of Technology, UAE Stephen Eldridge, Lancaster University, UK Factors driving Web 2.0 knowledge sharing and its effect on The disclosure voluntary reporting on intellectual capital: a case study of innovation in SMEs. the universities of São Paulo. Popa Simona and Pedro Soto‐Acosta, University of Murcia, Telma Silva, Augusta Ferreira Spain University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal Chief Knowledge Officer or Chief Information Office: The Relationship of Firm Performance to Organizational Top Leadership (CIO and CKO) Structure as Measured by the Balanced Scorecard Performance and Learning Perspectives Harlow Harold, Wingate University, USA Human Capital Accumulation and Employee Development in Queen Elizabeth II and Knowledge Management ‐ A sketch of a case study Tome Eduardo, Universidade Europeia, Portugal High‐Involvement Workplaces: What is the Role of Job‐ Related Training? Rondeau Kent V. , School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada A Holistic View of the factors and Theories that affect our Understanding of Knowledge Sharing. Wiley Jennilyn and Denise Bedford, Kent State University, USA This timetable is subject to change 4
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