
ACCA Spring Ceremonial
June 5 & 6, 2015
Honoring Acca Million Dollar Band
ACCA Shriners Million Dollar Band First Parade, 1915, Seattle, Washington
1712 Bellevue Ave.
Richmond, Virginia 23227-3920
Permit No. 204
Non-Profit Org.
ILL. Sirs, Nobles and Ladies
All I can say is WOW. The last couple of months
have busy and exciting to say the least. The turnouts we are having at all the
events are awesome. I would like to thank the Decorating Staff, Hotel
Hospitality Staff, Provost Guard and the Aides staff for a GREAT job on our
Potentate’s Ball. Everything from the decorations to the food and hospitality
was over the top. We had over 240 Nobles, Ladies and Quest at the ball and
everyone had a great time. I would also like to thank the Hillbillies for a GREAT
Arch and being in costume it was over the top. Also a BIG thank you to the
Greeters for greeting all our guest and our Nobles and Ladies it not often you can
have 2 Past Potentate’s greet everyone. And if you attended the Potentate ball
thank you very much for attending and enjoying your evening with us.
By the time you get this we will already had our Easter Egg and Magic
Show and I want to thank the Klowns, Greeters and everyone who helped
made this a huge success. It’s events like this and the Pork Festival that can
get us new nobles. So please invite all your friends and family to these we
just might get a new Mason and Shriner. Don’t forget the Pork Festival on
May 2, 2015 please support this if you can. It is a TEMPLE fundraiser.
Your Divan and I along with some of the Membership Committee went to
Pigeon Forge, TN to attend Spring SASA. We had the most to attend by any
temple. Looks like we are SETTING THE PACE at ACCA TEMPLE. Along
with learning about Fall SASA in Myrtle Beach, SC. They had a whole day
of membership training. Nobles we must all get on board to fix our membership. We have signed up to patriciate in the PACE program with Imperal and
we will work on our falling membership here in ACCA. More details of this
program will be announced soon. Your committee has put a lot of time and
effort into coming up with new ideas for the CLUB/ UNITS to try. These
events are full of fun and fellowship so please when they ask your club or
unit to help with one please give it your best shot. Nobles we are the only ones
that can get new Shriners. Don’t forget our goal this year is to get 200 new or
reinstated nobles for ACCA. We can do this very easily if we all work together.
Remember the only way to get a new Shriner is to ask one. So again please
work on getting new Mason’s for your Blue Lodge and then the NEW
SHRINERS will come. And support your Blue Lodges that’s the only place we
can get new Shriners. For all of our outlaying clubs and units if you get the
candidates we will come to you and make them Shriners at your meeting.
Nobles don’t forget about OUR song Proud to be a Shriner. We sing it
everywhere we go and people enjoy it why I don’t know but they do. We have
to put fun back in our Shrine and this is a good way to start and to let everyone know that we are Proud of who we are. With that note don’t forget about
the challenge on clubs and units singing this song at our uniform council
meeting. I can’t wait to see who sings it next so be practicing you never know
when it’s your turn.
The Spring Ceremonial is right around the corner so put these dates on
your calender June 5 & 6, 2015. It will be in Honor of the Million Dollar
Band. They are celebrating their 100th birthday. So bring a friend, he can be
a Mason or not. Lets expose them to our get fraternity and show them how
much fun we have and our hospitals we work so hard for.
Again thank you for allowing me to be YOUR Potentate this year and I
promise each of you that I and your Divan will do our best. Remember to keep
in touch with your Unit/Club and your members and to let us know if there is
anything we can do to help your Unit or Club. We are Setting the Pace in 2015.
Tim Southern, ACCA Potentate 2015
From The
From The
Nobles, Ladies, and Friends:
This has been an interesting three months to say the least. This year the
Recorders Seminar was held in San Diego, California. The main topic of discussion was the new Webfez membership program that is replacing the Redfez program. The program is due to be launched in mid April at which time we will be
directed to perform an upload of Redfez data to the Webfez program. There are
many improvements to this program, one of which allows you as a member to
register and log on to the system with your computer and view your membership
data. You will have the ability to edit first and middle names, birth date, phone and
email, address, and update spouse information. Club and unit designated officers
will be capable of viewing and editing certain portions of their members data for
the club or unit. On the second rollout we will have email blasting capabilities with
future club and unit blasting capabilities to their respective personnel. There are
other improvements for divan members and chairmen. I will keep you informed at
the meetings and by the ACCALETTE as things come about.
Our Potentate has a very aggressive approach to membership recruitment,
retention, and restoration. This is the most important issue at hand that we must
each make our best effort towards in order to reverse the drastic slide that is taking
place. The numbers of creations for the past five years, 2009 through 2014, are 55,
54, 50, 18, 24 respectively. The Membership Chairman and his committee are working hard to create activities that will be of interest to all. Let us all do all we can to
support the membership drive. Just ask a Master Mason to become a Shriner.
Please remember our fund raisers such as the auction drivers. We need more
drivers and this is the easiest fund raiser to do. You don’t have to sell anything or
cook anything. Just show up and have a good time with your Brothers. Bingo is
going well. This is a split profit between the clubs and units with the temple.
I want to remind all Nobles that the door to my office is open to you if you have
any questions or you have suggestions. I will quote an old recorder and tell you,
“you may not like the answer I give you, but I will give you an answer. If I don’t
know I will find the answer for you”.
Ben D. “Pete” Holder, PP, Recorder
Nobles, Ladies and Friends of Acca Shrine... Greetings:
I wish to thank each you for your ongoing support for our publication
the Accalette, Acca Shrine, and our Shrine Hospitals for Children. In this
issue we trust you will find the information both interesting and
Informative from our units and clubs reporters and Acca Shrine. We have
included information on our upcoming Spring Ceremonial in honor of
Acca’s Million Dollar Band as they celebrate 100 years of continuous
music for Acca Shrine and our Shrine family, Acca’s Pork and Music
Festival which will be held on May 1st and the Red, White and Brew
being put on by our Divan ladies.
We ask that you pay special attention to the information in this issue
on membership. Nobles, each of us have a chance to do something very
special for ACCA Shrine, your Unit and Club. Now is the time to get a
petition signed by a worthy Mason with the prerequisites and make this
a great Ceremonial for ACCA. Remember Nobles, how to get a new
member. ASK HIM.
Nobles, during the year you will see many fundraising events through
Acca Shrine, your units and clubs. We ask each of you if you can, participate in these events both for your unit and/or club and Acca Shrine.
For your unit and club it is a means whereby they can raise monies to
contribute to our Shrine Hospitals for Children and our Transportation
Fund and also for activities that would be taking place in ones units/
clubs. For Acca Shrine these fund raisers like the Pork and Music
Festival, Sportsman Raffle are used to help subsidize our shrine center
budget. We must be willing to support, promote and encourage all to
participate in these events. Nobles remember it’s Your Temple. Be active,
participate, be involved.
Sincerely Yours in the Faith and Fraternally,
Paul W. Lanier, PP, Managing Editor
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
From the Chaplain
Born in 1916, Reborn in 1992
Volume 129, Issue 2
Ill. Paul W. Lanier, P.P.
Lemuel “Rusty” Brinkley
Published six times a year, the ACCALETTE is the official publication of ACCA Shriners of Shriners International, Chartered June 9,
1886. It is directed to the interests of ACCA Shriner’s Nobility, the
Masonic Fraternity and all affiliated orders.
All comments or inquiries about the ACCALETTE should be
addressed to the Managing Editor at the Temple Business Office.
News, advertising deadlines and anticipated mailing dates are shown
below to assist the Nobility in planning:
Mailing Date
January 26, 2015
February 16, 2015
March 30, 2015
April 20, 2015
May 22, 2015
June 22, 2015
July 27, 2015
August 24, 2015
September 28, 2015
October 26, 2015
November 23, 2015
December 14, 2015
January 25, 2016
Annual Unit or Club subscriptions may be obtained for $10.50 by
sending a check and mailing instructions to the ACCALETTE, in care
of ACCA Temple, 1712 Bellevue Ave., Richmond, VA 23227, (804)
264-0509, FAX (804) 264-1201.
Council News - Col. David L. Wells
Unit & Club Reporters
Reservations for
Business Meeting Dinners
must be made with
Temple Office
Current Dues Card Required
ACCA Temple Office Hours
8:30 am-4:00 pm
Telephone (804) 264-0509
Fax Number (804) 264-1201
Flag Ceremony
Pledge of Allegiance
The Military Salute is used when reciting the Pledge of
Allegiance and during the playing or singing of the National
“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation
under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”
The Potentate or designated individual will cause the
Nobility to come to attention and salute at the proper time.
With the audience standing silently facing the platform the
color bearer, followed by escort, marches to the front and
faces the audience. Escorts take positions on either side of the
Flag bearer. The audience may then recite the pledge of allegiance and sing the national anthem. Flag bearer places Flag
in its stand. Audience is seated. Flag detail departs.
As I sit and wonder if spring will ever
arrive, I see signs of hope from God. The
trees are starting to bud, the birds are busy
building nest and the flowers are starting to
poke out of the ground. Even in the darkest
of times God is always with us and showing
us signs of renewal. As I searched for material for this article one thing kept coming to
my mind, that is that Shriners are Masons.
We sometimes forget this and our actions
don’t always allow the principals of Freemasonry to shine
through. Pondering this subject I was reminded of a poem so
often used be M.W. Al Tignor and M.W. and Ill. Lloyd U.
Jefferson and I felt it worth sharing with you.
The Touch of the Master’s Hand
It was battered and scarred,
And the auctioneer thought it
hardly worth his while
To waste his time on the old violin,
but he held it up with a smile.
What am I bid, good people, he cried,
Who starts the bidding for me?
One dollar, one dollar, do I hear two?
Two dollars, who will make it three?
Three dollars once, three dollars twice, going for three,
But, No,
From the room far back a gray bearded man
Came forward and picked up the bow,
Then wiping the dust from the old violin
and tightening up the strings,
He played a melody, pure and sweet
As sweet as the angels sing.
The music ceased and the auctineer
with a voice that was quiet and low,
Said What now am I bid for this old violin?
As he held it aloft with its’ bow
One thousand, one thousand, Do I hear two?
Two thousand, Who makes it three?
Three thousand once, three thousand twice,
Going and gone, said he
The audience cheered,
But some of them cried,
We just don’t understand
What changed its’ worth?
Swift came the reply.
“The Touch of the Masters Hand”
And many a man with life out of tune
All battered with bourbon and gin
Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd
Much like that old violin.
A mess of pottage, a glass of wine,
A game and he travels on.
He is going once, he is going twice,
He is going and almost gone.
But the Master comes,
And the foolish crowd never can quite understand,
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the Touch of the Masters’ Hand.
Myra Brooks Welch
God bless each of us and teach us to be more understanding
and forgiving of each other. Never judge a man til you have
walked a mile in his moccasin.
Yours in the Faith,
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First Lady’s Thoughts
Again I would like to take this opportunity to thank
you for having the confidence in Timmy and I to have
the distinct pleasure to serve as your Potentate and
First Lady.
First I would like to thank the Decorating Staff,
Aides Staff, and the Hotel Hospitality Staff for the
beautiful decoration and food. We couldn’t have ask for
anything more. Ladies the support you have shown me
and the divan ladies is more than I could ever imagine.
You all have made these last couple of months exciting
and full of memories. And that’s what life is all about
friends, family and making a life time of memories.
Ladies we are doing just what my husband and your
Potentate wants us to do. And that is Acca Setting the
Pace. We had our first regional meeting in Harrisonburg,
Va. With over 74 Nobles and Ladies in attendance.
There were nobles and ladies from the Valley Shrine
Club, Hillbillies, and the Cavern Shrine Club that is a
great turnout. We are looking forward to the next
regional meeting which is the Southside regional meeting on May 12th.
The Divan Ladies and I are looking forward to the
spring Ceremonial on June 5 and 6th. We will have a
ladies brunch at the hotel at 10am on June 6th and then
later that night we will all dress up as Hillbilly Gal’s
for a Hillbilly Ball. It’s going to be a lot of fun and you
just might be crowned Hillbilly Queen. So get your noble
and come have a lot of fun with us.
Ladies our nobles need our help. We need to start
talking to our friends and family about the Mason’s and
the Shrine. We can be a lot of help to the temple in
building membership so please always talk to and ask
his and your friends and family why they are not members. Remember to tell them and invite them to all
events to show them how much fun we all have. We are
just one big happy family. So we can continue to help
our Shrine Hospital’s and Kids.
I know the Potentate and the Divan have a lot of
ideas on their minds to bring fun and fellowship to Acca
Shrine this year and we ladies are looking forward to
helping our men achieve this goal. The Divan Ladies
will again do the Red, White and Brew fundraiser this
year on September 12, 2015. Please mark your calendars
for this GREAT fundraiser. In closing if there is anything I or the Divan ladies can do to assist you please
feel free to call contact of us.
Country Western Band
The Country/Western (C/W) Band is alive and well. We are
pleased to have recently welcomed as our newest member, Wor.
Jimmy Duke, who plays the upright base in the Band. We are
currently practicing for two upcoming gigs, one for the Westport Convalescent Home and another for a Shriner’s retirement
This article features the C/W
Band member shown in the
Brother Bland Wade. Bland is
our “Unsung Hero.” He is the
Treasurer of the C/W Band and,
as such, is the one we can always trust and depend upon. He
is the one who always does the
work just because it needs to
be done, putting together song
books for each of our gigs and
volunteering whenever necesBland Wade
Bland has been a member of the C/W Band for the past 10
years or more. He is a 55 year Mason, a member of the Charlottesville Widow’s Son’s Lodge #60, and has been a Shriner since
1988. Bland is married to his lovely wife, Judy, and they have 5
The main instrument that Bland plays in the C/W Band is a left
handed “Carlton Gold” auto harp, made by Orthy in Pennsylvania from a mulberry log taken there by Joe Carter, who was the
son of AP and Sarah Carter. Both Joe Carter and Janette Carter
have played Bland’s auto harp, and both autographed it for Bland.
In addition to the auto harp, Bland also plays a harmonic in the
Band. He also sometimes plays chords on the rhythm guitar and
the claw-hammer banjo. He can also play the “Lap Dulcimer”
and is currently learning to play the “Marimbula” base.
In addition to playing in the C/W Band, Bland also plays a
Muzette horn in the Oriental Band. He is the Secretary of the
Oriental Band, and he has served on the Temple Committee for
Facilities and Future Planning for the past 16 years. Bland is
a practicing architect by profession, as well as being an artist
(painting). He started practicing architecture in 1960, the same
year that he was raised as a Master Mason. Over the years Bland
has donated a considerable amount of his professional time and
expertise to various Temple projects.
We salute our “Unsung Hero” Brother Bland Wade!
Allan Mills, C/W Band President
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Patrick Williams
Nancy S. McAlexander
2003 Huguenot Rd.
Richmond, VA 23235
Petersburg Shrine Club
The New Year 2015 started off right. At our December meeting, our guest speaker was Mrs. Lisa G. Mason, Manager, Volunteer and Support Services and Senior Circle Adviser for Southside Regional Medical Center. Her talk was very educational and
interesting. Mrs. Mason told us of the “perks” you receive by
becoming a member of the Senior Circle when you are admitted
to S.R.M.C.
Our guest speaker for our February meeting was Chief Rabban “Jimi” Duke. “Jimi” gave a very interesting talk about some
“food for thought” for the future of our Temple. He was well
received, and was accompanied by his Lady Donna.
Chief Rabban “Jimi” Duke
Lady Donna Duke. She is
much prettier than “Jimi”.
Our “Sweethearts” were honored at this meeting and were presented with a red rose bouquet surrounded by Baby’s Breath. The
Sweethearts were as pretty as the roses.
L to R (front row): Lady Carolyn Harbarger, Lady Mary Kathryn Britt, Lady Edna Sleeper and Lady Dorothy Bobbitt. (Back
row) Nobles Clay Edwards, Ed Rivers, President, Bill Brockwell
and Ralph Bartley, Secretary-Treasurer.
Our llth Annual Outback Steakhouse Fundraiser to benefit our
hospitals was held on March 25th. Mr. Burke Steele, owner of
Appomattox Insurance & Financial Services sponsored printing the 350 tickets and purchased 10 tickets as well. They also
handle the investments for Petersburg Shrine Club. Other companies who bought tickets for lunch for their employees were
Rudy Hawkins Electrician, James River Equipment, both in
Chesterfield, and Owen Ford Dealership in Jarratt. Clay Edwards
and Harless Dobbins were our drivers who delivered these. A
lot of work goes into this fundraiser from selling tickets, getting
large egg crate boxes from the grocery store, putting them back
together to put the lunches in. We had approximately 200 “to
go” lunches, thanks to Noble Forrest Dance and his Lady Holly,
Noble Tommy Smith and many others. Approximately 145 dined
at the Moose Lodge in Colonial Heights.
Acca Temple Recorder Pete Holder sold tickets for us and did
a good job. He and his Lady Barbara and the two ladies in the
office were in attendance along with others from Richmond.
Left side: Recorder P.P. “Pete” Holders and his Lady Barbara, Virginia Roper and Janice Banks. Right Side: Ernie Lee
McGregor, Lady Betty Rock and LOH Commander Al Rock.
Petersburg Shrine Club Chaplain Clay Edwards, his Lady
Carene and their daughter Robin.
(Continued on next page)
[email protected]
Office: (804) 752-0096
12152 Washington Highway
Fax: (804) 752-6796
Ashland, Virginia 23005
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Petersburg Shrine Club Continued
Our Fundraiser for the hospitals would not be a success if
we did not have the help of Roger Hedrick, Owner/Proprietor
of the Colonial Heights Outback Steakhouse Restaurant. This
picture shows the five employees that set up the food line. With
Outback’s sponsorship and the support of the Colonial Heights
Moose Lodge, we have sent over $20,000.00 to our hospitals
over the 11 years we have held the fundraiser. Many thanks to
the members and their Ladies who sold tickets, bought tickets,
delivered meals, and answered the telephone taking orders “to
go”. They all worked hard to make this a success.
If you would like to be in a Shrine Club that works for Shriners
Hospitals for Children, call any member for information.
Bill Brockwell, P.C.
An Invitation to Attend
Expanded Board Day at
SHC Philadelphia on June 18th
Nobles, Ladies and Friends, you’re invited to join us at the
Philadelphia Hospital on Thursday, June 18th for our Expanded
Board Day. We invite all of the 22 Temples that are affiliated with
us to attend. It’s a chance to learn about our Hospital and help us
celebrate our staff, volunteers and particularly the drivers for the
work they do so we can better care for the children we serve.
The morning is spent doing tours and hearing from our physicians, researchers and other medical specialists about what’s happening at Philadelphia. There is a nice complimentary luncheon
for everyone attending and then the Board has an open meeting
to end the day. You’ll hear more as the time gets closer.
Our new Administrator, Ed Myers is on board and working
hard. He comes to Philadelphia from Arizona and the winter this
year gave him a kind of rough welcome. We look forward to
working with him. He’s already making contacts and visiting
with medical professionals at other facilities and finding ways to
work together. Patient volume is getting a lot of attention these
days. Competition with other hospitals is growing. We’re really
working to continue the slow growth we’ve had the past couple
of years.
The Joint Boards have approved our establishment of clinics
in New Jersey and upstate Pennsylvania. We’re also trying to
move into New York. We finally have a contract in the hands of
Dr. Susan Atkins, MD for the implementation of our joint effort
with Greenville to establish a Virginia Clinic at her office. When
requested to see a patient by Greenville or Philadelphia she’ll
be able to do so as a “Shrine Doctor”. We have appreciated her
patience while we’ve worked through the legal issues necessary
for us to do this.
This month we’re meeting with doctors and the leadership
from the University of Puerto Rico to discuss the expansion of
our services to patients there. This has also been approved by the
Joint Boards.
If you make a donation to Philadelphia in the next couple of
months please indicate that you want the money to go for the purchase of “Majec Rods”. They’re being used in place of traditional
screws and rods for Scoliosis patients. In the past these patients
have faced multiple surgeries to make adjustments as they grow.
The Majec rods are adjusted with magnets and the child does not
require additional surgery. The cost is about $30,000 a patient.
As always, you’re invited to go with me to the Hospital for a
Board meeting and the opportunity to learn more about what we
do with our Philanthropy.
Ray Goodwin, Chairman
Board of Governors
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Ceremonial Cast
Ceremonial Cast members at Illustrious Sir Tim Southern’s
Homecoming visit to Lee Lodge No. 209.
Spring is here and our Temple’s Spring Ceremonial is right
around the corner on June, 06 2015. For the Ceremonial Cast
performing the Ceremony for new candidates is an exciting and
fulfilling experience. From setting up the stage to practicing our
ritual to the day of the Ceremony, the process is an extremely
rewarding one. There are only two things, however, that would
make the experience even better. First, more candidates. Nobles,
11020 Broad St. Rd.
Glen Allen, VA 23060
8014 Lee Davis Road
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
we all need to do our part in gaining new membership. The future
of Shriners depends on it. And secondly, more attendance by the
nobility at the Ceremonial. I know we all live busy lives which
makes it hard to attend certain activities, but I encourage all of
the Nobility to make an effort to attend the Ceremonial. I believe
it makes a great impression for the new members and shows them
and visiting Nobles that Acca is very much active. Moreover, the
more audience the more encouragement we in the Cast have to
do our best. We hope that the day of the Ceremonial will mark
the day that the newly made Nobles will become active members
in the Shrine and thus, support our cause in helping children.
Save the date! The Cast will have a Yard Sale on Saturday,
May 09, 2015; 7:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Acca Activity Center.
This was a very successful event for us last year and we believe
it will be again this year. Please come out and find great deals on
just about anything you can think of while supporting the Ceremonial Cast. We will also gladly accept donated items to sell and
will even pick up larger items directly from you. Please contact
“Sir Richard” Neely at 543-8620 for more information.
Also, for our ongoing fund raiser, Please contribute your aluminum cans and newspapers to the recycling bin behind the
temple. Please help in this effort to raise money AND help the
Danny Muldoon
3215 Cutshaw Ave.
Richmond, VA 23230
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14301Ashbrook Pkwy.
Chesterfield, VA 23832
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Southside Shrine Club
Southside Shrine Club
welcomes our newest members, Noble Olin “Buddy”
and Lady Wanda Akers who
joined during the February
meeting. Welcome to the
family, we are excited to
have you. During this meeting, Noble Benjamin Clark
accepted the position of club
Vice President.
Major planning for our
28th Annual Virginia Catfish
Festival was the main topic
Buddy and Wanda Akers
for both February and March
meetings. Under the leadership of Nobles Robert Llewellyn and Irving Arnold Sr. the plans
were coming together.
All of the planning and hard work paid off as our club hosted
the event at the STEPS Centre in Farmville, Virginia on March
28th. Though the morning started out with snowflakes, the
clouds finally broke and the sunshine was a welcomed delight.
By 3:30 p.m. everything was in place and ready to go. We had a
terrific turnout. From the catfish to the grilled hotdogs and sweet
ice cream, folks young and old enjoyed the delicious food, fun
and fellowship. The train display by High Bridge Railroad Club
is a family favorite.
With music by Country Proud and Dixie Ridge Bluegrass
bands, we couldn’t help but think of our beloved Noble John
Hutchinson who passed away last July and was always so instru-
mental in bringing the bands to our event. We miss you John. Big
thanks to ACCA’s Steve “Sparky” Fuller who always had a line
of children and adults anxiously awaiting to see what he was
going to design next with his balloon sculptures.
New this year in addition
to a silent auction was a live
auction, Heads and Tails
Ribbon Thunder game and
bake sale led by our very
own VP Ben Clark,
Auctioneer who had the
crowds pumped and raised
approximately $4300.00.
Insert picture Ben Clark
Thanks to all our sponsors
and businesses that donated
products and monetary contributions and a host of wonderful people working together to
make it an enjoyable event for all who attended. This includes
the support we received from the ACCA Divan 1st Ceremonial
Master Rick Marion, the Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity of Longwood
University (thank you Kris Palmer), Hampden-Sidney Delta
Kappa Epsilon Zeta Gamma Chapter Fraternity, our club members, friends and families who came out to help before, during
and after the event with setup, cooking, serving and clean up. All
agreed it was a lot of hard work but well worth it; working
together with one goal in mind and that is supporting our Shriner
kids. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
(Continued on next page)
Earnie & Judy Wells
15 Lumber Drive
Sandston, VA 23150
In House Warranty
Bus: (804) 737-2500
Fax: (804) 737-4814
Full Service
email: [email protected]
Join the CHANTERS On Tuesday Nights
For information dial 285-3285 or 221-1585
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Southside Continued
Hospital Committee
ACCA CUU Meeting 3.24.15
Stay tune for the final results of our auction and fundraising
totals to be reported in the next issue of the Accalette.
We ask that our fellow Shriners join us in prayer for several of
our club members dealing with serious illness and recovering
from major surgery.
Installation of our 2015 Officers will take place 7 p.m. at our
April 8th meeting in Burkeville, Virginia at the Hillside Family
Noble Sonny Conner, Club Reporter
Craig Ellwanger
We are sending children currently, to 10 different Hospitals.
The full time screening clinic being held at Dr. Richard Redman’s office is producing screenings with applications forwarded
to the appropriate Shrine Hospitals.
Transportation Fund Balance as of 2.27.15 . . . . . . . . $61,278.05
Transportation Fund Expenses YTD as of 2.27.15 . . . $9,649.11
Van Fund, as of 12.30.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,593.25
Expenses 2008 through 2014:
(Expenses for 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62,765)
(Expenses for 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $66,039)
(Expenses for 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $91,129)
(Expenses for 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,368)
(Expenses for 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,159)
(Expenses for 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61,545)
(Expenses for 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,078)
Average cost per month, YTD, is $4,8824.55. We currently
have 23 Shrine Drivers and 8 Ladies. 10 trips with 11 patients,
through February. Thanks to all of the drivers for allowing us to
take care of our shrine kids and stepping up to drive for last minute trips. Reduction in the number of drives has been impacted on
the weather and patient rescheduling factors. More of the same in
March, however it has picked up at the end of the month.
We have received new requirements from the State of Pennsylvania for volunteers who have substantial contact with children.
This will have an impact on our drivers for additional requirements. We are currently analyzing this information to determine
the impact and additional requirements. We will be in touch with
the drivers when we get a few more answers. The Potentate is
aware and in the loop.
We really need some additional drivers (both Nobles and their
Ladies). Please consider driving for the Transportation Team.
Ralph Heard would like to have more drivers to choose from. We
have lost some of our drivers due to aging out, illness or family
illness….and please take this back to your Unit and Club Membership and mention it. Have them contact Ralph or John Larson
if they are interested.
If you would like to help the Hospital Committee, the meetings
are held the first Tuesday night of each month at 7:30pm in the
Trophy Room and are open to all Nobles and their Ladies. You
are welcome and encouraged to participate.
James A. McAllister, PP, Chairman 2015
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America (LOS)
Congratulations to the new High Priestess, Lady Noel WalshGardner, and her officers who were installed at the open installation of officers held in the ballroom of Acca Temple on March 22.
From l to r: Lady Joan Sneide, Associate Princess; Lady Lynne
Smith, PHP, Recorder; Lady Noel-Walch Gardner, High Priestess; Lady Sharon Heard, Junior Past High Priestess/Trustee 3
years; Lady Rebecca Ernouf, First Ceremonial Lady.
Thank you to the 2014-2015 officers of ACCABA Court for all
your hard work this year. Each of you went above and beyond to
make the year a great success.
Welcome to our newest members, Lady Pat Graves and Lady
Tracy Holcombe who became members of ACCABA Court at
the March meeting. We are so happy to have you join our court.
Our ladies are getting ready to head to Orlando for the 101st
Grand Council of the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America
and looking forward to seeing our own Lady Kristine Palmer become Grand First Ceremonial Lady. Lady Kristine is on her journey to become Grand High Priestess in Hawaii in 2018. We will
all be taking notes on how to host a Grand Council, as Accaba
Court No. 105 will be hosting Grand Council here in Richmond
in 2019. Our Lady Slippers are practicing their dance routine for
Grand Council. Everyone loves our Lady Slippers, and start clapping as they come out on the floor, even before they start their
dance. The Klown Arounds are working on their skit and will
make their Grand Council debut in Orlando.
We have an upcoming charitable event for the Shriners’ Hospitals for Children that we are excited about. Sedona Taphouse has
again chosen Shriners’ Hospitals for Children as their charity for
the month of June and Accaba Court will receive credit for this
contribution to the hospitals. Our ladies invite you to go to Sedona Taphouse, located in West Chester Commons, any Monday
(all day) during the month of June for their $6.00 steak. A dollar
of every steak sold will be donated to the hospitals. Last year,
Accaba Court set a record at Sedona Taphouse that we would
like to break this year. Please come join us at Sedona Taphouse
to raise money for the hospitals, enjoy a steak and help us break
our record all at the same time. Hope to see you there!!
Lady Sharon Heard, PHP
From left, Lady Sharon Heard, PHP; new member, Lady Tracy
Holcombe and High Priestess, Lady Noel Walch-Gardner
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Membership Committee
Greeting Nobles! We are off to a great start this year with
Membership discussions, ideas and ways to improve the future
of Acca Shrine. The Committee has worked diligently with the
Divan, Unit and Club leaders and the Nobility to make membership our number one priority. We have shared plans and goals
at Acca’s Leadership Seminar, Uniform Council Meetings, Regional Meetings and Imperial’s Membership Seminar at Spring
S.A.S.A. Thank you to all who have attended these events.
To promote our fraternity and Hospitals for Children, we encourage the Units and Clubs to host prospective membership
events. These are not fundraising events, but fun and casual social outings, open to families and free or of little charge to guests.
The Committee has plenty of ideas to share and even sample flyers to help your group host one of these events. Please contact us
if we can be of any assistance. You can also invite prospective
members to attend one of your monthly meetings, functions or
fundraisers. The Membership Committee is also looking into an
evening reception and open house at Acca, following the Grand
Lodge’s One Day Conferral in August.
Included in this issue of the Accalette, is a list of every Unit
and Club’s current membership and goals for 2015. This is to
serve as a reminder and a challenge to the Nobility, because it
is the responsibility of each and every one of us to help identify
and recruit new Shriners. When speaking to potential candidates,
know the benefits of being a Shriner; share with them how much
fun we have and that we also have a purpose; and be able to answer any questions about dues or the Shrine in general. If you
or your Unit or Club would like a list of discussion points or
conversation starters about joining the Shrine, please contact us
or Noble John Conover on the Public Relations Committee.
Lastly Nobles, do you know of someone who has not attended
a Shrine meeting or event in a while? Maybe they’ve lost interest
in the Shrine. Maybe they were suspended or demitted for one
reason or another. Just as important as new membership, is the
retention of current members and restoration of those “lost in the
desert”. Please take the time and contact these Nobles to check
on them. It is our goal to have everyone return and/or restored
to active membership. The Temple will be contacting these men
in the weeks to come, but we strongly encourage the Units and
Clubs to speak to them first. Take care Nobles and as always,
remember to “THINK MEMBERSHIP!”
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Ross C. Morland, Membership Chairman
Acca Shrine
2015 Unit and Club
Membership Goals (8:1)
Arab Patrol
Ceremonial Cast
Director’s Staff
Hillbilly Clan #17
- Outhouse #1
Legion of Honor
Legion of Honor
- Northern Neck
Million Dollar Band
Mini Patrol
Motor Patrol
Oriental Band
Provost Guard
Blue Ridge Shrine Club
Cabiri Club
Car Club
Caverns Shrine Club
Chester Shrine Club
Country Western Band
Danville Shrine Club
Glen Allen Shrine Club
Golf Club
Heritage Shrine Club
Hopewell Shrine Club
James River Shrine Club
Manchester Shrine Club
Northern Neck Shrine Club 26
Past Masters Club
Piedmont Shrine Club
Petersburg Shine Club
South Boston Shrine Club
South Hill Shrine Club
Southside Shrine Club
Steel Drum Band
Valley Shrine Club
Acca’s Nobility
Total Acca Membership Goal =
Do You Have Your
2015 Dues Card?
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Email: [email protected]
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Motor Patrol
Illustrious Sir Bill Painter on his present ride-5 HP engineSpeed: Adequate
Illustrious Sir Bill Painter on his Preferred Ride-Shrine Harley
with V-Twin engine-Speed: Grab Handlebars-Hang on.
The weather in Richmond is
certainly a factor that entertains
in the winter and early spring
of each year. Just when you accepted cold weather, the temperature will rise to the seventies, but then we will have a few
inches of snow the next day. So
is life in the south.
During this period, the Motor
Patrol has been in hibernation.
Activities with the Shrine Harley’s and Go-Carts has been at a
stand-still. They don’t perform
well in adverse conditions. AlIllustrious Sir Bill Painter,
though, some of the members
Maitre d’ of Motor Patrol
with bikes, have taken advantage of the warm days to just
crank up and take a ride.
This will change when the parades start at the end of the month.
The first in Charlottesville, then Colonial Beach and the others
that we normally participate.
The Motor Patrol Catering business has been in demand. Recently, we provided the meal for the Manchester Shrine Club.
April will find us at a Christian Church here in Richmond, then in
May we will do a Kiwanis Club event. We are also scheduled for
two Shrine events here at Acca, one in May and another in June.
We stay pretty busy; if you would like to schedule us, call either
Illustrious Sir Bill Painter, our Treasurer or our Secretary, noble
Charles Hanbury.
Some of our members are going thru some health issues. Illustrious Sir Bill Painter is receiving treatments for pre-leukemia,
and although he cannot have visitors at this time, phone calls
and cards would be appreciated. Illustrious Sir Marion Dawson is
still recovering from back surgery. Our President, Nobel Ronnie
Wray is experiencing major problems with kidney stones. Noble
Tom White is still battling respiratory problems. Noble Charles
Hanbury is recovering from a serious arthritis condition. Keep
them in our thoughts and prayers for a timely recovery.
Keep the sunny-side up.
Larry Koon, Reporter
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
They say these things occur about every five years or so. If not
five years, there is some substantial span between them because
their impact is permanently etched into our memory. In fact, we
vividly recall the minute details of the last one until the next one
comes around and the cycle starts all over. This brutal winter
indeed took its toll in so many ways.
If you recall, the Krauts had established a very aggressive off
season rehearsal schedule in order to revise our show and incorporate an updated playlist. Old Man Winter had other ideas and
saw to it that this didn’t occur like we had planned. To make matters worse, we are already well into our new season. Fortunately,
we are so well versed in our original material, and so entertaining, that this slight stumble has been un-impactful. Another good
thing is that these first few performances have been for groups
who have seen us before and always enjoy what we provide.
Even though we are experiencing a setback with respect to the
revised show, we have no doubt that our new routine will roll
out without a flaw. You see, we are musicians, forever optimistic
and thus a very peculiar bunch. We play because of desire. We
don’t see obstacles, we see challenges. We don’t sweat the small
stuff because we know that our strong desire to entertain will
always overcome. I recall so many times in the Million Dollar
Band when, just prior to a major concert, our rehearsals literally
stunk up the place and left our director with a look of utter fear
and panic. But, without fail, when were are finally up on stage
in front of that audience, we nail our performance. Musicians
always bring out their very best when it matters most because we
enjoy it so.
This year, more than in past, we are receiving a lot of interest
outside of our standard venues. By the time you read this, we will
have played for a Sunday brunch at a local restaurant. Inevitably,
whenever we venture outside of our norm, more interest is generated. This new interest grows into new opportunities and so on.
Exposure like this has worked for us in the past and we believe it
will continue. Although details haven’t been worked out, it looks
very promising that we will have an opportunity to play Kings
Dominion this year. In terms of exposure, that would be among
the granddaddies of them all .
Last year was huge for us in terms of the only thing that really
matters, and that is our contributions to our hospitals. We are off
to a great start and look forward to blowing away last years dollars. If our reward is as great as our desire to perform, and the
enjoyment it brings to each member of the band, I know we will
be successful.
Bill Hudson, Reporter
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Oriental Band
James River Shrine Club
Well spring is in the air! And along with that comes spring
cleaning painting, planting, yard work, etc. etc.etc.
It’s also time for fun in the sun, with the Pork and Music Festival, Parades, and don’t forget about SASA! The Oriental Band is
anxious to start playing in the streets with the best music this side
of heaven. We like to welcome Rusty and Robert Tatum back
home from an extended visit to Charlottesville, glad you are both
back and doing better. I like to extend a warm thank you to the
band members and ladies for their untiring and continued support
with bingo and the auto auction projects, it means a lot to me but
especially for the support to the Shrine Center.
Please keep Nobles Ed Woods, Steve Meagher, and Lady
Rusty Tatum in your prayers as they recover from being under
the weather. A very special request to keep Noble Charles Roth
Gunther and his family in your prayers as they continue to battle
this terrible illness.
As always any Noble is welcome to join us, we practice the
second and fourth Thursday’s of each month, please remember
that no musical talent is needed we can teach you to play the best
music ever put to your ears in record time. Please remember to
support the efforts of the Membership Committee by asking and
inviting any Master Mason to attend any of the many activities at
the Shrine Center, you just might be surprised to find that if asked
they will come. Is that not how we were invited?
Nobles, if not us, then who will see to the preservation and
growth of our organization. May God continue to bless you and
your families and keep you safe.
Buddy Small, President
Greetings from the James River Shrine Club. We are off to a
great start for the year under the able leadership of our President
Jim Boyd. He is starting the new year with new ideas and plans
for what appears to be innovative and beneficial to the club.
We held our March meeting at Rosa’s Italian restaurant in
Powhatan with a great turnout by our members and ladies. Noble
John Conover and Lady Vickie were our guests for the evening
and Noble John brought us up to date on the goals of our Potentate, Ill. Sir Tim Southern.
President Jim Boyd laid out plans for a raffle that will be coming up this spring and it will be offering some unique prizes for
the winners. We are a small group but enthusiastic in our fund
raising efforts and we hope you will support us in this effort.
Unfortunately, we have several of our members dealing with
health issues including Ill. Sir. Bill Painter, Noble Floyd Proffitt,
Noble John Barnard, Noble Jim Boyd, Noble Jim Doyle, Lady
Jean Hawk and Lady Ann Crothers. They are all in our prayers
and we wish them the best.
We welcome you all to come join us for our meeting on the
second Wednesday of the month. You can be assured you will be
met with warmth and hospitality by the membership.
In closing we wish everyone a good spring and encourage you
to support our Potentate and the Shrine Center in their efforts in
the coming year.
Tom Snead, Reporter
3rd Annual Red, White, and Brew
Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 12:00 pm–5:00 pm
ACCA Shrine Temple
$40 per booth for craft venders
10 x 10 booth space
All types of crafts, jewelry, arts and foods welcome!
To register contact: Donna Duke 804-306-9171, [email protected] or Debby Holt 804-937-7097,
[email protected] or send check to ACCA Divan Ladies Fund 1712 Bellevue Ave., Richmond, Va 23227
Thank you for your support !!! Lady Beckie Southern
Name: ________________________________________ e-mail__________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Phone:_________________________
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Greeters Unit
On February 14, 2015, the Unit and Club Leaders and their Ladies got off to a good start as the annual Leadership Conference
was held in the Acca Assembly Room. An excellent program of
yearly events was presented by Past Potentate Paul W. Lanier
and others. At the conclusion a luncheon was served. The Greeter
Leaders who attended are listed in the picture below.
Left to right: Easley Spencer (Treasurer), Jacob Hattan (Secretary), PP Wayne Fifer (President), Philip Godwin (Vice-Pres.)
Before our March 2, 2015 meetings, the Greeters and Greetettes enjoyed a time of social and fellowship with a salad and
pizza luncheon as shown in the picture below.
In the past, the Greeters Unit and Greetettes have sponsored a
fall yard sale. However this year we decided to have two; one in
the spring and another in the fall. The spring yard sale was held
on Friday, March 6 and Saturday March 7, 2015 in the Activity
Center. Even though we had snow and the weather was terrible,
on Friday, we were surprised, as many avid yard sale people were
waiting for us to open up at 8 AM. Things were steady for most
of the day. There were a variety of items for sale, from all types
of furniture, TV’s, golf clubs, golf balls, house ware’s, clothes
and for our hard work most all items were sold. Some of the
clothes that were not sold were donated to Goodwill. To make
both days more enjoyable the Greetettes had a bake sale and the
Greeters served hot dogs, chips and drinks. All in all, the sale was
successful. Thanks to everyone who donated items and for all
the hard work done by both Greeters and Greetettes. Below are
pictures of the sale.
Our next Greeter Function; We are bringing back, what was
a past tradition, A FAMILY FISH FRY DINNER, which will be
held on May 29, 2015, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. in the Acca Activity Center. The cost is $10.00 per person, Children under 12,
the cost is $4.00. Tickets are available from any Greeter or the
Temple Office.
Remember to attend your Blue Lodge, Scottish-Rite, York Rite
and other Masonic orders which you are a member. Also make
sure your Dues Card for each organization is current.
Our thanks to Greetette Betti Rock who supplied these and
other previous pictures for the Accalette.
Jacob H. Hattan, Jr.
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Potentate’s Ball 2015
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
“Acca Shriners Setting the Pace”
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Glen Allen Shrine Club
1. February Installation of Officers
4. Noble Carl Harrell and his Lady Judy
2. President Al Rock was
presented with the Glen Allen
Shrine Club Charter
5. Past Presidents David Eells and James
Sadler at the Leadership Seminar
The Glen Allen Shrine Club got off to a wintery start for 2015
as our January meeting had to be canceled. Our February 11th
meeting was busy. We enjoyed dinner prepared by Jonathan
Hughes, also one of our members. New officers were installed by
Recorder, Ill. Ben D. “Pete” Holder, PP (2010). We always enjoy
sharing the evening with Ill. Pete and his Lady Barbara. The officers for 2015 are: Stuard A. “Al” Rock, President; Acca Recorder
Floyd W. Maxey, Jr., First Vice President; Ill. William L.”Billie”
J ellie, PP (2013), Second Vice President; Chief Rabban and Past
President (2014) James H. “Jimi” Duke, Jr., Secretary; and Past
President (2009) Collas E. Lowry, Treasurer. We look forward
to another successful year. (Picture 1) I was honored to be presented with the Glen Allen Shrine Club Charter. (Picture 2)
Assistant Rabban Thornton L. Holt and his Lady Debby attended the meeting with their granddaughter Lola Holt. (Picture
3) Judy and Carl Harrell (Picture 4) were ready for Valentine’s
Day decked out in their red sweaters. We’d like to thank both of
them for their tireless work for many Shrine activities.
Past President (2012), Captain of the Guard James W. Sadler, Sr.
and Past President (2013), Outer Guard David W. Eells (Picture
5) handled registration for the February 14th Temple Leadership
Seminar. After a session open to all, the ladies broke out for their
own program. Both sessions were very informative. At the conclusion, we were treated to a great barbecue lunch provided by Past
President (2005) Stephen C. “Sparky” Fuller and his team.
Later that evening many of us enjoyed the Valentine’s Dance
hosted by the Klownz and Mini-Patrol. First Vice President Floyd
Maxey and his Lady Bev (Picture 6) were among our members
in attendance. We danced away the evening to music by the Janitors. It was a fun evening.
3. Assistant Rabban Thornton Holt, Lady
Debby and granddaughter, Lola Holt
6. First VP Floyd Maxey and Lady Bev
7. Ladies Elizabeth Jones and
Shirley Robinson
8. Noble Don Hansen and his
Lady Polly
Our March covered dish dinner brought out the fried chicken
and many wonderful side dishes and desserts prepared by our
members. Ladies Elizabeth Jones and Shirley Robinson provided
the hors d’oeuvres. (Picture 7) Also, at the March meeting were
our newest members, Noble Don Hansen and his Lady Polly.
We’re glad to have them with us. (Picture 8)
Next time I hope to give you a report on the success of our annual April fundraiser with the Glen Allen Dance Center Recital.
Al Rock, President
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Legion of Honor
The Acca Legion of Honor is always looking for new members. If you are a member of Acca and a Veteran of any branch of
the United States Military, “We Want You”. Give any member a
call for information.
On February 10th, many LOH members participated in the
Glen Allen Lodge #131 100th Anniversary Celebration.
At our March meeting, P.C., PCSASA Carroll E. Barnard was
presented with our Honorary Life Membership.
Among the attendants were P.C., HL, Ill. Joseph W. “Joe”
Frick, PP, and his Lady Frances and P.C., HL, PCSASA Walter
A. Trower, Jr., (District #57 Deputy Grand Master).
The Legion was represented at the February 14th Acca Leadership Seminar.
H. F. “Frankie” Sheridan became our newest member. Always
glad to welcome a Veteran!
L to R: Supply Officer W. E. Childrey, Finance Officer Edward
Emouf, III and P.C. Commander Al Rock.
e-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
2800 Buford Road, Suite 105
Richmond, VA 23235
Our own P.C. Ill. Thomas “Tom” W. Jenkins, PP and his Lady
Nancy visited from Carolina for Potentate Tim Southem’s March
(Continued on next page)
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Legion of Honor (Continued)
Valley Shrine Club
We provided the Color Guard for the Ladies Oriental Shrine
Accaba Court Installation of High Priestess Noel Walsh-Gardner
and her officers on March 22nd. Attendees enjoyed the ceremony
and following reception.
On March, the Valley Shrine Club met at Pano’s Restaurant.
Vice President Chip Rothery opened the meeting. After the
pledge of allegiance and invocation, he turned the meeting over
to ACCA Temple Assistant Rabban Thornton Holt to conduct the
Regional meeting.
Noble Ross Morland, Membership Committee Chairman, challenged each club to increase their membership this year and gave
specific goals to each. The overall Temple goal is 200 new members. He had fliers detailing ways that clubs can approach Master
Mason’s encouraging them to join in the fun and fundraising for
the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Noble Kyle Miller of the Caverns Club reported that in the ten
years of the Bluegrass Festival, the club has donated $156,187.89
to the Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Transportation
Fund. The eleventh festival will be held August 6, 7, and 8 at the
VFW Park off Route 211.
Piedmont Shrine Club’s Noble Goldie Tomlin stated that faced
with membership issues, they are attempting to add social events
to increase involvement. Ladies Night and the Sweetheart Luncheon are two examples. The club will participate in the Dogwood Parade on April 25.
The Hillbilly Unit’s Noble Bill Wimer reported that the club
raises funds by selling domino’s pizza through August and parking cars at the Frontier Museum.
Valley Shrine Club’s Noble Chip Rothery reported that Noble
Forrest Tolson was released from Sentara RMH and is recuperating at home. President Peyton Yancey is recovering at home from
a bout with the flu.
Noble Rothery reported that fund raising event for the year will
be two Bob Evans Restaurant events, food booths at Rocking
R Hardware, The Bluegrass Festival at Grand Caverns Park on
September 10, 11, and 12, and a golf tournament on August 8 at
ACCA Temple First Lady Beckie Southern invited all ladies to
attend the “Red, White, and Brew” fundraiser on September 12.
Noble Bill Crouse thanked all the Ladies who assist their Nobles in Shrine activities and without who the clubs would not be
nearly as successful. The gathering gave them a big round of applause in appreciation.
Following a delicious buffet, Potentate Tim Southern presented Noble Robert Puffenbarger with a certificate making him “Recorder Emeritus” for his 15 years of service as ACCA recorder.
The potentate said that his goal for membership increases is a
more modest 100 new Shriners. He stated that he would be available anytime to come install new Shriners.
Noble Southern reminded the group of events at the ACCA
Temple. On April 4, there is an Easter Egg Event. April 14 the
“Century Club” will meet to honor our oldest Shriners and on
May 2, the Pork and Music Festival will be held. June 5 and 6 is
the Spring Ceremonial Dance.
Chief Rabban Jim Duke ended the meeting with a benediction.
The ACCA Temple attendees amused the gathering with a
great rendition of “Proud to Be a Shriner”.
All Masons and their Ladies are invited to attend the next regular meeting on April 23 at Pano’s Restaurant. The business meeting begins at 6 pm and the meal follows.
Bill Crouse, Secretary
L to R: P.C. Commander Al Rock, W. E. Childrey, High Priestess Noel Walsh-Gardner, Ill. Dennis English, PP, Edward Ernoufi
III and P.C. Larry Sneide.
One of our Sweethearts, Lady Jewell Ratliff, enjoyed chatting
with Lady Valerie Layman, Past High Priestess of LOS Accaba
The LOH Barbecue Dinner will be held on April 17th and is
advertised with our new Outdoor signs. For our entertaimnent,
we will be enjoying the Million Dollar Band Showcase later that
P.C. Bill Brockwell, Reporter
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Donations to ACCA Temple
January 23, 2015 - March 27, 2015
Donations to
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Manchester Shrine Club
Acca Klownz
Ill. Pete & Barbara Holder
Acca Mini Patrol
Mizpah Chapter #32 O.E.S.
Edward R. Howell
Derwood R. Jefferson
Robert B. Scearce
In Memory of
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Natalie Whitney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John W. Inman
Howard L. Parrish, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralph & Katherine Bartley
Howard L. Parrish, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petersburg Shrine Club
Howard L. Parrish, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean W. Waymack
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William & Vicki Hanner
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard & Roslyn Turochy
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edward J. Face, Jr.
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam T. Beale
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warthen & Betty Downs
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter & Maryglyn McGraw
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles & Ann Hinckley
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ralph & Mary Puccinelli
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim & Kitty Atkinson
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles & Carol Watson
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crawley & Norma Jean Joyner
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equity concepts North, LLC
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Wright
Richard Lyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Acca Provost Guard
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . Sandy & Evelyn Tucker and Evelyn J. Gray
Bettye Lee Robbins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ernest & Marge McGregor
Jerry Lee Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirk & Mark Livesay
Jerry Lee Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann L. Rainey
Max O. Ivey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John W. Inman
Dorothy Richwine Korb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thelma Jackson
Jerry Lee Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .James and Connie Hill
Donations to 100 Million Dollar Club
In Honor of
Jerry Conner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Throckmorton
Darold S. Kemp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Throckmorton
In Memory of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Donor
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acca Ceremonial Cast
Dot Korb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acca Ceremonial Cast
Directors Staff Deceased Members/Family Members in 2014:
Henry Moody, Rosalyn Couch, William A. Thomas,
Jason Ellis Bailey, Michael Arlof, Gwendolyn A. Westerhouse,
Joanne B. Clark, Mr. Sugiyama . . . . . . . . . . . .Director’s Staff Ladies
Donations to Acca Children’s Hospital
Transportation Fund
Scott Insurance Employees
Manchester Shrine Club
In Honor of
Ill. Tim & Beckie Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Kaye Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Bryan Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Ethel Neely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Steve “Sparky” Fuller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Joyce Spiller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Ill. Sam & Sarah Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Floyd & Beverley Maxey
Ill. Tim & Beckie Southern . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. James & Jeannie Marshall
In Memory of
Ernest W. Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson & Family
Russell A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. David L. and Bina Bishop
Linwood Tucker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. David L. and Bina Bishop
Jeane Starke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. David L. and Bina Bishop
Hopewell Shrine Club
The Hopewell Shrine Club is well on its way into 2015 and
looking for only good things to happen. Spring is finally here
according to the calendar. The blooming trees and daffodils are
good signs the cool weather will soon give way to warm weather
and time to put away our winter coats. Plans are being made for
our annual family picnic, steak night, ladies night and the final
event of the year, the Christmas Dance. Members continue to
support Ashland Moose Club by selling pull-tabs every 5 weeks.
This has been a good fund raiser for the Club and appreciate all
the members who have taken their time to support this endeavor.
Every Organization depends on its members to pull together to
not only keep their Organization going but to provide the means
for ACCA Shrine and the Hospitals to continue to do the good
work they do. Always be thankful for family and friends and
remember the true reason we are Shriners. Without the support
of the Clubs and Units the Shrine Hospitals would not be able to
provide the care they give to the number of children they do each
and every day. The Hopewell Shrine Club is always looking for
additional members to join us. We meet the 3d Wednesday of
each month at the Hopewell Moose Club at 6:30. For information please contact me at 704-2446.
Richard Stanley, President
Thank You
To Nobles, Ladies, & Friends:
I have had the privilege to chair the ACCA Pork and
Music Festival this year and I’m glad to have the support
of so many to make this a successful project for our Shrine
The success of this Festival, and any other project here
at ACCA, is dependent on the caliber of, and assistance
by, the many dedicated Nobles and their Ladies. There
have been many such folks who have made contributions
of countless hours of their time working behind the scenes,
in the office, attending the many meetings, and out on the
Shrine Center grounds to make this Festival a huge success. To all those individuals I offer a resounding THANK
L.R.“Rusty” Brinkley
Pork & Music Festival Chairman
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ACCA Antique, Sports and Classic Car Club
The installation of Officers for The ACCA Antique, Sports and
Classic Car Club was held at the Temple at 6:00 PM on Monday,
February 9, 2015. We were graced by Past Potentate, Ill. Frank
McCallister performing his usual perfect installation ceremony.
We had a nice social gathering prior to our meeting and the ladies
prepared a nice buffet dinner.
The following officers were elected: Noble Michael Poegl,
President, Noble Ed Johnston Jr., Vice President, Noble Matt
Williams, Secretary and Noble Tom Daughtrey, Treasurer. At the
close of the elections, President Michael thanked the membership
for placing our leadership in his hands for 2015 and expressed a
sincere desire to move this club forward.
We have a new member who joined our club at the February meeting. He is John Ficklin, one of ACCA Shrine’s new members.
The Car Club members are planning to attend the ACCA Shriners Central Virginia Pork and Music Festival on May 2, 2015.
Some of the member’s cars will be on display for attendees to view.
Any question or discussions about the cars will be welcomed.
At this time, we still need your prayers for Noble Tom
Daughtrey’s Lady Carol. She is taking chemo for lung cancer
and is going to win this battle! Russell Graves continues to have
mobility and eyesight problems, but is still somewhat active.
President Michael, all the members and officers invite other
Shriners to come visit us at one of our meetings and hopefully
develop an interest in our activities with antique and sport cars.
We welcome you to join our club.
Ed Johnston Jr, Reporter
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Ashland, VA 23005
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Manchester Shrine Club
We have been busy. The good news is that the “Cornhole
Tournament” netted $10,500 plus. Thanks to all who participated
and to those that helped. And to all who donated. Particularly
our loyal ladies. We could not do it without you. The club voted
to advertise on two cornhole boards next year. The cost is $300
and will display shrine logos and the date of next year’s MSC
“Cornhole Tournament”. These boards will be used at least twice
a week for a year. We will then auction off the two boards. SASA
was discussed. We will be at the Coral Beach again. The dates are
September 16th to 19th. The parade this year will be on Friday
night. Please make your own reservations by June 18th. Be sure
and ask for Denise Beverly. Tell her you are a shriner and a
member of Manchester Shrine Club.
The “Installation Dinner” was attended by approximately fifty
nobles, ladies and friends. We had four special guests. Illustrious
Potentate Tim Southern with Lady Beckie, and Johnny Carr’s
parents Sonny and Jackie Carr. They came to see their son installed
as President of Manchester for 2015. Past Potentate Paul Lanier
surprised everyone by attending right after major surgery. Man he’s
tough. And Ralph Heard has graduated from crutches to a walker. It
was good to see Carol Daughtrey there with Tom. The bar was well
handled by Mike Ryan and Amanda. Steve Faszewski provided
music with Jeannie’s help. The Motor Patrol did a good job serving
a delicious steak dinner. Terry Nall did his usual good job as MC.
Johnny Carr made some real sincere remarks that touched everyone
there. He learned about the shrine and what we do after meeting
Tim and Terry at the rivah. He knew right away he had to become
a shriner and help crippled and burned children, because of their
own experience with their child. So nobles and ladies let’s get
behind them and make this a great year for Manchester. Illustrious
Potentate Tim Southern in his remarks thanked the club for the
outstanding job raising funds from the “Cornhole Tournament”. He
also set forth a goal of 140 new shriners this year. He is confident
we can accomplish this goal.
When spring is around the corner, you know it’s time for
stew. So Friday, March 13th, started off with our ladies doing
their chicken picking thing. As usual they were good and fast,
and finished early. Those chickens never had a chance. Because
of their speed, the stew was finished early. One of the earliest
finishes I can remember. It was good to see Bobby Withrow there
working, and Ralph Heard was walking unassisted. The stew was
sold out early Saturday morning. Good job people. Another big
thank you to Minor Hairfield and Connie Perkins for donating
all the ingredients again. That really helps the club’s bottom line.
It’s great to have a dedicated member and his lady give the club
this kind of support. By the way, they also sold 80 quarts of stew.
Unfortunately Terry Nall could not attend due to the death of
Mona’s mother. But, little Tim Ford jumped in and supervised
putting in the ingredients. He did an outstanding job.
Bobby Withrow has been under the weather. Past Potentate
Paul Lanier had major surgery, but bounced back to attend
the Installation Dinner. Past Potentate Marion Dawson had
back surgery on February 9th. Clay Chaney just had a knee
replacement. We hope this turns out well. We wish all a speedy
recovery. Our condolences to Mona Nall who lost her mother
recently. Congratulations to Past Potentate Pete Holder. He is
Acca’s Recorder for the coming year. He has big shoes to fill. I
am sure he can handle it. We look forward to working with you.
And a special congratulations to Illustrious Sir Frank McAllister
and Lady Pauline on their 70th Anniversary. They were married
when they were 3 years old. I don’t know how you did it Pauline.
Quite a milestone. July will be our picnic as well as our meeting.
August 9th is Carytown. And SASA is coming. I’m typing this
with another big snowfall on the ground. Can we go to SASA
“Acca Shriners Setting the Pace.
Maurice “Moe” Duling, Reporter
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
ACCA Golf Club
The Acca Golf Club is off to a fine start. We played our first
outing at the Brookwood Golf course last month. As always in
March, the weather makes it exciting. We arrived at the course
in a driving rain storm, then the rain slacken, but it was supposed to start back with heavy rain later that morning. Do we
cancel or take a chance? Since it had been a miserable winter,
everyone was anxious to play, so we decided to start out and see
what the weather might bring as a challenge. Well, it started off
a little cloudy, then it got warmer, then the sun brighten the sky.
It turned out to be a perfect day for golf.
The schedule this year has a full slate of the best courses in the
immediate and surrounding areas. We have replaced a few with
some that was recommended by members of the club.
It appears that some of our members are starting to take the
game serious. A new member has even gone to Myrtle Beach
Brian Adams
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Richmond, VA 23229
and taken lessons. We will be watching that situation closely.
Other members have been buying new equipment and watching
a lot of instructions offered by the Golf Channel. One member
even played recently with clean golf balls. Since he never buys
new ones, I guess he cleaned them while watching the NCAA
Tournament. It has been a long winter.
The out of town golf trip to Pinehurst, NC on May 20-22 is in
the final planning stages. The roster is full, and we have a waiting list. It is a two night stay and we will play three of the better
courses in the area. The trip is similar to the one we took in 2014
that was a highlight of the year.
The Golf Club will sponsor a hole at the Grand Master’s and
Scottish Rite Tournaments as we have in past years. Hopefully,
we can bring back a trophy or two.
The Acca Swingers Golf Club’s primary focus is fun and fellowship, which was the reason for the fraternity. We even get
mildly serious about golf every now and then.
Come out and join us.
“If you think it’s hard to meet new people,
try picking up the wrong golf ball”
Larry Koon, President
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ACCA Shrine - Shriners International
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015
6:00 P.M.
6:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
ACCA TEMPLE HEADQUARTERS • 1712 Bellevue Avenue • Richmond, Va.
to act on such business that might come before it.
$10.00 per person
Activities for Ladies during Business Meeting
Ben D. “Pete” Holder, P.P.
Timothy L. “Tim” Southern
Illustrious Potentate
ACCA SHRINERS HEADQUARTERS • 1712 Bellevue Avenue • Richmond, Va.
A Ceremonial Session of the Temple is hereby called for Saturday, June 6, 2015,
at 9:00 a.m. for the balloting and obligating of Candidates who wish to gain admission to ACCA Temple.
Ben D. “Pete” Holder, P.P.
Tiimothy L. “Tim Southern
Illustrious Potentate
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
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The Director’s Staff Corner
January 30, 2015 was a memorable day in the annuals of the
Director’s Staff. The Staff held its annual Ladies Night with installation of officers. It was a sight to behold with the ladies in
their finery escorted by such a handsome group of Nobles led by
none other than Noble Director Bobby Gordon and Lady Sherry.
Such a wonderful evening with excellent food and fellowship.
The event was graced by the presence of Ill. Sir Timothy Southern, Potentate and his lady Beckie along with other Divan members. Noble Charlie Hunter was in good form with the chamber music. Thanks to Nobles David Eells and James Sadler who
handled the bar.
After the installation of officers Noble Director Tom Williams
presented a gift to outgoing Director Noble Bobby Gordon and
Lady Patti Williams presented a gift to Lady Sherry Gordon. The
recognition of the past and new officers was very evident with
the accolades from the Nobles and Ladies present. Also, Ill. Sir
Boyd Griggs Potentate 2014 and Lady Rachel were recognized
for their efforts at ACCA during the past year. Last but not least
was the recognition of the Past Directors present. It was an awe
inspiring picture of this group as they stood and were acknowledged for their efforts for the Director’s Staff and ACCA Temple.
The February meeting has come and gone with all the trappings
of a new Director, Assistant Director, Secretary and Quartermaster gracing the dais. The Treasurer was a carry over from last year.
Things started off with the introduction of two Divan Members,
Nobles Dennis Berry and Steve Clark who were making their
official visit. They asked the group what the Temple could do to
make it more attractive to current and future members. After it
was all said and done they got plenty of feedback most of which
was very constructive. Noble Director Tom Williams proceeded
to present his calendar and agenda for the coming year and a year
it will be with plenty of activities. He has resurrected the team
concept and committees for activities. It appears the leadership
of the Staff will be very organized with well thought out plans
for the group. The first activity will be a Brunswick Stew on the
28th of February under the expert guidance of Stew Mister Noble
Gary Westerhouse. There will be more to come. After a short discussion regarding the trailer and VW the meeting was adjourned
in good order.
The Ladies of the Staff under the tutelage of Lady Patti Williams had a meeting on the same evening and by all accounts they
will be very active during the coming year. Go Ladies since you
are a very important part of the Staff and your contributions are
The 2015 version of the Director’s Staff Brunswick Stew was
held on February 28, 2015 at Midlothian Lodge #211. A large
crowd gathered in the early morning hours on a very cold day and
the event was on under the fatherly supervision of Noble Director
Tom Williams. Led by Stew Meister Gary Westerhouse the pot
and ingredients were prepared and the secret recipe provided the
guidance. By 1:30 in the afternoon the stew was ready to be taken
and there were cups as far as the eye could see, 375 quarts to be
exact. This event required the support of many staff members
and for this it was blessed. From the Nobles who did prep work
on Friday night, to the wonderful breakfast, stirring the pot, and
keeping the fire going many were involved. Thanks to Nobles
Rusty, Mike Colley, Jim Deitrick, and Steve Clark for prep work,
Noble Puggy Grady for the wood, and Nobles William Raymond
and Patrick Wright for the wonderful breakfast to name a few. To
all who helped a big thank you for a successful fund raiser and
most of all good fellowship?
The March meeting of the Director’s Staff was held with a
large and boistours crowd in attendance. The Director, Noble
Tom Williams offered his appreciation and compliments to all
those who labored at the Stew which produced 375 quarts of
Richmond’s finest Brunswick Stew. Most has been sold or committed therefore it was a very successful event. A special thank
you to Noble Les Neivens who is leading the unit in sales. Also, a
big compliment to Noble W.T. Parrish for supervising the cleanup in the storage rooms. What he kept and what he disposed of
is only known to him. At least you can now get in there without
fear of something falling on you or catching some mystery disease. A number of issues were discussed during the meeting that
included the upcoming NASCAR Race and the selling of ACCALETTE ads. All were disposed of in good order and the meeting
was adjourned.
The Sunshine Report contains the following Nobles who have
experienced health problems or lost love ones: Noble Paul Lanier, Don Muddiman, and Bill Klasuminzer. In the same regard
Ladies Pat Ferguson, Dewana Beamguard, Barbara Holder, and
Marge McGregor. To all our thoughts and prayers.
(Continued on next page)
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Directors Staff Continued
It is with a deep sense of sorrow that I advise you of the passing of Noble W. “Buddy” Melton on April 2, 2015. He became a
member of the Staff in 1968 and was a “legend” in his own right.
He is remembered for undying commitment to the Staff and the
many contributions to its well being. He was a friend indeed and
recognized for his love of his family and life in general. He will
be missed by one and all. Masonic services were held at Bennett’s Chapel on April 3, 2017 with funeral services and interment on April 4, 2015 at Signal Hill Memorial Park. Thoughts
and prayers are extended to the Melton family.
DIRECTOR’S STAFF WHISPERS: We had a large crowd at
Ladies Night? The activity room was filled and everyone seemed
to enjoy. The new Director was very evident by ensuring that
everyone had a copy of the Staff’s activity calendar for 2015. Get
ready to work. My who was that striking couple from Goochland? The trailer is missing again. A search committee needs to
be established. What’s with the Probies new mentor? One would
hate to have his wrath descend on you for failure to perform. Did
anyone notice the gathering of Past Directors in the corner of the
room during meetings? It would appear that all issues must pass
in review of this group for approval or dissent. Breaking News:
Who was the Past Director who shot his car, including the maiming of his briefcase? Prettiest bullet hole one could imagine. Only
the shadow knows. A source from the staff states we have enough
watermelon bowls in the inventory to last several years and yes
napkins as well. Thanks W.T. What’s with the dry humor of the
Treasurer? Are any e mails or files missing? An inquiry will follow.
Frank Bishop, Staff Columnist
As you are reading this, the sun is shining brighter, the birds are
singing way too loud and many children and adults had a roaring
good time at our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. It was full of goofiness that made the kids, their families and the Klownz smile. It
has often been said that things work better with humor. This is
really selfless service without personal gain. Our own ACCA
Klownz are having a great time this year and proving to be angels
in disguise doing an incredible amount of work supporting our
Shriner kids. And our own Harry Moore was just elected 2nd
Vice-President of International Shrine Clown Association, which
provides us additional opportunities in 2017 for our Temple to
shine as we host the ISCA International Conference in Richmond. We continue to have a great turnout for our Sunday night
social dinners and we are all looking forward to our upcoming
events to promote our craft.
Until next time “Bump and Nose”.
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“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
Franklin Military Academy and
Shriner’s Tab Top Program
In the east part of Richmond there is a High School called
Franklin Military Academy. One of the military instructors is
Staff Sergeant Gary McCray, U.S. Army Retired, who heard of
the Shriner’s Tab Top program. Since then he has promoted in
his class that giving back to the community is part of leadership. He teaches that “molding tomorrows leaders -- one cadet
at a time” is part of our his responsibilities. Illustrious Sir Boyd
Griggs, Illustrious Sir Paul Lanier and John Larson went over
to the school and talked to the young men and women about the
Shrine Hospitals. The Sergeant had been having a contest and
had the class bring in the tabs they had collected over the school
year and gave the Nobles about 27 gallons of tabs before they
left. This is the second year that he has done this. It is a honor to
recognize Sgt. McCray as to what he is instilling in these young
peoples minds.
Congratulations go out to Noble Harry Moore who at the International Clowns Association was elected to 2nd Vice President. Noble Harry is a member of Manchester #14 and served as
Master in 1980 and 2003 and is also a member of Black Heath
Lodge. Noble Harry is a member of Manchester Order of Eastern
Star Chapter No. 53. “Dimples” as he is known has been an Acca
Klownz for thirty years and a Past President. He is also a Past
President of South Atlantic Shrine Clown Association.
Blanton’s Upholstery
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Furniture Upholstery
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Bobby Blanton
ACCA Million Dollar Band
Another winter has come and gone hopefully by the time all
have reviewed this article. Spring is upon us and probably the
grass has been cut once and in some cases even twice. It appears
that as all age, cold weather has different effects on the elder.
Don’t know about you, but I am ready for the warmer days and
nights that are hopefully in sight.
Since last writing the Band has continued to prepare for
“Showcase 2015” as all have been rehearsing every Monday
night, weather permitting; instead of rehearsing on the 4th
Monday of January, February and March as previously anticipated. In addition the Band performed at Imperial Plaza
Retirement Center but unfortunately we had to cancel our scheduled performance at Heritage-Oaks due to the icy, snowy and
slick road conditions. However, the Band is schedule to perform
at Cedarfield Retirement Living Facility on May 4th, 2015 at
7:15 p.m. and will again return to the Masonic Home on June 1st,
2015 at 7:00 p.m. Our Director, Ill. Sir Phil Johnson, P.P., is hard
at work and using his “big stick” to ramp-up the Band for the
Band’s upcoming “Showcase 2015” on April 17th, 2015. Sorry
for the wrong “month” in the last edition of the Accalette Band
article, my bad. However, the date on the “flyer” is correct, April
17th, 2015, and that is what matters. Looking forward to our
special guest artists from VCU and I am sure all will be
impressed with their performance. Please mark your calendar
and plan to attend our Showcase, as well, plan to attend the
Legion of Honor’s BBQ dinner prior to in the Temple’s activity
center beginning at 5:00 p.m. Make Friday, April 17th, 2015 an
afternoon and evening of good food, fun and musical entertainment a day to remember.
The year 2015 Band’s sick and wounded members have
reflected a slow down from previous years thank goodness. “Ole
Harry Seeley and his Lady Mary are continuing to improve each
day; Don Godfrey is doing better but still can not drive and that
is bad news for his Lady Ann; Floyd Puryear is recovering from
another Back Operation and says his pain has subsided and
expects to return to the Band playing his tuba once again; Bonnie
Versoza’s bronchial and leg problems are still flaring up, but he
continues to get up and keep going; and last by no means Donnie
Johnson is doing much better and to all of the Band’s delight
returned to rehearsal on Monday evening March 16th, 2015.
What a wonderful evening it was to have Donnie back in the
The year 2015 is very special to our Band members and their
Ladies. It marks a place in history of ACCA Shrine Temple, OneHundred (100) Continuous Years of Operation as a Unit. True
there are other units that may be older in length of time, but not
continuous without a break in service. The Million Dollar Band
stands alone in this distinction and are proud to do so. Most of
our guys are of the senior citizen definition, a few are not there
yet, a very few have a while to wait. However, all enjoy playing
music and most of all love showcasing their musical talents in
the form of concerts or other type gigs as they prefer to call them.
How bless we are to have such a variety of talent in the Band.
May God continue to bless the Million Dollar Band as they again
put forth their best efforts to entertain those who listen to their
variety of musical selections.
God Bless the United States of America and its’ Military members where ever they may be deployed here or abroad.
Dave Bishop, P.P.
Band Secretary
6935 Lakeside Anenue
Open for Lunch (Dine in or Take out)
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
“ACCA Shriners Setting the Pace”
(804) 266-3992
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