here - Al-Faisal College

Al-Faisal College - Campbelltown
Tel: 02 9603 5866
Fax: 02 9603 7797
Principal: Mrs Ghazwa Adra Khan
Term 2, Week 3, 2015
10 Benham Road Minto, NSW 2566
Editor: Mrs Shinaz Saleh
Director of Education: Dr Intaj Ali
Head of Campus: Mrs Sonali Luthra
Head of Campus Message
Dear Parents,
On Thursday 23rd April our High school students held an ANZAC Day assembly. This was also an
assembly where students from high school received awards. These awards are based on the points
system that is in the student diary. Congratulations to the student who received an award for their
efforts this year.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the High School Parent/Teachers. The night was very
successful and we thank you again for your support in helping our students’ education.
Congratulations to the following students from primary that have been allocated as Class Captains.
Primary High School
K Pearl
Mariam Khalil
Ayaan Tabassum Ali
K Snow
Fahim Zaman
Manha Talukdar
1 Indigo
Mishkatul Haque
Sabreen Islam
1 Mauve
Abdullah Rana
Reema Eljawad
2 Maroon
Shamma Ali
Shayan Shinwar
2 Ruby
Hussain AlRammahy
Aaliyah Iskafi
3 Amber
Aya Al Halfi
Hani Ahmed
3 Gold
Muhammad Ziyan
Ismah Kaiser
4 Aqua
Sarah Mohamad
Ibrahim Ahmed
4 Turquoise
Asna Hassan
Ahmad Azeem
5 Emerald
Yahya Soultan
Shaima El Masri
5 Jade
Ahmad Rana
Salma Elomar
6 Royal
Eshaa Nasir
Ali Siddiqui
Mrs Sonali Luthra
Head of Campus
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday 12th May – Thursday 14th May: NAPLAN tests
Tuesday 19th May: ICAS Digital Technologies Exam
Thursday 21st May: Year 10 students excursion to see Macbeth
Week 6: Year 11 Examination
Al-Faisal College – Campbelltown Campus – Faith Knowledge Success
Primary Assembly
Next Wednesday will be our primary assemblies.
The following classes are hosting the assemblies
for Week 2:
K-2 9am: 2 Maroon
3-6 11.30am: 4 Turquoise
Parents are asked to keep their sick children at
home. If your child is sick, please do not send
them to school until you have consulted a doctor.
Ramadan Quran and Art Competition
The annual Ramadan Quran competition will
begin at the beginning of the Holy Month of
Ramadan. Students will be given a Surat to learn
and recite. We will also have the Ramadan
Poster competition. Students are encouraged to
participate in helping promote the importance of
this month.
Students are asked to have all necessary
stationery at school every day. They need these
in order to maximise learning time. If your
child’s stationery is running low, please
replenish it.
ANZAC Assembly Photos
High School News
Year 12 English Excursion to the University
of Technology Sydney 12th June
Year 11 Examinations: Week 6
Year 12 Parent and Teacher Interviews - by
appointment with Mrs Luthra and Mr Sowaid.
Reports will be issued during the interview.
Homework and Study: Years 7-8 students: at
least 1.5 hours each night. Years 9-10: at least
2 hours each night. Years 11-12: at least 3
hours each night.
1 Indigo – Work sample
1 Indigo are learning about Shelter as part of our
HSIE unit. We explored the needs of people and
other living things for shelter, and how built and
natural environments can
provide this. We made
these 3D houses out of
paper bags in creative arts
understand how humans
make shelter and why
things like walls and a roof
are important to protect us
from rain and wind.
Term 2-3 Holidays
In the spirit of the upcoming month of Ramadan
we would like to announce that the school will
have a 3 week holiday. The last day for Term 2
will be Friday 26th June. The students will return
to school on Monday 20th July, after Eid El-Fitr.