3{RiT TiqI{ frarq (efl-{fl rr{tFR dtafi dil, a+rta EfiT frfiAs 5wfi4) ffid srqta-s . firfrfi freTrtr *iqr* 3fttar, wFRt, il$ fri"fr - 110 001 I F No. 314-OSt2O14-Pers.l dated 14th May, 2015 la fdnrcfr srtaiilq fiaar I TENURE TRANSFER Subject: - Tra d Postin itional oRDER GM The following Additional, GMs/DGMs are hereby transferred and posted as under with immediate effect and until further orders: Postlng on Present Name ofthe of,Ecer HRtrfiS Stalf s. transfer oostlns S/Shril I No No. No. I 2 3 20245 20899 20006 199203033 199804009 199003838 A&N NE.I P K Sahana K V Suresh Babu ETR {Kolkata) AP J&K UP-E NE-II NE-I (Under tfr to KRL) AP 4 2tt68 200tot472 5 s07.67 19801261 A K Mishra M V Ramanaiah K Chandran 6 21015 200004521 .Gurudas Meher OR partial modification order datesd I2.L2.l4l Nodal Centre' C V Ramana Babu BSNL CO WBTC AP {Hvd TD) 7 20261 199203172 TN at Nagercoil (In The following Additional GMs/DGMs are transferred as. substitute of the above officer (s) transferred on completion of tenure or otherwise:Postlng on transfer Present Name of the HR]VIS StaIf s. posting officer No No. No. I S/Shrtl NE-I (Shillone) ETR Omesa R Marak 199703663 20828 1 NE-II AP Viiava Kumar M r992L3414 20266 2 J&K Rai Praful Sietia 199209602 20206 3 OR AP Chandrasekhar M 199004852 20257 4 CO BSNL AP Bunga Ravi Kumar 199306624 20382 5 NE"-II CGHR ' " Bharat Bhushan 199903325 20972 6 at present AS ( Retained MH Ajay Mhetre t99802999 209t7 7 Circle till 31.12.2015) In partial modification to this 2. office order dated 24.tl.l4l 8 20198 r992I2743 D Tosniwal Raj 9 32458 198309852 P G Bhandare MH 10 20327 199209418 Kush Manhar CGHR AS (Retained at present Circle till31.03.2016) AS (Transfer order dated in respect of the oflicer CANCELLED) In partial modification to this office,order dated 18.03.14 NE-II (Transfer order dated 20.09.14 in resPect of the officer CANCELLED In partial modification to this office order dated 24.O9.r4 Contd.... -2- F No. 314-0512014-Pers.l s. Staff No. 11 dated 14th May, 2015 Name of the No. HRMS No 20973 199900942 Chandra Bhushan Singh ofllcer I S/Shrtl Present posting Postlng on transfer TERM, CELL, DoT (Under oostins to GJ) UP-East h parttal modlllcatlon to thls oftlce order datd 1O.O1.14. The leave, if any requested by the officers, who are under transfer, should not 2. for it to the Competent be allowed. If any bffi"Lt desires leave, he can applyCompetent Authority will the posting and Authority only aftJr joining the new course normal justified, the in sanctiorileave, if it is concidered posting of officer Is] to the sensitive/non-sensitive posts may be decided by 3. the concerned circle as per prescribed norms circulated by DoT and Vigilance Branch of BSNL Corporate Office from time to time' Officers who are posted out of tenure station/circle may be relieved after 4. completion of prescribed tenure period, including excess leave period' S. Charge reports may be furnished to all concerned through CGM. Relieving and joining entries Jhould also be made in HRMS/ERP' 7'ThisissueswiththeapprovalofCompetentAuthority. w^ffi#t{ Deputy General Manager (Pers) Copy to: 1. CMD/All Directors of 3SNL Board, BSNL Corporate Office. 2. All Executive Director's BSNL CO' 3. . CGMs NE-II/CHGR/AS/MH Telecom Circle(SCT)/AGM (Pers-I),BSNL Co' +. CvO/Sr. GM (Pers)/Addl. cM (Pers)/CLO 5. CVO/Director (Staff)/US (STG-III), DoT' 6. Officer (s) concerned (Through CGM)' i. DM (pers.r)/DM_I to V (pers.r)/RB/All AMs of pe.1g.r, BSNL CO. 8. AOmn-t/AOmn-II/CSS/L&A/Paybill/Cash/Pension/Library/PHA Sections BSNL C.O g. DM (OL) for Hindi version' 10. Sr.CA to Adv (HRD)' DoT. I l. CS to Director [HR] BSNL. 12. Spare caPY lOrder Bundle' *xA6 (J. Srinivasan) Assistant General Manager (Pers.l) *
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