Airdrie FesPval of Lights 2015 Volunteer ApplicaPon Form [email protected] Ph 403-‐912-‐9627 PO Box 10353 Airdrie, AB T4A 0H6 Last Name: First Name: Date of Birth (yyyy-‐mmm-‐dd): Address: City: Province: Home # Postal: Cell # Other # Email: ☐ I hereby authorize and consent to a RCMP Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check. Applicant's Signature: Do you have a valid Driver's License? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Yes ☐ No Job PosiPons Which Posi<ons In December Would You Be Interested In? Night Leader ☐ Assistant Night Leader VMT ☐ Assistant VMT Train Sta<on Sales ☐ Train Assistant Train Driver ☐ Parking A9endant Floater ☐ Dona<on Collec<on Mascot ☐ Fire Pits Are there any concerns that would prevent you from taking an outside posi<on? Yes ☐ No ☐ Are you available in the off season to help with ongoing jobs related the Fes<val of Lights? Yes ☐ No ☐ Do you have any special skills or training? (Electrician, Carpenter, Grant Writer, etc) May we contact you via email newsle9er to inform you of any upcoming events or volunteer opportuni<es? We do not share your email. Yes ☐ No ☐ Are you fluent in any other language? Does your employer offer an Employee Volunteer Grant Program? 2015 Volunteer Applica3on 1 of 4 ☐ Yes ☐ No Emergency Contact Info Emergency Contact Name Rela<onship Phone Number(s) Are You Interested In Joining Our Board of Directors? (If No, then proceed to References) Relevant experience and/or employment (a9ach a resume if relevant) Why are you interested in joining the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights Society? What areas of exper<se or special skills do you possess? Would you be interested in joining one of our commi9ees instead? Yes ☐ Which One: Have you previously served on a Board of Directors? No ☐ ☐ Yes ☐ No Which Organiza<on/How Long? Other Volunteer Service? How much <me do you think you will be able to contribute? ☐ Finance ☐ Maintenance ☐ Communica<on ☐ Legal Rela<ons ☐ Construc<on Areas of Interest (Check all that apply) ☐ Fundraising ☐ Sponsorship ☐ Media Rela<ons ☐ Entertainment ☐ Adver<sing ☐ Governance ☐ Truck Driver ☐ Marke<ng ☐ Electrical ☐ Vendor Rela<ons Please Provide One Reference -‐ Not Related to You Name Address Phone Rela<onship 2015 Volunteer Applica3on Length of Time? 2 of 4 ☐ Volunteer Program ☐ Human Resources ☐ Grant Applica<ons ☐ Equipment Operator ☐ Other AuthorizaPon and Consent for All Volunteers I understand the need for the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights Society / Founda<on to carefully screen all volunteer applicants, including Board Members. ! I have completed and reviewed this en<re form, and a9est that the informa<on I have provided is true. ! I agree and acknowledge that the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights Society/Founda<on will contact the individuals I have given as references, and will verify the accuracy of all informa<on I have provided. ! I understand that a condi<on of acceptance for any volunteer role, with the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights is that I complete a RCMP Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check. ! I understand that any false informa<on I have given, or any incident recorded on my RCMP Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check may result in my being rejected for any volunteer role with the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights Society/Founda<on. ! I understand that the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights Society/Founda<on has the right to deny any individual as a volunteer for the Society/Founda<on, and reserves the right to have a RCMP Criminal Records and Vulnerable Sector Check conducted again at any <me during a volunteer's service with the Society/Founda<on. IniPal: Photo Release In considera<on of the acceptance of my applica<on to par<cipate as a volunteer for the Airdrie Fes<val of Lights (AFOL), I authorize and give full permission to the AFOL for use of my name and photograph, s<ll or video in connec<on with my volunteer ac<vi<es and I consent to the use of such material or its reproduc<on in any manner and by any medium which the AFOL deems appropriate. Yes ☐ No ☐ IniPal: Statement of ConfidenPality ! Volunteers will agree to keep all ma9ers rela<ng to the work of the AFOL completely confiden<al and not to disclose or use such informa<on without the consent of the President. ! I do willingly promise to abide by the policies of the AFOL Volunteer Program and to hold in confidence all ma9ers that come to my a9en<on in the line of duty at the AFOL, including informa<on from and about other volunteers. ! I will respect the privacy of the people whom I serve and discuss any problems I have with my commitment appropriately with those designated as my supervisors. ! Further, I will use in a responsible manner informa<on gained in the course of my service at the AFOL. IniPal: I have read this AuthorizaPon and Consent Statement fully and understand its contents. Applicant's Signature: If Applicant is under 18 years of age, Parent/Guardian's Signature Required Name: Signature: Date (dd.mmm.yyyy) 2015 Volunteer Applica3on 3 of 4 For Board Use ☐ Applica<on reviewed by the screening commi9ee. ☐ Nominee interviewed by the Screening Commi9ee. ☐ Reference Check Completed. ☐ Criminal Record & Vulnerable Sector Check Ac<on taken by the Board Review Date: Date Date Date: Date of Ac<on Completed By: Results: Signature: Review Date: Completed By: Results: Signature: Review Date: Completed By: Results: Signature: Review Date: Completed By: Results: Signature: 2015 Volunteer Applica3on 4 of 4
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