Complete the following application form and you may be eligible for The Alaska
Zoo volunteer program. Fill it out completely, and to the best of your ability. If
accepted, you will be contacted via email to attend a new volunteer orientation.
NAME_____________________________________ Date ___________________
Name to appear on badge: ___________________
Male/Female Age: ______
PHONE NUMBER(s) _________________________________________
E-MAIL (will be contacted via email for the new volunteer orientation)
DATE OF BIRTH (MINIMUM AGE IS 15 YEARS)__________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON _________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER ________________________
PRESENT OCCUPATION__________________________________________
Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability
1. What prompted you to apply for volunteer work at The Alaska Zoo?
2. How do you feel you can benefit the zoo, animals, and visitors?
3. How will voluntary work at The Alaska Zoo assist you in achieving your goals?
4. As a new volunteer, you will be asked to volunteer 20 hours and attend all
events for the first 2 months. Would you be able/willing to put in that much
time initially? Explain.
5. Do you need community service hours for this volunteer work? Yes/No
If yes, why do you need it. ________________________________________________
6. How do you/would you like to contribute to animal conservation/education?
7. Are you familiar with Google Calendar and how to use it?
8. What may be an obstacle you might face when volunteering at the Zoo?
9. How can your abilities/personality best be utilized to help departments in the
Zoo such as Education, Events, and the Petting Zoo?
10. Do you need assistance when volunteering at the zoo? Yes/No
If yes, explain how you would need assistance:
11. Are you afraid of/dislike or have a phobia of any animals?
12. What is your favorite animal & why?
13. How did you hear about The Alaska Zoo’s Volunteer Program?
What date will you be available to volunteer? ______________________
To help us organize a T-Shirt please complete the following:
(Please circle) Small Med Lg XL XXL
Signature:_______________________________ Date:____________________
Volunteer Coordinator
4731 O’Malley Road
Anchorage AK 99507
Or [email protected]
Draw your best animal scene or picture here!